blob: 78a98e1157f9b0178cee38236c66f8dc73a86af3 [file] [log] [blame]
# The entries in this file define how security contexts for apps are determined.
# Each entry lists input selectors, used to match the app, and outputs which are
# used to determine the security contexts for matching apps.
# Input selectors:
# isSystemServer (boolean)
# isEphemeralApp (boolean)
# user (string)
# seinfo (string)
# name (string)
# isPrivApp (boolean)
# minTargetSdkVersion (unsigned integer)
# fromRunAs (boolean)
# All specified input selectors in an entry must match (i.e. logical AND).
# An unspecified string or boolean selector with no default will match any
# value.
# A user, or name string selector that ends in * will perform a prefix
# match.
# String matching is case-insensitive.
# See external/selinux/libselinux/src/android/android_platform.c,
# seapp_context_lookup().
# isSystemServer=true only matches the system server.
# An unspecified isSystemServer defaults to false.
# isEphemeralApp=true will match apps marked by PackageManager as Ephemeral
# user=_app will match any regular app process.
# user=_isolated will match any isolated service process.
# user=_sdksandbox will match sdk sandbox process for an app.
# Other values of user are matched against the name associated with the process
# UID.
# seinfo= matches aginst the seinfo tag for the app, determined from
# mac_permissions.xml files.
# The ':' character is reserved and may not be used in seinfo.
# name= matches against the package name of the app.
# isPrivApp=true will only match for applications preinstalled in
# /system/priv-app.
# minTargetSdkVersion will match applications with a targetSdkVersion
# greater than or equal to the specified value. If unspecified,
# it has a default value of 0.
# fromRunAs=true means the process being labeled is started by run-as. Default
# is false.
# Precedence: entries are compared using the following rules, in the order shown
# (see external/selinux/libselinux/src/android/android_platform.c,
# seapp_context_cmp()).
# (1) isSystemServer=true before isSystemServer=false.
# (2) Specified isEphemeralApp= before unspecified isEphemeralApp=
# boolean.
# (3) Specified user= string before unspecified user= string;
# more specific user= string before less specific user= string.
# (4) Specified seinfo= string before unspecified seinfo= string.
# (5) Specified name= string before unspecified name= string;
# more specific name= string before less specific name= string.
# (6) Specified isPrivApp= before unspecified isPrivApp= boolean.
# (7) Higher value of minTargetSdkVersion= before lower value of
# minTargetSdkVersion= integer. Note that minTargetSdkVersion=
# defaults to 0 if unspecified.
# (8) fromRunAs=true before fromRunAs=false.
# (A fixed selector is more specific than a prefix, i.e. ending in *, and a
# longer prefix is more specific than a shorter prefix.)
# Apps are checked against entries in precedence order until the first match,
# regardless of their order in this file.
# Duplicate entries, i.e. with identical input selectors, are not allowed.
# Outputs:
# domain (string)
# type (string)
# levelFrom (string; one of none, all, app, or user)
# level (string)
# domain= determines the label to be used for the app process; entries
# without domain= are ignored for this purpose.
# type= specifies the label to be used for the app data directory; entries
# without type= are ignored for this purpose. The label specified must
# have the app_data_file_type attribute.
# levelFrom and level are used to determine the level (sensitivity + categories)
# for MLS/MCS.
# levelFrom=none omits the level.
# levelFrom=app determines the level from the process UID.
# levelFrom=user determines the level from the user ID.
# levelFrom=all determines the level from both UID and user ID.
# levelFrom=user is only supported for _app or _isolated UIDs.
# levelFrom=app or levelFrom=all is only supported for _app UIDs.
# level may be used to specify a fixed level for any UID.
# For backwards compatibility levelFromUid=true is equivalent to levelFrom=app
# and levelFromUid=false is equivalent to levelFrom=none.
# Neverallow Assertions
# Additional compile time assertion checks for the rules in this file can be
# added as well. The assertion
# rules are lines beginning with the keyword neverallow. Full support for PCRE
# regular expressions exists on all input and output selectors. Neverallow
# rules are never output to the built seapp_contexts file. Like all keywords,
# neverallows are case-insensitive. A neverallow is asserted when all key value
# inputs are matched on a key value rule line.
# only the system server can be assigned the system_server domains
neverallow isSystemServer=false domain=system_server
