| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| package com.android.launcher3; |
| |
| import android.app.SearchManager; |
| import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; |
| import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo; |
| import android.content.*; |
| import android.content.Intent.ShortcutIconResource; |
| import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo; |
| import android.content.pm.PackageInfo; |
| import android.content.pm.PackageManager; |
| import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException; |
| import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo; |
| import android.content.res.Configuration; |
| import android.content.res.Resources; |
| import android.database.Cursor; |
| import android.graphics.Bitmap; |
| import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; |
| import android.net.Uri; |
| import android.os.Environment; |
| import android.os.Handler; |
| import android.os.HandlerThread; |
| import android.os.Parcelable; |
| import android.os.Process; |
| import android.os.RemoteException; |
| import android.os.SystemClock; |
| import android.provider.BaseColumns; |
| import android.util.Log; |
| import android.util.Pair; |
| import com.android.launcher3.InstallWidgetReceiver.WidgetMimeTypeHandlerData; |
| |
| import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; |
| import java.net.URISyntaxException; |
| import java.text.Collator; |
| import java.util.ArrayList; |
| import java.util.Arrays; |
| import java.util.Collection; |
| import java.util.Collections; |
| import java.util.Comparator; |
| import java.util.HashMap; |
| import java.util.HashSet; |
| import java.util.Iterator; |
| import java.util.List; |
| import java.util.Set; |
| import java.util.TreeMap; |
| |
| /** |
| * Maintains in-memory state of the Launcher. It is expected that there should be only one |
| * LauncherModel object held in a static. Also provide APIs for updating the database state |
| * for the Launcher. |
| */ |
| public class LauncherModel extends BroadcastReceiver { |
| static final boolean DEBUG_LOADERS = false; |
| static final String TAG = "Launcher.Model"; |
| |
| // true = use a "More Apps" folder for non-workspace apps on upgrade |
| // false = strew non-workspace apps across the workspace on upgrade |
| public static final boolean UPGRADE_USE_MORE_APPS_FOLDER = false; |
| |
| private static final int ITEMS_CHUNK = 6; // batch size for the workspace icons |
| private final boolean mAppsCanBeOnRemoveableStorage; |
| |
| private final LauncherAppState mApp; |
| private final Object mLock = new Object(); |
| private DeferredHandler mHandler = new DeferredHandler(); |
| private LoaderTask mLoaderTask; |
| private boolean mIsLoaderTaskRunning; |
| private volatile boolean mFlushingWorkerThread; |
| |
| // Specific runnable types that are run on the main thread deferred handler, this allows us to |
| // clear all queued binding runnables when the Launcher activity is destroyed. |
| private static final int MAIN_THREAD_NORMAL_RUNNABLE = 0; |
| private static final int MAIN_THREAD_BINDING_RUNNABLE = 1; |
| |
| |
| private static final HandlerThread sWorkerThread = new HandlerThread("launcher-loader"); |
| static { |
| sWorkerThread.start(); |
| } |
| private static final Handler sWorker = new Handler(sWorkerThread.getLooper()); |
| |
| // We start off with everything not loaded. After that, we assume that |
| // our monitoring of the package manager provides all updates and we never |
| // need to do a requery. These are only ever touched from the loader thread. |
| private boolean mWorkspaceLoaded; |
| private boolean mAllAppsLoaded; |
| |
| // When we are loading pages synchronously, we can't just post the binding of items on the side |
| // pages as this delays the rotation process. Instead, we wait for a callback from the first |
| // draw (in Workspace) to initiate the binding of the remaining side pages. Any time we start |
| // a normal load, we also clear this set of Runnables. |
| static final ArrayList<Runnable> mDeferredBindRunnables = new ArrayList<Runnable>(); |
| |
| private WeakReference<Callbacks> mCallbacks; |
| |
| // < only access in worker thread > |
| AllAppsList mBgAllAppsList; |
| |
| // The lock that must be acquired before referencing any static bg data structures. Unlike |
| // other locks, this one can generally be held long-term because we never expect any of these |
| // static data structures to be referenced outside of the worker thread except on the first |
| // load after configuration change. |
| static final Object sBgLock = new Object(); |
| |
| // sBgItemsIdMap maps *all* the ItemInfos (shortcuts, folders, and widgets) created by |
| // LauncherModel to their ids |
| static final HashMap<Long, ItemInfo> sBgItemsIdMap = new HashMap<Long, ItemInfo>(); |
| |
| // sBgWorkspaceItems is passed to bindItems, which expects a list of all folders and shortcuts |
| // created by LauncherModel that are directly on the home screen (however, no widgets or |
| // shortcuts within folders). |
| static final ArrayList<ItemInfo> sBgWorkspaceItems = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| |
| // sBgAppWidgets is all LauncherAppWidgetInfo created by LauncherModel. Passed to bindAppWidget() |
| static final ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> sBgAppWidgets = |
| new ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo>(); |
| |
| // sBgFolders is all FolderInfos created by LauncherModel. Passed to bindFolders() |
| static final HashMap<Long, FolderInfo> sBgFolders = new HashMap<Long, FolderInfo>(); |
| |
| // sBgDbIconCache is the set of ItemInfos that need to have their icons updated in the database |
| static final HashMap<Object, byte[]> sBgDbIconCache = new HashMap<Object, byte[]>(); |
| |
| // sBgWorkspaceScreens is the ordered set of workspace screens. |
| static final ArrayList<Long> sBgWorkspaceScreens = new ArrayList<Long>(); |
| |
| // </ only access in worker thread > |
| |
| private IconCache mIconCache; |
| private Bitmap mDefaultIcon; |
| |
| protected int mPreviousConfigMcc; |
| |
| public interface Callbacks { |
| public boolean setLoadOnResume(); |
| public int getCurrentWorkspaceScreen(); |
| public void startBinding(); |
| public void bindItems(ArrayList<ItemInfo> shortcuts, int start, int end, |
| boolean forceAnimateIcons); |
| public void bindScreens(ArrayList<Long> orderedScreenIds); |
| public void bindAddScreens(ArrayList<Long> orderedScreenIds); |
| public void bindFolders(HashMap<Long,FolderInfo> folders); |
| public void finishBindingItems(boolean upgradePath); |
| public void bindAppWidget(LauncherAppWidgetInfo info); |
| public boolean shouldShowApp(ResolveInfo app); |
| public void bindAllApplications(ArrayList<AppInfo> apps); |
| public void bindAppsAdded(ArrayList<Long> newScreens, |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> addNotAnimated, |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> addAnimated, |
| ArrayList<AppInfo> addedApps); |
| public void bindAppsUpdated(ArrayList<AppInfo> apps); |
| public void bindComponentsRemoved(ArrayList<String> packageNames, |
| ArrayList<AppInfo> appInfos, |
| boolean matchPackageNamesOnly); |
| public void bindPackagesUpdated(ArrayList<Object> widgetsAndShortcuts); |
| public void bindSearchablesChanged(); |
| public void onPageBoundSynchronously(int page); |
| public void dumpLogsToLocalData(boolean email); |
| } |
| |
| public interface ItemInfoFilter { |
| public boolean filterItem(ItemInfo parent, ItemInfo info, ComponentName cn); |
| } |
| |
| LauncherModel(LauncherAppState app, IconCache iconCache) { |
| final Context context = app.getContext(); |
| |
| mAppsCanBeOnRemoveableStorage = Environment.isExternalStorageRemovable(); |
| mApp = app; |
| mBgAllAppsList = new AllAppsList(iconCache); |
| mIconCache = iconCache; |
| |
| mDefaultIcon = Utilities.createIconBitmap( |
| mIconCache.getFullResDefaultActivityIcon(), context); |
| |
| final Resources res = context.getResources(); |
| Configuration config = res.getConfiguration(); |
| mPreviousConfigMcc = config.mcc; |
| } |
| |
| /** Runs the specified runnable immediately if called from the main thread, otherwise it is |
| * posted on the main thread handler. */ |
| private void runOnMainThread(Runnable r) { |
| runOnMainThread(r, 0); |
| } |
| private void runOnMainThread(Runnable r, int type) { |
| if (sWorkerThread.getThreadId() == Process.myTid()) { |
| // If we are on the worker thread, post onto the main handler |
| mHandler.post(r); |
| } else { |
| r.run(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** Runs the specified runnable immediately if called from the worker thread, otherwise it is |
| * posted on the worker thread handler. */ |
| private static void runOnWorkerThread(Runnable r) { |
| if (sWorkerThread.getThreadId() == Process.myTid()) { |
| r.run(); |
| } else { |
| // If we are not on the worker thread, then post to the worker handler |
| sWorker.post(r); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static boolean findNextAvailableIconSpaceInScreen(ArrayList<ItemInfo> items, int[] xy, |
| long screen) { |
| LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(); |
| DeviceProfile grid = app.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile(); |
| final int xCount = (int) grid.numColumns; |
| final int yCount = (int) grid.numRows; |
| boolean[][] occupied = new boolean[xCount][yCount]; |
| |
| int cellX, cellY, spanX, spanY; |
| for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) { |
| final ItemInfo item = items.get(i); |
| if (item.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { |
| if (item.screenId == screen) { |
| cellX = item.cellX; |
| cellY = item.cellY; |
| spanX = item.spanX; |
| spanY = item.spanY; |
| for (int x = cellX; 0 <= x && x < cellX + spanX && x < xCount; x++) { |
| for (int y = cellY; 0 <= y && y < cellY + spanY && y < yCount; y++) { |
| occupied[x][y] = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return CellLayout.findVacantCell(xy, 1, 1, xCount, yCount, occupied); |
| } |
| static Pair<Long, int[]> findNextAvailableIconSpace(Context context, String name, |
| Intent launchIntent, |
| int firstScreenIndex, |
| ArrayList<Long> workspaceScreens) { |
| // Lock on the app so that we don't try and get the items while apps are being added |
| LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(); |
| LauncherModel model = app.getModel(); |
| boolean found = false; |
| synchronized (app) { |
| if (sWorkerThread.getThreadId() != Process.myTid()) { |
| // Flush the LauncherModel worker thread, so that if we just did another |
| // processInstallShortcut, we give it time for its shortcut to get added to the |
| // database (getItemsInLocalCoordinates reads the database) |
| model.flushWorkerThread(); |
| } |
| final ArrayList<ItemInfo> items = LauncherModel.getItemsInLocalCoordinates(context); |
| |
| // Try adding to the workspace screens incrementally, starting at the default or center |
| // screen and alternating between +1, -1, +2, -2, etc. (using ~ ceil(i/2f)*(-1)^(i-1)) |
| firstScreenIndex = Math.min(firstScreenIndex, workspaceScreens.size()); |
| int count = workspaceScreens.size(); |
| for (int screen = firstScreenIndex; screen < count && !found; screen++) { |
| int[] tmpCoordinates = new int[2]; |
| if (findNextAvailableIconSpaceInScreen(items, tmpCoordinates, |
| workspaceScreens.get(screen))) { |
| // Update the Launcher db |
| return new Pair<Long, int[]>(workspaceScreens.get(screen), tmpCoordinates); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| public void addAndBindAddedApps(final Context context, final ArrayList<ItemInfo> added, |
| final ArrayList<AppInfo> addedApps) { |
| Callbacks cb = mCallbacks != null ? mCallbacks.get() : null; |
| addAndBindAddedApps(context, added, cb, addedApps); |
| } |
| public void addAndBindAddedApps(final Context context, final ArrayList<ItemInfo> added, |
| final Callbacks callbacks, final ArrayList<AppInfo> addedApps) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - addAndBindAddedApps()", true); |
| if (added.isEmpty()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // Process the newly added applications and add them to the database first |
| Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| final ArrayList<ItemInfo> addedShortcutsFinal = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| final ArrayList<Long> addedWorkspaceScreensFinal = new ArrayList<Long>(); |
| |
| // Get the list of workspace screens. We need to append to this list and |
| // can not use sBgWorkspaceScreens because loadWorkspace() may not have been |
| // called. |
| ArrayList<Long> workspaceScreens = new ArrayList<Long>(); |
| TreeMap<Integer, Long> orderedScreens = loadWorkspaceScreensDb(context); |
| for (Integer i : orderedScreens.keySet()) { |
| long screenId = orderedScreens.get(i); |
| workspaceScreens.add(screenId); |
| } |
| |
| synchronized(sBgLock) { |
| Iterator<ItemInfo> iter = added.iterator(); |
| while (iter.hasNext()) { |
| ItemInfo a = iter.next(); |
| final String name = a.title.toString(); |
| final Intent launchIntent = a.getIntent(); |
| |
| // Short-circuit this logic if the icon exists somewhere on the workspace |
| if (LauncherModel.shortcutExists(context, name, launchIntent)) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| // Add this icon to the db, creating a new page if necessary |
| int startSearchPageIndex = 1; |
| Pair<Long, int[]> coords = LauncherModel.findNextAvailableIconSpace(context, |
| name, launchIntent, startSearchPageIndex, workspaceScreens); |
| if (coords == null) { |
| LauncherProvider lp = LauncherAppState.getLauncherProvider(); |
| |
| // If we can't find a valid position, then just add a new screen. |
| // This takes time so we need to re-queue the add until the new |
| // page is added. Create as many screens as necessary to satisfy |
| // the startSearchPageIndex. |
| int numPagesToAdd = Math.max(1, startSearchPageIndex + 1 - |
| workspaceScreens.size()); |
| while (numPagesToAdd > 0) { |
| long screenId = lp.generateNewScreenId(); |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - addAndBindAddedApps(" + screenId + ")", true); |
| // Save the screen id for binding in the workspace |
| workspaceScreens.add(screenId); |
| addedWorkspaceScreensFinal.add(screenId); |
| numPagesToAdd--; |
| } |
| |
| // Find the coordinate again |
| coords = LauncherModel.findNextAvailableIconSpace(context, |
| name, launchIntent, startSearchPageIndex, workspaceScreens); |
| } |
| if (coords == null) { |
| throw new RuntimeException("Coordinates should not be null"); |
| } |
| |
| ShortcutInfo shortcutInfo; |
| if (a instanceof ShortcutInfo) { |
| shortcutInfo = (ShortcutInfo) a; |
| } else if (a instanceof AppInfo) { |
| shortcutInfo = ((AppInfo) a).makeShortcut(); |
| } else { |
| throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected info type"); |
| } |
| // Add the shortcut to the db |
| addItemToDatabase(context, shortcutInfo, |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP, |
| coords.first, coords.second[0], coords.second[1], false); |
| // Save the ShortcutInfo for binding in the workspace |
| addedShortcutsFinal.add(shortcutInfo); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - addAndBindAddedApps - updateWorkspaceScreenOrder(" + workspaceScreens.size() + ")", true); |
| |
| // Update the workspace screens |
| updateWorkspaceScreenOrder(context, workspaceScreens); |
| |
| if (!addedShortcutsFinal.isEmpty()) { |
