blob: 6e95fd117917a5a39f92e495d934bd561af15115 [file] [log] [blame]
### Untrusted apps.
### This file defines the rules for untrusted apps running with
### 31 < targetSdkVersion <= 33.
### See public/untrusted_app.te for more information about which apps are
### placed in this selinux domain.
typeattribute untrusted_app_32 coredomain;
# Allow webview to access fd shared by sdksandbox for experiments data
# TODO(b/229249719): Will not be supported in Android U
allow untrusted_app_32 sdk_sandbox_data_file:fd use;
allow untrusted_app_32 sdk_sandbox_data_file:file write;
neverallow untrusted_app_32 sdk_sandbox_data_file:file { open create };
# Connect to mdnsd via mdnsd socket.
unix_socket_connect(untrusted_app_32, mdnsd, mdnsd)
auditallow untrusted_app_32 mdnsd_socket:sock_file write;
auditallow untrusted_app_32 mdnsd:unix_stream_socket connectto;
# Allow calling inotify on APKs for backwards compatibility. This is disallowed
# for targetSdkVersion>=34 to remove a sidechannel.
allow untrusted_app_32 apk_data_file:dir { watch watch_reads };
allow untrusted_app_32 apk_data_file:file { watch watch_reads };
auditallow untrusted_app_32 apk_data_file:dir { watch watch_reads };
auditallow untrusted_app_32 apk_data_file:file { watch watch_reads };