blob: 216deb1930f659c02e4051a199c99817df669740 [file] [log] [blame]
# microdroid_payload is an attribute for microdroid payload processes.
# Domains should have microdroid_payload to be run from microdroid_manager.
# Allow to communicate use, read and write over the adb connection.
allow microdroid_payload adbd:fd use;
allow microdroid_payload adbd:unix_stream_socket { read write };
# microdroid_launcher is launched by microdroid_manager with fork/execvp.
allow microdroid_payload microdroid_manager:fd use;
# Allow to use FDs inherited from the shell. This includes the FD opened for
# the microdroid_launcher executable itself and the FD for adb connection.
# TODO(b/186396070) remove this when this is executed from microdroid_manager
allow microdroid_payload shell:fd use;
# Allow to use terminal
allow microdroid_payload devpts:chr_file rw_file_perms;
# Allow to set debug prop
set_prop(microdroid_payload, debug_prop)
# Allow microdroid_payload to use vsock inherited from microdroid_manager
allow microdroid_payload microdroid_manager:vsock_socket { read write };
# Write to /dev/kmsg.
allow microdroid_payload kmsg_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
# Allow microdroid_payload to host binder servers via vsock. Listening
# for connections from the host is permitted, but connecting out to
# the host is not. Inbound connections are mediated by
# virtualiationservice which ensures a process can only connect to a
# VM that it owns.
allow microdroid_payload self:vsock_socket {
create listen accept read getattr write setattr lock append bind
getopt setopt shutdown map
neverallow microdroid_payload self:vsock_socket connect;
# Payload can read extra apks
r_dir_file(microdroid_payload, extra_apk_file)
# Payload can read /proc/meminfo.
allow microdroid_payload proc_meminfo:file r_file_perms;
# Allow use of authfs.
allow microdroid_payload authfs_binder_service:service_manager find;
binder_call(microdroid_payload, authfs_service);
# Allow payload to communicate with authfs_service
unix_socket_connect(microdroid_payload, authfs_service, authfs_service)
# Allow locating the authfs mount directory.
allow microdroid_payload authfs_data_file:dir search;
# Read and write files authfs-proxied files.
allow microdroid_payload authfs_fuse:dir rw_dir_perms;
allow microdroid_payload authfs_fuse:file create_file_perms;
# Allow payload to communicate with microdroid manager
unix_socket_connect(microdroid_payload, vm_payload_service, microdroid_manager)