blob: 2c52e2c008bbb9479bba49a1b242781aeb7610a0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from optparse import OptionParser
from optparse import Option, OptionValueError
import os
import mini_parser
import pkgutil
import policy
from policy import MatchPathPrefix
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
SHARED_LIB_EXTENSION = '.dylib' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else '.so'
# TODO(b/266998144): consider rename this file.
Use file_contexts and policy to verify Treble requirements
are not violated.
coredomainAllowlist = {
# TODO: how do we make sure vendor_init doesn't have bad coupling with
# /vendor? It is the only system process which is not coredomain.
# TODO(b/152813275): need to avoid allowlist for rootdir
class scontext:
def __init__(self):
self.fromSystem = False
self.fromVendor = False
self.coredomain = False
self.appdomain = False
self.attributes = set()
self.entrypoints = []
self.entrypointpaths = []
self.error = ""
class TestPolicy:
"""A policy loaded in memory with its domains easily accessible."""
def __init__(self):
self.alldomains = {}
self.coredomains = set()
self.appdomains = set()
self.vendordomains = set()
self.pol = None
# compat vars
self.alltypes = set()
self.oldalltypes = set()
self.compatMapping = None
self.pubtypes = set()
self.FakeTreble = False
def GetAllDomains(self):
for result in self.pol.QueryTypeAttribute("domain", True):
self.alldomains[result] = scontext()
def GetAppDomains(self):
for d in self.alldomains:
# The application of the "appdomain" attribute is trusted because core
# selinux policy contains neverallow rules that enforce that only zygote
# and runas spawned processes may transition to processes that have
# the appdomain attribute.
if "appdomain" in self.alldomains[d].attributes:
self.alldomains[d].appdomain = True
def GetCoreDomains(self):
for d in self.alldomains:
domain = self.alldomains[d]
# TestCoredomainViolations will verify if coredomain was incorrectly
# applied.
if "coredomain" in domain.attributes:
domain.coredomain = True
# check whether domains are executed off of /system or /vendor
if d in coredomainAllowlist:
# TODO(b/153112003): add checks to prevent app domains from being
# incorrectly labeled as coredomain. Apps don't have entrypoints as
# they're always dynamically transitioned to by zygote.
if d in self.appdomains:
# TODO(b/153112747): need to handle cases where there is a dynamic
# transition OR there happens to be no context in AOSP files.
if not domain.entrypointpaths:
for path in domain.entrypointpaths:
vendor = any(MatchPathPrefix(path, prefix) for prefix in
["/vendor", "/odm"])
system = any(MatchPathPrefix(path, prefix) for prefix in
["/init", "/system_ext", "/product" ])
# only mark entrypoint as system if it is not in legacy /system/vendor
if MatchPathPrefix(path, "/system/vendor"):
vendor = True
elif MatchPathPrefix(path, "/system"):
system = True
if not vendor and not system:
domain.error += "Unrecognized entrypoint for " + d + " at " + path + "\n"
domain.fromSystem = domain.fromSystem or system
domain.fromVendor = domain.fromVendor or vendor
# Add the entrypoint type and path(s) to each domain.
def GetDomainEntrypoints(self):
for x in self.pol.QueryExpandedTERule(tclass=set(["file"]), perms=set(["entrypoint"])):
if not x.sctx in self.alldomains:
# postinstall_file represents a special case specific to A/B OTAs.
# Update_engine mounts a partition and relabels it postinstall_file.
# There is no file_contexts entry associated with postinstall_file
# so skip the lookup.
if x.tctx == "postinstall_file":
entrypointpath = self.pol.QueryFc(x.tctx)
if not entrypointpath:
# Get attributes associated with each domain
def GetAttributes(self):
for domain in self.alldomains:
for result in self.pol.QueryTypeAttribute(domain, False):
def setup(self, pol):
self.pol = pol
def GetAllTypes(self, basepol, oldpol):
self.alltypes = basepol.GetAllTypes(False)
self.oldalltypes = oldpol.GetAllTypes(False)
# setup for the policy compatibility tests
def compatSetup(self, basepol, oldpol, mapping, types):
self.GetAllTypes(basepol, oldpol)
self.compatMapping = mapping
self.pubtypes = types
def DomainsWithAttribute(self, attr):
domains = []
for domain in self.alldomains:
if attr in self.alldomains[domain].attributes:
return domains
def PrintScontexts(self):
for d in sorted(self.alldomains.keys()):
sctx = self.alldomains[d]
if sctx.entrypointpaths is not None:
for path in sctx.entrypointpaths:
# Tests
def TestCoredomainViolations(test_policy):
# verify that all domains launched from /system have the coredomain
# attribute
ret = ""
for d in test_policy.alldomains:
domain = test_policy.alldomains[d]
if domain.fromSystem and domain.fromVendor:
ret += "The following domain is system and vendor: " + d + "\n"
for domain in test_policy.alldomains.values():
ret += domain.error
violators = []
for d in test_policy.alldomains:
domain = test_policy.alldomains[d]
if domain.fromSystem and "coredomain" not in domain.attributes:
if len(violators) > 0:
ret += "The following domain(s) must be associated with the "
ret += "\"coredomain\" attribute because they are executed off of "
ret += "/system:\n"
ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators)) + "\n"
# verify that all domains launched form /vendor do not have the coredomain
# attribute
violators = []
for d in test_policy.alldomains:
domain = test_policy.alldomains[d]
if domain.fromVendor and "coredomain" in domain.attributes:
if len(violators) > 0:
ret += "The following domains must not be associated with the "
ret += "\"coredomain\" attribute because they are executed off of "
ret += "/vendor or /system/vendor:\n"
ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators)) + "\n"