| runOnMainThread(new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks cb = mCallbacks != null ? mCallbacks.get() : null; |
| if (callbacks == cb && cb != null) { |
| ItemInfo info = addedShortcutsFinal.get(addedShortcutsFinal.size() - 1); |
| long lastScreenId = info.screenId; |
| final ArrayList<ItemInfo> addAnimated = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| final ArrayList<ItemInfo> addNotAnimated = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| for (ItemInfo i : addedShortcutsFinal) { |
| if (i.screenId == lastScreenId) { |
| addAnimated.add(i); |
| } else { |
| addNotAnimated.add(i); |
| } |
| } |
| callbacks.bindAppsAdded(addedWorkspaceScreensFinal, |
| addNotAnimated, addAnimated, addedApps); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| runOnWorkerThread(r); |
| } |
| |
| public Bitmap getFallbackIcon() { |
| return Bitmap.createBitmap(mDefaultIcon); |
| } |
| |
| public void unbindItemInfosAndClearQueuedBindRunnables() { |
| if (sWorkerThread.getThreadId() == Process.myTid()) { |
| throw new RuntimeException("Expected unbindLauncherItemInfos() to be called from the " + |
| "main thread"); |
| } |
| |
| // Clear any deferred bind runnables |
| mDeferredBindRunnables.clear(); |
| // Remove any queued bind runnables |
| mHandler.cancelAllRunnablesOfType(MAIN_THREAD_BINDING_RUNNABLE); |
| // Unbind all the workspace items |
| unbindWorkspaceItemsOnMainThread(); |
| } |
| |
| /** Unbinds all the sBgWorkspaceItems and sBgAppWidgets on the main thread */ |
| void unbindWorkspaceItemsOnMainThread() { |
| // Ensure that we don't use the same workspace items data structure on the main thread |
| // by making a copy of workspace items first. |
| final ArrayList<ItemInfo> tmpWorkspaceItems = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| final ArrayList<ItemInfo> tmpAppWidgets = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| tmpWorkspaceItems.addAll(sBgWorkspaceItems); |
| tmpAppWidgets.addAll(sBgAppWidgets); |
| } |
| Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| @Override |
| public void run() { |
| for (ItemInfo item : tmpWorkspaceItems) { |
| item.unbind(); |
| } |
| for (ItemInfo item : tmpAppWidgets) { |
| item.unbind(); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| runOnMainThread(r); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Adds an item to the DB if it was not created previously, or move it to a new |
| * <container, screen, cellX, cellY> |
| */ |
| static void addOrMoveItemInDatabase(Context context, ItemInfo item, long container, |
| long screenId, int cellX, int cellY) { |
| if (item.container == ItemInfo.NO_ID) { |
| // From all apps |
| addItemToDatabase(context, item, container, screenId, cellX, cellY, false); |
| } else { |
| // From somewhere else |
| moveItemInDatabase(context, item, container, screenId, cellX, cellY); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void checkItemInfoLocked( |
| final long itemId, final ItemInfo item, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) { |
| ItemInfo modelItem = sBgItemsIdMap.get(itemId); |
| if (modelItem != null && item != modelItem) { |
| // check all the data is consistent |
| if (modelItem instanceof ShortcutInfo && item instanceof ShortcutInfo) { |
| ShortcutInfo modelShortcut = (ShortcutInfo) modelItem; |
| ShortcutInfo shortcut = (ShortcutInfo) item; |
| if (modelShortcut.title.toString().equals(shortcut.title.toString()) && |
| modelShortcut.intent.filterEquals(shortcut.intent) && |
| modelShortcut.id == shortcut.id && |
| modelShortcut.itemType == shortcut.itemType && |
| modelShortcut.container == shortcut.container && |
| modelShortcut.screenId == shortcut.screenId && |
| modelShortcut.cellX == shortcut.cellX && |
| modelShortcut.cellY == shortcut.cellY && |
| modelShortcut.spanX == shortcut.spanX && |
| modelShortcut.spanY == shortcut.spanY && |
| ((modelShortcut.dropPos == null && shortcut.dropPos == null) || |
| (modelShortcut.dropPos != null && |
| shortcut.dropPos != null && |
| modelShortcut.dropPos[0] == shortcut.dropPos[0] && |
| modelShortcut.dropPos[1] == shortcut.dropPos[1]))) { |
| // For all intents and purposes, this is the same object |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // the modelItem needs to match up perfectly with item if our model is |
| // to be consistent with the database-- for now, just require |
| // modelItem == item or the equality check above |
| String msg = "item: " + ((item != null) ? item.toString() : "null") + |
| "modelItem: " + |
| ((modelItem != null) ? modelItem.toString() : "null") + |
| "Error: ItemInfo passed to checkItemInfo doesn't match original"; |
| RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException(msg); |
| if (stackTrace != null) { |
| e.setStackTrace(stackTrace); |
| } |
| // TODO: something breaks this in the upgrade path |
| //throw e; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void checkItemInfo(final ItemInfo item) { |
| final StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = new Throwable().getStackTrace(); |
| final long itemId = item.id; |
| Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| checkItemInfoLocked(itemId, item, stackTrace); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| runOnWorkerThread(r); |
| } |
| |
| static void updateItemInDatabaseHelper(Context context, final ContentValues values, |
| final ItemInfo item, final String callingFunction) { |
| final long itemId = item.id; |
| final Uri uri = LauncherSettings.Favorites.getContentUri(itemId, false); |
| final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); |
| |
| final StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = new Throwable().getStackTrace(); |
| Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| cr.update(uri, values, null, null); |
| updateItemArrays(item, itemId, stackTrace); |
| } |
| }; |
| runOnWorkerThread(r); |
| } |
| |
| static void updateItemsInDatabaseHelper(Context context, final ArrayList<ContentValues> valuesList, |
| final ArrayList<ItemInfo> items, final String callingFunction) { |
| final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); |
| |
| final StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = new Throwable().getStackTrace(); |
| Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops = |
| new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>(); |
| int count = items.size(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
| ItemInfo item = items.get(i); |
| final long itemId = item.id; |
| final Uri uri = LauncherSettings.Favorites.getContentUri(itemId, false); |
| ContentValues values = valuesList.get(i); |
| |
| ops.add(ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(uri).withValues(values).build()); |
| updateItemArrays(item, itemId, stackTrace); |
| |
| } |
| try { |
| cr.applyBatch(LauncherProvider.AUTHORITY, ops); |
| } catch (Exception e) { |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| runOnWorkerThread(r); |
| } |
| |
| static void updateItemArrays(ItemInfo item, long itemId, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) { |
| // Lock on mBgLock *after* the db operation |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| checkItemInfoLocked(itemId, item, stackTrace); |
| |
| if (item.container != LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP && |
| item.container != LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { |
| // Item is in a folder, make sure this folder exists |
| if (!sBgFolders.containsKey(item.container)) { |
| // An items container is being set to a that of an item which is not in |
| // the list of Folders. |
| String msg = "item: " + item + " container being set to: " + |
| item.container + ", not in the list of folders"; |
| Log.e(TAG, msg); |
| Launcher.dumpDebugLogsToConsole(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Items are added/removed from the corresponding FolderInfo elsewhere, such |
| // as in Workspace.onDrop. Here, we just add/remove them from the list of items |
| // that are on the desktop, as appropriate |
| ItemInfo modelItem = sBgItemsIdMap.get(itemId); |
| if (modelItem.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP || |
| modelItem.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { |
| switch (modelItem.itemType) { |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION: |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT: |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER: |
| if (!sBgWorkspaceItems.contains(modelItem)) { |
| sBgWorkspaceItems.add(modelItem); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| } else { |
| sBgWorkspaceItems.remove(modelItem); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public void flushWorkerThread() { |
| mFlushingWorkerThread = true; |
| Runnable waiter = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| synchronized (this) { |
| notifyAll(); |
| mFlushingWorkerThread = false; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| synchronized(waiter) { |
| runOnWorkerThread(waiter); |
| if (mLoaderTask != null) { |
| synchronized(mLoaderTask) { |
| mLoaderTask.notify(); |
| } |
| } |
| boolean success = false; |
| while (!success) { |
| try { |
| waiter.wait(); |
| success = true; |
| } catch (InterruptedException e) { |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Move an item in the DB to a new <container, screen, cellX, cellY> |
| */ |
| static void moveItemInDatabase(Context context, final ItemInfo item, final long container, |
| final long screenId, final int cellX, final int cellY) { |
| String transaction = "DbDebug Modify item (" + item.title + ") in db, id: " + item.id + |
| " (" + item.container + ", " + item.screenId + ", " + item.cellX + ", " + item.cellY + |
| ") --> " + "(" + container + ", " + screenId + ", " + cellX + ", " + cellY + ")"; |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, transaction, true); |
| |
| item.container = container; |
| item.cellX = cellX; |
| item.cellY = cellY; |
| |
| // We store hotseat items in canonical form which is this orientation invariant position |
| // in the hotseat |
| if (context instanceof Launcher && screenId < 0 && |
| container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { |
| item.screenId = ((Launcher) context).getHotseat().getOrderInHotseat(cellX, cellY); |
| } else { |
| item.screenId = screenId; |
| } |
| |
| final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER, item.container); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLX, item.cellX); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLY, item.cellY); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SCREEN, item.screenId); |
| |
| updateItemInDatabaseHelper(context, values, item, "moveItemInDatabase"); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Move items in the DB to a new <container, screen, cellX, cellY>. We assume that the |
| * cellX, cellY have already been updated on the ItemInfos. |
| */ |
| static void moveItemsInDatabase(Context context, final ArrayList<ItemInfo> items, |
| final long container, final int screen) { |
| |
| ArrayList<ContentValues> contentValues = new ArrayList<ContentValues>(); |
| int count = items.size(); |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
| ItemInfo item = items.get(i); |
| String transaction = "DbDebug Modify item (" + item.title + ") in db, id: " |
| + item.id + " (" + item.container + ", " + item.screenId + ", " + item.cellX |
| + ", " + item.cellY + ") --> " + "(" + container + ", " + screen + ", " |
| + item.cellX + ", " + item.cellY + ")"; |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, transaction, true); |
| item.container = container; |
| |
| // We store hotseat items in canonical form which is this orientation invariant position |
| // in the hotseat |
| if (context instanceof Launcher && screen < 0 && |
| container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { |
| item.screenId = ((Launcher) context).getHotseat().getOrderInHotseat(item.cellX, |
| item.cellY); |
| } else { |
| item.screenId = screen; |
| } |
| |
| final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER, item.container); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLX, item.cellX); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLY, item.cellY); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SCREEN, item.screenId); |
| |
| contentValues.add(values); |
| } |
| updateItemsInDatabaseHelper(context, contentValues, items, "moveItemInDatabase"); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Move and/or resize item in the DB to a new <container, screen, cellX, cellY, spanX, spanY> |
| */ |
| static void modifyItemInDatabase(Context context, final ItemInfo item, final long container, |
| final long screenId, final int cellX, final int cellY, final int spanX, final int spanY) { |
| String transaction = "DbDebug Modify item (" + item.title + ") in db, id: " + item.id + |
| " (" + item.container + ", " + item.screenId + ", " + item.cellX + ", " + item.cellY + |
| ") --> " + "(" + container + ", " + screenId + ", " + cellX + ", " + cellY + ")"; |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, transaction, true); |
| |
| item.cellX = cellX; |
| item.cellY = cellY; |
| item.spanX = spanX; |
| item.spanY = spanY; |
| |
| // We store hotseat items in canonical form which is this orientation invariant position |
| // in the hotseat |
| if (context instanceof Launcher && screenId < 0 && |
| container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { |
| item.screenId = ((Launcher) context).getHotseat().getOrderInHotseat(cellX, cellY); |
| } else { |
| item.screenId = screenId; |
| } |
| |
| final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER, item.container); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLX, item.cellX); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLY, item.cellY); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SPANX, item.spanX); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SPANY, item.spanY); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SCREEN, item.screenId); |
| |
| updateItemInDatabaseHelper(context, values, item, "modifyItemInDatabase"); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Update an item to the database in a specified container. |
| */ |
| static void updateItemInDatabase(Context context, final ItemInfo item) { |
| final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| item.onAddToDatabase(values); |
| item.updateValuesWithCoordinates(values, item.cellX, item.cellY); |
| updateItemInDatabaseHelper(context, values, item, "updateItemInDatabase"); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Returns true if the shortcuts already exists in the database. |
| * we identify a shortcut by its title and intent. |
| */ |
| static boolean shortcutExists(Context context, String title, Intent intent) { |
| final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); |
| Cursor c = cr.query(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI, |
| new String[] { "title", "intent" }, "title=? and intent=?", |
| new String[] { title, intent.toUri(0) }, null); |
| boolean result = false; |
| try { |
| result = c.moveToFirst(); |
| } finally { |
| c.close(); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Returns an ItemInfo array containing all the items in the LauncherModel. |
| * The ItemInfo.id is not set through this function. |
| */ |
| static ArrayList<ItemInfo> getItemsInLocalCoordinates(Context context) { |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> items = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); |
