| This configuration (sepolicy) is public domain, i.e. not copyrighted. |
| You agree that this software is a |
| non-commercially developed program that may contain "bugs" (as that |
| term is used in the industry) and that it may not function as intended. |
| The software is licensed "as is". NSA makes no, and hereby expressly |
| disclaims all, warranties, express, implied, statutory, or otherwise |
| with respect to the software, including noninfringement and the implied |
| warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. |
| In no event will NSA be liable for any damages, including loss of data, |
| lost profits, cost of cover, or other special, incidental, |
| consequential, direct or indirect damages arising from the software or |
| the use thereof, however caused and on any theory of liability. This |
| limitation will apply even if NSA has been advised of the possibility |
| of such damage. You acknowledge that this is a reasonable allocation of |