| ########################## |
| # property service keys |
| # |
| # |
| net.rmnet u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0 |
| net.gprs u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0 |
| net.ppp u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0 |
| net.qmi u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0 |
| net.lte u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0 |
| net.cdma u:object_r:net_radio_prop:s0 |
| net.dns u:object_r:net_dns_prop:s0 |
| sys.usb.config u:object_r:system_radio_prop:s0 |
| ril. u:object_r:radio_prop:s0 |
| ro.ril. u:object_r:radio_prop:s0 |
| gsm. u:object_r:radio_prop:s0 |
| persist.radio u:object_r:radio_prop:s0 |
| |
| net. u:object_r:system_prop:s0 |
| dev. u:object_r:system_prop:s0 |
| ro.runtime. u:object_r:system_prop:s0 |
| ro.runtime.firstboot u:object_r:firstboot_prop:s0 |
| hw. u:object_r:system_prop:s0 |
| ro.hw. u:object_r:system_prop:s0 |
| sys. u:object_r:system_prop:s0 |
| sys.audio. u:object_r:audio_prop:s0 |
| sys.init.perf_lsm_hooks u:object_r:init_perf_lsm_hooks_prop:s0 |
| sys.cppreopt u:object_r:cppreopt_prop:s0 |
| sys.lpdumpd u:object_r:lpdumpd_prop:s0 |
| sys.powerctl u:object_r:powerctl_prop:s0 |
| sys.usb.ffs. u:object_r:ffs_prop:s0 |
| service. u:object_r:system_prop:s0 |
| dhcp. u:object_r:dhcp_prop:s0 |
| dhcp.bt-pan.result u:object_r:pan_result_prop:s0 |
| bluetooth. u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0 |
| |
| debug. u:object_r:debug_prop:s0 |
| debug.db. u:object_r:debuggerd_prop:s0 |
| dumpstate. u:object_r:dumpstate_prop:s0 |
| dumpstate.options u:object_r:dumpstate_options_prop:s0 |
| init.svc_debug_pid. u:object_r:init_svc_debug_prop:s0 |
| llk. u:object_r:llkd_prop:s0 |
| khungtask. u:object_r:llkd_prop:s0 |
| ro.llk. u:object_r:llkd_prop:s0 |
| ro.khungtask. u:object_r:llkd_prop:s0 |
| log. u:object_r:log_prop:s0 |
| log.tag u:object_r:log_tag_prop:s0 |
| log.tag.WifiHAL u:object_r:wifi_log_prop:s0 |
| security.perf_harden u:object_r:shell_prop:s0 |
| service.adb.root u:object_r:shell_prop:s0 |
| service.adb.tcp.port u:object_r:shell_prop:s0 |
| service.adb.tls.port u:object_r:adbd_prop:s0 |
| persist.adb.wifi. u:object_r:adbd_prop:s0 |
| persist.adb.tls_server.enable u:object_r:system_adbd_prop:s0 |
| |
| persist.audio. u:object_r:audio_prop:s0 |
| persist.bluetooth. u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0 |
| persist.nfc_cfg. u:object_r:nfc_prop:s0 |
| persist.debug. u:object_r:persist_debug_prop:s0 |
| persist.logd. u:object_r:logd_prop:s0 |
| ro.logd. u:object_r:logd_prop:s0 |
| persist.logd.security u:object_r:device_logging_prop:s0 |
| persist.logd.logpersistd u:object_r:logpersistd_logging_prop:s0 |
| logd.logpersistd u:object_r:logpersistd_logging_prop:s0 |
| persist.log.tag u:object_r:log_tag_prop:s0 |
| persist.mmc. u:object_r:mmc_prop:s0 |
| persist.netd.stable_secret u:object_r:netd_stable_secret_prop:s0 |
| persist.pm.mock-upgrade u:object_r:mock_ota_prop:s0 |
| persist.sys. u:object_r:system_prop:s0 |
| persist.sys.safemode u:object_r:safemode_prop:s0 |
| persist.sys.theme u:object_r:theme_prop:s0 |
| persist.sys.fflag.override.settings_dynamic_system u:object_r:dynamic_system_prop:s0 |
| ro.sys.safemode u:object_r:safemode_prop:s0 |
| persist.sys.audit_safemode u:object_r:safemode_prop:s0 |
| persist.sys.dalvik.jvmtiagent u:object_r:system_jvmti_agent_prop:s0 |
| persist.service. u:object_r:system_prop:s0 |
| persist.service.bdroid. u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0 |
| persist.security. u:object_r:system_prop:s0 |
| persist.traced.enable u:object_r:traced_enabled_prop:s0 |
| traced.lazy. u:object_r:traced_lazy_prop:s0 |
| persist.heapprofd.enable u:object_r:heapprofd_enabled_prop:s0 |
| persist.traced_perf.enable u:object_r:traced_perf_enabled_prop:s0 |
| persist.vendor.overlay. u:object_r:overlay_prop:s0 |
| ro.boot.vendor.overlay. u:object_r:overlay_prop:s0 |
| ro.boottime. u:object_r:boottime_prop:s0 |
| ro.serialno u:object_r:serialno_prop:s0 |
| ro.boot.btmacaddr u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0 |
| ro.boot.serialno u:object_r:serialno_prop:s0 |
| ro.bt. u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0 |
| ro.boot.bootreason u:object_r:bootloader_boot_reason_prop:s0 |
| persist.sys.boot.reason u:object_r:last_boot_reason_prop:s0 |
| sys.boot.reason u:object_r:system_boot_reason_prop:s0 |
