blob: 8fc2ef7f692e83b1de2e75ecf0ee6ec6a4496f5b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from ctypes import *
import re
import os
import sys
import platform
import fc_sort
# Check whether the regex will match a file path starting with the provided
# prefix
# Compares regex entries in file_contexts with a path prefix. Regex entries
# are often more specific than this file prefix. For example, the regex could
# be /system/bin/foo\.sh and the prefix could be /system. This function
# loops over the regex removing characters from the end until
# 1) there is a match - return True or 2) run out of characters - return
# False.
"/(vendor|system/vendor)": ["/vendor", "/system/vendor"],
"/(odm|vendor/odm)": ["/odm", "/vendor/odm"],
"/(product|system/product)": ["/product", "/system/product"],
"/(system_ext|system/system_ext)": ["/system_ext", "/system/system_ext"],
def MatchPathPrefix(pathregex, prefix):
# Before running regex compile loop, try two heuristics, because compiling
# regex is too expensive. These two can handle more than 90% out of all
# MatchPathPrefix calls.
# Heuristic 1: handle common prefixes for partitions
if not pathregex.startswith(c):
found = False
for p in COMMON_PREFIXES[c]:
if prefix.startswith(p):
found = True
prefix = prefix[len(p):]
pathregex = pathregex[len(c):]
if not found:
return False
# Heuristic 2: compare normal characters as long as possible
idx = 0
while idx < len(prefix):
if idx == len(pathregex):
return False
if pathregex[idx] in fc_sort.META_CHARS or pathregex[idx] == '\\':
if pathregex[idx] != prefix[idx]:
return False
idx += 1
if idx == len(prefix):
return True
# Fall back to regex compile loop.
for i in range(len(pathregex), 0, -1):
pattern = re.compile('^' + pathregex[0:i] + "$")
if pattern.match(prefix):
return True
return False
def MatchPathPrefixes(pathregex, Prefixes):
for Prefix in Prefixes:
if MatchPathPrefix(pathregex, Prefix):
return True
return False
class TERule:
def __init__(self, rule):
data = rule.split(',')
self.flavor = data[0]
self.sctx = data[1]
self.tctx = data[2]
self.tclass = data[3]
self.perms = set((data[4].strip()).split(' '))
self.rule = rule
class Policy:
__ExpandedRules = set()
__Rules = set()
__FcDict = None
__FcSorted = None
__GenfsDict = None
__libsepolwrap = None
__policydbP = None
__BUFSIZE = 2048
def AssertPathTypesDoNotHaveAttr(self, MatchPrefix, DoNotMatchPrefix, Attr, ExcludedTypes = []):
# Query policy for the types associated with Attr
TypesPol = self.QueryTypeAttribute(Attr, True) - set(ExcludedTypes)
# Search file_contexts to find types associated with input paths.
PathTypes = self.__GetTypesAndFilesByFilePathPrefix(MatchPrefix, DoNotMatchPrefix)
violators = set()
for PathType in PathTypes:
filepath, filetype = PathType
if filetype in TypesPol:
violators.add((str(filetype), str(filepath)))
ret = ""
if len(violators) > 0:
ret += "The following types on "
ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(MatchPrefix))
ret += " must not be associated with the "
ret += "\"" + Attr + "\" attribute.\n"
ret += "Violator types and corresponding paths:\n"
ret += "\n".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators))
ret += "\n"
return ret
# Check that all types for "filesystem" have "attribute" associated with them
# for types labeled in genfs_contexts.
def AssertGenfsFilesystemTypesHaveAttr(self, Filesystem, Attr):
TypesPol = self.QueryTypeAttribute(Attr, True)
TypesGenfs = self.__GenfsDict[Filesystem]
violators = TypesGenfs.difference(TypesPol)
ret = ""
if len(violators) > 0:
ret += "The following types in " + Filesystem
ret += " must be associated with the "
ret += "\"" + Attr + "\" attribute: "
ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators)) + "\n"
return ret
# Check that path prefixes that match MatchPrefix, and do not Match
# DoNotMatchPrefix have the attribute Attr.
# For example assert that all types in /sys, and not in /sys/kernel/debugfs
# have the sysfs_type attribute.
def AssertPathTypesHaveAttr(self, MatchPrefix, DoNotMatchPrefix, Attr):
# Query policy for the types associated with Attr
TypesPol = self.QueryTypeAttribute(Attr, True)
