blob: 78507960243740a94ad14e98c8280ff7dd55be09 [file] [log] [blame]
This directory contains scripts to build Debian packages as dependencies for
building Fluoride on Linux.
To generate the Debian packages, you need:
* Debian 10 (Buster)
* gn, get binary from
* apt-get install git debmake
* Other build dependencies are package dependent, you will get error message
mentioning the list of missing packages
Steps to build debian packages (modp_b64 first):
$ cd build/dpkg/modp_b64
$ ./gen-src-pkg /tmp/modp_b64
If the above succeeded, there will be a .deb file in /tmp/modp_b64. You can
install this binary package locally like:
$ sudo dpkg -i /tmp/modp_b64/modp-b64_0.0.1-1_amd64.deb
After installing modp_b64, you can do the same steps with libchrome in