| #!/usr/bin/python2 |
| |
| import os.path |
| import sys |
| import cm_sync |
| from urllib import urlretrieve |
| from subprocess import call, check_output |
| from xml.dom import minidom |
| import mmap |
| import git |
| |
| print('STEP 0: Welcome to the CM Crowdin sync script\n') |
| |
| print('STEP 1: Create cm_caf.xml') |
| |
| if not os.path.isfile('caf.xml'): |
| sys.exit('You have no caf.xml. Terminating') |
| xml = minidom.parse('caf.xml') |
| items = xml.getElementsByTagName('item') |
| |
| cm_caf = [] |
| |
| for item in items: |
| call(['mkdir', '-p', 'tmp/' + item.attributes["path"].value]) |
| item_aosp = item.getElementsByTagName('aosp') |
| for aosp_item in item_aosp: |
| url = aosp_item.firstChild.nodeValue |
| path_to_base = 'tmp/' + item.attributes["path"].value + '/' + aosp_item.attributes["file"].value |
| path_to_cm = item.attributes["path"].value + '/' + aosp_item.attributes["file"].value |
| path = item.attributes["path"].value |
| urlretrieve(url, path_to_base) |
| cm_sync.create_cm_caf_xml(path_to_base, path_to_cm, path) |
| cm_caf.append(path + '/cm_caf.xml') |
| print('Created ' + path + '/cm_caf.xml') |
| |
| #print('\nSTEP 2: Upload Crowdin source translations') |
| #print(check_output(["java", "-jar", "crowdin-cli.jar", "upload", "sources"])) |
| |
| #print('STEP 3: Download Crowdin translations') |
| #print(check_output(["java", "-jar", "crowdin-cli.jar", "download"])) |
| |
| print('STEP 4A: Clean up of empty translations') |
| # Search for all XML files |
| result = [os.path.join(dp, f) for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(os.getcwd()) for f in filenames if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.xml'] |
| for xml_file in result: |
| if '<resources/>' in open(xml_file).read(): |
| print ('Removing ' + xml_file) |
| os.remove(xml_file) |
| if '<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"/>' in open(xml_file).read(): |
| print ('Removing ' + xml_file) |
| os.remove(xml_file) |
| |
| print('\nSTEP 4B: Clean up of source cm_caf.xmls') |
| for cm_caf_file in cm_caf: |
| print ('Removing ' + cm_caf_file) |
| os.remove(cm_caf_file) |
| |
| print('\nSTEP 5: Push translations to Git') |
| path_repo = os.getcwd() + '/packages/apps/Settings' |
| repo = git.Repo(path_repo) |
| print repo.git.add(path_repo) |
| print repo.git.commit(m='Automatic translations import') |
| print repo.git.push('ssh://cobjeM@review.cyanogenmod.org:29418/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Settings', 'HEAD:refs/for/cm-11.0') |
| |
| print('\nSTEP 6: Done!') |