blob: dacea2946951cc01a7bec375c625e6d807b28a2e [file] [log] [blame]
# Allow apps to read the Test Harness Mode property. This property is used in
# the implementation of ActivityManager.isDeviceInTestHarnessMode()
get_prop(appdomain, test_harness_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, boot_status_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, dalvik_config_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, media_config_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, packagemanager_config_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, radio_control_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, surfaceflinger_color_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, systemsound_config_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, telephony_config_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, userspace_reboot_config_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, vold_config_prop)
get_prop(appdomain, adbd_config_prop)
userdebug_or_eng(`perfetto_producer({ appdomain })')
# Prevent apps from causing presubmit failures.
# Apps can cause selinux denials by accessing CE storage
# and/or external storage. In either case, the selinux denial is
# not the cause of the failure, but just a symptom that
# storage isn't ready. Many apps handle the failure appropriately.
# Apps cannot access external storage before it becomes available.
dontaudit appdomain storage_stub_file:dir getattr;
# Attempts to write to system_data_file is generally a sign
# that apps are attempting to access encrypted storage before
# the ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED intent is delivered. Apps are not
# allowed to write to CE storage before it's available.
# Attempting to do so will be blocked by both selinux and unix
# permissions.
dontaudit appdomain system_data_file:dir write;
# Apps should not be reading vendor-defined properties.
dontaudit appdomain vendor_default_prop:file read;
neverallow appdomain system_server:udp_socket {
accept append bind create ioctl listen lock name_bind
relabelfrom relabelto setattr shutdown };
# Transition to a non-app domain.
# Exception for the shell and su domains, can transition to runas, etc.
# Exception for crash_dump to allow for app crash reporting.
# Exception for renderscript binaries (/system/bin/bcc, /system/bin/
# to allow renderscript to create privileged executable files.
neverallow { appdomain -shell userdebug_or_eng(`-su') }
{ domain -appdomain -crash_dump -rs }:process { transition };
neverallow { appdomain -shell userdebug_or_eng(`-su') }
{ domain -appdomain }:process { dyntransition };
# Don't allow regular apps access to storage configuration properties.
neverallow { appdomain -mediaprovider_app } storage_config_prop:file no_rw_file_perms;
# Allow to read sendbug.preferred.domain
get_prop(appdomain, sendbug_config_prop)
# Allow to read graphics related properties.
get_prop(appdomain, graphics_config_prop)
# Allow to read persist.config.calibration_fac
get_prop(appdomain, camera_calibration_prop)
# Allow to read db.log.detailed, db.log.slow_query_threshold*
get_prop(appdomain, sqlite_log_prop)