| package com.android.settings.intelligence; |
| option java_multiple_files = true; |
| option java_package = "com.android.settings.fuelgauge"; |
| option java_outer_classname = "FuelgaugeLogProto"; |
| // Store history of setting optimize mode |
| message BatteryOptimizeHistoricalLog { |
| repeated BatteryOptimizeHistoricalLogEntry log_entry = 1; |
| message BatteryOptimizeHistoricalLogEntry { |
| // The action to set optimize mode |
| optional string package_name = 1; |
| optional Action action = 2; |
| optional string action_description = 3; |
| optional int64 timestamp = 4; |
| // Store history of battery usage periodic job |
| message BatteryUsageHistoricalLog { |
| repeated BatteryUsageHistoricalLogEntry log_entry = 1; |
| message BatteryUsageHistoricalLogEntry { |
| // The action to record battery usage job event |
| optional int64 timestamp = 1; |
| optional Action action = 2; |
| optional string action_description = 3; |