neverallow isSystemServer=false domain=system_server_startup
neverallow isSystemServer="" domain=system_server
neverallow isSystemServer="" domain=system_server_startup
# system domains should never be assigned outside of system uid
neverallow user=((?!system).)* domain=system_app
neverallow user=((?!system).)* type=system_app_data_file
# any non priv-app with a non-known uid with a specified name should have a specified
# seinfo
neverallow user=_app isPrivApp=false name=.* seinfo=""
neverallow user=_app isPrivApp=false name=.* seinfo=default
# neverallow shared relro to any other domain
# and neverallow any other uid into shared_relro
neverallow user=shared_relro domain=((?!shared_relro).)*
neverallow user=((?!shared_relro).)* domain=shared_relro
# neverallow non-isolated uids into isolated_app domain
# and vice versa
neverallow user=_isolated domain=((?!isolated_app).)*
neverallow user=((?!_isolated).)* domain=isolated_app
# uid shell should always be in shell domain, however non-shell
# uid's can be in shell domain
neverallow user=shell domain=((?!shell).)*
# only the package named can run in the shell domain
neverallow domain=shell name=((?!com\.android\.shell).)*
neverallow user=shell name=((?!com\.android\.shell).)*
# Ephemeral Apps must run in the ephemeral_app domain
neverallow isEphemeralApp=true domain=((?!ephemeral_app).)*
isSystemServer=true domain=system_server_startup
# sdksandbox must run in the sdksandbox domain
neverallow domain=((?!sdk_sandbox).)*
user=_app seinfo=platform domain=traceur_app type=app_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app isPrivApp=true domain=remote_prov_app type=app_data_file levelFrom=all
user=system seinfo=platform domain=system_app type=system_app_data_file
user=bluetooth seinfo=platform domain=bluetooth type=bluetooth_data_file
user=network_stack seinfo=network_stack domain=network_stack type=radio_data_file
user=nfc seinfo=platform domain=nfc type=nfc_data_file
user=secure_element seinfo=platform domain=secure_element levelFrom=all
user=radio seinfo=platform domain=radio type=radio_data_file
user=shared_relro domain=shared_relro levelFrom=all
user=shell seinfo=platform domain=shell type=shell_data_file
user=webview_zygote seinfo=webview_zygote domain=webview_zygote
user=_isolated domain=isolated_app levelFrom=user
user=_sdksandbox domain=sdk_sandbox type=sdk_sandbox_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app seinfo=app_zygote domain=app_zygote levelFrom=user
user=_app seinfo=media domain=mediaprovider type=app_data_file levelFrom=user
user=_app seinfo=platform domain=platform_app type=app_data_file levelFrom=user
user=_app isEphemeralApp=true domain=ephemeral_app type=app_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app isPrivApp=true domain=priv_app type=privapp_data_file levelFrom=user
user=_app isPrivApp=true domain=permissioncontroller_app type=privapp_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app seinfo=media isPrivApp=true domain=mediaprovider_app type=privapp_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app isPrivApp=true domain=mediaprovider_app type=privapp_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app seinfo=platform isPrivApp=true domain=permissioncontroller_app type=privapp_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app isPrivApp=true domain=vzwomatrigger_app type=privapp_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app isPrivApp=true domain=gmscore_app type=privapp_data_file levelFrom=user
user=_app isPrivApp=true* domain=gmscore_app type=privapp_data_file levelFrom=user
user=_app isPrivApp=true* domain=gmscore_app type=privapp_data_file levelFrom=user
user=_app isPrivApp=true domain=gmscore_app type=privapp_data_file levelFrom=user
user=_app minTargetSdkVersion=32 domain=untrusted_app type=app_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app minTargetSdkVersion=30 domain=untrusted_app_30 type=app_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app minTargetSdkVersion=29 domain=untrusted_app_29 type=app_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app minTargetSdkVersion=28 domain=untrusted_app_27 type=app_data_file levelFrom=all
user=_app minTargetSdkVersion=26 domain=untrusted_app_27 type=app_data_file levelFrom=user
user=_app domain=untrusted_app_25 type=app_data_file levelFrom=user
user=_app minTargetSdkVersion=28 fromRunAs=true domain=runas_app levelFrom=all
user=_app fromRunAs=true domain=runas_app levelFrom=user