| Cursor c = cr.query(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE, LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER, |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.SCREEN, LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLX, LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLY, |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.SPANX, LauncherSettings.Favorites.SPANY }, null, null, null); |
| |
| final int itemTypeIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE); |
| final int containerIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER); |
| final int screenIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SCREEN); |
| final int cellXIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLX); |
| final int cellYIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLY); |
| final int spanXIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SPANX); |
| final int spanYIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SPANY); |
| |
| try { |
| while (c.moveToNext()) { |
| ItemInfo item = new ItemInfo(); |
| item.cellX = c.getInt(cellXIndex); |
| item.cellY = c.getInt(cellYIndex); |
| item.spanX = Math.max(1, c.getInt(spanXIndex)); |
| item.spanY = Math.max(1, c.getInt(spanYIndex)); |
| item.container = c.getInt(containerIndex); |
| item.itemType = c.getInt(itemTypeIndex); |
| item.screenId = c.getInt(screenIndex); |
| |
| items.add(item); |
| } |
| } catch (Exception e) { |
| items.clear(); |
| } finally { |
| c.close(); |
| } |
| |
| return items; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Find a folder in the db, creating the FolderInfo if necessary, and adding it to folderList. |
| */ |
| FolderInfo getFolderById(Context context, HashMap<Long,FolderInfo> folderList, long id) { |
| final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); |
| Cursor c = cr.query(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI, null, |
| "_id=? and (itemType=? or itemType=?)", |
| new String[] { String.valueOf(id), |
| String.valueOf(LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER)}, null); |
| |
| try { |
| if (c.moveToFirst()) { |
| final int itemTypeIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE); |
| final int titleIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.TITLE); |
| final int containerIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER); |
| final int screenIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SCREEN); |
| final int cellXIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLX); |
| final int cellYIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLY); |
| |
| FolderInfo folderInfo = null; |
| switch (c.getInt(itemTypeIndex)) { |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER: |
| folderInfo = findOrMakeFolder(folderList, id); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| folderInfo.title = c.getString(titleIndex); |
| folderInfo.id = id; |
| folderInfo.container = c.getInt(containerIndex); |
| folderInfo.screenId = c.getInt(screenIndex); |
| folderInfo.cellX = c.getInt(cellXIndex); |
| folderInfo.cellY = c.getInt(cellYIndex); |
| |
| return folderInfo; |
| } |
| } finally { |
| c.close(); |
| } |
| |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Add an item to the database in a specified container. Sets the container, screen, cellX and |
| * cellY fields of the item. Also assigns an ID to the item. |
| */ |
| static void addItemToDatabase(Context context, final ItemInfo item, final long container, |
| final long screenId, final int cellX, final int cellY, final boolean notify) { |
| item.container = container; |
| item.cellX = cellX; |
| item.cellY = cellY; |
| // We store hotseat items in canonical form which is this orientation invariant position |
| // in the hotseat |
| if (context instanceof Launcher && screenId < 0 && |
| container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { |
| item.screenId = ((Launcher) context).getHotseat().getOrderInHotseat(cellX, cellY); |
| } else { |
| item.screenId = screenId; |
| } |
| |
| final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); |
| item.onAddToDatabase(values); |
| |
| item.id = LauncherAppState.getLauncherProvider().generateNewItemId(); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites._ID, item.id); |
| item.updateValuesWithCoordinates(values, item.cellX, item.cellY); |
| |
| Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| String transaction = "DbDebug Add item (" + item.title + ") to db, id: " |
| + item.id + " (" + container + ", " + screenId + ", " + cellX + ", " |
| + cellY + ")"; |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, transaction, true); |
| |
| cr.insert(notify ? LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI : |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI_NO_NOTIFICATION, values); |
| |
| // Lock on mBgLock *after* the db operation |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| checkItemInfoLocked(item.id, item, null); |
| sBgItemsIdMap.put(item.id, item); |
| switch (item.itemType) { |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER: |
| sBgFolders.put(item.id, (FolderInfo) item); |
| // Fall through |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION: |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT: |
| if (item.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP || |
| item.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { |
| sBgWorkspaceItems.add(item); |
| } else { |
| if (!sBgFolders.containsKey(item.container)) { |
| // Adding an item to a folder that doesn't exist. |
| String msg = "adding item: " + item + " to a folder that " + |
| " doesn't exist"; |
| Log.e(TAG, msg); |
| Launcher.dumpDebugLogsToConsole(); |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET: |
| sBgAppWidgets.add((LauncherAppWidgetInfo) item); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| runOnWorkerThread(r); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Creates a new unique child id, for a given cell span across all layouts. |
| */ |
| static int getCellLayoutChildId( |
| long container, long screen, int localCellX, int localCellY, int spanX, int spanY) { |
| return (((int) container & 0xFF) << 24) |
| | ((int) screen & 0xFF) << 16 | (localCellX & 0xFF) << 8 | (localCellY & 0xFF); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Removes the specified item from the database |
| * @param context |
| * @param item |
| */ |
| static void deleteItemFromDatabase(Context context, final ItemInfo item) { |
| final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); |
| final Uri uriToDelete = LauncherSettings.Favorites.getContentUri(item.id, false); |
| |
| Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| String transaction = "DbDebug Delete item (" + item.title + ") from db, id: " |
| + item.id + " (" + item.container + ", " + item.screenId + ", " + item.cellX + |
| ", " + item.cellY + ")"; |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, transaction, true); |
| |
| cr.delete(uriToDelete, null, null); |
| |
| // Lock on mBgLock *after* the db operation |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| switch (item.itemType) { |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER: |
| sBgFolders.remove(item.id); |
| for (ItemInfo info: sBgItemsIdMap.values()) { |
| if (info.container == item.id) { |
| // We are deleting a folder which still contains items that |
| // think they are contained by that folder. |
| String msg = "deleting a folder (" + item + ") which still " + |
| "contains items (" + info + ")"; |
| Log.e(TAG, msg); |
| Launcher.dumpDebugLogsToConsole(); |
| } |
| } |
| sBgWorkspaceItems.remove(item); |
| break; |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION: |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT: |
| sBgWorkspaceItems.remove(item); |
| break; |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET: |
| sBgAppWidgets.remove((LauncherAppWidgetInfo) item); |
| break; |
| } |
| sBgItemsIdMap.remove(item.id); |
| sBgDbIconCache.remove(item); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| runOnWorkerThread(r); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Update the order of the workspace screens in the database. The array list contains |
| * a list of screen ids in the order that they should appear. |
| */ |
| void updateWorkspaceScreenOrder(Context context, final ArrayList<Long> screens) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - updateWorkspaceScreenOrder()", true); |
| final ArrayList<Long> screensCopy = new ArrayList<Long>(screens); |
| final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); |
| final Uri uri = LauncherSettings.WorkspaceScreens.CONTENT_URI; |
| |
| // Remove any negative screen ids -- these aren't persisted |
| Iterator<Long> iter = screensCopy.iterator(); |
| while (iter.hasNext()) { |
| long id = iter.next(); |
| if (id < 0) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - updateWorkspaceScreenOrder - remove: " + id + ")", true); |
| iter.remove(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Dump the screens copy |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - updateWorkspaceScreenOrder - screensCopy", true); |
| for (Long l : screensCopy) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126\t- " + l, true); |
| } |
| |
| Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| @Override |
| public void run() { |
| // Clear the table |
| cr.delete(uri, null, null); |
| int count = screensCopy.size(); |
| ContentValues[] values = new ContentValues[count]; |
| for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
| ContentValues v = new ContentValues(); |
| long screenId = screensCopy.get(i); |
| v.put(LauncherSettings.WorkspaceScreens._ID, screenId); |
| v.put(LauncherSettings.WorkspaceScreens.SCREEN_RANK, i); |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - updateWorkspaceScreenOrder(" + screenId + ", " + i + ")", true); |
| values[i] = v; |
| } |
| cr.bulkInsert(uri, values); |
| |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| // Dump the sBgWorkspaceScreens |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - updateWorkspaceScreenOrder - sBgWorkspaceScreens - pre clear", true); |
| for (Long l : sBgWorkspaceScreens) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126\t- " + l, true); |
| } |
| |
| sBgWorkspaceScreens.clear(); |
| sBgWorkspaceScreens.addAll(screensCopy); |
| |
| // Dump the sBgWorkspaceScreens |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - updateWorkspaceScreenOrder - sBgWorkspaceScreens - post clear", true); |
| for (Long l : sBgWorkspaceScreens) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126\t- " + l, true); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| runOnWorkerThread(r); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Remove the contents of the specified folder from the database |
| */ |
| static void deleteFolderContentsFromDatabase(Context context, final FolderInfo info) { |
| final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); |
| |
| Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| cr.delete(LauncherSettings.Favorites.getContentUri(info.id, false), null, null); |
| // Lock on mBgLock *after* the db operation |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| sBgItemsIdMap.remove(info.id); |
| sBgFolders.remove(info.id); |
| sBgDbIconCache.remove(info); |
| sBgWorkspaceItems.remove(info); |
| } |
| |
| cr.delete(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI_NO_NOTIFICATION, |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER + "=" + info.id, null); |
| // Lock on mBgLock *after* the db operation |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| for (ItemInfo childInfo : info.contents) { |
| sBgItemsIdMap.remove(childInfo.id); |
| sBgDbIconCache.remove(childInfo); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| runOnWorkerThread(r); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Set this as the current Launcher activity object for the loader. |
| */ |
| public void initialize(Callbacks callbacks) { |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| mCallbacks = new WeakReference<Callbacks>(callbacks); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Call from the handler for ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED, ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED and |
| */ |
| @Override |
| public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "onReceive intent=" + intent); |
| |
| final String action = intent.getAction(); |
| |
| if (Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED.equals(action) |
| || Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED.equals(action) |
| || Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED.equals(action)) { |
| final String packageName = intent.getData().getSchemeSpecificPart(); |
| final boolean replacing = intent.getBooleanExtra(Intent.EXTRA_REPLACING, false); |
| |
| int op = PackageUpdatedTask.OP_NONE; |
| |
| if (packageName == null || packageName.length() == 0) { |
| // they sent us a bad intent |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED.equals(action)) { |
| op = PackageUpdatedTask.OP_UPDATE; |
| } else if (Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED.equals(action)) { |
| if (!replacing) { |
| op = PackageUpdatedTask.OP_REMOVE; |
| } |
| // else, we are replacing the package, so a PACKAGE_ADDED will be sent |
| // later, we will update the package at this time |
| } else if (Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED.equals(action)) { |
| if (!replacing) { |
| op = PackageUpdatedTask.OP_ADD; |
| } else { |
| op = PackageUpdatedTask.OP_UPDATE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (op != PackageUpdatedTask.OP_NONE) { |
| enqueuePackageUpdated(new PackageUpdatedTask(op, new String[] { packageName })); |
| } |
| |
| } else if (Intent.ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE.equals(action)) { |
| // First, schedule to add these apps back in. |
| String[] packages = intent.getStringArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CHANGED_PACKAGE_LIST); |
| enqueuePackageUpdated(new PackageUpdatedTask(PackageUpdatedTask.OP_ADD, packages)); |
| // Then, rebind everything. |
| startLoaderFromBackground(); |
| } else if (Intent.ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE.equals(action)) { |
| String[] packages = intent.getStringArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CHANGED_PACKAGE_LIST); |
| enqueuePackageUpdated(new PackageUpdatedTask( |
| PackageUpdatedTask.OP_UNAVAILABLE, packages)); |
| } else if (Intent.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED.equals(action)) { |
| // If we have changed locale we need to clear out the labels in all apps/workspace. |
| forceReload(); |
| } else if (Intent.ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED.equals(action)) { |
| // Check if configuration change was an mcc/mnc change which would affect app resources |
| // and we would need to clear out the labels in all apps/workspace. Same handling as |
| // above for ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED |
| Configuration currentConfig = context.getResources().getConfiguration(); |
| if (mPreviousConfigMcc != currentConfig.mcc) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "Reload apps on config change. curr_mcc:" |
| + currentConfig.mcc + " prevmcc:" + mPreviousConfigMcc); |
| forceReload(); |
| } |
| // Update previousConfig |