| sys.boot.reason.last u:object_r:last_boot_reason_prop:s0 |
| pm. u:object_r:pm_prop:s0 |
| test.sys.boot.reason u:object_r:test_boot_reason_prop:s0 |
| test.userspace_reboot.requested u:object_r:userspace_reboot_test_prop:s0 |
| sys.lmk. u:object_r:system_lmk_prop:s0 |
| sys.trace. u:object_r:system_trace_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Boolean property set by system server upon boot indicating |
| # if device is fully owned by organization instead of being |
| # a personal device. |
| ro.organization_owned u:object_r:device_logging_prop:s0 |
| |
| # selinux non-persistent properties |
| selinux.restorecon_recursive u:object_r:restorecon_prop:s0 |
| |
| # default property context |
| * u:object_r:default_prop:s0 |
| |
| # data partition encryption properties |
| vold. u:object_r:vold_prop:s0 |
| ro.crypto. u:object_r:vold_prop:s0 |
| |
| # ro.build.fingerprint is either set in /system/build.prop, or is |
| # set at runtime by system_server. |
| ro.build.fingerprint u:object_r:fingerprint_prop:s0 |
| |
| ro.persistent_properties.ready u:object_r:persistent_properties_ready_prop:s0 |
| |
| # ctl properties |
| ctl.bootanim u:object_r:ctl_bootanim_prop:s0 |
| ctl.dumpstate u:object_r:ctl_dumpstate_prop:s0 |
| ctl.fuse_ u:object_r:ctl_fuse_prop:s0 |
| ctl.mdnsd u:object_r:ctl_mdnsd_prop:s0 |
| ctl.ril-daemon u:object_r:ctl_rildaemon_prop:s0 |
| ctl.bugreport u:object_r:ctl_bugreport_prop:s0 |
| ctl.console u:object_r:ctl_console_prop:s0 |
| ctl. u:object_r:ctl_default_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Don't allow blind access to all services |
| ctl.sigstop_on$ u:object_r:ctl_sigstop_prop:s0 |
| ctl.sigstop_off$ u:object_r:ctl_sigstop_prop:s0 |
| ctl.start$ u:object_r:ctl_start_prop:s0 |
| ctl.stop$ u:object_r:ctl_stop_prop:s0 |
| ctl.restart$ u:object_r:ctl_restart_prop:s0 |
| ctl.interface_start$ u:object_r:ctl_interface_start_prop:s0 |
| ctl.interface_stop$ u:object_r:ctl_interface_stop_prop:s0 |
| ctl.interface_restart$ u:object_r:ctl_interface_restart_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Restrict access to starting/stopping adbd |
| ctl.start$adbd u:object_r:ctl_adbd_prop:s0 |
| ctl.stop$adbd u:object_r:ctl_adbd_prop:s0 |
| ctl.restart$adbd u:object_r:ctl_adbd_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Restrict access to starting/stopping gsid. |
| ctl.start$gsid u:object_r:ctl_gsid_prop:s0 |
| ctl.stop$gsid u:object_r:ctl_gsid_prop:s0 |
| ctl.restart$gsid u:object_r:ctl_gsid_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Restrict access to stopping apexd. |
| ctl.stop$apexd u:object_r:ctl_apexd_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Restrict access to restart dumpstate |
| ctl.interface_restart$android.hardware.dumpstate u:object_r:ctl_dumpstate_prop:s0 |
| |
| # NFC properties |
| nfc. u:object_r:nfc_prop:s0 |
| |
| # These properties are not normally set by processes other than init. |
| # They are only distinguished here for setting by qemu-props on the |
| # emulator/goldfish. |
| config. u:object_r:config_prop:s0 |
| ro.config. u:object_r:config_prop:s0 |
| dalvik. u:object_r:dalvik_prop:s0 |
| ro.dalvik. u:object_r:dalvik_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Shared between system server and wificond |
| wifi. u:object_r:wifi_prop:s0 |
| wlan. u:object_r:wifi_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Lowpan properties |
| lowpan. u:object_r:lowpan_prop:s0 |
| ro.lowpan. u:object_r:lowpan_prop:s0 |
| |
| # heapprofd properties |
| heapprofd. u:object_r:heapprofd_prop:s0 |
| |
| # hwservicemanager properties |
| hwservicemanager. u:object_r:hwservicemanager_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Common default properties for vendor and odm. |
| init.svc.odm. u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 |
| init.svc.vendor. u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 |
| ro.hardware. u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 |
| ro.odm. u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 |
| ro.vendor. u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 |
| odm. u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 |
| persist.odm. u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 |
| persist.vendor. u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 |
| vendor. u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 |
| # ro.boot. properties are set based on kernel commandline arguments, which are vendor owned. |
| ro.boot. u:object_r:exported2_default_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Properties that relate to time / time zone detection behavior. |
| persist.time. u:object_r:time_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Properties that relate to server configurable flags |
| device_config.reset_performed u:object_r:device_config_reset_performed_prop:s0 |
| persist.device_config.activity_manager_native_boot. u:object_r:device_config_activity_manager_native_boot_prop:s0 |
| persist.device_config.attempted_boot_count u:object_r:device_config_boot_count_prop:s0 |
| persist.device_config.input_native_boot. u:object_r:device_config_input_native_boot_prop:s0 |
| persist.device_config.netd_native. u:object_r:device_config_netd_native_prop:s0 |
| persist.device_config.runtime_native. u:object_r:device_config_runtime_native_prop:s0 |
| persist.device_config.runtime_native_boot. u:object_r:device_config_runtime_native_boot_prop:s0 |
| persist.device_config.media_native. u:object_r:device_config_media_native_prop:s0 |
| persist.device_config.storage_native_boot. u:object_r:device_config_storage_native_boot_prop:s0 |
| persist.device_config.window_manager_native_boot. u:object_r:device_config_window_manager_native_boot_prop:s0 |
| persist.device_config.configuration. u:object_r:device_config_configuration_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Properties that relate to legacy server configurable flags |
| persist.device_config.global_settings.sys_traced u:object_r:device_config_sys_traced_prop:s0 |
| |
| apexd. u:object_r:apexd_prop:s0 |
| persist.apexd. u:object_r:apexd_prop:s0 |
| |
| bpf.progs_loaded u:object_r:bpf_progs_loaded_prop:s0 |
| |
| gsid. u:object_r:gsid_prop:s0 |
| ro.gsid. u:object_r:gsid_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Property for disabling NNAPI vendor extensions on product image (used on GSI /product image, |
| # which can't use NNAPI vendor extensions). |
| ro.nnapi.extensions.deny_on_product u:object_r:nnapi_ext_deny_product_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Property that is set once ueventd finishes cold boot. |
| ro.cold_boot_done u:object_r:cold_boot_done_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Charger properties |
| ro.charger. u:object_r:charger_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Virtual A/B properties |
| ro.virtual_ab.enabled u:object_r:virtual_ab_prop:s0 |
| ro.virtual_ab.retrofit u:object_r:virtual_ab_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Property to set/clear the warm reset flag after an OTA update. |
| ota.warm_reset u:object_r:ota_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Module properties |
| com.android.sdkext. u:object_r:module_sdkextensions_prop:s0 |
| persist.com.android.sdkext. u:object_r:module_sdkextensions_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Userspace reboot properties |
| sys.userspace_reboot.log. u:object_r:userspace_reboot_log_prop:s0 |
| persist.sys.userspace_reboot.log. u:object_r:userspace_reboot_log_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Integer property which is used in libgui to configure the number of frames |
| # tracked by buffer queue's frame event timing history. The property is set |
| # by devices with video decoding pipelines long enough to overflow the default |
| # history size. |
| ro.lib_gui.frame_event_history_size u:object_r:bq_config_prop:s0 |
| |
| # Properties to configure userspace reboot. |
| init.userspace_reboot.is_supported u:object_r:userspace_reboot_config_prop:s0 exact bool |
| init.userspace_reboot.sigkill.timeoutmillis u:object_r:userspace_reboot_config_prop:s0 exact int |
| init.userspace_reboot.sigterm.timeoutmillis u:object_r:userspace_reboot_config_prop:s0 exact int |
| init.userspace_reboot.started.timeoutmillis u:object_r:userspace_reboot_config_prop:s0 exact int |
| init.userspace_reboot.userdata_remount.timeoutmillis u:object_r:userspace_reboot_config_prop:s0 exact int |
| init.userspace_reboot.watchdog.timeoutmillis u:object_r:userspace_reboot_config_prop:s0 exact int |
| |
| # surfaceflinger-settable |
| graphics.display.kernel_idle_timer.enabled u:object_r:surfaceflinger_display_prop:s0 exact bool |