blob: 92b124f0cc074bacd9c94ef15e094b552e605391 [file] [log] [blame]
typeattribute netd coredomain;
# Allow netd to spawn dnsmasq in it's own domain
domain_auto_trans(netd, dnsmasq_exec, dnsmasq)
# Allow netd to start clatd in its own domain
domain_auto_trans(netd, clatd_exec, clatd)
# give netd permission to setup iptables rule with xt_bpf, attach program to cgroup, and read/write
# the map created by bpfloader
allow netd bpfloader:bpf { prog_run map_read map_write };
get_prop(netd, bpf_progs_loaded_prop)
# Allow netd to write to statsd.
unix_socket_send(netd, statsdw, statsd)