| mPreviousConfigMcc = currentConfig.mcc; |
| } else if (SearchManager.INTENT_GLOBAL_SEARCH_ACTIVITY_CHANGED.equals(action) || |
| SearchManager.INTENT_ACTION_SEARCHABLES_CHANGED.equals(action)) { |
| if (mCallbacks != null) { |
| Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| callbacks.bindSearchablesChanged(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void forceReload() { |
| resetLoadedState(true, true); |
| |
| // Do this here because if the launcher activity is running it will be restarted. |
| // If it's not running startLoaderFromBackground will merely tell it that it needs |
| // to reload. |
| startLoaderFromBackground(); |
| } |
| |
| public void resetLoadedState(boolean resetAllAppsLoaded, boolean resetWorkspaceLoaded) { |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| // Stop any existing loaders first, so they don't set mAllAppsLoaded or |
| // mWorkspaceLoaded to true later |
| stopLoaderLocked(); |
| if (resetAllAppsLoaded) mAllAppsLoaded = false; |
| if (resetWorkspaceLoaded) mWorkspaceLoaded = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * When the launcher is in the background, it's possible for it to miss paired |
| * configuration changes. So whenever we trigger the loader from the background |
| * tell the launcher that it needs to re-run the loader when it comes back instead |
| * of doing it now. |
| */ |
| public void startLoaderFromBackground() { |
| boolean runLoader = false; |
| if (mCallbacks != null) { |
| Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| // Only actually run the loader if they're not paused. |
| if (!callbacks.setLoadOnResume()) { |
| runLoader = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (runLoader) { |
| startLoader(false, -1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // If there is already a loader task running, tell it to stop. |
| // returns true if isLaunching() was true on the old task |
| private boolean stopLoaderLocked() { |
| boolean isLaunching = false; |
| LoaderTask oldTask = mLoaderTask; |
| if (oldTask != null) { |
| if (oldTask.isLaunching()) { |
| isLaunching = true; |
| } |
| oldTask.stopLocked(); |
| } |
| return isLaunching; |
| } |
| |
| public void startLoader(boolean isLaunching, int synchronousBindPage) { |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "startLoader isLaunching=" + isLaunching); |
| } |
| |
| // Clear any deferred bind-runnables from the synchronized load process |
| // We must do this before any loading/binding is scheduled below. |
| mDeferredBindRunnables.clear(); |
| |
| // Don't bother to start the thread if we know it's not going to do anything |
| if (mCallbacks != null && mCallbacks.get() != null) { |
| // If there is already one running, tell it to stop. |
| // also, don't downgrade isLaunching if we're already running |
| isLaunching = isLaunching || stopLoaderLocked(); |
| mLoaderTask = new LoaderTask(mApp.getContext(), isLaunching); |
| if (synchronousBindPage > -1 && mAllAppsLoaded && mWorkspaceLoaded) { |
| mLoaderTask.runBindSynchronousPage(synchronousBindPage); |
| } else { |
| sWorkerThread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); |
| sWorker.post(mLoaderTask); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void bindRemainingSynchronousPages() { |
| // Post the remaining side pages to be loaded |
| if (!mDeferredBindRunnables.isEmpty()) { |
| for (final Runnable r : mDeferredBindRunnables) { |
| } |
| mDeferredBindRunnables.clear(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public void stopLoader() { |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| if (mLoaderTask != null) { |
| mLoaderTask.stopLocked(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** Loads the workspace screens db into a map of Rank -> ScreenId */ |
| private static TreeMap<Integer, Long> loadWorkspaceScreensDb(Context context) { |
| final ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); |
| final Uri screensUri = LauncherSettings.WorkspaceScreens.CONTENT_URI; |
| final Cursor sc = contentResolver.query(screensUri, null, null, null, null); |
| TreeMap<Integer, Long> orderedScreens = new TreeMap<Integer, Long>(); |
| |
| try { |
| final int idIndex = sc.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.WorkspaceScreens._ID); |
| final int rankIndex = sc.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.WorkspaceScreens.SCREEN_RANK); |
| while (sc.moveToNext()) { |
| try { |
| long screenId = sc.getLong(idIndex); |
| int rank = sc.getInt(rankIndex); |
| |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - loadWorkspaceScreensDb(" + screenId + ", " + rank + ")", true); |
| |
| orderedScreens.put(rank, screenId); |
| } catch (Exception e) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "Desktop items loading interrupted - invalid screens: " + e, true); |
| } |
| } |
| } finally { |
| sc.close(); |
| } |
| return orderedScreens; |
| } |
| |
| public boolean isAllAppsLoaded() { |
| return mAllAppsLoaded; |
| } |
| |
| boolean isLoadingWorkspace() { |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| if (mLoaderTask != null) { |
| return mLoaderTask.isLoadingWorkspace(); |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Runnable for the thread that loads the contents of the launcher: |
| * - workspace icons |
| * - widgets |
| * - all apps icons |
| */ |
| private class LoaderTask implements Runnable { |
| private Context mContext; |
| private boolean mIsLaunching; |
| private boolean mIsLoadingAndBindingWorkspace; |
| private boolean mStopped; |
| private boolean mLoadAndBindStepFinished; |
| |
| private HashMap<Object, CharSequence> mLabelCache; |
| |
| LoaderTask(Context context, boolean isLaunching) { |
| mContext = context; |
| mIsLaunching = isLaunching; |
| mLabelCache = new HashMap<Object, CharSequence>(); |
| } |
| |
| boolean isLaunching() { |
| return mIsLaunching; |
| } |
| |
| boolean isLoadingWorkspace() { |
| return mIsLoadingAndBindingWorkspace; |
| } |
| |
| /** Returns whether this is an upgrade path */ |
| private boolean loadAndBindWorkspace() { |
| mIsLoadingAndBindingWorkspace = true; |
| |
| // Load the workspace |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "loadAndBindWorkspace mWorkspaceLoaded=" + mWorkspaceLoaded); |
| } |
| |
| boolean isUpgradePath = false; |
| if (!mWorkspaceLoaded) { |
| isUpgradePath = loadWorkspace(); |
| synchronized (LoaderTask.this) { |
| if (mStopped) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - loadAndBindWorkspace() stopped", true); |
| return isUpgradePath; |
| } |
| mWorkspaceLoaded = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Bind the workspace |
| bindWorkspace(-1, isUpgradePath); |
| return isUpgradePath; |
| } |
| |
| private void waitForIdle() { |
| // Wait until the either we're stopped or the other threads are done. |
| // This way we don't start loading all apps until the workspace has settled |
| // down. |
| synchronized (LoaderTask.this) { |
| final long workspaceWaitTime = DEBUG_LOADERS ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0; |
| |
| mHandler.postIdle(new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| synchronized (LoaderTask.this) { |
| mLoadAndBindStepFinished = true; |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "done with previous binding step"); |
| } |
| LoaderTask.this.notify(); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| while (!mStopped && !mLoadAndBindStepFinished && !mFlushingWorkerThread) { |
| try { |
| // Just in case mFlushingWorkerThread changes but we aren't woken up, |
| // wait no longer than 1sec at a time |
| this.wait(1000); |
| } catch (InterruptedException ex) { |
| // Ignore |
| } |
| } |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "waited " |
| + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-workspaceWaitTime) |
| + "ms for previous step to finish binding"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void runBindSynchronousPage(int synchronousBindPage) { |
| if (synchronousBindPage < 0) { |
| // Ensure that we have a valid page index to load synchronously |
| throw new RuntimeException("Should not call runBindSynchronousPage() without " + |
| "valid page index"); |
| } |
| if (!mAllAppsLoaded || !mWorkspaceLoaded) { |
| // Ensure that we don't try and bind a specified page when the pages have not been |
| // loaded already (we should load everything asynchronously in that case) |
| throw new RuntimeException("Expecting AllApps and Workspace to be loaded"); |
| } |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| if (mIsLoaderTaskRunning) { |
| // Ensure that we are never running the background loading at this point since |
| // we also touch the background collections |
| throw new RuntimeException("Error! Background loading is already running"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // XXX: Throw an exception if we are already loading (since we touch the worker thread |
| // data structures, we can't allow any other thread to touch that data, but because |
| // this call is synchronous, we can get away with not locking). |
| |
| // The LauncherModel is static in the LauncherAppState and mHandler may have queued |
| // operations from the previous activity. We need to ensure that all queued operations |
| // are executed before any synchronous binding work is done. |
| mHandler.flush(); |
| |
| // Divide the set of loaded items into those that we are binding synchronously, and |
| // everything else that is to be bound normally (asynchronously). |
| bindWorkspace(synchronousBindPage, false); |
| // XXX: For now, continue posting the binding of AllApps as there are other issues that |
| // arise from that. |
| onlyBindAllApps(); |
| } |
| |
| public void run() { |
| boolean isUpgrade = false; |
| |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| mIsLoaderTaskRunning = true; |
| } |
| // Optimize for end-user experience: if the Launcher is up and // running with the |
| // All Apps interface in the foreground, load All Apps first. Otherwise, load the |
| // workspace first (default). |
| keep_running: { |
| // Elevate priority when Home launches for the first time to avoid |
| // starving at boot time. Staring at a blank home is not cool. |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "Setting thread priority to " + |
| (mIsLaunching ? "DEFAULT" : "BACKGROUND")); |
| android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(mIsLaunching |
| } |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "step 1: loading workspace"); |
| isUpgrade = loadAndBindWorkspace(); |
| |
| if (mStopped) { |
| break keep_running; |
| } |
| |
| // Whew! Hard work done. Slow us down, and wait until the UI thread has |
| // settled down. |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| if (mIsLaunching) { |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "Setting thread priority to BACKGROUND"); |
| android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); |
| } |
| } |
| waitForIdle(); |
| |
| // second step |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "step 2: loading all apps"); |
| loadAndBindAllApps(); |
| |
| // Restore the default thread priority after we are done loading items |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Update the saved icons if necessary |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "Comparing loaded icons to database icons"); |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| for (Object key : sBgDbIconCache.keySet()) { |
| updateSavedIcon(mContext, (ShortcutInfo) key, sBgDbIconCache.get(key)); |
| } |
| sBgDbIconCache.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| if (AppsCustomizePagedView.DISABLE_ALL_APPS) { |
| // Ensure that all the applications that are in the system are |
| // represented on the home screen. |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - verifyApplications - useMoreApps=" |
| + UPGRADE_USE_MORE_APPS_FOLDER + " isUpgrade=" + isUpgrade, true); |
| if (!UPGRADE_USE_MORE_APPS_FOLDER || !isUpgrade) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - verifyApplications(" + isUpgrade + ")", true); |
| verifyApplications(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Clear out this reference, otherwise we end up holding it until all of the |
| // callback runnables are done. |
| mContext = null; |
| |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| // If we are still the last one to be scheduled, remove ourselves. |
| if (mLoaderTask == this) { |
| mLoaderTask = null; |
| } |
| mIsLoaderTaskRunning = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public void stopLocked() { |
| synchronized (LoaderTask.this) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - STOPPED", true); |
| mStopped = true; |
| this.notify(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Gets the callbacks object. If we've been stopped, or if the launcher object |
| * has somehow been garbage collected, return null instead. Pass in the Callbacks |
| * object that was around when the deferred message was scheduled, and if there's |
| * a new Callbacks object around then also return null. This will save us from |
| * calling onto it with data that will be ignored. |
| */ |
| Callbacks tryGetCallbacks(Callbacks oldCallbacks) { |
| synchronized (mLock) { |
| if (mStopped) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| if (mCallbacks == null) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| final Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks.get(); |
| if (callbacks != oldCallbacks) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (callbacks == null) { |
| Log.w(TAG, "no mCallbacks"); |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| return callbacks; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void verifyApplications() { |
| final Context context = mApp.getContext(); |
| |
| // Cross reference all the applications in our apps list with items in the workspace |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> tmpInfos; |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> added = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| for (AppInfo app : mBgAllAppsList.data) { |
| tmpInfos = getItemInfoForComponentName(app.componentName); |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - \t" + app.componentName.getPackageName() + ", " + tmpInfos.isEmpty(), true); |
| if (tmpInfos.isEmpty()) { |
| // We are missing an application icon, so add this to the workspace |
| added.add(app); |
| // This is a rare event, so lets log it |
| Log.e(TAG, "Missing Application on load: " + app); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (!added.isEmpty()) { |
| Callbacks cb = mCallbacks != null ? mCallbacks.get() : null; |
| addAndBindAddedApps(context, added, cb, null); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private boolean checkItemDimensions(ItemInfo info) { |
| LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(); |
| DeviceProfile grid = app.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile(); |
| return (info.cellX + info.spanX) > (int) grid.numColumns || |
| (info.cellY + info.spanY) > (int) grid.numRows; |
| } |
| |
| // check & update map of what's occupied; used to discard overlapping/invalid items |
| private boolean checkItemPlacement(HashMap<Long, ItemInfo[][]> occupied, ItemInfo item) { |
| LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(); |
| DeviceProfile grid = app.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile(); |
| int countX = (int) grid.numColumns; |
| int countY = (int) grid.numRows; |
| |