# Search file_contexts to find paths/types that should be associated with
# Attr.
PathTypes = self.__GetTypesAndFilesByFilePathPrefix(MatchPrefix, DoNotMatchPrefix)
violators = set()
for PathType in PathTypes:
filepath, filetype = PathType
if filetype not in TypesPol:
violators.add((str(filetype), str(filepath)))
ret = ""
if len(violators) > 0:
ret += "The following types on "
ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(MatchPrefix))
ret += " must be associated with the "
ret += "\"" + Attr + "\" attribute.\n"
ret += "Violator types and corresponding paths:\n"
ret += "\n".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators))
ret += "\n"
return ret
def AssertPropertyOwnersAreExclusive(self):
systemProps = self.QueryTypeAttribute('system_property_type', True)
vendorProps = self.QueryTypeAttribute('vendor_property_type', True)
violators = systemProps.intersection(vendorProps)
ret = ""
if len(violators) > 0:
ret += "The following types have both system_property_type "
ret += "and vendor_property_type: "
ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators)) + "\n"
return ret
# Return all file_contexts entries that map to the input Type.
def QueryFc(self, Type):
if Type in self.__FcDict:
return self.__FcDict[Type]
return None
# Return all attributes associated with a type if IsAttr=False or
# all types associated with an attribute if IsAttr=True
def QueryTypeAttribute(self, Type, IsAttr):
TypeIterP = self.__libsepolwrap.init_type_iter(self.__policydbP,
create_string_buffer(Type.encode("ascii")), IsAttr)
if (TypeIterP == None):
sys.exit("Failed to initialize type iterator")
buf = create_string_buffer(self.__BUFSIZE)
TypeAttr = set()
while True:
ret = self.__libsepolwrap.get_type(buf, self.__BUFSIZE,
self.__policydbP, TypeIterP)
if ret == 0:
if ret == 1:
# We should never get here.
sys.exit("Failed to import policy")
return TypeAttr
def __TERuleMatch(self, Rule, **kwargs):
# Match source type
if ("scontext" in kwargs and
len(kwargs['scontext']) > 0 and
Rule.sctx not in kwargs['scontext']):
return False
# Match target type
if ("tcontext" in kwargs and
len(kwargs['tcontext']) > 0 and
Rule.tctx not in kwargs['tcontext']):
return False
# Match target class
if ("tclass" in kwargs and
len(kwargs['tclass']) > 0 and
not bool(set([Rule.tclass]) & kwargs['tclass'])):
return False
# Match any perms
if ("perms" in kwargs and
len(kwargs['perms']) > 0 and
not bool(Rule.perms & kwargs['perms'])):
return False
return True
# resolve a type to its attributes or
# resolve an attribute to its types and attributes
# For example if scontext is the domain attribute, then we need to
# include all types with the domain attribute such as untrusted_app and
# priv_app and all the attributes of those types such as appdomain.
def ResolveTypeAttribute(self, Type):
types = self.GetAllTypes(False)
attributes = self.GetAllTypes(True)
if Type in types:
return self.QueryTypeAttribute(Type, False)
elif Type in attributes:
TypesAndAttributes = set()
Types = self.QueryTypeAttribute(Type, True)
TypesAndAttributes |= Types
for T in Types:
TypesAndAttributes |= self.QueryTypeAttribute(T, False)
return TypesAndAttributes
return set()
# Return all TERules that match:
# (any scontext) or (any tcontext) or (any tclass) or (any perms),
# perms.
# Any unspecified paramenter will match all.
# Example: QueryTERule(tcontext=["foo", "bar"], perms=["entrypoint"])
# Will return any rule with:
# (tcontext="foo" or tcontext="bar") and ("entrypoint" in perms)
def QueryTERule(self, **kwargs):
if len(self.__Rules) == 0:
# add any matching types and attributes for scontext and tcontext
if ("scontext" in kwargs and len(kwargs['scontext']) > 0):
scontext = set()
for sctx in kwargs['scontext']:
scontext |= self.ResolveTypeAttribute(sctx)
if (len(scontext) == 0):
return []
kwargs['scontext'] = scontext
if ("tcontext" in kwargs and len(kwargs['tcontext']) > 0):
tcontext = set()
for tctx in kwargs['tcontext']:
tcontext |= self.ResolveTypeAttribute(tctx)
if (len(tcontext) == 0):
return []
kwargs['tcontext'] = tcontext
for Rule in self.__Rules:
if self.__TERuleMatch(Rule, **kwargs):
