blob: 1a3afed0a1ed916fa3f03e45d19c0d4c050d58b9 [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
flag {
name: "enable_subsequent_pair_settings_integration"
namespace: "pixel_cross_device_control"
description: "Gates whether to enable subsequent pair Settings integration."
bug: "299405720"
flag {
name: "enable_le_audio_sharing"
namespace: "pixel_cross_device_control"
description: "Gates whether to enable LE audio sharing"
bug: "305620450"
flag {
name: "enable_le_audio_qr_code_private_broadcast_sharing"
namespace: "pixel_cross_device_control"
description: "Gates whether to enable LE audio private broadcast sharing via QR code"
bug: "308368124"
flag {
name: "enable_auth_challenge_for_usb_preferences"
namespace: "safety_center"
description: "Gates whether to require an auth challenge for changing USB preferences"
bug: "317367746"