blob: f0c5d8efde118f9d5d063e1a0b82e6a633571309 [file] [log] [blame]
# surfaceflinger - display compositor service
type surfaceflinger, domain;
permissive surfaceflinger;
type surfaceflinger_exec, exec_type, file_type;
typeattribute surfaceflinger mlstrustedsubject;
# Talk to init over the property socket.
unix_socket_connect(surfaceflinger, property, init)
# Perform Binder IPC.
binder_call(surfaceflinger, system_server)
allow surfaceflinger init:binder transfer;
# Access /dev/graphics/fb0.
allow surfaceflinger graphics_device:dir search;
allow surfaceflinger graphics_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
# Access /dev/video1.
allow surfaceflinger video_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
# Create and use netlink kobject uevent sockets.
allow surfaceflinger self:netlink_kobject_uevent_socket *;
# Set properties.
allow surfaceflinger system_prop:property_service set;
allow surfaceflinger ctl_default_prop:property_service set;
# Use open files supplied by an app.
allow surfaceflinger appdomain:fd use;
allow surfaceflinger platform_app_data_file:file { read write };
allow surfaceflinger app_data_file:file { read write };