yield Rule
# Same as QueryTERule but only using the expanded ruleset.
# i.e. all attributes have been expanded to their various types.
def QueryExpandedTERule(self, **kwargs):
if len(self.__ExpandedRules) == 0:
for Rule in self.__ExpandedRules:
if self.__TERuleMatch(Rule, **kwargs):
yield Rule
def GetAllTypes(self, isAttr):
TypeIterP = self.__libsepolwrap.init_type_iter(self.__policydbP, None, isAttr)
if (TypeIterP == None):
sys.exit("Failed to initialize type iterator")
buf = create_string_buffer(self.__BUFSIZE)
AllTypes = set()
while True:
ret = self.__libsepolwrap.get_type(buf, self.__BUFSIZE,
self.__policydbP, TypeIterP)
if ret == 0:
if ret == 1:
# We should never get here.
sys.exit("Failed to import policy")
return AllTypes
def __ExactMatchPathPrefix(self, pathregex, prefix):
pattern = re.compile('^' + pathregex + "$")
if pattern.match(prefix):
return True
return False
# Return a tuple (prefix, i) where i is the index of the most specific
# match of prefix in the sorted file_contexts. This is useful for limiting a
# file_contexts search to matches that are more specific and omitting less
# specific matches. For example, finding all matches to prefix /data/vendor
# should not include /data(/.*)? if /data/vendor(/.*)? is also specified.
def __FcSortedIndex(self, prefix):
index = 0
for i in range(0, len(self.__FcSorted)):
if self.__ExactMatchPathPrefix(self.__FcSorted[i].path, prefix):
index = i
return prefix, index
# Return a tuple of (path, Type) for all matching paths. Use the sorted
# file_contexts and index returned from __FcSortedIndex() to limit results
# to results that are more specific than the prefix.
def __MatchPathPrefixTypes(self, prefix, index):
PathType = []
for i in range(index, len(self.__FcSorted)):
if MatchPathPrefix(self.__FcSorted[i].path, prefix):
PathType.append((self.__FcSorted[i].path, self.__FcSorted[i].type))
return PathType
# Return types that match MatchPrefixes but do not match
# DoNotMatchPrefixes
def __GetTypesAndFilesByFilePathPrefix(self, MatchPrefixes, DoNotMatchPrefixes):
ret = []
MatchPrefixesWithIndex = []
for MatchPrefix in MatchPrefixes:
for MatchPrefixWithIndex in MatchPrefixesWithIndex:
PathTypes = self.__MatchPathPrefixTypes(*MatchPrefixWithIndex)
for PathType in PathTypes:
if MatchPathPrefixes(PathType[0], DoNotMatchPrefixes):
return ret
def __GetTERules(self, policydbP, avtabIterP, Rules):
if Rules is None:
Rules = set()
buf = create_string_buffer(self.__BUFSIZE)
ret = 0
while True:
ret = self.__libsepolwrap.get_allow_rule(buf, self.__BUFSIZE,
policydbP, avtabIterP)
if ret == 0:
Rule = TERule(buf.value.decode("ascii"))
if ret == 1:
