blob: 35290efe1d00856b040eac13b5f777863459c9da [file] [log] [blame]
Alex Light9139e002015-10-09 15:59:48 -07001#!/usr/bin/python3
3# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18Generate java test files for test 966.
21import generate_smali as base
22import os
23import sys
24from pathlib import Path
27if BUILD_TOP is None:
28 print("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP not set. Please run build/", file=sys.stderr)
29 sys.exit(1)
31# Allow us to import mixins.
34import testgen.mixins as mixins
35import functools
36import operator
37import subprocess
39class JavaConverter(mixins.DumpMixin, mixins.Named, mixins.JavaFileMixin):
40 """
41 A class that can convert a SmaliFile to a JavaFile.
42 """
43 def __init__(self, inner):
44 self.inner = inner
46 def get_name(self):
47 """Gets the name of this file."""
48 return self.inner.get_name()
50 def __str__(self):
51 out = ""
52 for line in str(self.inner).splitlines(keepends = True):
53 if line.startswith("#"):
54 out += line[1:]
55 return out
57class Compiler:
58 def __init__(self, sources, javac, temp_dir, classes_dir):
59 self.javac = javac
60 self.temp_dir = temp_dir
61 self.classes_dir = classes_dir
62 self.sources = sources
64 def compile_files(self, args, files):
65 """
66 Compile the files given with the arguments given.
67 """
68 args = args.split()
69 files = list(map(str, files))
70 cmd = ['sh', '-a', '-e', '--', str(self.javac)] + args + files
71 print("Running compile command: {}".format(cmd))
72 subprocess.check_call(cmd)
73 print("Compiled {} files".format(len(files)))
75 def execute(self):
76 """
77 Compiles this test, doing partial compilation as necessary.
78 """
79 # Compile Main and all classes first. Force all interfaces to be default so that there will be
80 # no compiler problems (works since classes only implement 1 interface).
81 for f in self.sources:
82 if isinstance(f, base.TestInterface):
83 JavaConverter(f.get_specific_version(base.InterfaceType.default)).dump(self.temp_dir)
84 else:
85 JavaConverter(f).dump(self.temp_dir)
86 self.compile_files("-d {}".format(self.classes_dir), self.temp_dir.glob("*.java"))
88 # Now we compile the interfaces
89 ifaces = set(i for i in self.sources if isinstance(i, base.TestInterface))
90 while len(ifaces) != 0:
91 # Find those ifaces where there are no (uncompiled) interfaces that are subtypes.
92 tops = set(filter(lambda a: not any(map(lambda i: a in i.get_super_types(), ifaces)), ifaces))
93 files = []
94 # Dump these ones, they are getting compiled.
95 for f in tops:
96 out = JavaConverter(f)
97 out.dump(self.temp_dir)
98 files.append(self.temp_dir / out.get_file_name())
99 # Force all superinterfaces of these to be empty so there will be no conflicts
100 overrides = functools.reduce(operator.or_, map(lambda i: i.get_super_types(), tops), set())
101 for overridden in overrides:
102 out = JavaConverter(overridden.get_specific_version(base.InterfaceType.empty))
103 out.dump(self.temp_dir)
104 files.append(self.temp_dir / out.get_file_name())
105 self.compile_files("-d {outdir} -cp {outdir}".format(outdir = self.classes_dir), files)
106 # Remove these from the set of interfaces to be compiled.
107 ifaces -= tops
108 print("Finished compiling all files.")
109 return
111def main(argv):
112 javac_exec = Path(argv[1])
113 if not javac_exec.exists() or not javac_exec.is_file():
114 print("{} is not a shell script".format(javac_exec), file=sys.stderr)
115 sys.exit(1)
116 temp_dir = Path(argv[2])
117 if not temp_dir.exists() or not temp_dir.is_dir():
118 print("{} is not a valid source dir".format(temp_dir), file=sys.stderr)
119 sys.exit(1)
120 classes_dir = Path(argv[3])
121 if not classes_dir.exists() or not classes_dir.is_dir():
122 print("{} is not a valid classes directory".format(classes_dir), file=sys.stderr)
123 sys.exit(1)
124 expected_txt = Path(argv[4])
125 mainclass, all_files = base.create_all_test_files()
127 with'w') as out:
128 print(mainclass.get_expected(), file=out)
129 print("Wrote expected output")
131 Compiler(all_files, javac_exec, temp_dir, classes_dir).execute()
133if __name__ == '__main__':
134 main(sys.argv)