blob: 0b34d00a82a248e7903dc7955b17608d33bfbc7b [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- General -->
<skip />
<!-- URI used to import old favorites. [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="old_launcher_provider_uri" translatable="false">content://</string>
<!-- Permission to receive the intent -->
<string name="receive_launch_broadcasts_permission" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Permission to receive the intent -->
<string name="receive_first_load_broadcast_permission" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Application name -->
<string name="application_name">Launcher3</string>
<!-- Accessibility-facing application name -->
<string name="home">Home</string>
<!-- Name for all applications running as this uid. -->
<string name="uid_name">Android Core Apps</string>
<!-- Default folder name -->
<string name="folder_name"></string>
<!-- Displayed when user selects a shortcut for an app that was uninstalled [CHAR_LIMIT=none]-->
<string name="activity_not_found">App isn\'t installed.</string>
<!-- Displayed when user selects a shortcut for an app that is current not available [CHAR_LIMIT=none]-->
<string name="activity_not_available">App isn\'t available</string>
<!-- SafeMode shortcut error string -->
<string name="safemode_shortcut_error">Downloaded app disabled in Safe mode</string>
<!-- SafeMode widget error string -->
<string name="safemode_widget_error">Widgets disabled in Safe mode</string>
<!-- Labels for the tabs in the customize drawer -->
<string name="widgets_tab_label">Widgets</string>
<string name="widget_adder">Widgets</string>
<string name="toggle_weight_watcher">Show Mem</string>
<!-- AppsCustomize pane -->
<!-- Message to tell the user to press and hold on a widget to add it [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="long_press_widget_to_add">Touch &amp; hold to pick up a widget.</string>
<!-- The format string for the dimensions of a widget in the drawer -->
<!-- There is a special version of this format string for Farsi -->
<string name="widget_dims_format">%1$d \u00d7 %2$d</string>
<!-- External-drop widget pick label format string [CHAR_LIMIT=25] -->
<string name="external_drop_widget_pick_format" translatable="false">%1$s (%2$d \u00d7 %3$d)</string>
<!-- External-drop widget error string. This is the error that is shown
when you drag and item into the homescreen and it is unable to fit,
or an error is encountered. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="external_drop_widget_error">Couldn\'t drop item on this Home screen.</string>
<!-- External-drop widget pick title. This is shown as the title of the
dialog which allows you to pick which widgets to handle a particular
drop if there are multiple choices. [CHAR_LIMIT=35] -->
<string name="external_drop_widget_pick_title">Choose widget to create</string>
<!-- Apps view -->
<!-- Search bar text in the apps view. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="apps_view_search_bar_hint">Search Apps</string>
<!-- Loading apps text. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="loading_apps_message">Loading Apps...</string>
<!-- No-search-results text. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="apps_view_no_search_results">No Apps found matching \"<xliff:g id="query" example="Android">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
<!-- Folders -->
<skip />
<!-- Label of Folder name field in Rename folder dialog box -->
<string name="rename_folder_label">Folder name</string>
<!-- Title of dialog box -->
<string name="rename_folder_title">Rename folder</string>
<!-- Buttons in Rename folder dialog box -->
<string name="rename_action">OK</string>
<!-- Buttons in Rename folder dialog box -->
<string name="cancel_action">Cancel</string>
<!-- Label for button to sort folder contents. [CHAR_LIMIT=10] -->
<string name="sort_alphabetical">A-Z</string>
<!-- Shortcuts -->
<skip />
<!-- Title of dialog box -->
<string name="menu_item_add_item">Add to Home screen</string>
<!-- Options in "Add to Home" dialog box; Title of the group containing the list of all apps -->
<string name="group_applications">Apps</string>
<!-- Options in "Add to Home" dialog box; Title of the group containing the list of all shortcut
s -->
<string name="group_shortcuts">Shortcuts</string>
<!-- Options in "Add to Home" dialog box; Title of the group containing the list of all widgets/gadgets -->
<string name="group_widgets">Widgets</string>
<!-- Error message when user has filled all their home screens -->
<string name="completely_out_of_space">No more room on your Home screens.</string>
<!-- Error message when user has filled a home screen -->
<string name="out_of_space">No more room on this Home screen.</string>
<!-- Error message when user has filled the hotseat -->
<string name="hotseat_out_of_space">No more room in the Favorites tray</string>
<!-- Error message when user tries to drop an invalid item on the hotseat -->
<string name="invalid_hotseat_item">This widget is too large for the Favorites tray</string>
<!-- Message displayed when a shortcut is created by an external application -->
<string name="shortcut_installed">Shortcut \"<xliff:g id="name" example="Browser">%s</xliff:g>\" created.</string>
<!-- Message displayed when a shortcut is uninstalled by an external application -->
<string name="shortcut_uninstalled">Shortcut \"<xliff:g id="name" example="Browser">%s</xliff:g>\" was removed.</string>
<!-- Message displayed when an external application attemps to create a shortcut that already exists -->
<string name="shortcut_duplicate">Shortcut \"<xliff:g id="name" example="Browser">%s</xliff:g>\" already exists.</string>
<!-- Title of dialog when user is selecting shortcut to add to homescreen -->
<string name="title_select_shortcut">Choose shortcut</string>
<!-- Title of dialog when user is selecting an application to add to homescreen -->
<string name="title_select_application">Choose app</string>
<!-- All applications label -->
<string name="all_apps_button_label">Apps</string>
<!-- Label for button in all applications label to go back home (to the workspace / desktop)
for accessibilty (spoken when the button gets focus). -->
<string name="all_apps_home_button_label">Home</string>
<!-- Label for trash icon in All Apps. The icon/widget will become completely unavailable on the
device. [CHAR_LIMIT=30]-->
<string name="delete_zone_label_all_apps">Uninstall</string>
<!-- Label for delete drop target. [CHAR_LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="delete_target_label">Remove</string>
<!-- Label for uninstall drop target. [CHAR_LIMIT=20]-->
<string name="delete_target_uninstall_label">Uninstall</string>
<!-- Label for the info icon. [CHAR_LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="info_target_label">App info</string>
<!-- Accessibility: AllApps button -->
<string name="accessibility_all_apps_button">Apps</string>
<!-- Accessibility: Delete button -->
<string name="accessibility_delete_button">Remove</string>
<!-- Label for trash icon in All Apps, when an updated system app is selected. The update will
be uninstalled. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="delete_zone_label_all_apps_system_app">Uninstall update</string>
<!-- URL pointing to help text. If empty, no link to help will be created [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="help_url" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Strings for the contextual action bar (CAB) in All Apps -->
<skip />
<!-- Describes the button for uninstalling the currently selected application.
Text is not displayed, but provided for accessibility. [CHAR_LIMIT=none] -->
<string name="cab_menu_delete_app">Uninstall app</string>
<!-- Describes the button for getting details/info about currently selected application.
Text is not displayed, but provided for accessibility. [CHAR_LIMIT=none] -->
<string name="cab_menu_app_info">App details</string>
<!-- Appears in the CAB when an app is selected in All Apps or Customize mode. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="cab_app_selection_text">1 app selected</string>
<!-- Appears in the CAB when a widget is selected in Customize mode. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="cab_widget_selection_text">1 widget selected</string>
<!-- Appears in the CAB when a folder is selected in Customize mode. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="cab_folder_selection_text">1 folder selected</string>
<!-- Appears in the CAB when a shortcut is selected in Customize mode. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="cab_shortcut_selection_text">1 shortcut selected</string>
<!-- Permissions: -->
<skip />
<!-- Permission short label -->
<string name="permlab_install_shortcut">install shortcuts</string>
<!-- Permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_install_shortcut">Allows an app to add
shortcuts without user intervention.</string>
<!-- Permission short label -->
<string name="permlab_uninstall_shortcut">uninstall shortcuts</string>
<!-- Permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_uninstall_shortcut">Allows the app to remove
shortcuts without user intervention.</string>
<!-- Permission short label -->
<string name="permlab_read_settings">read Home settings and shortcuts</string>
<!-- Permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_read_settings">Allows the app to read the settings and
shortcuts in Home.</string>
<!-- Permission short label -->
<string name="permlab_write_settings">write Home settings and shortcuts</string>
<!-- Permission description -->
<string name="permdesc_write_settings">Allows the app to change the settings and
shortcuts in Home.</string>
<!-- Widgets: -->
<skip />
<!-- Text to show user in place of a gadget when we can't display it properly -->
<string name="gadget_error_text">Problem loading widget</string>
<!-- Text to show user in place of a gadget when it is not yet initialized. -->
<string name="gadget_setup_text">Setup</string>
<!-- Text to inform the user that they can't uninstall a system application -->
<string name="uninstall_system_app_text">This is a system app and can\'t be uninstalled.</string>
<!-- Title of the Android Dreams (screensaver) module -->
<string name="dream_name">Rocket Launcher</string>
<!-- Default folder title -->
<string name="folder_hint_text">Unnamed Folder</string>
<!-- Accessibility -->
<skip />
<!-- The format string for Workspace descriptions [CHAR_LIMIT=none] -->
<string name="workspace_description_format">Home screen %1$d</string>
<!-- The format string for default page scroll text [CHAR_LIMIT=none] -->
<string name="default_scroll_format">Page %1$d of %2$d</string>
<!-- The format string for Workspace page scroll text [CHAR_LIMIT=none] -->
<string name="workspace_scroll_format">Home screen %1$d of %2$d</string>
<!-- The format string for AppsCustomize Apps page scroll text [CHAR_LIMIT=none] -->
<string name="apps_customize_apps_scroll_format">Apps page %1$d of %2$d</string>
<!-- The format string for AppsCustomize Apps page scroll text [CHAR_LIMIT=none] -->
<string name="apps_customize_widgets_scroll_format">Widgets page %1$d of %2$d</string>
<!-- Clings -->
<!-- The title text for the workspace cling [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="first_run_cling_title">Welcome</string>
<!-- The description of how to use the workspace [CHAR_LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="first_run_cling_description">Make yourself at home.</string>
<!-- The description of how to use the workspace [CHAR_LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="first_run_cling_custom_content_hint"></string>
<!-- The description of how to use the workspace [CHAR_LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="first_run_cling_search_bar_hint"></string>
<!-- The description of how to use the workspace [CHAR_LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="first_run_cling_create_screens_hint">Create more screens for apps and folders</string>
<!-- The title text for the migration cling [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="migration_cling_title">Copy your app icons</string>
<!-- The description of what migration does [CHAR_LIMIT=70] -->
<string name="migration_cling_description">Import icons and folders from your old Home screens?</string>
<!-- The description of the button to migrate apps from another launcher [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="migration_cling_copy_apps">COPY ICONS</string>
<!-- The description of the button to use the default launcher layout [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="migration_cling_use_default">START FRESH</string>
<!-- The title text for the workspace cling [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="workspace_cling_title">Organize your space</string>
<!-- The description of how to use the workspace [CHAR_LIMIT=70] -->
<string name="workspace_cling_move_item">Touch &amp; hold background to manage wallpaper, widgets and settings.</string>
<!-- The title text for workspace longpress action [CHAR_LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="workspace_cling_longpress_title">Wallpapers, widgets, &amp; settings</string>
<!-- The description of how to use the workspace [CHAR_LIMIT=70] -->
<string name="workspace_cling_longpress_description">Touch &amp; hold background to customize</string>
<!-- The description of the button to dismiss the cling [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="workspace_cling_longpress_dismiss">GOT IT</string>
<!-- The title text for the Folder cling [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="folder_cling_title">Here\'s a folder</string>
<!-- The description of how to create a folder [CHAR_LIMIT=70] -->
<string name="folder_cling_create_folder">To create one like this, touch &amp; hold an app, then move it over another.</string>
<!-- The text on the button to dismiss a cling [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="cling_dismiss">OK</string>
<!-- Error message on dummy custom cling layout [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="dummy_custom_cling_error_message">Error: custom workspace layout passed in but custom cling was not overwritten</string>
<!-- Folder accessibility -->
<!-- The format string for when a folder is opened, speaks the dimensions -->
<string name="folder_opened">Folder opened, <xliff:g id="width" example="5">%1$d</xliff:g> by <xliff:g id="height" example="3">%2$d</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Instruction that clicking outside will close folder -->
<string name="folder_tap_to_close">Touch to close folder</string>
<!-- Instruction that clicking outside will commit folder rename -->
<string name="folder_tap_to_rename">Touch to save rename</string>
<!-- Indication that folder closed -->
<string name="folder_closed">Folder closed</string>
<!-- Folder renamed format -->
<string name="folder_renamed">Folder renamed to <xliff:g id="name" example="Games">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Folder name format -->
<string name="folder_name_format">Folder: <xliff:g id="name" example="Games">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Debug-only activity name. [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="debug_memory_activity">* HPROF</string>
<!-- Strings for the customization mode -->
<!-- Text for widget add button -->
<string name="widget_button_text">Widgets</string>
<!-- Text for wallpaper change button -->
<string name="wallpaper_button_text">Wallpapers</string>
<!-- Text for settings button -->
<string name="settings_button_text">Settings</string>
<!-- Label on an icon that references an uninstalled package, that is going to be installed at some point. [CHAR_LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="package_state_enqueued">Waiting</string>
<!-- Label on an icon that references an uninstalled package, that is currently being downloaded. [CHAR_LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="package_state_downloading">Downloading</string>
<!-- Label on an icon that references an uninstalled package, that is currently being installed. [CHAR_LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="package_state_installing">Installing</string>
<!-- Label on an icon that references an uninstalled package, for which we have no information about when it might be installed. [CHAR_LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="package_state_unknown">Unknown</string>
<!-- Label on an icon that references an uninstalled package, for which restore from market has failed. [CHAR_LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="package_state_error">Not restored</string>
<!-- Button for abandoned promises dialog, that removes all abandoned promise icons. -->
<string name="abandoned_clean_all">Remove All</string>
<!-- Button for abandoned promises dialog, to removes this abandoned promise icon. -->
<string name="abandoned_clean_this">Remove</string>
<!-- Button for abandoned promise dialog, to search in the market for the missing package. -->
<string name="abandoned_search">Search</string>
<!-- Title for abandoned promise dialog. -->
<string name="abandoned_promises_title">This app is not installed</string>
<!-- Explanation for abandoned promise dialog. "The first 'it' refers to the shortcut icon.
The second "it" refers to the app. -->
<string name="abandoned_promise_explanation">The app for this icon isn\'t installed.
You can remove it, or search for the app and install it manually.
<!-- Strings for accessibility actions -->
<!-- Accessibility action to add an app to workspace. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="action_add_to_workspace">Add To Workspace</string>
<!-- Accessibility confirmation for item added to workspace [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="item_added_to_workspace">Item added to workspace</string>
<!-- Accessibility confirmation for item removed [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="item_removed_from_workspace">Item removed from workspace</string>
<!-- Accessibility action to move an item on the workspace. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="action_move">Move Item</string>
<!-- Accessibility description to move item to empty cell. [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="move_to_empty_cell">Move to empty cell <xliff:g id="number" example="1">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="number" example="1">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Accessibility confirmation for item move [DO NOT TRANSLATE]-->
<string name="item_moved">Item moved</string>
<!-- Accessibility description to move item into an existing folder. [DO NOT TRANSLATE]-->
<string name="add_to_folder">Add to folder: <xliff:g id="name" example="Games">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Accessibility confirmation for item added to folder [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="added_to_folder">Item added to folder</string>
<!-- Accessibility description to create folder with another item. [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="create_folder_with">Create folder with: <xliff:g id="name" example="Game">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Accessibility confirmation for folder created [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
<string name="folder_created">Folder created</string>