# We should never get here.
sys.exit("Failed to import policy")
def __InitTERules(self):
avtabIterP = self.__libsepolwrap.init_avtab(self.__policydbP)
if (avtabIterP == None):
sys.exit("Failed to initialize avtab")
self.__GetTERules(self.__policydbP, avtabIterP, self.__Rules)
avtabIterP = self.__libsepolwrap.init_cond_avtab(self.__policydbP)
if (avtabIterP == None):
sys.exit("Failed to initialize conditional avtab")
self.__GetTERules(self.__policydbP, avtabIterP, self.__Rules)
def __InitExpandedTERules(self):
avtabIterP = self.__libsepolwrap.init_expanded_avtab(self.__policydbP)
if (avtabIterP == None):
sys.exit("Failed to initialize avtab")
self.__GetTERules(self.__policydbP, avtabIterP, self.__ExpandedRules)
avtabIterP = self.__libsepolwrap.init_expanded_cond_avtab(self.__policydbP)
if (avtabIterP == None):
sys.exit("Failed to initialize conditional avtab")
self.__GetTERules(self.__policydbP, avtabIterP, self.__ExpandedRules)
# load ctypes-ified libsepol wrapper
def __InitLibsepolwrap(self, LibPath):
lib = CDLL(LibPath)
# int get_allow_rule(char *out, size_t len, void *policydbp, void *avtab_iterp);
lib.get_allow_rule.restype = c_int
lib.get_allow_rule.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_size_t, c_void_p, c_void_p];
# void *load_policy(const char *policy_path);
lib.load_policy.restype = c_void_p
lib.load_policy.argtypes = [c_char_p]
# void destroy_policy(void *policydbp);
lib.destroy_policy.argtypes = [c_void_p]
# void *init_expanded_avtab(void *policydbp);
lib.init_expanded_avtab.restype = c_void_p
lib.init_expanded_avtab.argtypes = [c_void_p]
# void *init_expanded_cond_avtab(void *policydbp);
lib.init_expanded_cond_avtab.restype = c_void_p
lib.init_expanded_cond_avtab.argtypes = [c_void_p]
# void destroy_expanded_avtab(void *avtab_iterp);
lib.destroy_expanded_avtab.argtypes = [c_void_p]
# void *init_avtab(void *policydbp);
lib.init_avtab.restype = c_void_p
lib.init_avtab.argtypes = [c_void_p]
# void *init_cond_avtab(void *policydbp);
lib.init_cond_avtab.restype = c_void_p
lib.init_cond_avtab.argtypes = [c_void_p]
# void destroy_avtab(void *avtab_iterp);
lib.destroy_avtab.argtypes = [c_void_p]
# int get_type(char *out, size_t max_size, void *policydbp, void *type_iterp);
lib.get_type.restype = c_int
lib.get_type.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_size_t, c_void_p, c_void_p]
# void *init_type_iter(void *policydbp, const char *type, bool is_attr);
lib.init_type_iter.restype = c_void_p
lib.init_type_iter.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_bool]
# void destroy_type_iter(void *type_iterp);
lib.destroy_type_iter.argtypes = [c_void_p]
# void *init_genfs_iter(void *policydbp)
lib.init_genfs_iter.restype = c_void_p
lib.init_genfs_iter.argtypes = [c_void_p]
# int get_genfs(char *out, size_t max_size, void *genfs_iterp);
lib.get_genfs.restype = c_int
lib.get_genfs.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_size_t, c_void_p, c_void_p]
# void destroy_genfs_iter(void *genfs_iterp)
lib.destroy_genfs_iter.argtypes = [c_void_p]
self.__libsepolwrap = lib
def __GenfsDictAdd(self, Dict, buf):
fs, buf = buf.split(' ', 1)
path, context = buf.rsplit(' ', 1)
Type = context.split(":")[2]
if not fs in Dict:
Dict[fs] = {Type}
def __InitGenfsCon(self):
self.__GenfsDict = {}
GenfsIterP = self.__libsepolwrap.init_genfs_iter(self.__policydbP)
if (GenfsIterP == None):
sys.exit("Failed to retreive genfs entries")
buf = create_string_buffer(self.__BUFSIZE)
while True:
ret = self.__libsepolwrap.get_genfs(buf, self.__BUFSIZE,
self.__policydbP, GenfsIterP)
if ret == 0:
self.__GenfsDictAdd(self.__GenfsDict, buf.value.decode("ascii"))
if ret == 1:
self.__GenfsDictAdd(self.__GenfsDict, buf.value.decode("ascii"))
# We should never get here.
sys.exit("Failed to get genfs entries")
# load file_contexts
def __InitFC(self, FcPaths):
self.__FcDict = {}
if FcPaths is None:
fc = []
for path in FcPaths:
if not os.path.exists(path):
sys.exit("file_contexts file " + path + " does not exist.")
