blob: e69b872ce1da71fc188e0ba31b54b03454705189 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
java_defaults {
name: "TetheringApiLevel",
sdk_version: "module_current",
min_sdk_version: "30",
java_defaults {
name: "TetheringReleaseTargetSdk",
target_sdk_version: "33",
java_defaults {
name: "TetheringExternalLibs",
// Libraries not including Tethering's own framework-tethering (different flavors of that one
// are needed depending on the build rule)
libs: [
defaults_visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
java_defaults {
name: "TetheringAndroidLibraryDefaults",
srcs: [
static_libs: [
// AIDL tetheroffload implementation
// HIDL tetheroffload implementation
defaults: ["TetheringExternalLibs"],
libs: [
manifest: "AndroidManifestBase.xml",
lint: { strict_updatability_linting: true },
// build tethering static library, used to compile both variants of the tethering.
android_library {
name: "TetheringApiCurrentLib",
defaults: [
static_libs: [
apex_available: [""],
lint: { strict_updatability_linting: true },
android_library {
name: "TetheringApiStableLib",
defaults: [
static_libs: [
apex_available: [""],
lint: { strict_updatability_linting: true },
// Due to b/143733063, APK can't access a jni lib that is in APEX (but not in the APK).
cc_library {
name: "libcom_android_networkstack_tethering_util_jni",
sdk_version: "30",
apex_available: [
min_sdk_version: "30",
header_libs: [
srcs: [
shared_libs: [
static_libs: [
// We cannot use plain "libc++" here to link libc++ dynamically because it results in:
// java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" not found
// even if "libc++" is added into jni_libs below. Adding "libc++_shared" into jni_libs doesn't
// build because soong complains of:
// module Tethering missing dependencies: libc++_shared
// So, link libc++ statically. This means that we also need to ensure that all the C++ libraries
// we depend on do not dynamically link libc++. This is currently the case, because liblog is
// C-only and libnativehelper_compat_libc also uses stl: "c++_static".
stl: "c++_static",
cflags: [
ldflags: ["-Wl,--exclude-libs=ALL,--error-limit=0"],
// Common defaults for compiling the actual APK.
java_defaults {
name: "TetheringAppDefaults",
privileged: true,
jni_libs: [
resource_dirs: [
// Libs are not actually needed to build here since build rules using these defaults are just
// packaging the TetheringApiXLibs in APKs, but they are necessary so that R8 has the right
// references to optimize the code. Without these, there will be missing class warnings and code
// may be wrongly optimized.
// R8 runs after jarjar, so the framework-X libraries need to be the post-jarjar artifacts
// (framework-tethering.impl), if they are not just stubs, so that the name of jarjared
// classes match.
// TODO(b/229727645): ensure R8 fails the build fully if libraries are missing
defaults: ["TetheringExternalLibs"],
libs: [
jarjar_rules: "jarjar-rules.txt",
optimize: {
proguard_flags_files: ["proguard.flags"],
lint: { strict_updatability_linting: true },
// Updatable tethering packaged for finalized API
android_app {
name: "Tethering",
defaults: ["TetheringAppDefaults", "TetheringApiLevel"],
static_libs: ["TetheringApiStableLib"],
certificate: "networkstack",
manifest: "AndroidManifest.xml",
use_embedded_native_libs: true,
privapp_allowlist: "",
apex_available: [""],
lint: { strict_updatability_linting: true },
android_app {
name: "TetheringNext",
defaults: [
static_libs: ["TetheringApiCurrentLib"],
certificate: "networkstack",
manifest: "AndroidManifest.xml",
use_embedded_native_libs: true,
privapp_allowlist: "",
apex_available: [""],
lint: { strict_updatability_linting: true },
sdk {
name: "tethering-module-sdk",
apexes: [
// Adds exportable dependencies of the APEX to the sdk,
// e.g. *classpath_fragments.
native_shared_libs: [
java_library_static {
name: "tetheringstatsprotos",
proto: {type: "lite"},
srcs: [
static_libs: ["tetheringprotos"],
apex_available: [""],
min_sdk_version: "30",
genrule {
name: "statslog-tethering-java-gen",
tools: ["stats-log-api-gen"],
cmd: "$(location stats-log-api-gen) --java $(out) --module network_tethering" +
" --javaPackage --javaClass TetheringStatsLog",
out: ["com/android/networkstack/tethering/metrics/"],