| long containerIndex = item.screenId; |
| if (item.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { |
| if (occupied.containsKey(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT)) { |
| if (occupied.get(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) |
| [(int) item.screenId][0] != null) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "Error loading shortcut into hotseat " + item |
| + " into position (" + item.screenId + ":" + item.cellX + "," |
| + item.cellY + ") occupied by " |
| + occupied.get(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) |
| [(int) item.screenId][0]); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } else { |
| ItemInfo[][] items = new ItemInfo[countX + 1][countY + 1]; |
| items[(int) item.screenId][0] = item; |
| occupied.put((long) LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT, items); |
| return true; |
| } |
| } else if (item.container != LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { |
| // Skip further checking if it is not the hotseat or workspace container |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| if (!occupied.containsKey(item.screenId)) { |
| ItemInfo[][] items = new ItemInfo[countX + 1][countY + 1]; |
| occupied.put(item.screenId, items); |
| } |
| |
| ItemInfo[][] screens = occupied.get(item.screenId); |
| // Check if any workspace icons overlap with each other |
| for (int x = item.cellX; x < (item.cellX+item.spanX); x++) { |
| for (int y = item.cellY; y < (item.cellY+item.spanY); y++) { |
| if (screens[x][y] != null) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "Error loading shortcut " + item |
| + " into cell (" + containerIndex + "-" + item.screenId + ":" |
| + x + "," + y |
| + ") occupied by " |
| + screens[x][y]); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| for (int x = item.cellX; x < (item.cellX+item.spanX); x++) { |
| for (int y = item.cellY; y < (item.cellY+item.spanY); y++) { |
| screens[x][y] = item; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| /** Clears all the sBg data structures */ |
| private void clearSBgDataStructures() { |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| sBgWorkspaceItems.clear(); |
| sBgAppWidgets.clear(); |
| sBgFolders.clear(); |
| sBgItemsIdMap.clear(); |
| sBgDbIconCache.clear(); |
| sBgWorkspaceScreens.clear(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** Returns whether this is an upgradge path */ |
| private boolean loadWorkspace() { |
| final long t = DEBUG_LOADERS ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0; |
| |
| final Context context = mContext; |
| final ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); |
| final PackageManager manager = context.getPackageManager(); |
| final AppWidgetManager widgets = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context); |
| final boolean isSafeMode = manager.isSafeMode(); |
| |
| LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(); |
| DeviceProfile grid = app.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile(); |
| int countX = (int) grid.numColumns; |
| int countY = (int) grid.numRows; |
| |
| // Make sure the default workspace is loaded, if needed |
| LauncherAppState.getLauncherProvider().loadDefaultFavoritesIfNecessary(0); |
| |
| // Check if we need to do any upgrade-path logic |
| boolean loadedOldDb = LauncherAppState.getLauncherProvider().justLoadedOldDb(); |
| |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| clearSBgDataStructures(); |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - loadWorkspace()", true); |
| |
| final ArrayList<Long> itemsToRemove = new ArrayList<Long>(); |
| final Uri contentUri = LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI; |
| final Cursor c = contentResolver.query(contentUri, null, null, null, null); |
| |
| // +1 for the hotseat (it can be larger than the workspace) |
| // Load workspace in reverse order to ensure that latest items are loaded first (and |
| // before any earlier duplicates) |
| final HashMap<Long, ItemInfo[][]> occupied = new HashMap<Long, ItemInfo[][]>(); |
| |
| try { |
| final int idIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites._ID); |
| final int intentIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow |
| (LauncherSettings.Favorites.INTENT); |
| final int titleIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow |
| (LauncherSettings.Favorites.TITLE); |
| final int iconTypeIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.ICON_TYPE); |
| final int iconIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.ICON); |
| final int iconPackageIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.ICON_PACKAGE); |
| final int iconResourceIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.ICON_RESOURCE); |
| final int containerIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER); |
| final int itemTypeIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE); |
| final int appWidgetIdIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.APPWIDGET_ID); |
| final int appWidgetProviderIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.APPWIDGET_PROVIDER); |
| final int screenIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.SCREEN); |
| final int cellXIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow |
| (LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLX); |
| final int cellYIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow |
| (LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLY); |
| final int spanXIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow |
| (LauncherSettings.Favorites.SPANX); |
| final int spanYIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.SPANY); |
| //final int uriIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.URI); |
| //final int displayModeIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( |
| // LauncherSettings.Favorites.DISPLAY_MODE); |
| |
| ShortcutInfo info; |
| String intentDescription; |
| LauncherAppWidgetInfo appWidgetInfo; |
| int container; |
| long id; |
| Intent intent; |
| |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - Num rows: " + c.getCount(), true); |
| while (!mStopped && c.moveToNext()) { |
| try { |
| int itemType = c.getInt(itemTypeIndex); |
| |
| switch (itemType) { |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION: |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT: |
| id = c.getLong(idIndex); |
| intentDescription = c.getString(intentIndex); |
| try { |
| intent = Intent.parseUri(intentDescription, 0); |
| ComponentName cn = intent.getComponent(); |
| if (cn != null && !isValidPackageComponent(manager, cn)) { |
| if (!mAppsCanBeOnRemoveableStorage) { |
| // Log the invalid package, and remove it from the db |
| Uri uri = LauncherSettings.Favorites.getContentUri(id, |
| false); |
| contentResolver.delete(uri, null, null); |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "Invalid package removed: " + cn, true); |
| } else { |
| // If apps can be on external storage, then we just |
| // leave them for the user to remove (maybe add |
| // visual treatment to it) |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "Invalid package found: " + cn, true); |
| } |
| continue; |
| } |
| } catch (URISyntaxException e) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "Invalid uri: " + intentDescription, true); |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| if (itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION) { |
| info = getShortcutInfo(manager, intent, context, c, iconIndex, |
| titleIndex, mLabelCache); |
| } else { |
| info = getShortcutInfo(c, context, iconTypeIndex, |
| iconPackageIndex, iconResourceIndex, iconIndex, |
| titleIndex); |
| |
| // App shortcuts that used to be automatically added to Launcher |
| // didn't always have the correct intent flags set, so do that |
| // here |
| if (intent.getAction() != null && |
| intent.getCategories() != null && |
| intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_MAIN) && |
| intent.getCategories().contains(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER)) { |
| intent.addFlags( |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (info != null) { |
| info.id = id; |
| info.intent = intent; |
| container = c.getInt(containerIndex); |
| info.container = container; |
| info.screenId = c.getInt(screenIndex); |
| info.cellX = c.getInt(cellXIndex); |
| info.cellY = c.getInt(cellYIndex); |
| info.spanX = 1; |
| info.spanY = 1; |
| // Skip loading items that are out of bounds |
| if (container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { |
| if (checkItemDimensions(info)) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "Skipped loading out of bounds shortcut: " |
| + info + ", " + grid.numColumns + "x" + grid.numRows, true); |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| // check & update map of what's occupied |
| if (!checkItemPlacement(occupied, info)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| switch (container) { |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP: |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT: |
| sBgWorkspaceItems.add(info); |
| break; |
| default: |
| // Item is in a user folder |
| FolderInfo folderInfo = |
| findOrMakeFolder(sBgFolders, container); |
| folderInfo.add(info); |
| break; |
| } |
| sBgItemsIdMap.put(info.id, info); |
| |
| // now that we've loaded everthing re-save it with the |
| // icon in case it disappears somehow. |
| queueIconToBeChecked(sBgDbIconCache, info, c, iconIndex); |
| } else { |
| throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected null ShortcutInfo"); |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER: |
| id = c.getLong(idIndex); |
| FolderInfo folderInfo = findOrMakeFolder(sBgFolders, id); |
| |
| folderInfo.title = c.getString(titleIndex); |
| folderInfo.id = id; |
| container = c.getInt(containerIndex); |
| folderInfo.container = container; |
| folderInfo.screenId = c.getInt(screenIndex); |
| folderInfo.cellX = c.getInt(cellXIndex); |
| folderInfo.cellY = c.getInt(cellYIndex); |
| folderInfo.spanX = 1; |
| folderInfo.spanY = 1; |
| |
| // Skip loading items that are out of bounds |
| if (container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { |
| if (checkItemDimensions(folderInfo)) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "Skipped loading out of bounds folder"); |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| // check & update map of what's occupied |
| if (!checkItemPlacement(occupied, folderInfo)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| switch (container) { |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP: |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT: |
| sBgWorkspaceItems.add(folderInfo); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| sBgItemsIdMap.put(folderInfo.id, folderInfo); |
| sBgFolders.put(folderInfo.id, folderInfo); |
| break; |
| |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET: |
| // Read all Launcher-specific widget details |
| int appWidgetId = c.getInt(appWidgetIdIndex); |
| String savedProvider = c.getString(appWidgetProviderIndex); |
| |
| id = c.getLong(idIndex); |
| |
| final AppWidgetProviderInfo provider = |
| widgets.getAppWidgetInfo(appWidgetId); |
| |
| if (!isSafeMode && (provider == null || provider.provider == null || |
| provider.provider.getPackageName() == null)) { |
| String log = "Deleting widget that isn't installed anymore: id=" |
| + id + " appWidgetId=" + appWidgetId; |
| Log.e(TAG, log); |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, log, false); |
| itemsToRemove.add(id); |
| } else { |
| appWidgetInfo = new LauncherAppWidgetInfo(appWidgetId, |
| provider.provider); |
| appWidgetInfo.id = id; |
| appWidgetInfo.screenId = c.getInt(screenIndex); |
| appWidgetInfo.cellX = c.getInt(cellXIndex); |
| appWidgetInfo.cellY = c.getInt(cellYIndex); |
| appWidgetInfo.spanX = c.getInt(spanXIndex); |
| appWidgetInfo.spanY = c.getInt(spanYIndex); |
| int[] minSpan = Launcher.getMinSpanForWidget(context, provider); |
| appWidgetInfo.minSpanX = minSpan[0]; |
| appWidgetInfo.minSpanY = minSpan[1]; |
| |
| container = c.getInt(containerIndex); |
| if (container != LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP && |
| container != LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "Widget found where container != " + |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| appWidgetInfo.container = c.getInt(containerIndex); |
| // Skip loading items that are out of bounds |
| if (container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { |
| if (checkItemDimensions(appWidgetInfo)) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "Skipped loading out of bounds app widget"); |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| // check & update map of what's occupied |
| if (!checkItemPlacement(occupied, appWidgetInfo)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| String providerName = provider.provider.flattenToString(); |
| if (!providerName.equals(savedProvider)) { |
| ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.APPWIDGET_PROVIDER, |
| providerName); |
| String where = BaseColumns._ID + "= ?"; |
| String[] args = {Integer.toString(c.getInt(idIndex))}; |
| contentResolver.update(contentUri, values, where, args); |
| } |
| sBgItemsIdMap.put(appWidgetInfo.id, appWidgetInfo); |
| sBgAppWidgets.add(appWidgetInfo); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| } catch (Exception e) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "Desktop items loading interrupted: " + e, true); |
| } |
| } |
| } finally { |
| if (c != null) { |
| c.close(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Break early if we've stopped loading |
| if (mStopped) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - loadWorkspace() - Stopped", true); |
| clearSBgDataStructures(); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| if (itemsToRemove.size() > 0) { |
| ContentProviderClient client = contentResolver.acquireContentProviderClient( |
| LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI); |
| // Remove dead items |
| for (long id : itemsToRemove) { |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "Removed id = " + id); |
| } |
| // Don't notify content observers |
| try { |
| client.delete(LauncherSettings.Favorites.getContentUri(id, false), |
| null, null); |
| } catch (RemoteException e) { |
| Log.w(TAG, "Could not remove id = " + id); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (loadedOldDb) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - loadWorkspace - loadedOldDb", true); |
| long maxScreenId = 0; |
| // If we're importing we use the old screen order. |
| for (ItemInfo item: sBgItemsIdMap.values()) { |
| long screenId = item.screenId; |
| if (item.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP && |
| !sBgWorkspaceScreens.contains(screenId)) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - loadWorkspace-loadedOldDb(" + screenId + ")", true); |
| sBgWorkspaceScreens.add(screenId); |
| if (screenId > maxScreenId) { |
| maxScreenId = screenId; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| Collections.sort(sBgWorkspaceScreens); |
| |
| // Dump the sBgWorkspaceScreens |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - updateWorkspaceScreenOrder - sBgWorkspaceScreens", true); |
| for (Long l : sBgWorkspaceScreens) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126\t- " + l, true); |
| } |
| |
| LauncherAppState.getLauncherProvider().updateMaxScreenId(maxScreenId); |