return ret
# Make sure that any new public type introduced in the new policy that was not
# present in the old policy has been recorded in the mapping file.
def TestNoUnmappedNewTypes(test_policy):
newt = test_policy.alltypes - test_policy.oldalltypes
ret = ""
violators = []
for n in newt:
if n in test_policy.pubtypes and test_policy.compatMapping.rTypeattributesets.get(n) is None:
if len(violators) > 0:
ret += "SELinux: The following public types were found added to the "
ret += "policy without an entry into the compatibility mapping file(s) "
ret += "found in private/compat/V.v/V.v[.ignore].cil, where V.v is the "
ret += "latest API level.\n"
ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators)) + "\n\n"
ret += "See examples of how to fix this:\n"
ret += "\n"
ret += "\n"
return ret
# Make sure that any public type removed in the current policy has its
# declaration added to the mapping file for use in non-platform policy
def TestNoUnmappedRmTypes(test_policy):
rmt = test_policy.oldalltypes - test_policy.alltypes
ret = ""
violators = []
for o in rmt:
if o in test_policy.compatMapping.pubtypes and not o in test_policy.compatMapping.types:
if len(violators) > 0:
ret += "SELinux: The following formerly public types were removed from "
ret += "policy without a declaration in the compatibility mapping "
ret += "found in private/compat/V.v/V.v[.ignore].cil, where V.v is the "
ret += "latest API level.\n"
ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators)) + "\n\n"
ret += "See examples of how to fix this:\n"
ret += "\n"
return ret
def TestTrebleCompatMapping(test_policy):
ret = TestNoUnmappedNewTypes(test_policy)
ret += TestNoUnmappedRmTypes(test_policy)
return ret
def TestViolatorAttribute(test_policy, attribute):
ret = ""
if test_policy.FakeTreble:
return ret
violators = test_policy.DomainsWithAttribute(attribute)
if len(violators) > 0:
ret += "SELinux: The following domains violate the Treble ban "
ret += "against use of the " + attribute + " attribute: "
ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators)) + "\n"
return ret
def TestViolatorAttributes(test_policy):
ret = ""
ret += TestViolatorAttribute(test_policy, "socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators")
ret += TestViolatorAttribute(test_policy, "vendor_executes_system_violators")
return ret
# TODO move this to sepolicy_tests
def TestCoreDataTypeViolations(test_policy):
return test_policy.pol.AssertPathTypesDoNotHaveAttr(["/data/vendor/", "/data/vendor_ce/",
"/data/vendor_de/"], [], "core_data_file_type")
# TODO move this to sepolicy_tests
def TestIsolatedAttributeConsistency(test_policy):
permissionAllowList = {
# hardware related
"codec2_config_prop" : ["file"],
"hal_allocator_default":["binder", "fd"],
"hal_codec2": ["binder", "fd"],
"hal_graphics_allocator": ["binder", "fd"],
"hal_graphics_allocator_server":["binder", "service_manager"],
"hal_neuralnetworks": ["binder", "fd"],
"mediacodec":["binder", "fd"],
"mediaswcodec":["binder", "fd"],
"ion_device" : ["chr_file"],
# system services
"mediaserver_service" :["service_manager"],
"toolbox_exec": ["file"],
def resolveHalServerSubtype(target):
# permission given as a client in technical_debt.cil
hal_server_attributes = [
for attr in hal_server_attributes:
if target in test_policy.pol.QueryTypeAttribute(Type=attr, IsAttr=True):
return attr.rsplit("_", 1)[0]
return target
def checkPermissions(permissions):
violated_permissions = []
for perm in permissions:
tctx, tclass, p = perm.split(":")
tctx = resolveHalServerSubtype(tctx)
if tctx not in permissionAllowList \
or tclass not in permissionAllowList[tctx] \
or ( p == "write" and not perm.startswith("hwbinder_device:chr_file") ) \
or ( p == "rw_file_perms"):
violated_permissions += [perm]
return violated_permissions
ret = ""
isolatedMemberTypes = test_policy.pol.QueryTypeAttribute(Type="isolated_app_all", IsAttr=True)
baseRules = test_policy.pol.QueryExpandedTERule(scontext=["isolated_app"])
basePermissionSet = set([":".join([rule.tctx, rule.tclass, perm])
for rule in baseRules for perm in rule.perms])
for subType in isolatedMemberTypes:
if subType == "isolated_app" : continue
currentTypeRule = test_policy.pol.QueryExpandedTERule(scontext=[subType])
typePermissionSet = set([":".join([rule.tctx, rule.tclass, perm])
for rule in currentTypeRule for perm in rule.perms
if not rule.tctx in [subType, subType + "_userfaultfd"]])
deltaPermissionSet = typePermissionSet.difference(basePermissionSet)
violated_permissions = checkPermissions(list(deltaPermissionSet))
for perm in violated_permissions:
ret += "allow %s %s:%s %s \n" % (subType, *perm.split(":"))
if ret:
ret = ("Found prohibited permission granted for isolated like types. " + \
"Please replace your allow statements that involve \"-isolated_app\" with " + \
"\"-isolated_app_all\". Violations are shown as the following: \n") + ret
return ret
# extend OptionParser to allow the same option flag to be used multiple times.
# This is used to allow multiple file_contexts files and tests to be
# specified.
class MultipleOption(Option):
ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",)
STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser):
if action == "extend":
values.ensure_value(dest, []).append(value)
Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser)
Tests = {"CoredomainViolations": TestCoredomainViolations,
"CoreDatatypeViolations": TestCoreDataTypeViolations,
"TrebleCompatMapping": TestTrebleCompatMapping,
"ViolatorAttributes": TestViolatorAttributes,
"IsolatedAttributeConsistency": TestIsolatedAttributeConsistency}
def do_main(libpath):
libpath: string, path to
test_policy = TestPolicy()
usage = "treble_sepolicy_tests "
usage += "-f nonplat_file_contexts -f plat_file_contexts "
usage += "-p curr_policy -b base_policy -o old_policy "
usage +="-m mapping file [--test test] [--help]"
parser = OptionParser(option_class=MultipleOption, usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-b", "--basepolicy", dest="basepolicy", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-u", "--base-pub-policy", dest="base_pub_policy",
parser.add_option("-f", "--file_contexts", dest="file_contexts",
metavar="FILE", action="extend", type="string")
parser.add_option("-m", "--mapping", dest="mapping", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-o", "--oldpolicy", dest="oldpolicy", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-p", "--policy", dest="policy", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-t", "--test", dest="tests", action="extend",
help="Test options include "+str(Tests))
parser.add_option("--fake-treble", action="store_true", dest="faketreble",
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not options.policy:
sys.exit("Must specify current monolithic policy file\n" + parser.usage)
if not os.path.exists(options.policy):
sys.exit("Error: policy file " + options.policy + " does not exist\n"
+ parser.usage)
if not options.file_contexts:
sys.exit("Error: Must specify file_contexts file(s)\n" + parser.usage)
for f in options.file_contexts:
if not os.path.exists(f):
sys.exit("Error: File_contexts file " + f + " does not exist\n" +
# Mapping files and public platform policy are only necessary for the
# TrebleCompatMapping test.
if options.tests is None or options.tests == "TrebleCompatMapping":
if not options.basepolicy:
sys.exit("Must specify the current platform-only policy file\n"
+ parser.usage)
if not options.mapping:
sys.exit("Must specify a compatibility mapping file\n"
+ parser.usage)
if not options.oldpolicy:
sys.exit("Must specify the previous monolithic policy file\n"
+ parser.usage)
if not options.base_pub_policy:
sys.exit("Must specify the current platform-only public policy "
+ ".cil file\n" + parser.usage)
basepol = policy.Policy(options.basepolicy, None, libpath)
oldpol = policy.Policy(options.oldpolicy, None, libpath)
mapping = mini_parser.MiniCilParser(options.mapping)
pubpol = mini_parser.MiniCilParser(options.base_pub_policy)
test_policy.compatSetup(basepol, oldpol, mapping, pubpol.types)
if options.faketreble:
test_policy.FakeTreble = True
pol = policy.Policy(options.policy, options.file_contexts, libpath)
results = ""
# If an individual test is not specified, run all tests.
if options.tests is None:
for t in Tests.values():
results += t(test_policy)
for tn in options.tests:
t = Tests.get(tn)
if t:
results += t(test_policy)
err = "Error: unknown test: " + tn + "\n"
err += "Available tests:\n"
for tn in Tests.keys():
err += tn + "\n"
if len(results) > 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
libname = "libsepolwrap" + SHARED_LIB_EXTENSION
libpath = os.path.join(temp_dir, libname)
with open(libpath, "wb") as f:
blob = pkgutil.get_data("treble_sepolicy_tests", libname)
if not blob:
sys.exit("Error: libsepolwrap does not exist. Is this binary corrupted?\n")