blob: df7e920e549dfb3dbc74cb8f494c90105b268d2d [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<!-- no translation found for menu_redirect_calls_to_vm (4181789196416396656) -->
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<!-- no translation found for batch_delete_confirmation (3984346060324014108) -->
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<skip />
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<!-- no translation found for deleteConfirmation (3512271779086656043) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for deleteConfirmation_positive_button (7857888845028586365) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for invalidContactMessage (8215051456181842274) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for createContactShortcutSuccessful_NoName (8831303345367275472) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for createContactShortcutSuccessful (953651153238790069) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for pickerNewContactHeader (7750705279843568147) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for pickerNewContactText (6166997164401048211) -->
<skip />
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<!-- no translation found for otherLabels:1 (7196592230748086755) -->
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contactUnlinkErrorToast (2758070702785994171) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contactGenericErrorToast (7774911165341591714) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for groupSavedErrorToast (7984466936615304740) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quickcontact_missing_app (358168575340921552) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quickcontact_add_email (739298028384348482) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for missing_app (1466111003546611387) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for menu_add_contact (3198704337220892684) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<!-- no translation found for recent_updates (2018245636796411442) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for google_account_type_format (5283997303922067997) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for from_account_format (4469138575127580203) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contact_read_only (7421346527289472273) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for group_read_only (1061762906115697637) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for take_photo (7496128293167402354) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for take_new_photo (7341354729436576304) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for pick_photo (2129509985223564942) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for pick_new_photo (9122450996263688237) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for aggregation_suggestion_edit_dialog_message (6549585283910518095) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for menu_copyContact (1573960845106822639) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for add_to_my_contacts (1068274916793627723) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contact_directory_description (683398073603909119) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for list_filter_custom (8910173055702057002) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<!-- no translation found for menu_settings (377929915873428211) -->
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for non_phone_close (7608506439725515667) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for social_widget_loading (5327336597364074608) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contacts_unavailable_create_contact (7014525713871959208) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contacts_unavailable_add_account (4347232421410561500) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contacts_unavailable_import_contacts (4957393255392437529) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for create_group_dialog_title (6874527142828424475) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for create_group_item_label (4411981763169654825) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for toast_text_copied (5143776250008541719) -->
<skip />
<string name="cancel_confirmation_dialog_message" msgid="5058226498605989285">"Želite li odbaciti napravljene promjene i prekinuti uređivanje?"</string>
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<string name="cancel_confirmation_dialog_keep_editing_button" msgid="7737724111972855348">"Nastavi uređivanje"</string>
<!-- no translation found for call_type_and_date (747163730039311423) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for profile_display_name (4127389543625918771) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for enter_contact_name (1738391320566349924) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for group_name_hint (238359485263401293) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for local_profile_title (2021416826991393684) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for external_profile_title (8034998767621359438) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for toast_displaying_all_contacts (2737388783898593875) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for generic_no_account_prompt (7218827704367325460) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for generic_no_account_prompt_title (753783911899054860) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contact_editor_prompt_multiple_accounts (8565761674283473549) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contact_editor_title_new_contact (7192223018128934940) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contact_editor_title_existing_contact (4898475703683187798) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for expanding_entry_card_view_see_more (3779194067124758079) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for expanding_entry_card_view_see_less (5344160551629714168) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for expanding_entry_card_view_see_all (3845258737661412627) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for recent_card_title (8982782042698001695) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for about_card_title (2920942314212825637) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for date_time_fmt (5053178726906863812) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for header_account_entry (2684318506427891827) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for header_name_entry (1592791008096288306) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for header_email_entry (8666093061171624478) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for header_phone_entry (8450980572274173570) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for header_photo_entry (4438023151411853238) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for content_description_recent_call_type_missed (7371810920196048204) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for content_description_recent_call (5183800406316723676) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for contact_editor_hangouts_im_alert (114855385615225735) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for compact_editor_change_photo_content_description (5495487714301211540) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for compact_editor_failed_to_load (4557094426388044958) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for compact_editor_account_selector_description (2127184829759350507) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for compact_editor_linked_contacts_selector_title (9156207930915878316) -->
<!-- no translation found for quickcontact_contacts_number (6036916944287597682) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_contact_display_name_with_phonetic (3692038078718876610) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for all_photos_button (1943122929420111351) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for photo_view_description_checked (3906597168607472795) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for photo_view_description_not_checked_no_info (2749154927006406981) -->
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<!-- no translation found for photo_view_description_checked_no_info (4974335987092590591) -->
<skip />
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<string name="menu_blocked_numbers" msgid="5272951629083025995">"Blokirani brojevi"</string>