blob: 2b843cd79b65064a628e1db47f07f321d986a833 [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
container: "system"
# NOTE: Keep alphabetized to help limit merge conflicts from multiple simultaneous editors.
flag {
name: "edit_shortcuts_in_full_screen"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Show the edit shorcuts screen in full screen, since the shortcut options are increasing."
bug: "300302098"
flag {
name: "enable_hearing_aid_preset_control"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Allows users to control hearing aid preset in the Bluetooth device details page."
bug: "300015207"
flag {
name: "enable_hearing_aid_volume_offset_control"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Allows users to control hearing aid volume offset in the Bluetooth device details page."
bug: "301198830"
flag {
name: "remove_qs_tooltip_in_suw"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Don't show quick settings tooltip in SUW, since the user can't use quick settings there."
bug: "294560581"
flag {
name: "enable_color_contrast_control"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Allows users to control color contrast in the Accessibility settings page."
bug: "246577325"