blob: 5ef7facb5580162f7dc95993b6231b33595748d2 [file] [log] [blame]
type remount, domain, coredomain;
type remount_exec, system_file_type, exec_type, file_type;
# Allow init to run clean_scratch_files and do auto domain transfer.
# Allow talking to gsid.
allow remount gsi_service:service_manager find;
binder_call(remount, gsid)
# Allow searching for /metadata/gsi/remount/lp_metadata.
allow remount { metadata_file gsi_metadata_file_type }:dir search;
# Allow remount to flip the overlayfs bit in the super partition.
# This requires being able to read fstab, find /dev/block/by-name/super,
# and read-write super.
r_dir_file(remount, sysfs_dt_firmware_android)
allow remount proc_bootconfig:file r_file_perms;
allow remount proc_cmdline:file r_file_perms;
allow remount block_device:dir r_dir_perms;
allow remount super_block_device_type:blk_file rw_file_perms;
allowxperm remount super_block_device_type:blk_file ioctl { BLKIOMIN BLKALIGNOFF };