| # Allow HwBinder IPC from client to server, and vice versa for callbacks. |
| binder_call(hal_face_client, hal_face_server) |
| binder_call(hal_face_server, hal_face_client) |
| |
| hal_attribute_hwservice(hal_face, hal_face_hwservice) |
| hal_attribute_service(hal_face, hal_face_service) |
| |
| binder_call(hal_face_server, servicemanager) |
| |
| # Allow access to the ion memory allocation device. |
| allow hal_face ion_device:chr_file r_file_perms; |
| |
| # Allow read/write access to the face template directory. |
| allow hal_face face_vendor_data_file:file create_file_perms; |
| allow hal_face face_vendor_data_file:dir rw_dir_perms; |