blob: a99f8a2d5eb975556643e4d28212ffc1b4b15b76 [file] [log] [blame]
# dexoptanalyzer
type dexoptanalyzer, domain, coredomain, mlstrustedsubject;
type dexoptanalyzer_exec, system_file_type, exec_type, file_type;
type dexoptanalyzer_tmpfs, file_type;
r_dir_file(dexoptanalyzer, apk_data_file)
# Access to /vendor/app
r_dir_file(dexoptanalyzer, vendor_app_file)
# Reading an APK opens a ZipArchive, which unpack to tmpfs.
# Use tmpfs_domain() which will give tmpfs files created by dexoptanalyzer their
# own label, which differs from other labels created by other processes.
# This allows to distinguish in policy files created by dexoptanalyzer vs other
# processes.
# Allow dexoptanalyzer to read files in the dalvik cache.
allow dexoptanalyzer dalvikcache_data_file:dir { getattr search };
allow dexoptanalyzer dalvikcache_data_file:file r_file_perms;
# Read symlinks in /data/dalvik-cache. This is required for PIC mode boot
# app_data_file the oat file is symlinked to the original file in /system.
allow dexoptanalyzer dalvikcache_data_file:lnk_file read;
# Allow dexoptanalyzer to read files in the ART APEX data directory.
allow dexoptanalyzer { apex_art_data_file apex_module_data_file }:dir { getattr search };
allow dexoptanalyzer apex_art_data_file:file r_file_perms;
# Allow dexoptanalyzer to use file descriptors from odrefresh.
allow dexoptanalyzer odrefresh:fd use;
# Use devpts and fd from odsign (which exec()'s odrefresh)
allow dexoptanalyzer odsign:fd use;
allow dexoptanalyzer odsign_devpts:chr_file { read write };
allow dexoptanalyzer installd:fd use;
allow dexoptanalyzer installd:fifo_file { getattr write };
# Acquire advisory lock on /system/framework/arm/*
allow dexoptanalyzer system_file:file lock;
# Allow reading secondary dex files that were reported by the app to the
# package manager.
allow dexoptanalyzer { privapp_data_file app_data_file }:file { getattr read map };
# Allow testing /data/user/0 which symlinks to /data/data
allow dexoptanalyzer system_data_file:lnk_file { getattr };