blob: 911f2b0575908d4985d67b985772e562ee1cd11e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.util.FloatProperty;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.VelocityTracker;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import java.util.List;
* Abstraction layer to separate horizontal and vertical specific implementations
* for {@link}. Majority of these implementations are (should be) as
* simple as choosing the correct X and Y analogous methods.
public interface PagedOrientationHandler {
PagedOrientationHandler PORTRAIT = new PortraitPagedViewHandler();
PagedOrientationHandler LANDSCAPE = new LandscapePagedViewHandler();
PagedOrientationHandler SEASCAPE = new SeascapePagedViewHandler();
interface Int2DAction<T> {
void call(T target, int x, int y);
interface Float2DAction<T> {
void call(T target, float x, float y);
Int2DAction<View> VIEW_SCROLL_BY = View::scrollBy;
Int2DAction<View> VIEW_SCROLL_TO = View::scrollTo;
Float2DAction<Canvas> CANVAS_TRANSLATE = Canvas::translate;
Float2DAction<Matrix> MATRIX_POST_TRANSLATE = Matrix::postTranslate;
<T> void setPrimary(T target, Int2DAction<T> action, int param);
<T> void setPrimary(T target, Float2DAction<T> action, float param);
<T> void setSecondary(T target, Float2DAction<T> action, float param);
<T> void set(T target, Int2DAction<T> action, int primaryParam, int secondaryParam);
float getPrimaryDirection(MotionEvent event, int pointerIndex);
float getPrimaryVelocity(VelocityTracker velocityTracker, int pointerId);
int getMeasuredSize(View view);
int getPrimarySize(View view);
float getPrimarySize(RectF rect);
float getStart(RectF rect);
float getEnd(RectF rect);
int getClearAllSidePadding(View view, boolean isRtl);
int getSecondaryDimension(View view);
FloatProperty<View> getPrimaryViewTranslate();
FloatProperty<View> getSecondaryViewTranslate();
int getPrimaryScroll(View view);
float getPrimaryScale(View view);
int getChildStart(View view);
int getCenterForPage(View view, Rect insets);
int getScrollOffsetStart(View view, Rect insets);
int getScrollOffsetEnd(View view, Rect insets);
int getSecondaryTranslationDirectionFactor();
int getSplitTranslationDirectionFactor(@StagePosition int stagePosition,
DeviceProfile deviceProfile);
ChildBounds getChildBounds(View child, int childStart, int pageCenter, boolean layoutChild);
void setMaxScroll(AccessibilityEvent event, int maxScroll);
boolean getRecentsRtlSetting(Resources resources);
float getDegreesRotated();
int getRotation();
void setPrimaryScale(View view, float scale);
void setSecondaryScale(View view, float scale);
<T> T getPrimaryValue(T x, T y);
<T> T getSecondaryValue(T x, T y);
int getPrimaryValue(int x, int y);
int getSecondaryValue(int x, int y);
float getPrimaryValue(float x, float y);
float getSecondaryValue(float x, float y);
boolean isLayoutNaturalToLauncher();
Pair<FloatProperty, FloatProperty> getSplitSelectTaskOffset(FloatProperty primary,
FloatProperty secondary, DeviceProfile deviceProfile);
int getDistanceToBottomOfRect(DeviceProfile dp, Rect rect);
List<SplitPositionOption> getSplitPositionOptions(DeviceProfile dp);
* @param placeholderHeight height of placeholder view in portrait, width in landscape
void getInitialSplitPlaceholderBounds(int placeholderHeight, int placeholderInset,
DeviceProfile dp, @StagePosition int stagePosition, Rect out);
* Centers an icon in the split staging area, accounting for insets.
* @param out The LayoutParams of the icon that needs to be centered.
* @param onScreenRectCenterX The x-center of the on-screen staging area (most of the Rect is
* offscreen).
* @param onScreenRectCenterY The y-center of the on-screen staging area (most of the Rect is
* offscreen).
* @param fullscreenScaleX A x-scaling factor used to convert coordinates back into pixels.
* @param fullscreenScaleY A y-scaling factor used to convert coordinates back into pixels.
* @param drawableWidth The icon's drawable (final) width.
* @param drawableHeight The icon's drawable (final) height.
* @param dp The device profile, used to report rotation and hardware insets.
* @param stagePosition 0 if the staging area is pinned to top/left, 1 for bottom/right.
void updateStagedSplitIconParams(FrameLayout.LayoutParams out, float onScreenRectCenterX,
float onScreenRectCenterY, float fullscreenScaleX, float fullscreenScaleY,
int drawableWidth, int drawableHeight, DeviceProfile dp,
@StagePosition int stagePosition);
* @param splitDividerSize height of split screen drag handle in portrait, width in landscape
* @param stagePosition the split position option (top/left, bottom/right) of the first
* task selected for entering split
* @param out1 the bounds for where the first selected app will be
* @param out2 the bounds for where the second selected app will be, complimentary to
* {@param out1} based on {@param initialSplitOption}
void getFinalSplitPlaceholderBounds(int splitDividerSize, DeviceProfile dp,
@StagePosition int stagePosition, Rect out1, Rect out2);
int getDefaultSplitPosition(DeviceProfile deviceProfile);
* @param outRect This is expected to be the rect that has the dimensions for a non-split,
* fullscreen task in overview. This will directly be modified.
* @param desiredStagePosition Which stage position (topLeft/rightBottom) we want to resize
* outRect for
void setSplitTaskSwipeRect(DeviceProfile dp, Rect outRect, StagedSplitBounds splitInfo,
@SplitConfigurationOptions.StagePosition int desiredStagePosition);
void measureGroupedTaskViewThumbnailBounds(View primarySnapshot, View secondarySnapshot,
int parentWidth, int parentHeight,
StagedSplitBounds splitBoundsConfig, DeviceProfile dp, boolean isRtl);
// Overview TaskMenuView methods
void setTaskIconParams(FrameLayout.LayoutParams iconParams,
int taskIconMargin, int taskIconHeight, int thumbnailTopMargin, boolean isRtl);
void setSplitIconParams(View primaryIconView, View secondaryIconView,
int taskIconHeight, int primarySnapshotWidth, int primarySnapshotHeight,
int groupedTaskViewHeight, int groupedTaskViewWidth, boolean isRtl,
DeviceProfile deviceProfile, StagedSplitBounds splitConfig);
* The following two methods try to center the TaskMenuView in landscape by finding the center
* of the thumbnail view and then subtracting half of the taskMenu width. In this case, the
* taskMenu width is the same size as the thumbnail width (what got set below in
* getTaskMenuWidth()), so we directly use that in the calculations.
float getTaskMenuX(float x, View thumbnailView, int overScroll, DeviceProfile deviceProfile);
float getTaskMenuY(float y, View thumbnailView, int overScroll);
int getTaskMenuWidth(View view, DeviceProfile deviceProfile);
* Sets linear layout orientation for {@link} items
* inside task menu view.
void setTaskOptionsMenuLayoutOrientation(DeviceProfile deviceProfile,
LinearLayout taskMenuLayout, int dividerSpacing,
ShapeDrawable dividerDrawable);
* Sets layout param attributes for {@link} child
* views inside task menu view.
void setLayoutParamsForTaskMenuOptionItem(LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp,
LinearLayout viewGroup, DeviceProfile deviceProfile);
* Adjusts margins for the entire task menu view itself, which comprises of both app title and
* shortcut options.
void setTaskMenuAroundTaskView(LinearLayout taskView, float margin);
* Since the task menu layout is manually positioned on top of recents view, this method returns
* additional adjustments to the positioning based on fake land/seascape
PointF getAdditionalInsetForTaskMenu(float margin);
* Calculates the position where a Digital Wellbeing Banner should be placed on its parent
* TaskView.
* @return A Pair of Floats representing the proper x and y translations.
Pair<Float, Float> getDwbLayoutTranslations(int taskViewWidth,
int taskViewHeight, StagedSplitBounds splitBounds, DeviceProfile deviceProfile,
View[] thumbnailViews, int desiredTaskId, View banner);
// The following are only used by TaskViewTouchHandler.
/** @return Either VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL. */
SingleAxisSwipeDetector.Direction getUpDownSwipeDirection();
/** @return Given {@link #getUpDownSwipeDirection()}, whether POSITIVE or NEGATIVE is up. */
int getUpDirection(boolean isRtl);
/** @return Whether the displacement is going towards the top of the screen. */
boolean isGoingUp(float displacement, boolean isRtl);
/** @return Either 1 or -1, a factor to multiply by so the animation goes the correct way. */
int getTaskDragDisplacementFactor(boolean isRtl);
* Maps the velocity from the coordinate plane of the foreground app to that
* of Launcher's (which now will always be portrait)
void adjustFloatingIconStartVelocity(PointF velocity);
class ChildBounds {
public final int primaryDimension;
public final int secondaryDimension;
public final int childPrimaryEnd;
public final int childSecondaryEnd;
ChildBounds(int primaryDimension, int secondaryDimension, int childPrimaryEnd,
int childSecondaryEnd) {
this.primaryDimension = primaryDimension;
this.secondaryDimension = secondaryDimension;
this.childPrimaryEnd = childPrimaryEnd;
this.childSecondaryEnd = childSecondaryEnd;