| updateWorkspaceScreenOrder(context, sBgWorkspaceScreens); |
| |
| // Update the max item id after we load an old db |
| long maxItemId = 0; |
| // If we're importing we use the old screen order. |
| for (ItemInfo item: sBgItemsIdMap.values()) { |
| maxItemId = Math.max(maxItemId, item.id); |
| } |
| LauncherAppState.getLauncherProvider().updateMaxItemId(maxItemId); |
| } else { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - loadWorkspace - !loadedOldDb [" + sWorkerThread.getThreadId() + ", " + Process.myTid() + "]", true); |
| TreeMap<Integer, Long> orderedScreens = loadWorkspaceScreensDb(mContext); |
| for (Integer i : orderedScreens.keySet()) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - adding to sBgWorkspaceScreens: " + orderedScreens.get(i), true); |
| sBgWorkspaceScreens.add(orderedScreens.get(i)); |
| } |
| |
| // Remove any empty screens |
| ArrayList<Long> unusedScreens = new ArrayList<Long>(sBgWorkspaceScreens); |
| for (Long l : unusedScreens) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - unused screens: " + l, true); |
| } |
| |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - sBgItemsIdMap [" + sWorkerThread.getThreadId() + ", " + Process.myTid() + "]", true); |
| for (ItemInfo item: sBgItemsIdMap.values()) { |
| long screenId = item.screenId; |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - \t" + item.container + ", " + screenId + " - " + unusedScreens.contains(screenId) + " | " + item, true); |
| |
| if (item.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP && |
| unusedScreens.contains(screenId)) { |
| unusedScreens.remove(screenId); |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - \t\tRemoving " + screenId, true); |
| for (Long l : unusedScreens) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - \t\t\t unused screens: " + l, true); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // If there are any empty screens remove them, and update. |
| if (unusedScreens.size() != 0) { |
| // Dump the sBgWorkspaceScreens |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - updateWorkspaceScreenOrder - sBgWorkspaceScreens - pre removeAll", true); |
| for (Long l : sBgWorkspaceScreens) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126\t- " + l, true); |
| } |
| |
| sBgWorkspaceScreens.removeAll(unusedScreens); |
| |
| // Dump the sBgWorkspaceScreens |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - updateWorkspaceScreenOrder - sBgWorkspaceScreens - post removeAll", true); |
| for (Long l : sBgWorkspaceScreens) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126\t- " + l, true); |
| } |
| |
| updateWorkspaceScreenOrder(context, sBgWorkspaceScreens); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "loaded workspace in " + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-t) + "ms"); |
| Log.d(TAG, "workspace layout: "); |
| int nScreens = occupied.size(); |
| for (int y = 0; y < countY; y++) { |
| String line = ""; |
| |
| Iterator<Long> iter = occupied.keySet().iterator(); |
| while (iter.hasNext()) { |
| long screenId = iter.next(); |
| if (screenId > 0) { |
| line += " | "; |
| } |
| for (int x = 0; x < countX; x++) { |
| line += ((occupied.get(screenId)[x][y] != null) ? "#" : "."); |
| } |
| } |
| Log.d(TAG, "[ " + line + " ]"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return loadedOldDb; |
| } |
| |
| /** Filters the set of items who are directly or indirectly (via another container) on the |
| * specified screen. */ |
| private void filterCurrentWorkspaceItems(int currentScreen, |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> allWorkspaceItems, |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> currentScreenItems, |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> otherScreenItems) { |
| // Purge any null ItemInfos |
| Iterator<ItemInfo> iter = allWorkspaceItems.iterator(); |
| while (iter.hasNext()) { |
| ItemInfo i = iter.next(); |
| if (i == null) { |
| iter.remove(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // If we aren't filtering on a screen, then the set of items to load is the full set of |
| // items given. |
| if (currentScreen < 0) { |
| currentScreenItems.addAll(allWorkspaceItems); |
| } |
| |
| // Order the set of items by their containers first, this allows use to walk through the |
| // list sequentially, build up a list of containers that are in the specified screen, |
| // as well as all items in those containers. |
| Set<Long> itemsOnScreen = new HashSet<Long>(); |
| Collections.sort(allWorkspaceItems, new Comparator<ItemInfo>() { |
| @Override |
| public int compare(ItemInfo lhs, ItemInfo rhs) { |
| return (int) (lhs.container - rhs.container); |
| } |
| }); |
| for (ItemInfo info : allWorkspaceItems) { |
| if (info.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP) { |
| if (info.screenId == currentScreen) { |
| currentScreenItems.add(info); |
| itemsOnScreen.add(info.id); |
| } else { |
| otherScreenItems.add(info); |
| } |
| } else if (info.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT) { |
| currentScreenItems.add(info); |
| itemsOnScreen.add(info.id); |
| } else { |
| if (itemsOnScreen.contains(info.container)) { |
| currentScreenItems.add(info); |
| itemsOnScreen.add(info.id); |
| } else { |
| otherScreenItems.add(info); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** Filters the set of widgets which are on the specified screen. */ |
| private void filterCurrentAppWidgets(int currentScreen, |
| ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> appWidgets, |
| ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> currentScreenWidgets, |
| ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> otherScreenWidgets) { |
| // If we aren't filtering on a screen, then the set of items to load is the full set of |
| // widgets given. |
| if (currentScreen < 0) { |
| currentScreenWidgets.addAll(appWidgets); |
| } |
| |
| for (LauncherAppWidgetInfo widget : appWidgets) { |
| if (widget == null) continue; |
| if (widget.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP && |
| widget.screenId == currentScreen) { |
| currentScreenWidgets.add(widget); |
| } else { |
| otherScreenWidgets.add(widget); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** Filters the set of folders which are on the specified screen. */ |
| private void filterCurrentFolders(int currentScreen, |
| HashMap<Long, ItemInfo> itemsIdMap, |
| HashMap<Long, FolderInfo> folders, |
| HashMap<Long, FolderInfo> currentScreenFolders, |
| HashMap<Long, FolderInfo> otherScreenFolders) { |
| // If we aren't filtering on a screen, then the set of items to load is the full set of |
| // widgets given. |
| if (currentScreen < 0) { |
| currentScreenFolders.putAll(folders); |
| } |
| |
| for (long id : folders.keySet()) { |
| ItemInfo info = itemsIdMap.get(id); |
| FolderInfo folder = folders.get(id); |
| if (info == null || folder == null) continue; |
| if (info.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP && |
| info.screenId == currentScreen) { |
| currentScreenFolders.put(id, folder); |
| } else { |
| otherScreenFolders.put(id, folder); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** Sorts the set of items by hotseat, workspace (spatially from top to bottom, left to |
| * right) */ |
| private void sortWorkspaceItemsSpatially(ArrayList<ItemInfo> workspaceItems) { |
| final LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(); |
| final DeviceProfile grid = app.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile(); |
| // XXX: review this |
| Collections.sort(workspaceItems, new Comparator<ItemInfo>() { |
| @Override |
| public int compare(ItemInfo lhs, ItemInfo rhs) { |
| int cellCountX = (int) grid.numColumns; |
| int cellCountY = (int) grid.numRows; |
| int screenOffset = cellCountX * cellCountY; |
| int containerOffset = screenOffset * (Launcher.SCREEN_COUNT + 1); // +1 hotseat |
| long lr = (lhs.container * containerOffset + lhs.screenId * screenOffset + |
| lhs.cellY * cellCountX + lhs.cellX); |
| long rr = (rhs.container * containerOffset + rhs.screenId * screenOffset + |
| rhs.cellY * cellCountX + rhs.cellX); |
| return (int) (lr - rr); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| private void bindWorkspaceScreens(final Callbacks oldCallbacks, |
| final ArrayList<Long> orderedScreens) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - bindWorkspaceScreens()", true); |
| |
| // Dump the orderedScreens |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - orderedScreens", true); |
| for (Long l : sBgWorkspaceScreens) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126\t- " + l, true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| final Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| @Override |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| callbacks.bindScreens(orderedScreens); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| private void bindWorkspaceItems(final Callbacks oldCallbacks, |
| final ArrayList<ItemInfo> workspaceItems, |
| final ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> appWidgets, |
| final HashMap<Long, FolderInfo> folders, |
| ArrayList<Runnable> deferredBindRunnables) { |
| |
| final boolean postOnMainThread = (deferredBindRunnables != null); |
| |
| // Bind the workspace items |
| int N = workspaceItems.size(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < N; i += ITEMS_CHUNK) { |
| final int start = i; |
| final int chunkSize = (i+ITEMS_CHUNK <= N) ? ITEMS_CHUNK : (N-i); |
| final Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| @Override |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| callbacks.bindItems(workspaceItems, start, start+chunkSize, |
| false); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| if (postOnMainThread) { |
| deferredBindRunnables.add(r); |
| } else { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Bind the folders |
| if (!folders.isEmpty()) { |
| final Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| callbacks.bindFolders(folders); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| if (postOnMainThread) { |
| deferredBindRunnables.add(r); |
| } else { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Bind the widgets, one at a time |
| N = appWidgets.size(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { |
| final LauncherAppWidgetInfo widget = appWidgets.get(i); |
| final Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| callbacks.bindAppWidget(widget); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| if (postOnMainThread) { |
| deferredBindRunnables.add(r); |
| } else { |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Binds all loaded data to actual views on the main thread. |
| */ |
| private void bindWorkspace(int synchronizeBindPage, final boolean isUpgradePath) { |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - bindWorkspace(" + synchronizeBindPage + ", " + isUpgradePath + ")", true); |
| final long t = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); |
| Runnable r; |
| |
| // Don't use these two variables in any of the callback runnables. |
| // Otherwise we hold a reference to them. |
| final Callbacks oldCallbacks = mCallbacks.get(); |
| if (oldCallbacks == null) { |
| // This launcher has exited and nobody bothered to tell us. Just bail. |
| Log.w(TAG, "LoaderTask running with no launcher"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| final boolean isLoadingSynchronously = (synchronizeBindPage > -1); |
| final int currentScreen = isLoadingSynchronously ? synchronizeBindPage : |
| oldCallbacks.getCurrentWorkspaceScreen(); |
| |
| // Load all the items that are on the current page first (and in the process, unbind |
| // all the existing workspace items before we call startBinding() below. |
| unbindWorkspaceItemsOnMainThread(); |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> workspaceItems = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> appWidgets = |
| new ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo>(); |
| HashMap<Long, FolderInfo> folders = new HashMap<Long, FolderInfo>(); |
| HashMap<Long, ItemInfo> itemsIdMap = new HashMap<Long, ItemInfo>(); |
| ArrayList<Long> orderedScreenIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| workspaceItems.addAll(sBgWorkspaceItems); |
| appWidgets.addAll(sBgAppWidgets); |
| folders.putAll(sBgFolders); |
| itemsIdMap.putAll(sBgItemsIdMap); |
| orderedScreenIds.addAll(sBgWorkspaceScreens); |
| } |
| |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> currentWorkspaceItems = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> otherWorkspaceItems = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); |
| ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> currentAppWidgets = |
| new ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo>(); |
| ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> otherAppWidgets = |
| new ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo>(); |
| HashMap<Long, FolderInfo> currentFolders = new HashMap<Long, FolderInfo>(); |
| HashMap<Long, FolderInfo> otherFolders = new HashMap<Long, FolderInfo>(); |
| |
| // Separate the items that are on the current screen, and all the other remaining items |
| filterCurrentWorkspaceItems(currentScreen, workspaceItems, currentWorkspaceItems, |
| otherWorkspaceItems); |
| filterCurrentAppWidgets(currentScreen, appWidgets, currentAppWidgets, |
| otherAppWidgets); |
| filterCurrentFolders(currentScreen, itemsIdMap, folders, currentFolders, |
| otherFolders); |
| sortWorkspaceItemsSpatially(currentWorkspaceItems); |
| sortWorkspaceItemsSpatially(otherWorkspaceItems); |
| |
| // Tell the workspace that we're about to start binding items |
| r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| callbacks.startBinding(); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| bindWorkspaceScreens(oldCallbacks, orderedScreenIds); |
| |
| // Load items on the current page |
| bindWorkspaceItems(oldCallbacks, currentWorkspaceItems, currentAppWidgets, |
| currentFolders, null); |
| if (isLoadingSynchronously) { |
| r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| callbacks.onPageBoundSynchronously(currentScreen); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // Load all the remaining pages (if we are loading synchronously, we want to defer this |
| // work until after the first render) |
| mDeferredBindRunnables.clear(); |
| bindWorkspaceItems(oldCallbacks, otherWorkspaceItems, otherAppWidgets, otherFolders, |
| (isLoadingSynchronously ? mDeferredBindRunnables : null)); |
| |
| // Tell the workspace that we're done binding items |
| r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| callbacks.finishBindingItems(isUpgradePath); |
| } |
| |
| // If we're profiling, ensure this is the last thing in the queue. |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "bound workspace in " |
| + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-t) + "ms"); |
| } |
| |
| mIsLoadingAndBindingWorkspace = false; |
| } |
| }; |
| if (isLoadingSynchronously) { |
| mDeferredBindRunnables.add(r); |
| } else { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void loadAndBindAllApps() { |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "loadAndBindAllApps mAllAppsLoaded=" + mAllAppsLoaded); |
| } |
| if (!mAllAppsLoaded) { |
| loadAllApps(); |
| synchronized (LoaderTask.this) { |
| if (mStopped) { |
| return; |
| } |
| mAllAppsLoaded = true; |
| } |
| } else { |
| onlyBindAllApps(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void onlyBindAllApps() { |
| final Callbacks oldCallbacks = mCallbacks.get(); |