fd = open(path, "r")
fc += fd.readlines()
for i in fc:
rec = i.split()
t = rec[-1].split(":")[2]
if t in self.__FcDict:
self.__FcDict[t] = [rec[0]]
self.__FcSorted = fc_sort.sort(FcPaths)
# load policy
def __InitPolicy(self, PolicyPath):
cPolicyPath = create_string_buffer(PolicyPath.encode("ascii"))
self.__policydbP = self.__libsepolwrap.load_policy(cPolicyPath)
if (self.__policydbP is None):
sys.exit("Failed to load policy")
def __init__(self, PolicyPath, FcPaths, LibPath):
def __del__(self):
if self.__policydbP is not None:
coredomainAllowlist = {
# TODO: how do we make sure vendor_init doesn't have bad coupling with
# /vendor? It is the only system process which is not coredomain.
# TODO(b/152813275): need to avoid allowlist for rootdir
class scontext:
def __init__(self):
self.fromSystem = False
self.fromVendor = False
self.coredomain = False
self.appdomain = False
self.attributes = set()
self.entrypoints = []
self.entrypointpaths = []
self.error = ""
class TestPolicy:
"""A policy loaded in memory with its domains easily accessible."""
def __init__(self):
self.alldomains = {}
self.coredomains = set()
self.appdomains = set()
self.vendordomains = set()
self.pol = None
# compat vars
self.alltypes = set()
self.oldalltypes = set()
self.compatMapping = None
self.pubtypes = set()
def GetAllDomains(self):
for result in self.pol.QueryTypeAttribute("domain", True):
self.alldomains[result] = scontext()
def GetAppDomains(self):
for d in self.alldomains:
# The application of the "appdomain" attribute is trusted because core
# selinux policy contains neverallow rules that enforce that only zygote
# and runas spawned processes may transition to processes that have
# the appdomain attribute.
if "appdomain" in self.alldomains[d].attributes:
self.alldomains[d].appdomain = True
def GetCoreDomains(self):
for d in self.alldomains:
domain = self.alldomains[d]
# TestCoredomainViolations will verify if coredomain was incorrectly
# applied.
if "coredomain" in domain.attributes:
domain.coredomain = True
# check whether domains are executed off of /system or /vendor
if d in coredomainAllowlist:
# TODO(b/153112003): add checks to prevent app domains from being
# incorrectly labeled as coredomain. Apps don't have entrypoints as
# they're always dynamically transitioned to by zygote.
if d in self.appdomains:
# TODO(b/153112747): need to handle cases where there is a dynamic
# transition OR there happens to be no context in AOSP files.
if not domain.entrypointpaths:
for path in domain.entrypointpaths:
vendor = any(MatchPathPrefix(path, prefix) for prefix in
["/vendor", "/odm"])
system = any(MatchPathPrefix(path, prefix) for prefix in
["/init", "/system_ext", "/product" ])
# only mark entrypoint as system if it is not in legacy /system/vendor
if MatchPathPrefix(path, "/system/vendor"):
vendor = True
elif MatchPathPrefix(path, "/system"):
system = True
if not vendor and not system:
domain.error += "Unrecognized entrypoint for " + d + " at " + path + "\n"
domain.fromSystem = domain.fromSystem or system
domain.fromVendor = domain.fromVendor or vendor
# Add the entrypoint type and path(s) to each domain.
def GetDomainEntrypoints(self):
for x in self.pol.QueryExpandedTERule(tclass=set(["file"]), perms=set(["entrypoint"])):
if not x.sctx in self.alldomains:
# postinstall_file represents a special case specific to A/B OTAs.
# Update_engine mounts a partition and relabels it postinstall_file.
# There is no file_contexts entry associated with postinstall_file
# so skip the lookup.
if x.tctx == "postinstall_file":
entrypointpath = self.pol.QueryFc(x.tctx)
if not entrypointpath:
# Get attributes associated with each domain
def GetAttributes(self):
for domain in self.alldomains:
for result in self.pol.QueryTypeAttribute(domain, False):
def setup(self, pol):
self.pol = pol
def GetAllTypes(self, basepol, oldpol):
self.alltypes = basepol.GetAllTypes(False)
self.oldalltypes = oldpol.GetAllTypes(False)
# setup for the policy compatibility tests
def compatSetup(self, basepol, oldpol, mapping, types):
self.GetAllTypes(basepol, oldpol)
self.compatMapping = mapping
self.pubtypes = types
def DomainsWithAttribute(self, attr):
domains = []
for domain in self.alldomains:
if attr in self.alldomains[domain].attributes:
return domains
def PrintScontexts(self):
for d in sorted(self.alldomains.keys()):
sctx = self.alldomains[d]
if sctx.entrypointpaths is not None:
for path in sctx.entrypointpaths: