blob: 64bdedcca186c0204afcc317ba39d2c00d1730b7 [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
container: ""
flag {
name: "airplane_ressources_in_app"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "User notification is done within app, not server"
bug: "303552318"
flag {
name: "auto_on_feature"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "Turn bluetooth on next morning at 5 am"
bug: "323060869"
flag {
name: "system_server_messenger"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "Replace binder call to the system server with a Messenger to enforce thread safety"
bug: "321804999"
flag {
name: "use_new_airplane_mode"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "Use the new implemention of airplane mode"
bug: "309033118"
flag {
name: "use_new_satellite_mode"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "Use the new implemention of satellite mode"
bug: "289584302"