blob: 409b2cb4c57fe048b4a3aac953676f90571b5128 [file] [log] [blame]
type composd, domain, coredomain;
type composd_exec, system_file_type, exec_type, file_type;
# Host dynamic AIDL services
add_service(composd, compos_service)
# Call back into system server
binder_call(composd, system_server)
# Start a VM
# Prepare staging directory for odrefresh
allow composd apex_art_data_file:dir { create_dir_perms relabelfrom };
allow composd apex_art_staging_data_file:dir { create_dir_perms relabelto };
allow composd apex_art_staging_data_file:file { getattr unlink };
# Delete files or enable fs-verity in the odrefresh target directory
allow composd apex_art_data_file:file { open ioctl read unlink write };
allowxperm composd apex_art_data_file:file ioctl FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY;
# Access our APEX data files
allow composd apex_module_data_file:dir search;
allow composd apex_compos_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
allow composd apex_compos_data_file:file create_file_perms;
# Run fd_server in its own domain, and send SIGTERM when finished.
domain_auto_trans(composd, fd_server_exec, compos_fd_server)
allow composd compos_fd_server:process signal;
# Read properties used to configure the CompOS VM
get_prop(composd, composd_vm_art_prop)
get_prop(composd, composd_vm_vendor_prop)
# Read ART's properties
get_prop(composd, dalvik_config_prop_type)
get_prop(composd, device_config_runtime_native_boot_prop)
# We never create any artifact files directly
neverallow composd apex_art_data_file:file create;
# ART sets these properties via init script, nothing else should
neverallow { domain -init } composd_vm_art_prop:property_service set;