blob: b50bb4a5cda5f27d352ec65fe5432ac43ce65214 [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
container: ""
flag {
name: "auto_connect_on_hfp_when_no_a2dp_device"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "Auto connect to hfp device is there is no a2dp device to connect to"
bug: "305799237"
flag {
name: "auto_connect_on_multiple_hfp_when_no_a2dp_device"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "Auto connect to hfp device is there is no a2dp device to connect to"
bug: "305867804"
flag {
name: "hfp_codec_aptx_voice"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "AptX Voice codec support for HFP calls"
bug: "308497929"
flag {
name: "use_dsp_codec_when_controller_does_not_support"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "use codec on the DSP when the BT controller does not support it"
bug: "308838380"
flag {
name: "is_sco_managed_by_audio"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "start and stop of the SCO is managed by Audio instead of Bluetooth"
bug: "315234036"
flag {
name: "retry_esco_with_zero_retransmission_effort"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "retry eSCO connection based on retransmission_effort"
bug: "316498257"
flag {
name: "close_rfcomm_instead_of_reset"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "Closing Rfcomm Connection instead of reset"
bug: "316993992"
flag {
name: "pretend_network_service"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "during ongoing call, pretend network service in +CIND when network is unavailable"
bug: "317307596"