| if (oldCallbacks == null) { |
| // This launcher has exited and nobody bothered to tell us. Just bail. |
| Log.w(TAG, "LoaderTask running with no launcher (onlyBindAllApps)"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // shallow copy |
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
| final ArrayList<AppInfo> list |
| = (ArrayList<AppInfo>) mBgAllAppsList.data.clone(); |
| Runnable r = new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| final long t = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); |
| final Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| callbacks.bindAllApplications(list); |
| } |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "bound all " + list.size() + " apps from cache in " |
| + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-t) + "ms"); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| boolean isRunningOnMainThread = !(sWorkerThread.getThreadId() == Process.myTid()); |
| if (isRunningOnMainThread) { |
| r.run(); |
| } else { |
| mHandler.post(r); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void loadAllApps() { |
| final long loadTime = DEBUG_LOADERS ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0; |
| |
| final Callbacks oldCallbacks = mCallbacks.get(); |
| if (oldCallbacks == null) { |
| // This launcher has exited and nobody bothered to tell us. Just bail. |
| Log.w(TAG, "LoaderTask running with no launcher (loadAllApps)"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| final PackageManager packageManager = mContext.getPackageManager(); |
| final Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null); |
| mainIntent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); |
| |
| // Clear the list of apps |
| mBgAllAppsList.clear(); |
| |
| // Query for the set of apps |
| final long qiaTime = DEBUG_LOADERS ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0; |
| List<ResolveInfo> apps = packageManager.queryIntentActivities(mainIntent, 0); |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "queryIntentActivities took " |
| + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-qiaTime) + "ms"); |
| Log.d(TAG, "queryIntentActivities got " + apps.size() + " apps"); |
| } |
| // Fail if we don't have any apps |
| if (apps == null || apps.isEmpty()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| // Sort the applications by name |
| final long sortTime = DEBUG_LOADERS ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0; |
| Collections.sort(apps, |
| new LauncherModel.ShortcutNameComparator(packageManager, mLabelCache)); |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "sort took " |
| + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-sortTime) + "ms"); |
| } |
| |
| // Create the ApplicationInfos |
| for (int i = 0; i < apps.size(); i++) { |
| ResolveInfo app = apps.get(i); |
| if (oldCallbacks.shouldShowApp(app)) { |
| // This builds the icon bitmaps. |
| mBgAllAppsList.add(new AppInfo(packageManager, app, |
| mIconCache, mLabelCache)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Huh? Shouldn't this be inside the Runnable below? |
| final ArrayList<AppInfo> added = mBgAllAppsList.added; |
| mBgAllAppsList.added = new ArrayList<AppInfo>(); |
| |
| // Post callback on main thread |
| mHandler.post(new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| final long bindTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); |
| final Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); |
| if (callbacks != null) { |
| callbacks.bindAllApplications(added); |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "bound " + added.size() + " apps in " |
| + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - bindTime) + "ms"); |
| } |
| } else { |
| Log.i(TAG, "not binding apps: no Launcher activity"); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "Icons processed in " |
| + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - loadTime) + "ms"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public void dumpState() { |
| synchronized (sBgLock) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "mLoaderTask.mContext=" + mContext); |
| Log.d(TAG, "mLoaderTask.mIsLaunching=" + mIsLaunching); |
| Log.d(TAG, "mLoaderTask.mStopped=" + mStopped); |
| Log.d(TAG, "mLoaderTask.mLoadAndBindStepFinished=" + mLoadAndBindStepFinished); |
| Log.d(TAG, "mItems size=" + sBgWorkspaceItems.size()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void enqueuePackageUpdated(PackageUpdatedTask task) { |
| sWorker.post(task); |
| } |
| |
| private class PackageUpdatedTask implements Runnable { |
| int mOp; |
| String[] mPackages; |
| |
| public static final int OP_NONE = 0; |
| public static final int OP_ADD = 1; |
| public static final int OP_UPDATE = 2; |
| public static final int OP_REMOVE = 3; // uninstlled |
| public static final int OP_UNAVAILABLE = 4; // external media unmounted |
| |
| |
| public PackageUpdatedTask(int op, String[] packages) { |
| mOp = op; |
| mPackages = packages; |
| } |
| |
| public void run() { |
| final Context context = mApp.getContext(); |
| |
| final String[] packages = mPackages; |
| final int N = packages.length; |
| switch (mOp) { |
| case OP_ADD: |
| for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "mAllAppsList.addPackage " + packages[i]); |
| mBgAllAppsList.addPackage(context, packages[i]); |
| } |
| break; |
| case OP_UPDATE: |
| for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "mAllAppsList.updatePackage " + packages[i]); |
| mBgAllAppsList.updatePackage(context, packages[i]); |
| WidgetPreviewLoader.removeFromDb( |
| mApp.getWidgetPreviewCacheDb(), packages[i]); |
| } |
| break; |
| case OP_REMOVE: |
| for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { |
| if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "mAllAppsList.removePackage " + packages[i]); |
| mBgAllAppsList.removePackage(packages[i]); |
| WidgetPreviewLoader.removeFromDb( |
| mApp.getWidgetPreviewCacheDb(), packages[i]); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| ArrayList<AppInfo> added = null; |
| ArrayList<AppInfo> modified = null; |
| final ArrayList<AppInfo> removedApps = new ArrayList<AppInfo>(); |
| |
| if (mBgAllAppsList.added.size() > 0) { |
| added = new ArrayList<AppInfo>(mBgAllAppsList.added); |
| mBgAllAppsList.added.clear(); |
| } |
| if (mBgAllAppsList.modified.size() > 0) { |
| modified = new ArrayList<AppInfo>(mBgAllAppsList.modified); |
| mBgAllAppsList.modified.clear(); |
| } |
| if (mBgAllAppsList.removed.size() > 0) { |
| removedApps.addAll(mBgAllAppsList.removed); |
| mBgAllAppsList.removed.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| final Callbacks callbacks = mCallbacks != null ? mCallbacks.get() : null; |
| if (callbacks == null) { |
| Log.w(TAG, "Nobody to tell about the new app. Launcher is probably loading."); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (added != null) { |
| // Ensure that we add all the workspace applications to the db |
| final ArrayList<ItemInfo> addedInfos = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(added); |
| Callbacks cb = mCallbacks != null ? mCallbacks.get() : null; |
| addAndBindAddedApps(context, addedInfos, cb, added); |
| } |
| if (modified != null) { |
| final ArrayList<AppInfo> modifiedFinal = modified; |
| |
| // Update the launcher db to reflect the changes |
| for (AppInfo a : modifiedFinal) { |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> infos = |
| getItemInfoForComponentName(a.componentName); |
| for (ItemInfo i : infos) { |
| if (isShortcutInfoUpdateable(i)) { |
| ShortcutInfo info = (ShortcutInfo) i; |
| info.title = a.title.toString(); |
| updateItemInDatabase(context, info); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| mHandler.post(new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks cb = mCallbacks != null ? mCallbacks.get() : null; |
| if (callbacks == cb && cb != null) { |
| callbacks.bindAppsUpdated(modifiedFinal); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| // If a package has been removed, or an app has been removed as a result of |
| // an update (for example), make the removed callback. |
| if (mOp == OP_REMOVE || !removedApps.isEmpty()) { |
| final boolean packageRemoved = (mOp == OP_REMOVE); |
| final ArrayList<String> removedPackageNames = |
| new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(packages)); |
| |
| // Update the launcher db to reflect the removal of apps |
| if (packageRemoved) { |
| for (String pn : removedPackageNames) { |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> infos = getItemInfoForPackageName(pn); |
| for (ItemInfo i : infos) { |
| deleteItemFromDatabase(context, i); |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| for (AppInfo a : removedApps) { |
| ArrayList<ItemInfo> infos = |
| getItemInfoForComponentName(a.componentName); |
| for (ItemInfo i : infos) { |
| deleteItemFromDatabase(context, i); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| mHandler.post(new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks cb = mCallbacks != null ? mCallbacks.get() : null; |
| if (callbacks == cb && cb != null) { |
| callbacks.bindComponentsRemoved(removedPackageNames, |
| removedApps, packageRemoved); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| final ArrayList<Object> widgetsAndShortcuts = |
| getSortedWidgetsAndShortcuts(context); |
| mHandler.post(new Runnable() { |
| @Override |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks cb = mCallbacks != null ? mCallbacks.get() : null; |
| if (callbacks == cb && cb != null) { |
| callbacks.bindPackagesUpdated(widgetsAndShortcuts); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| // Write all the logs to disk |
| Launcher.addDumpLog(TAG, "10249126 - PackageUpdatedTask - dumping logs to disk", true); |
| mHandler.post(new Runnable() { |
| public void run() { |
| Callbacks cb = mCallbacks != null ? mCallbacks.get() : null; |
| if (callbacks == cb && cb != null) { |
| callbacks.dumpLogsToLocalData(false); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Returns a list of ResolveInfos/AppWindowInfos in sorted order |
| public static ArrayList<Object> getSortedWidgetsAndShortcuts(Context context) { |
| PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); |
| final ArrayList<Object> widgetsAndShortcuts = new ArrayList<Object>(); |
| widgetsAndShortcuts.addAll(AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context).getInstalledProviders()); |
| Intent shortcutsIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CREATE_SHORTCUT); |
| widgetsAndShortcuts.addAll(packageManager.queryIntentActivities(shortcutsIntent, 0)); |
| Collections.sort(widgetsAndShortcuts, |
| new LauncherModel.WidgetAndShortcutNameComparator(packageManager)); |
| return widgetsAndShortcuts; |
| } |
| |
| private boolean isValidPackageComponent(PackageManager pm, ComponentName cn) { |
| if (cn == null) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| // Skip if the application is disabled |
| PackageInfo pi = pm.getPackageInfo(cn.getPackageName(), 0); |
| if (!pi.applicationInfo.enabled) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Check the activity |
| return (pm.getActivityInfo(cn, 0) != null); |
| } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * This is called from the code that adds shortcuts from the intent receiver. This |
| * doesn't have a Cursor, but |
| */ |
| public ShortcutInfo getShortcutInfo(PackageManager manager, Intent intent, Context context) { |
| return getShortcutInfo(manager, intent, context, null, -1, -1, null); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Make an ShortcutInfo object for a shortcut that is an application. |
| * |
| * If c is not null, then it will be used to fill in missing data like the title and icon. |
| */ |
| public ShortcutInfo getShortcutInfo(PackageManager manager, Intent intent, Context context, |
| Cursor c, int iconIndex, int titleIndex, HashMap<Object, CharSequence> labelCache) { |
| ComponentName componentName = intent.getComponent(); |
| final ShortcutInfo info = new ShortcutInfo(); |
| if (componentName != null && !isValidPackageComponent(manager, componentName)) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "Invalid package found in getShortcutInfo: " + componentName); |
| return null; |
| } else { |
| try { |
| PackageInfo pi = manager.getPackageInfo(componentName.getPackageName(), 0); |
| info.initFlagsAndFirstInstallTime(pi); |
| } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "getPackInfo failed for package " + |
| componentName.getPackageName()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // TODO: See if the PackageManager knows about this case. If it doesn't |
| // then return null & delete this. |
| |
| // the resource -- This may implicitly give us back the fallback icon, |
| // but don't worry about that. All we're doing with usingFallbackIcon is |
| // to avoid saving lots of copies of that in the database, and most apps |
| // have icons anyway. |
| |
| // Attempt to use queryIntentActivities to get the ResolveInfo (with IntentFilter info) and |
| // if that fails, or is ambiguious, fallback to the standard way of getting the resolve info |
| // via resolveActivity(). |
| Bitmap icon = null; |
| ResolveInfo resolveInfo = null; |
| ComponentName oldComponent = intent.getComponent(); |
| Intent newIntent = new Intent(intent.getAction(), null); |
| newIntent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); |
| newIntent.setPackage(oldComponent.getPackageName()); |
| List<ResolveInfo> infos = manager.queryIntentActivities(newIntent, 0); |
| for (ResolveInfo i : infos) { |
| ComponentName cn = new ComponentName(i.activityInfo.packageName, |
| i.activityInfo.name); |
| if (cn.equals(oldComponent)) { |
| resolveInfo = i; |
| } |
| } |
| if (resolveInfo == null) { |
| resolveInfo = manager.resolveActivity(intent, 0); |
| } |
| if (resolveInfo != null) { |
| icon = mIconCache.getIcon(componentName, resolveInfo, labelCache); |
| } |
| // the db |
| if (icon == null) { |
| if (c != null) { |
| icon = getIconFromCursor(c, iconIndex, context); |
| } |
| } |
| // the fallback icon |
| if (icon == null) { |
| icon = getFallbackIcon(); |
| info.usingFallbackIcon = true; |
| } |
| info.setIcon(icon); |
| |
| // from the resource |
| if (resolveInfo != null) { |
| ComponentName key = LauncherModel.getComponentNameFromResolveInfo(resolveInfo); |
| if (labelCache != null && labelCache.containsKey(key)) { |
| info.title = labelCache.get(key); |
| } else { |
| info.title = resolveInfo.activityInfo.loadLabel(manager); |
| if (labelCache != null) { |
| labelCache.put(key, info.title); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| // from the db |
| if (info.title == null) { |
| if (c != null) { |
| info.title = c.getString(titleIndex); |
| } |
| } |
| // fall back to the class name of the activity |
| if (info.title == null) { |
| info.title = componentName.getClassName(); |
| } |
| info.itemType = LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION; |
| return info; |
| } |
| |
| static ArrayList<ItemInfo> filterItemInfos(Collection<ItemInfo> infos, |
| ItemInfoFilter f) { |
| HashSet<ItemInfo> filtered = new HashSet<ItemInfo>(); |
| for (ItemInfo i : infos) { |
| if (i instanceof ShortcutInfo) { |
| ShortcutInfo info = (ShortcutInfo) i; |
| ComponentName cn = info.intent.getComponent(); |
| if (cn != null && f.filterItem(null, info, cn)) { |
| filtered.add(info); |
| } |
| } else if (i instanceof FolderInfo) { |
| FolderInfo info = (FolderInfo) i; |
| for (ShortcutInfo s : info.contents) { |
| ComponentName cn = s.intent.getComponent(); |
| if (cn != null && f.filterItem(info, s, cn)) { |
| filtered.add(s); |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (i instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo) { |
| LauncherAppWidgetInfo info = (LauncherAppWidgetInfo) i; |
| ComponentName cn = info.providerName; |
| if (cn != null && f.filterItem(null, info, cn)) { |
| filtered.add(info); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(filtered); |
| } |
| |
| private ArrayList<ItemInfo> getItemInfoForPackageName(final String pn) { |
| ItemInfoFilter filter = new ItemInfoFilter() { |
| @Override |
| public boolean filterItem(ItemInfo parent, ItemInfo info, ComponentName cn) { |
| return cn.getPackageName().equals(pn); |
| } |
| }; |
| return filterItemInfos(sBgItemsIdMap.values(), filter); |
| } |
| |
| private ArrayList<ItemInfo> getItemInfoForComponentName(final ComponentName cname) { |
| ItemInfoFilter filter = new ItemInfoFilter() { |
| @Override |
| public boolean filterItem(ItemInfo parent, ItemInfo info, ComponentName cn) { |
| return cn.equals(cname); |
| } |
| }; |
| return filterItemInfos(sBgItemsIdMap.values(), filter); |
| } |
| |
| public static boolean isShortcutInfoUpdateable(ItemInfo i) { |
| if (i instanceof ShortcutInfo) { |
| ShortcutInfo info = (ShortcutInfo) i; |
| // We need to check for ACTION_MAIN otherwise getComponent() might |
| // return null for some shortcuts (for instance, for shortcuts to |
| // web pages.) |
| Intent intent = info.intent; |
| ComponentName name = intent.getComponent(); |
| if (info.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION && |
| Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals(intent.getAction()) && name != null) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Make an ShortcutInfo object for a shortcut that isn't an application. |
| */ |
| private ShortcutInfo getShortcutInfo(Cursor c, Context context, |
| int iconTypeIndex, int iconPackageIndex, int iconResourceIndex, int iconIndex, |
| int titleIndex) { |
| |
| Bitmap icon = null; |
| final ShortcutInfo info = new ShortcutInfo(); |
| info.itemType = LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT; |
| |
| // TODO: If there's an explicit component and we can't install that, delete it. |
| |
| info.title = c.getString(titleIndex); |
| |
| int iconType = c.getInt(iconTypeIndex); |
| switch (iconType) { |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ICON_TYPE_RESOURCE: |
| String packageName = c.getString(iconPackageIndex); |
| String resourceName = c.getString(iconResourceIndex); |
| PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); |
| info.customIcon = false; |
| // the resource |
| try { |
| Resources resources = packageManager.getResourcesForApplication(packageName); |
| if (resources != null) { |
| final int id = resources.getIdentifier(resourceName, null, null); |
| icon = Utilities.createIconBitmap( |
| mIconCache.getFullResIcon(resources, id), context); |
| } |
| } catch (Exception e) { |
| // drop this. we have other places to look for icons |
| } |
| // the db |
| if (icon == null) { |
| icon = getIconFromCursor(c, iconIndex, context); |
| } |
| // the fallback icon |
| if (icon == null) { |
| icon = getFallbackIcon(); |
| info.usingFallbackIcon = true; |
| } |
| break; |
| case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ICON_TYPE_BITMAP: |
| icon = getIconFromCursor(c, iconIndex, context); |
| if (icon == null) { |
| icon = getFallbackIcon(); |
| info.customIcon = false; |
| info.usingFallbackIcon = true; |
| } else { |
| info.customIcon = true; |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| icon = getFallbackIcon(); |
| info.usingFallbackIcon = true; |
| info.customIcon = false; |
| break; |
| } |
| info.setIcon(icon); |
| return info; |
| } |
| |
| Bitmap getIconFromCursor(Cursor c, int iconIndex, Context context) { |
| @SuppressWarnings("all") // suppress dead code warning |
| final boolean debug = false; |
| if (debug) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "getIconFromCursor app=" |
| + c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(LauncherSettings.Favorites.TITLE))); |
| } |
| byte[] data = c.getBlob(iconIndex); |
| try { |
| return Utilities.createIconBitmap( |
| BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length), context); |
| } catch (Exception e) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ShortcutInfo addShortcut(Context context, Intent data, long container, int screen, |
| int cellX, int cellY, boolean notify) { |
| final ShortcutInfo info = infoFromShortcutIntent(context, data, null); |
| if (info == null) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| addItemToDatabase(context, info, container, screen, cellX, cellY, notify); |
| |
| return info; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Attempts to find an AppWidgetProviderInfo that matches the given component. |
| */ |
| AppWidgetProviderInfo findAppWidgetProviderInfoWithComponent(Context context, |
| ComponentName component) { |
| List<AppWidgetProviderInfo> widgets = |
| AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context).getInstalledProviders(); |
| for (AppWidgetProviderInfo info : widgets) { |
| if (info.provider.equals(component)) { |
| return info; |
| } |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Returns a list of all the widgets that can handle configuration with a particular mimeType. |
| */ |
| List<WidgetMimeTypeHandlerData> resolveWidgetsForMimeType(Context context, String mimeType) { |
| final PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); |
| final List<WidgetMimeTypeHandlerData> supportedConfigurationActivities = |
| new ArrayList<WidgetMimeTypeHandlerData>(); |
| |
| final Intent supportsIntent = |
| new Intent(InstallWidgetReceiver.ACTION_SUPPORTS_CLIPDATA_MIMETYPE); |
| supportsIntent.setType(mimeType); |
| |
| // Create a set of widget configuration components that we can test against |
| final List<AppWidgetProviderInfo> widgets = |
| AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context).getInstalledProviders(); |
| final HashMap<ComponentName, AppWidgetProviderInfo> configurationComponentToWidget = |
| new HashMap<ComponentName, AppWidgetProviderInfo>(); |
| for (AppWidgetProviderInfo info : widgets) { |
| configurationComponentToWidget.put(info.configure, info); |
| } |
| |
| // Run through each of the intents that can handle this type of clip data, and cross |
| // reference them with the components that are actual configuration components |
| final List<ResolveInfo> activities = packageManager.queryIntentActivities(supportsIntent, |
| PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); |
| for (ResolveInfo info : activities) { |
| final ActivityInfo activityInfo = info.activityInfo; |
| final ComponentName infoComponent = new ComponentName(activityInfo.packageName, |
| activityInfo.name); |
| if (configurationComponentToWidget.containsKey(infoComponent)) { |
| supportedConfigurationActivities.add( |
| new InstallWidgetReceiver.WidgetMimeTypeHandlerData(info, |
| configurationComponentToWidget.get(infoComponent))); |
| } |
| } |
| return supportedConfigurationActivities; |
| } |
| |
| ShortcutInfo infoFromShortcutIntent(Context context, Intent data, Bitmap fallbackIcon) { |
| Intent intent = data.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT); |
| String name = data.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME); |
| Parcelable bitmap = data.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON); |
| |
| if (intent == null) { |
| // If the intent is null, we can't construct a valid ShortcutInfo, so we return null |
| Log.e(TAG, "Can't construct ShorcutInfo with null intent"); |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| Bitmap icon = null; |
| boolean customIcon = false; |
| ShortcutIconResource iconResource = null; |
| |
| if (bitmap != null && bitmap instanceof Bitmap) { |
| icon = Utilities.createIconBitmap(new FastBitmapDrawable((Bitmap)bitmap), context); |
| customIcon = true; |
| } else { |
| Parcelable extra = data.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE); |
| if (extra != null && extra instanceof ShortcutIconResource) { |
| try { |
| iconResource = (ShortcutIconResource) extra; |
| final PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); |
| Resources resources = packageManager.getResourcesForApplication( |
| iconResource.packageName); |
| final int id = resources.getIdentifier(iconResource.resourceName, null, null); |
| icon = Utilities.createIconBitmap( |
| mIconCache.getFullResIcon(resources, id), context); |
| } catch (Exception e) { |
| Log.w(TAG, "Could not load shortcut icon: " + extra); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| final ShortcutInfo info = new ShortcutInfo(); |
| |
| if (icon == null) { |
| if (fallbackIcon != null) { |
| icon = fallbackIcon; |
| } else { |
| icon = getFallbackIcon(); |
| info.usingFallbackIcon = true; |
| } |
| } |
| info.setIcon(icon); |
| |
| info.title = name; |
| info.intent = intent; |
| info.customIcon = customIcon; |
| info.iconResource = iconResource; |
| |
| return info; |
| } |
| |
| boolean queueIconToBeChecked(HashMap<Object, byte[]> cache, ShortcutInfo info, Cursor c, |
| int iconIndex) { |
| // If apps can't be on SD, don't even bother. |
| if (!mAppsCanBeOnRemoveableStorage) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| // If this icon doesn't have a custom icon, check to see |
| // what's stored in the DB, and if it doesn't match what |
| // we're going to show, store what we are going to show back |
| // into the DB. We do this so when we're loading, if the |
| // package manager can't find an icon (for example because |
| // the app is on SD) then we can use that instead. |
| if (!info.customIcon && !info.usingFallbackIcon) { |
| cache.put(info, c.getBlob(iconIndex)); |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| void updateSavedIcon(Context context, ShortcutInfo info, byte[] data) { |
| boolean needSave = false; |
| try { |
| if (data != null) { |
| Bitmap saved = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length); |
| Bitmap loaded = info.getIcon(mIconCache); |
| needSave = !saved.sameAs(loaded); |
| } else { |
| needSave = true; |
| } |
| } catch (Exception e) { |
| needSave = true; |
| } |
| if (needSave) { |
| Log.d(TAG, "going to save icon bitmap for info=" + info); |
| // This is slower than is ideal, but this only happens once |
| // or when the app is updated with a new icon. |
| updateItemInDatabase(context, info); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Return an existing FolderInfo object if we have encountered this ID previously, |
| * or make a new one. |
| */ |
| private static FolderInfo findOrMakeFolder(HashMap<Long, FolderInfo> folders, long id) { |
| // See if a placeholder was created for us already |
| FolderInfo folderInfo = folders.get(id); |
| if (folderInfo == null) { |
| // No placeholder -- create a new instance |
| folderInfo = new FolderInfo(); |
| folders.put(id, folderInfo); |
| } |
| return folderInfo; |
| } |
| |
| public static final Comparator<AppInfo> getAppNameComparator() { |
| final Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(); |
| return new Comparator<AppInfo>() { |
| public final int compare(AppInfo a, AppInfo b) { |
| int result = collator.compare(a.title.toString(), b.title.toString()); |
| if (result == 0) { |
| result = a.componentName.compareTo(b.componentName); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| public static final Comparator<AppInfo> APP_INSTALL_TIME_COMPARATOR |
| = new Comparator<AppInfo>() { |
| public final int compare(AppInfo a, AppInfo b) { |
| if (a.firstInstallTime < b.firstInstallTime) return 1; |
| if (a.firstInstallTime > b.firstInstallTime) return -1; |
| return 0; |
| } |
| }; |
| public static final Comparator<AppWidgetProviderInfo> getWidgetNameComparator() { |
| final Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(); |
| return new Comparator<AppWidgetProviderInfo>() { |
| public final int compare(AppWidgetProviderInfo a, AppWidgetProviderInfo b) { |
| return collator.compare(a.label.toString(), b.label.toString()); |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| static ComponentName getComponentNameFromResolveInfo(ResolveInfo info) { |
| if (info.activityInfo != null) { |
| return new ComponentName(info.activityInfo.packageName, info.activityInfo.name); |
| } else { |
| return new ComponentName(info.serviceInfo.packageName, info.serviceInfo.name); |
| } |
| } |
| public static class ShortcutNameComparator implements Comparator<ResolveInfo> { |
| private Collator mCollator; |
| private PackageManager mPackageManager; |
| private HashMap<Object, CharSequence> mLabelCache; |
| ShortcutNameComparator(PackageManager pm) { |
| mPackageManager = pm; |
| mLabelCache = new HashMap<Object, CharSequence>(); |
| mCollator = Collator.getInstance(); |
| } |
| ShortcutNameComparator(PackageManager pm, HashMap<Object, CharSequence> labelCache) { |
| mPackageManager = pm; |
| mLabelCache = labelCache; |
| mCollator = Collator.getInstance(); |
| } |
| public final int compare(ResolveInfo a, ResolveInfo b) { |
| CharSequence labelA, labelB; |
| ComponentName keyA = LauncherModel.getComponentNameFromResolveInfo(a); |
| ComponentName keyB = LauncherModel.getComponentNameFromResolveInfo(b); |
| if (mLabelCache.containsKey(keyA)) { |
| labelA = mLabelCache.get(keyA); |
| } else { |
| labelA = a.loadLabel(mPackageManager).toString(); |
| |
| mLabelCache.put(keyA, labelA); |
| } |
| if (mLabelCache.containsKey(keyB)) { |
| labelB = mLabelCache.get(keyB); |
| } else { |
| labelB = b.loadLabel(mPackageManager).toString(); |
| |
| mLabelCache.put(keyB, labelB); |
| } |
| return mCollator.compare(labelA, labelB); |
| } |
| }; |
| public static class WidgetAndShortcutNameComparator implements Comparator<Object> { |
| private Collator mCollator; |
| private PackageManager mPackageManager; |
| private HashMap<Object, String> mLabelCache; |
| WidgetAndShortcutNameComparator(PackageManager pm) { |
| mPackageManager = pm; |
| mLabelCache = new HashMap<Object, String>(); |
| mCollator = Collator.getInstance(); |
| } |
| public final int compare(Object a, Object b) { |
| String labelA, labelB; |
| if (mLabelCache.containsKey(a)) { |
| labelA = mLabelCache.get(a); |
| } else { |
| labelA = (a instanceof AppWidgetProviderInfo) ? |
| ((AppWidgetProviderInfo) a).label : |
| ((ResolveInfo) a).loadLabel(mPackageManager).toString(); |
| mLabelCache.put(a, labelA); |
| } |
| if (mLabelCache.containsKey(b)) { |
| labelB = mLabelCache.get(b); |
| } else { |
| labelB = (b instanceof AppWidgetProviderInfo) ? |
| ((AppWidgetProviderInfo) b).label : |
| ((ResolveInfo) b).loadLabel(mPackageManager).toString(); |
| mLabelCache.put(b, labelB); |
| } |
| return mCollator.compare(labelA, labelB); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| public void dumpState() { |
| Log.d(TAG, "mCallbacks=" + mCallbacks); |
| AppInfo.dumpApplicationInfoList(TAG, "mAllAppsList.data", mBgAllAppsList.data); |
| AppInfo.dumpApplicationInfoList(TAG, "mAllAppsList.added", mBgAllAppsList.added); |
| AppInfo.dumpApplicationInfoList(TAG, "mAllAppsList.removed", mBgAllAppsList.removed); |
| AppInfo.dumpApplicationInfoList(TAG, "mAllAppsList.modified", mBgAllAppsList.modified); |
| if (mLoaderTask != null) { |
| mLoaderTask.dumpState(); |
| } else { |
| Log.d(TAG, "mLoaderTask=null"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |