blob: 4735c33422da72bfd749f402e9bc77eaa4026653 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageButton;
import android.widget.ImageView;
* Implementers of this interface are able to {@link #onUpdateFab configure the fab} and associated
* {@link #onUpdateFabButtons left/right buttons} including setting them {@link View#INVISIBLE} if
* they are unnecessary. Implementers also attach click handler logic to the
* {@link #onFabClick fab}, {@link #onLeftButtonClick left button} and
* {@link #onRightButtonClick right button}.
public interface FabController {
* Configures the display of the fab component to match the current state of this controller.
* @param fab the fab component to be configured based on current state
void onUpdateFab(@NonNull ImageView fab);
* Configures the display of the buttons to the left and right of the fab to match the current
* state of this controller.
* @param left button to the left of the fab to configure based on current state
* @param right button to the right of the fab to configure based on current state
void onUpdateFabButtons(@NonNull ImageButton left, @NonNull ImageButton right);
* Animates the display of the buttons to the left and right of the fab to match the current
* state of this controller.
* @param left button to the left of the fab to configure based on current state
* @param right button to the right of the fab to configure based on current state
void onMorphFabButtons(@NonNull ImageButton left, @NonNull ImageButton right);
* Handles a click on the fab.
* @param fab the fab component on which the click occurred
void onFabClick(@NonNull ImageView fab);
* Handles a click on the button to the left of the fab component.
* @param left the button to the left of the fab component
void onLeftButtonClick(@NonNull ImageButton left);
* Handles a click on the button to the right of the fab component.
* @param right the button to the right of the fab component
void onRightButtonClick(@NonNull ImageButton right);