blob: 37fdfdae8fc76c76d48736a6722d5075ec8e37c1 [file] [log] [blame]
from xml.dom import minidom
def create_cm_caf_xml(strings_base, strings_cm, path):
# Load AOSP file and resources
xml_base = minidom.parse(strings_base)
list_base_string = xml_base.getElementsByTagName('string')
list_base_string_array = xml_base.getElementsByTagName('string-array')
list_base_plurals = xml_base.getElementsByTagName('plurals')
# Load CM file and resources
xml_cm = minidom.parse(strings_cm)
list_cm_string = xml_cm.getElementsByTagName('string')
list_cm_string_array = xml_cm.getElementsByTagName('string-array')
list_cm_plurals = xml_cm.getElementsByTagName('plurals')
# All names from CM
names_cm_string = []
names_cm_string_array = []
names_cm_plurals = []
# All names from AOSP
names_base_string = []
names_base_string_array = []
names_base_plurals = []
# Get all names from CM
for s in list_cm_string :
if not s.hasAttribute('translatable') and not s.hasAttribute('translate'):
for s in list_cm_string_array :
if not s.hasAttribute('translatable') and not s.hasAttribute('translate'):
for s in list_cm_plurals :
if not s.hasAttribute('translatable') and not s.hasAttribute('translate'):
# Get all names from AOSP
for s in list_base_string :
if not s.hasAttribute('translatable') and not s.hasAttribute('translate'):
for s in list_base_string_array :
if not s.hasAttribute('translatable') and not s.hasAttribute('translate'):
for s in list_base_plurals :
if not s.hasAttribute('translatable') and not s.hasAttribute('translate'):
# Search for different names. If so, output the full line
t = 5
for z in names_cm_string:
if not z in names_base_string:
if t == 5:
f = open(path + '/cm_caf.xml','w')
f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n')
f.write('<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">\n')
t = 4
f.write(list_cm_string[names_cm_string.index(z)].toxml() + '\n')
for z in names_cm_string_array:
if not z in names_base_string_array:
if t == 5:
f = open(path + '/cm_caf.xml','w')
f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n')
f.write('<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">\n')
t = 4
f.write(list_cm_string_array[names_cm_string_array.index(z)].toxml() + '\n')
for z in names_cm_plurals:
if not z in names_base_plurals:
if t == 5:
f = open(path + '/cm_caf.xml','w')
f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n')
f.write('<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">\n')
t = 4
f.write(list_cm_plurals[names_cm_plurals.index(z)].toxml() + '\n')
if t == 4: