| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <!-- Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| --> |
| <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> |
| |
| <!-- Application name used in Settings/Apps. Default label for activities |
| that don't specify a label. --> |
| <string name="applicationLabel">Contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Directory partition name --> |
| <string name="contactsList">Contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Name of the dynamic shortcut that creates a new contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="shortcut_add_contact">Add contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to a contact. |
| This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc --> |
| <string name="shortcutContact">Contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to dial a contact. |
| This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc --> |
| <string name="shortcutDialContact">Direct dial</string> |
| |
| <!-- Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to message (SMS) a contact. |
| This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc --> |
| <string name="shortcutMessageContact">Direct message</string> |
| |
| <!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a contact for a shortcut. --> |
| <string name="shortcutActivityTitle">Choose contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Activity title when the user is inserting into an existing contact, or creating a new one. [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="contactInsertOrEditActivityTitle">Add to contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="contactPickerActivityTitle">Choose a contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a new label member. [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="groupMemberPickerActivityTitle">Select</string> |
| |
| <!-- Entry that prompts user to select a newly created contact. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="header_entry_contact_list_adapter_header_title">Create new contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Hint text in the search box when the user hits the Search key while in the contacts app --> |
| <string name="searchHint">Search contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item used to add a star to a contact, which makes that contact show up at the top of favorites --> |
| <string name="menu_addStar">Add to favorites</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item used to remove a star from a contact, making the contact no longer show up at the top of favorites --> |
| <string name="menu_removeStar">Remove from favorites</string> |
| |
| <!-- Description of what happens when you click on the unstar MenuItem. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="description_action_menu_remove_star">Removed from favorites</string> |
| <!-- Description of what happens when you click on the star MenuItem. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="description_action_menu_add_star">Added to favorites</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item used to edit a specific contact --> |
| <string name="menu_editContact">Edit</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item used to delete a specific contact --> |
| <string name="menu_deleteContact">Delete</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item used to change the photo for a specific contact [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="menu_change_photo">Change photo</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item used to create a contact shortcut when viewing contact details. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_create_contact_shortcut">Create shortcut</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item that splits an item from the contact detail into a separate aggregate --> |
| <string name="menu_splitAggregate">Unlink</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item that edits the currently selected label [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_editGroup">Remove contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to rename the currently selected label [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_renameGroup">Rename label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item that deletes the currently selected label [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_deleteGroup">Delete label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to search for contacts to add to the currently selected label. CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_addToGroup">Add contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to select multiple contacts to add to the currently selected label. CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_selectForGroup">Select contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to add selected contacts to the currently selected label. CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_addContactsToGroup">Add contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to remove the currently selected contacts from the currently selected label. [CHAR LIMIT=60] --> |
| <string name="menu_removeFromGroup">Remove from label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item (in the action bar) that creates a new label [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_new_group_action_bar">Create label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirmation dialog for unlinking contacts into multiple instances [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="splitConfirmation">Unlink this contact into multiple contacts?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Positive button text from the confirmation dialog for unlinking contacts [CHAR LIMIT = 30] --> |
| <string name="splitConfirmation_positive_button">Unlink</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirmation dialog for unlinking contacts into multiple instances when there are also unsaved changes for the current contact. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="splitConfirmationWithPendingChanges">Would you like to save the changes you already made and unlink this contact into multiple contacts?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Positive button text from the confirmation dialog for unlinking contacts with pending changes [CHAR LIMIT = 60] --> |
| <string name="splitConfirmationWithPendingChanges_positive_button">Save and Unlink</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirmation dialog message for joining contacts when there are unsaved changes. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="joinConfirmation">Would you like to save the changes you already made and link with the contact selected?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Positive button text from the confirmation dialog for joining contacts when there are unsaved changes. [CHAR LIMIT = 60] --> |
| <string name="joinConfirmation_positive_button">Save and Link</string> |
| |
| <!-- The text to show on on a ProgressDialog indicating we're currently linking |
| contacts [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="contacts_linking_progress_bar">Linking</string> |
| |
| <!-- The text to show on on a ProgressDialog indicating we're currently unlinking |
| contacts [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="contacts_unlinking_progress_bar">Unlinking</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item that links an aggregate with another aggregate --> |
| <string name="menu_joinAggregate">Link</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item that opens a dialog that shows all linked contacts that make up this one. [CHAR LIMIT=35] --> |
| <string name="menu_linkedContacts">View linked contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item (in the action bar) to indicate that changes should be saved [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="menu_save">Save</string> |
| |
| <!-- Heading of the Link Contact screen --> |
| <string name="titleJoinContactDataWith">Link contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Info blurb on the Link Contact screen [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]--> |
| <string name="blurbJoinContactDataWith">Choose the contact you want to link with <xliff:g |
| id="name">%s</xliff:g>:</string> |
| |
| <!-- List separator for the Join Contact list: Suggestions --> |
| <string name="separatorJoinAggregateSuggestions">Suggested contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- List separator for the Join Contact list: A-Z --> |
| <string name="separatorJoinAggregateAll">All contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown after two contacts have been linked by a user action with a name. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contactsJoinedNamedMessage"><xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g> linked</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown after two contacts have been linked by a user action without a name. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contactsJoinedMessage">Contacts linked</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown with names after user selected contacts are deleted by user action. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="contacts_deleted_one_named_toast"><xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g> deleted</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown with names after user selected contacts are deleted by user action. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="contacts_deleted_two_named_toast"><xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g> and <xliff:g id="name">%2$s</xliff:g> deleted</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown with names after user selected contacts are deleted by user action. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="contacts_deleted_many_named_toast"><xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="name">%2$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="name">%3$s</xliff:g>\u2026 deleted</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown after contacts that the user has selected are deleted by a user action. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <plurals name="contacts_deleted_toast"> |
| <item quantity="one">Contact deleted</item> |
| <item quantity="other">Contacts deleted</item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| <!-- List header indicating the number of contacts in the list [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <plurals name="contacts_count"> |
| <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> contact</item> |
| <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> contacts</item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| <!-- List header indicating the number of contacts and account name in the list [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <plurals name="contacts_count_with_account"> |
| <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> contact · <xliff:g id="account">%2$s</xliff:g></item> |
| <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> contacts · <xliff:g id="account">%2$s</xliff:g></item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| <!-- Activity title indicating contacts are from a Google account [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="title_from_google">From Google</string> |
| |
| <!-- Activity title indicating contacts are from a specific account [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="title_from_other_accounts">From <xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to set ring tone for a given contact [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="menu_set_ring_tone">Set ringtone</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to route all calls from a given contact to voice mail [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_redirect_calls_to_vm">Route to voicemail</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to unroute all calls from a given contact to voice mail [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_unredirect_calls_to_vm">Unroute to voicemail</string> |
| |
| <!-- Warning dialog contents after users select to delete a ReadOnly contact. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="readOnlyContactWarning">This contact is read-only. It can\'t be deleted, but you can hide it.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Positive button text of the warning dialog contents after users select to delete a ReadOnly contact. [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="readOnlyContactWarning_positive_button">Hide Contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a contact with ReadOnly and Writable data sources. |
| Tells the user that data from the read-only accounts will be hidden and not deleted. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]--> |
| <string name="readOnlyContactDeleteConfirmation">Read-only accounts in this contact will be hidden, not deleted.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirmation dialog. Shown after user selects to delete one writable contact [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="single_delete_confirmation">Delete this contact?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirmation dialog. Shown after user selects to delete multimple writable contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="batch_delete_confirmation">Delete selected contacts?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirmation dialog. Shown after user selects to delete readonly contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="batch_delete_read_only_contact_confirmation">Contacts from your read-only accounts cannot be deleted, but they can be hidden.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirmation dialog. Shown after user selects to delete contacts from multiple accounts. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="batch_delete_multiple_accounts_confirmation">The contacts to be deleted have details from multiple accounts. Details from read-only accounts will be hidden, not deleted.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a contact with multiple Writable sources. --> |
| <string name="multipleContactDeleteConfirmation">Deleting this contact will delete details from multiple accounts.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirmation dialog contents after users selects to delete a Writable contact. --> |
| <string name="deleteConfirmation">Delete this contact?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Positive button text of confirmation dialog contents after users selects to delete a Writable contact. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="deleteConfirmation_positive_button">Delete</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message displayed in a toast when you try to view the details of a contact that |
| for some reason doesn't exist anymore. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]--> |
| <string name="invalidContactMessage">The contact doesn\'t exist.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message without name displayed in a toast after you create a contact shortcut in the launcher [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]--> |
| <string name="createContactShortcutSuccessful_NoName">Contact added to Home screen.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message with name displayed in a toast after you create a contact shortcut in the launcher [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]--> |
| <string name="createContactShortcutSuccessful"><xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g> added to Home screen.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The order of the items below is important, don't reorder without changing EditContactActivity.java --> |
| <skip/> |
| |
| <!-- Description in the dialog that appears if there are no pictures from which to create an icon for a contact --> |
| <string name="photoPickerNotFoundText">No pictures are available on the device.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Description used in the attach photo Intent from third party apps [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="attach_photo_dialog_title">Contact photo</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the dialog used to set a custom label for a contact detail, like a phone number or email address. |
| For example, this may be used to set a phone number's label to "Vaction house" --> |
| <string name="customLabelPickerTitle">Custom label name</string> |
| |
| <!-- The menu item that allows you to remove a photo from a contact [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="removePhoto">Remove photo</string> |
| |
| <!-- The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying all contacts [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="noContacts">Your contacts list is empty</string> |
| |
| <!-- The text displayed when there are no members that have this label while displaying the label detail page [CHAR LIMIT=70] --> |
| <string name="emptyGroup">No contacts with this label</string> |
| |
| <!-- The text displayed when there's no contacts in this account [CHAR LIMIT=70] --> |
| <string name="emptyAccount">No contacts in this account</string> |
| |
| <!-- The text displayed when there's no contacts in the main contacts list [CHAR LIMIT=70] --> |
| <string name="emptyMainList">Your contacts list is empty</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when a contact is saved [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="contactSavedNamedToast"><xliff:g id="display_name">%s</xliff:g> saved</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when a contact is saved [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contactSavedToast">Contact saved</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when linked contacts get unlinked [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contactUnlinkedToast">Contacts unlinked</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when saving a contact failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contactSavedErrorToast">Couldn\'t save contact changes</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when unlinking a contact failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contactUnlinkErrorToast">Couldn\'t unlink contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when linking a contact failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contactJoinErrorToast">Couldn\'t link contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Generic error default clause displayed when saving a contact failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contactGenericErrorToast">Error saving contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when saving a contact photo failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contactPhotoSavedErrorToast">Couldn\'t save contact photo changes</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when something goes wrong while loading a label. [CHAR LIMIT=70] --> |
| <string name="groupLoadErrorToast">Failed to load label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast or snackbar displayed when a label name is deleted. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="groupDeletedToast">Label deleted</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when a new label name is created. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="groupCreatedToast">Label created</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when a new label name cannot be created. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="groupCreateFailedToast">Can\'t create label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when a new label is created. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="groupUpdatedToast">Label updated</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when contacts are removed from a label. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="groupMembersRemovedToast">Removed from label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when one or more contacts is added to a label. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="groupMembersAddedToast">Added to label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when saving a label failed [CHAR LIMIT=70] --> |
| <string name="groupSavedErrorToast">Couldn\'t save label changes</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message displayed when creating a group with the same name as an existing group --> |
| <string name="groupExistsErrorMessage">That label already exists</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when some group contacts do not have any emails (for group send) [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="groupSomeContactsNoEmailsToast">Some contacts do not have emails.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when some group contacts do not have any phone numbers (for group send) [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="groupSomeContactsNoPhonesToast">Some contacts do not have phone numbers.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Option name to send email to all members of a group/selection [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_sendEmailOption">Send email</string> |
| |
| <!-- Option name to send message to all members of a group/selection [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_sendMessageOption">Send message</string> |
| |
| <!-- Activity title when the user is selecting items [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="pickerSelectContactsActivityTitle">Choose Contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- The menu item to send the currently selected contacts to selected items [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> |
| <string name="send_to_selection">Send</string> |
| |
| <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero total number of contacts found when "Only contacts with phones" not selected. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="listFoundAllContactsZero">No contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog message when prompting before creating a contact. Includes |
| the email address, e.g. "Add xyz@foo.com to contacts?" --> |
| <string name="add_contact_dlg_message_fmt">Add \"<xliff:g id="email">%s</xliff:g>\" to contacts?</string> |
| |
| <!-- The string used to describe Contacts as a searchable item within system search settings. --> |
| <string name="search_settings_description">Names of your contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the transparent views around the visible section of QuickContacts. |
| Clicking this view causes Quick Contacts to close. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="quickcontact_transparent_view_description">Click to return to previous screen</string> |
| |
| <!-- When a contact has no data, we prompt the user to add a phone number for the contact. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="quickcontact_add_phone_number">Add phone number</string> |
| <!-- When a contact has no data, we prompt the user to add an email for the contact. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="quickcontact_add_email">Add email</string> |
| |
| <!-- Shown as a toast when the user attempts an action (add contact, edit |
| contact, etc) and no application was found that could perform that |
| action. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="missing_app">No app was found to handle this action.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The menu item to share the currently viewed contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_share">Share</string> |
| |
| <!-- The menu item to add the the currently viewed contact to your contacts [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="menu_add_contact">Add to contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- The menu item to add the the currently selected contacts to a label [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> |
| <string name="menu_add_contacts">Add</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog title when picking the application to share one or multiple contacts with. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <plurals name="title_share_via"> |
| <item quantity="one">Share contact via</item> |
| <item quantity="other">Share contacts via</item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| <!-- Title for the disambiguation dialog that requests the user choose an account for the new label to be created under [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="dialog_new_group_account">Choose account</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title for the create new label dialog. CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="group_name_dialog_insert_title">Create label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title for the update label dialog. CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="group_name_dialog_update_title">Rename label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Hint for the label name input field on the insert and update label dialogs [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="group_name_dialog_hint">Label name</string> |
| |
| <!-- Hint for the custom label name input filed on dialogs [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="label_name_dialog_hint">Label name</string> |
| |
| <!-- Generic action string for starting an audio chat. Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="audio_chat">Voice chat</string> |
| <!-- Generic action string for starting a video chat. Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="video_chat">Video chat</string> |
| |
| <!-- String describing which account type a contact came from when editing it --> |
| <string name="account_type_format"><xliff:g id="source" example="Gmail">%1$s</xliff:g> contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- String describing that a contact came from the google account type when editing it. --> |
| <string name="google_account_type_format"><xliff:g id="source" example="Google">%1$s</xliff:g> account</string> |
| |
| <!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is no photo yet [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="take_photo">Take photo</string> |
| |
| <!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is already a photo [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="take_new_photo">Take new photo</string> |
| |
| <!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is no photo yet [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="pick_photo">Choose photo</string> |
| |
| <!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is already a photo [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="pick_new_photo">Select new photo</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title shown in the search result activity of contacts app while searching. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="search_results_searching">Searching\u2026</string> |
| |
| <!-- The button to add an organization field to a contact in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> |
| <string name="event_edit_field_hint_text">Date</string> |
| |
| <!-- The button to add an label field to a contact in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="group_edit_field_hint_text">Label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for a cancel button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="cancel_button_content_description">Cancel</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for a back button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="back_arrow_content_description">Back</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the fake action menu up button as used |
| inside edit or select. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="action_menu_back_from_edit_select">close</string> |
| |
| <!-- The message in a confirmation dialog shown when the user selects a |
| contact aggregation suggestion in Contact editor. [CHAR LIMIT=512]--> |
| <string name="aggregation_suggestion_edit_dialog_message">Switch to editing |
| the selected contact? Information you entered so far will be copied.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The description of the directory where the contact was found [CHAR LIMIT=100]--> |
| <string name="contact_directory_description">Directory <xliff:g id="type" example="Corporate Directory">%1$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the settings activity [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="activity_title_settings">Settings</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item for the settings activity [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="menu_settings" msgid="377929915873428211">Settings</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item for invoking contextual Help & Feedback [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="menu_help">Help & feedback</string> |
| |
| <!-- Text used to show a organization that has both a company and title. This is used in the Detail-View |
| of a Contact. This is mostly about the formatting of the two elements, so it should be kept small [CHAR LIMIT=79] --> |
| <string name="organization_company_and_title"><xliff:g id="company" example="Technical Program Manager">%2$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="company" example="Google Inc.">%1$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Title shown for the phone number when the number tries to call on a device that it not a phone [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="non_phone_caption">Phone number</string> |
| |
| <!-- Button to add a phone number to contacts [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <string name="non_phone_add_to_contacts">Add to contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Button to close without add a phone number to contacts [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <string name="non_phone_close">Close</string> |
| |
| <!-- Checkbox whether to include a year for a birthday [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="date_year_toggle">Include year</string> |
| |
| <!-- Button shown on the main contacts screen when there are no contacts on the device. |
| Navigates to account setup [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="contacts_unavailable_add_account">Add account</string> |
| |
| <!-- Button shown on the main contacts screen when there are no contacts on the device. |
| Initiates a contact import dialog [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="contacts_unavailable_import_contacts">Import</string> |
| |
| <!-- An item in the popup list of labels that triggers creation of a contact label [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="create_group_item_label">Create new…</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirmation message of the dialog that allows deletion of a contact label [CHAR LIMIT=256] --> |
| <string name="delete_group_dialog_message">Delete the label |
| \"<xliff:g id="group_label" example="Friends">%1$s</xliff:g>\"? |
| (Contacts themselves will not be deleted.) |
| </string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast displayed when the user creates a new contact and attempts to link it |
| with another before entering any data [CHAR LIMIT=256] --> |
| <string name="toast_join_with_empty_contact">Type contact name before linking |
| with another. |
| </string> |
| |
| <!-- Option displayed in context menu to copy long pressed item to clipboard [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="copy_text">Copy to clipboard</string> |
| |
| <!-- Option displayed in context menu to set long pressed item as default contact method [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="set_default">Set default</string> |
| |
| <!-- Option displayed in context menu to clear long pressed item as default contact method [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="clear_default">Clear default</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown when text is copied to the clipboard [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="toast_text_copied">Text copied</string> |
| |
| <!-- Contents of the alert dialog when the user hits the Cancel button in the editor [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="cancel_confirmation_dialog_message">Discard changes?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Positive button text for the cancel editing confirmation dialog. |
| Pushing this button indicates that the user wishes to discard the changes they have already |
| made and close the editor. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="cancel_confirmation_dialog_cancel_editing_button">Discard</string> |
| |
| <!-- Negative button text for the cancel editing confirmation dialog. |
| Pushing this button indicates that the user wishes to continue editing |
| and return to the editor [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="cancel_confirmation_dialog_keep_editing_button">Cancel</string> |
| |
| <!-- Contents of the alert dialog when the user hits the Cancel button in the customize screen [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="leave_customize_confirmation_dialog_message">Discard customizations?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label to instruct the user to type in a contact's name to add the contact as a member of the current group. [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="enter_contact_name">Search contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the edit label view in selection mode when contacts are being selected for removal.[CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="title_edit_group">Remove contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header label in the contact editor for a profile that is local to the device only (and not associated with any account) [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <string name="local_profile_title">My local profile</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header label in the contact editor for a profile that comes from an external third-party app whose name is given by source [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="external_profile_title">My <xliff:g id="external_source">%1$s</xliff:g> profile</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message in the contact editor prompt that notifies the user that the newly created contact will not be saved to any account, and prompts addition of an account [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contact_editor_prompt_zero_accounts">Take a minute to add an account that will back up your contacts to Google.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message in the contact editor prompt that asks the user if it's okay to save the newly created contact to the account shown. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contact_editor_prompt_one_account">New contacts will be saved to <xliff:g id="account_name">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message in the contact editor prompt that asks the user which account they want to save the newly created contact to. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="contact_editor_prompt_multiple_accounts">Choose a default account for new contacts:</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the editor activity when creating a new contact. The char |
| limit is short and cannot be increased, since this needs to be displayed in a single line |
| at a pre-determined text size. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="contact_editor_title_new_contact">Create new contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the editor activity when editing a contact that already exists. The char |
| limit is short and cannot be increased, since this needs to be displayed in a single line |
| at a pre-determined text size. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="contact_editor_title_existing_contact">Edit contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the editor activity when viewing a read-only raw contact. The char |
| limit is short and cannot be increased, since this needs to be displayed in a single line |
| at a pre-determined text size. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="contact_editor_title_read_only_contact">View only</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog title when the user is selecting a raw contact to edit. [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="contact_editor_pick_raw_contact_to_edit_dialog_title">Choose contact to edit</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog title showing the user the list of contacts that are linked together to create the aggregate they are viewing. [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="contact_editor_pick_linked_contact_dialog_title">Linked contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog button label to prompt user to add more linked contacts to the one they're viewing. [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="contact_editor_add_linked_contact">Add</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog button label to prompt user to unlinked the contact they're looking at to it's constituent parts. [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="contact_editor_unlink_contacts">Unlink</string> |
| |
| <!-- Button label to prompt the user to add an account (when there are 0 existing accounts on the device) [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="add_account">Add account</string> |
| |
| <!-- Button label to prompt the user to add another account (when there are already existing accounts on the device) [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="add_new_account">Add new account</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item shown only when the special debug mode is enabled, which is used to send all contacts database files via email. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="menu_export_database">Export database files</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the button that adds a new contact |
| <string name="action_menu_add_new_contact_button">Create new contact</string> |
| <!-- Button Label to see more on an ExpandingEntryCardView [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="expanding_entry_card_view_see_more">See more</string> |
| <!-- Button Label to see less on an ExpandingEntryCardView [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="expanding_entry_card_view_see_less">See less</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of recent card. [CHAR LIMIT=60] --> |
| <string name="recent_card_title">Recent</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of recent card. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="about_card_title">About</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast that appears when you are copying a directory contact into your personal contacts --> |
| <string name="toast_making_personal_copy">Creating a personal copy…</string> |
| <!-- Timestamp string for interactions from tomorrow. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="tomorrow">Tomorrow</string> |
| <!-- Timestamp string for interactions from today. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="today">Today</string> |
| <!-- Text for an event starting on the current day with a start and end time. |
| For ex, "Today at 5:00pm-6:00pm" [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="today_at_time_fmt">"Today at <xliff:g id="time_interval">%s</xliff:g>"</string> |
| <!-- Text for an event starting on the next day with a start and end time. |
| For ex, "Tomorrow at 5:00pm-6:00pm" [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="tomorrow_at_time_fmt">"Tomorrow at <xliff:g id="time_interval">%s</xliff:g>"</string> |
| <!-- Format string for a date and time description. For ex: |
| "April 19, 2012, 3:00pm - 4:00pm" [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="date_time_fmt">"<xliff:g id="date">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="time_interval">%2$s</xliff:g>"</string> |
| <!-- Title for untitled calendar interactions [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="untitled_event">(Untitled event)</string> |
| |
| <!-- Name of the button in the date/time picker to accept the date/time change [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="date_time_set">Set</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header for the IM entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="header_im_entry">IM</string> |
| <!-- Header for the Organization entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="header_organization_entry">Organization</string> |
| <!-- Header for the Nickname entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="header_nickname_entry">Nickname</string> |
| <!-- Header for the Note entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="header_note_entry">Note</string> |
| <!-- Header for the Website entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="header_website_entry">Website</string> |
| <!-- Header for the Event entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="header_event_entry">Event</string> |
| <!-- Header for the Relation entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="header_relation_entry">Relation</string> |
| <!-- Content description for the name fields header entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="header_name_entry">Name</string> |
| <!-- Content description for the email fields header entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="header_email_entry">Email</string> |
| <!-- Content description for the phone fields header entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="header_phone_entry">Phone</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for directions secondary button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="content_description_directions">directions to location</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for recent sms interaction [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="content_description_recent_sms">recent sms. <xliff:g id="message_body">%1$s</xliff:g>. <xliff:g id="phone_number">%2$s</xliff:g>. <xliff:g id="date">%3$s</xliff:g>. click to respond</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header for the Relation entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="content_description_recent_call_type_incoming">incoming</string> |
| <!-- Header for the Relation entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="content_description_recent_call_type_outgoing">outgoing</string> |
| <!-- Header for the Relation entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="content_description_recent_call_type_missed">missed</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for recent sms interaction [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="content_description_recent_call">recent call. <xliff:g id="call_type">%1$s</xliff:g>. <xliff:g id="phone_number">%2$s</xliff:g>. <xliff:g id="date">%3$s</xliff:g>. click to call back</string> |
| |
| <!-- Prefix for messages that you sent [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="message_from_you_prefix">You: <xliff:g id="sms_body">%s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Button to expand the contact editor to show all available input fields. [CHAR LIMIT=60] --> |
| <string name="editor_more_fields">More fields</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the contact editor photo overlay which, when clicked, shows a dialog with the options for changing the contact photo. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="editor_change_photo_content_description">Change contact photo</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the contact editor photo overlay which, when clicked, shows a dialog with the options for adding a contact photo. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="editor_add_photo_content_description">Add contact photo</string> |
| |
| <!-- Accessibility content description, describes the image as being the photo for the contact the user is viewing. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="editor_contact_photo_content_description">Contact photo</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast message displayed when the editor fails to load for a contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="editor_failed_to_load">Failed to open editor.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label for the account selector to indicate which account a contact will be saved to. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="editor_account_selector_title">Saving to</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label for the account selector to indicate the current information (name, phone number, email etc.) about the contact comes from a read-only account. [CHAR LIMIT=55] --> |
| <string name="editor_account_selector_read_only_title">Contact info from <xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g> is not editable</string> |
| |
| <!-- Button used in quick contact suggestion card to link selected contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="quickcontact_suggestion_link_button">LINK CONTACTS</string> |
| |
| <!-- Button used in quick contact suggestion card to collapse suggestion card. [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="quickcontact_suggestion_cancel_button">CANCEL</string> |
| |
| <!-- "This contact" title showing in suggestion card in Quick contact. [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="suggestion_card_this_contact_title">This contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- "Duplicates" title showing in suggestion card in Quick contact. [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="suggestion_card_duplicates_title">Possible duplicates</string> |
| |
| <!-- Help message showing in suggestion card in Quick contact. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]--> |
| <string name="suggestion_card_help_message">These contacts might be the same person. You can link them together as a single contact.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description of delete button to the right of each section in editor, including |
| data type. For example: Delete Home Phone, Delete Work Email, etc [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="editor_delete_view_description">Delete <xliff:g id="data_type">%1$s </xliff:g><xliff:g id="data_kind">%2$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description of delete button to the right of each section in editor, without data |
| type. For example: Delete Website, Delete SIP, etc [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="editor_delete_view_description_short">Delete <xliff:g id="data_kind">%s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Left drawer menu item to open contacts assistant/suggestion cards. [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> |
| <string name="menu_assistant">Suggestions</string> |
| |
| <!-- Badge shown next to Suggestions in left drawer menu when user has not visited it yet. [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> |
| <string name="menu_assistant_new_badge">New</string> |
| |
| <!-- Open drawer content descriptions [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="navigation_drawer_open">Open navigation drawer</string> |
| |
| <!-- Close drawer content descriptions [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="navigation_drawer_close">Close navigation drawer</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description of label name in navigation drawer. For example: Coworker Label, Friends Label [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="navigation_drawer_label"><xliff:g id="label_name">%s</xliff:g> label</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu section title of "labels" [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="menu_title_groups">Labels</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu section title of "accounts" [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="menu_title_filters">Accounts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Contacts app asking for permissions in QuickContact activity, |
| in order to display calendar and SMS history [CHAR LIMIT=60] --> |
| <string name="permission_explanation_header">See your history together</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content displayed in QuickContact activity after Contacts app receiving |
| Calendar and SMS permissions [CHAR LIMIT=60] --> |
| <string name="permission_explanation_subheader_calendar_and_SMS">Events and messages</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content displayed in QuickContact activity after Contacts app receiving |
| Calendar permission [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="permission_explanation_subheader_calendar">Events</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content displayed in QuickContact activity after Contacts app receiving |
| SMS permission [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="permission_explanation_subheader_SMS">Messages</string> |
| |
| <!-- The header text for hamburger promo [CHAR LIMIT=60]--> |
| <string name="hamburger_feature_highlight_header">Suggestions</string> |
| <!-- The body text for hamburger promo [CHAR LIMIT=200]--> |
| <string name="hamburger_feature_highlight_body">Keep your contacts organized and useful</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label for the action shown in a snackbar after an operation that modifies some data is performed. |
| The user can click on the action to rollback the modification--> |
| <string name="undo">Undo</string> |
| |
| <!-- Action string for calling a custom phone number --> |
| <string name="call_custom">Call |
| <xliff:g id="custom_label" example="business">%s</xliff:g> |
| </string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a home phone number --> |
| <string name="call_home">Call home</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a mobile phone number --> |
| <string name="call_mobile">Call mobile</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a work phone number --> |
| <string name="call_work">Call work</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a work fax phone number --> |
| <string name="call_fax_work">Call work fax</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a home fax phone number --> |
| <string name="call_fax_home">Call home fax</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a pager phone number --> |
| <string name="call_pager">Call pager</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling an other phone number --> |
| <string name="call_other">Call</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a callback number --> |
| <string name="call_callback">Call callback</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a car phone number --> |
| <string name="call_car">Call car</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a company main phone number --> |
| <string name="call_company_main">Call company main</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a ISDN phone number --> |
| <string name="call_isdn">Call ISDN</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a main phone number --> |
| <string name="call_main">Call main</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling an other fax phone number --> |
| <string name="call_other_fax">Call fax</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a radio phone number --> |
| <string name="call_radio">Call radio</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a Telex phone number --> |
| <string name="call_telex">Call telex</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a TTY/TDD phone number --> |
| <string name="call_tty_tdd">Call TTY/TDD</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a work mobile phone number --> |
| <string name="call_work_mobile">Call work mobile</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a work pager phone number --> |
| <string name="call_work_pager">Call work pager</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling an assistant phone number --> |
| <string name="call_assistant">Call |
| <xliff:g id="custom_label" example="assistant">%s</xliff:g> |
| </string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a MMS phone number --> |
| <string name="call_mms">Call MMS</string> |
| <!-- Action string for calling a contact by shortcut --> |
| <string name="call_by_shortcut"><xliff:g id="contact_name">%s</xliff:g> (Call)</string> |
| |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a custom phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_custom">Text |
| <xliff:g id="custom_label" example="business">%s</xliff:g> |
| </string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a home phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_home">Text home</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a mobile phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_mobile">Text mobile</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_work">Text work</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work fax phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_fax_work">Text work fax</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a home fax phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_fax_home">Text home fax</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a pager phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_pager">Text pager</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to an other phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_other">Text</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a callback number --> |
| <string name="sms_callback">Text callback</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a car phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_car">Text car</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a company main phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_company_main">Text company main</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a ISDN phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_isdn">Text ISDN</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a main phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_main">Text main</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to an other fax phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_other_fax">Text fax</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a radio phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_radio">Text radio</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a Telex phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_telex">Text telex</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a TTY/TDD phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_tty_tdd">Text TTY/TDD</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work mobile phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_work_mobile">Text work mobile</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work pager phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_work_pager">Text work pager</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to an assistant phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_assistant">Text |
| <xliff:g id="assistant">%s</xliff:g> |
| </string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a MMS phone number --> |
| <string name="sms_mms">Text MMS</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a contact by shortcut --> |
| <string name="sms_by_shortcut"><xliff:g id="contact_name">%s</xliff:g> (Message)</string> |
| |
| <!-- Description string for an action button to initiate a video call. --> |
| <string name="description_video_call">Make video call</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the confirmation dialog for clearing frequents. [CHAR LIMIT=60] --> |
| <string name="clearFrequentsConfirmation_title">Clear frequently contacted?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirmation dialog for clearing frequents. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="clearFrequentsConfirmation">You\'ll clear the frequently contacted list in the |
| Contacts and Phone apps, and force email apps to learn your addressing preferences from |
| scratch. |
| </string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the "Clearing frequently contacted" progress-dialog [CHAR LIMIT=60] --> |
| <string name="clearFrequentsProgress_title">Clearing frequently contacted\u2026</string> |
| |
| <!-- Used to display as default status when the contact is available for chat [CHAR LIMIT=19] --> |
| <string name="status_available">Available</string> |
| |
| <!-- Used to display as default status when the contact is away or idle for chat [CHAR LIMIT=19] --> |
| <string name="status_away">Away</string> |
| |
| <!-- Used to display as default status when the contact is busy or Do not disturb for chat [CHAR LIMIT=19] --> |
| <string name="status_busy">Busy</string> |
| |
| <!-- The name of the invisible local contact directory --> |
| <string name="local_invisible_directory">Other</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label in section header in the contact list for a contact directory [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="directory_search_label">Directory</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label in section header in the contact list for a work contact directory [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="directory_search_label_work">Work directory</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label in section header in the contact list for a local contacts [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="local_search_label">All contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- String describing the text for photo of a contact in a contacts list. |
| |
| Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. |
| This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. |
| --> |
| <string name="description_quick_contact_for">Quick contact for <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Shown as the display name for a person when the name is missing or unknown. [CHAR LIMIT=18]--> |
| <string name="missing_name">(No name)</string> |
| |
| <!-- The text displayed on the divider for the Favorites tab in People app indicating that items below it are frequently contacted [CHAR LIMIT = 39] --> |
| <string name="favoritesFrequentContacted">Frequently contacted</string> |
| |
| <!-- Contact list filter selection indicating that the list shows all contacts with phone numbers [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="list_filter_phones">All contacts with phone numbers</string> |
| |
| <!-- Contact list filter selection indicating that the list shows all work contacts with phone numbers [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="list_filter_phones_work">Work profile contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Button to view the updates from the current group on the group detail page [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <string name="view_updates_from_group">View updates</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title for data source when creating or editing a contact that doesn't |
| belong to a specific account. This contact will only exist on the phone |
| and will not be synced. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="account_phone">Device</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title for data source when creating or editing a contact that is stored on the |
| devices SIM card. This contact will only exist on the phone and will not be synced. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="account_sim">SIM</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header that expands to list all name types when editing a structured name of a contact |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="nameLabelsGroup">Name</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header that expands to list all nickname types when editing a nickname of a contact |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="nicknameLabelsGroup">Nickname</string> |
| |
| <!-- Field title for the given name of a contact --> |
| <string name="name_given">First name</string> |
| <!-- Field title for the family name of a contact --> |
| <string name="name_family">Last name</string> |
| <!-- Field title for the prefix name of a contact --> |
| <string name="name_prefix">Name prefix</string> |
| <!-- Field title for the middle name of a contact --> |
| <string name="name_middle">Middle name</string> |
| <!-- Field title for the suffix name of a contact --> |
| <string name="name_suffix">Name suffix</string> |
| |
| <!-- Field title for the phonetic name of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> |
| <string name="name_phonetic">Phonetic name</string> |
| |
| <!-- Field title for the phonetic given name of a contact --> |
| <string name="name_phonetic_given">Phonetic first name</string> |
| <!-- Field title for the phonetic middle name of a contact --> |
| <string name="name_phonetic_middle">Phonetic middle name</string> |
| <!-- Field title for the phonetic family name of a contact --> |
| <string name="name_phonetic_family">Phonetic last name</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of phone numbers when editing or creating a |
| phone number for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="phoneLabelsGroup">Phone</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of email addresses when editing or creating |
| an email address for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="emailLabelsGroup">Email</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of postal addresses when editing or creating |
| an postal address for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="postalLabelsGroup">Address</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of IM account when editing or creating an IM |
| account for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="imLabelsGroup">IM</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header that expands to list all organization types when editing an organization of a |
| contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="organizationLabelsGroup">Organization</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header for the list of all relationships for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="relationLabelsGroup">Relationship</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header that expands to list all event types when editing an event of a contact |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="eventLabelsGroup">Special date</string> |
| |
| <!-- Generic action string for text messaging a contact. Used by AccessibilityService to |
| announce the purpose of the view. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="sms">Text message</string> |
| |
| <!-- Field title for the full postal address of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> |
| <string name="postal_address">Address</string> |
| |
| <!-- Hint text for the organization name when editing a business/work contact. [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="ghostData_company">Company</string> |
| |
| <!-- Hint text for the organization title when editing a business/work contact. [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="ghostData_title">Title</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label describing the Notes field of a contact. This field allows free form text entry |
| about a contact --> |
| <string name="label_notes">Notes</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label describing the custom field of a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="label_custom_field">Custom</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label describing the SIP address field of a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="label_sip_address">SIP</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header that expands to list all website types when editing a website of a contact |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="websiteLabelsGroup">Website</string> |
| |
| <!-- Header for the list of all labels for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="groupsLabel">Labels</string> |
| |
| <!-- Action string for sending an email to a home email address --> |
| <string name="email_home">Email home</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an email to a mobile email address --> |
| <string name="email_mobile">Email mobile</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an email to a work email address --> |
| <string name="email_work">Email work</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an email to an other email address --> |
| <string name="email_other">Email</string> |
| <!-- Action string for sending an email to a custom email address --> |
| <string name="email_custom">Email <xliff:g id="custom_label" example="business">%s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Generic action string for sending an email --> |
| <string name="email">Email</string> |
| |
| <!-- Field title for the street of a structured postal address of a contact --> |
| <string name="postal_street">Street</string> |
| <!-- Field title for the city of a structured postal address of a contact --> |
| <string name="postal_city">City</string> |
| <!-- Field title for the region, or state, of a structured postal address of a contact --> |
| <string name="postal_region">State</string> |
| <!-- Field title for the postal code of a structured postal address of a contact --> |
| <string name="postal_postcode">ZIP code</string> |
| <!-- Field title for the country of a structured postal address of a contact --> |
| <string name="postal_country">Country</string> |
| |
| <!-- Action string for viewing a home postal address --> |
| <string name="map_home">View home address</string> |
| <!-- Action string for viewing a work postal address --> |
| <string name="map_work">View work address</string> |
| <!-- Action string for viewing an other postal address --> |
| <string name="map_other">View address</string> |
| <!-- Action string for viewing a custom postal address --> |
| <string name="map_custom">View <xliff:g id="custom_label" example="vacation">%s</xliff:g> address</string> |
| |
| <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the AIM protocol --> |
| <string name="chat_aim">Chat using AIM</string> |
| <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the MSN or Windows Live protocol --> |
| <string name="chat_msn">Chat using Windows Live</string> |
| <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Yahoo protocol --> |
| <string name="chat_yahoo">Chat using Yahoo</string> |
| <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Skype protocol --> |
| <string name="chat_skype">Chat using Skype</string> |
| <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the QQ protocol --> |
| <string name="chat_qq">Chat using QQ</string> |
| <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Google Talk protocol --> |
| <string name="chat_gtalk">Chat using Google Talk</string> |
| <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the ICQ protocol --> |
| <string name="chat_icq">Chat using ICQ</string> |
| <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Jabber protocol --> |
| <string name="chat_jabber">Chat using Jabber</string> |
| |
| <!-- Generic action string for starting an IM chat --> |
| <string name="chat">Chat</string> |
| |
| <!-- String describing the Contact Editor Minus button |
| |
| Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button. |
| |
| --> |
| <string name="description_minus_button">delete</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the expand or collapse name fields button. |
| Clicking this button causes the name editor to toggle between showing |
| a single field where the entire name is edited at once, or multiple |
| fields corresponding to each part of the name (Name Prefix, First Name, |
| Middle Name, Last Name, Name Suffix). |
| <string name="expand_name_fields_description">Show more name fields</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the collapse name fields button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="collapse_name_fields_description">Collapse name fields</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the expand phonetic name fields button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="expand_phonetic_name_fields_description">Show more phonetic name fields</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the collapse phonetic name fields button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="collapse_phonetic_name_fields_description">Collapse phonetic name fields</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for a generic expand fields button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="expand_fields_description">Expand</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for a generic collapse fields button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="collapse_fields_description">Collapse</string> |
| |
| <!-- A11y announcement text for when a expand fields button is actioned. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="announce_expanded_fields">Expanded</string> |
| |
| <!-- A11y announcement text for when a collapse fields button is actioned. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="announce_collapsed_fields">Collapsed</string> |
| |
| <!-- Contact list filter label indicating that the list is showing all available accounts [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="list_filter_all_accounts">All contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Contact list filter label indicating that the list is showing all starred contacts [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="list_filter_all_starred">Starred</string> |
| |
| <!-- Contact list filter selection indicating that the list shows groups chosen by the user [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="list_filter_customize">Customize</string> |
| |
| <!-- Contact list filter selection indicating that the list shows only the selected contact [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="list_filter_single">Contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- List title for a special contacts group that covers all contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <string name="display_ungrouped">All other contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- List title for a special contacts group that covers all contacts that aren't members of any other group. [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <string name="display_all_contacts">All contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to remove a contacts sync group. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="menu_sync_remove">Remove sync group</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to add a contacts sync group. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="dialog_sync_add">Add sync group</string> |
| |
| <!-- Text displayed in the sync groups footer view for unknown sync groups. [CHAR LIMIT=40 --> |
| <string name="display_more_groups">More groups\u2026</string> |
| |
| <!-- Warning message given to users just before they remove a currently syncing |
| group that would also cause all ungrouped contacts to stop syncing. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="display_warn_remove_ungrouped">Removing \"<xliff:g id="group" example="Starred">%s</xliff:g>\" from sync will also remove any ungrouped contacts from sync.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Displayed in a spinner dialog as user changes to display options are saved --> |
| <string name="savingDisplayGroups">Saving display options\u2026</string> |
| |
| <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing single contact. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="listCustomView">Customized view</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message asking user to select an account to save contacts imported from vcard or SIM card [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="dialog_new_contact_account">Save imported contacts to:</string> |
| |
| <!-- Action string for selecting SIM for importing contacts --> |
| <string name="import_from_sim">SIM card</string> |
| |
| <!-- Action string for selecting a SIM subscription for importing contacts --> |
| <string name="import_from_sim_summary_fmt">SIM <xliff:g id="sim_name">%1$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Secondary string showing the number of SIM contacts for the SIM card on the action for |
| importing from that SIM. Only shown if there is no phone number available for the SIM card |
| [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <plurals name="import_from_sim_secondary_contact_count_fmt"> |
| <item quantity="one">1 contact</item> |
| <item quantity="other">%1$d contacts</item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| <!-- Secondary string showing the number of SIM contacts and phone number for the SIM card |
| on the action for importing that SIM. Note that the bullet character is purely a visual |
| separator between the contact count and phone number; it has no grammatical meaning in |
| this string [CHAR LIMIT=35]--> |
| <plurals name="import_from_sim_secondary_template"> |
| <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count">^1</xliff:g> contact • <xliff:g id="phone_number">^2</xliff:g></item> |
| <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">^1</xliff:g> contacts • <xliff:g id="phone_number">^2</xliff:g></item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| |
| |
| <!-- Action string for selecting a .vcf file to import contacts from [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="import_from_vcf_file">.vcf file</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message shown on Import from dialog when there is nothing available to import (no .vcf option or SIM cards) [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="nothing_to_import_message">Nothing to import</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog message asking the user for confirmation before starting to import contacts from a .vcf file. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="import_from_vcf_file_confirmation_message">Import contacts from vCard?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message shown in a Dialog confirming a user's cancel request toward existing vCard import. |
| The argument is file name for the vCard import the user wants to cancel. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="cancel_import_confirmation_message">Cancel import of <xliff:g id="filename" example="import.vcf">%s</xliff:g>?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message shown in a Dialog confirming a user's cancel request toward existing vCard export. |
| The argument is file name for the vCard export the user wants to cancel. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="cancel_export_confirmation_message">Cancel export of <xliff:g id="filename" example="export.vcf">%s</xliff:g>?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title shown in a Dialog telling users cancel vCard import/export operation is failed. [CHAR LIMIT=80] --> |
| <string name="cancel_vcard_import_or_export_failed">Couldn\'t cancel vCard import/export</string> |
| |
| <!-- The failed reason which should not be shown but it may in some buggy condition. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="fail_reason_unknown">Unknown error.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The failed reason shown when vCard importer/exporter could not open the file |
| specified by a user. The file name should be in the message. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="fail_reason_could_not_open_file">Couldn\'t open \"<xliff:g id="file_name">%1$s</xliff:g>\": <xliff:g id="exact_reason">%2$s</xliff:g>.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The failed reason shown when contacts exporter fails to be initialized. |
| Some exact reason must follow this. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]--> |
| <string name="fail_reason_could_not_initialize_exporter">Couldn\'t start the exporter: \"<xliff:g id="exact_reason">%s</xliff:g>\".</string> |
| |
| <!-- The failed reason shown when there's no contact which is allowed to be exported. |
| Note that user may have contacts data but all of them are probably not allowed to be |
| exported because of security/permission reasons. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="fail_reason_no_exportable_contact">There is no exportable contact.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The user doesn't have all permissions required to use the current screen. So |
| close the current screen and show the user this message. --> |
| <string name="missing_required_permission">You have disabled a required permission.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The failed reason shown when some error happend during contacts export. |
| Some exact reason must follow this. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="fail_reason_error_occurred_during_export">An error occurred during export: \"<xliff:g id="exact_reason">%s</xliff:g>\".</string> |
| |
| <!-- The failed reason shown when Contacts app (especially vCard importer/exporter) |
| emitted some I/O error. Exact reason will be appended by the system. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="fail_reason_io_error">I/O error</string> |
| |
| <!-- Failure reason show when Contacts app (especially vCard importer) encountered |
| low memory problem and could not proceed its import procedure. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="fail_reason_low_memory_during_import">Not enough memory. The file may be too large.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The failed reason shown when vCard importer doesn't support the format. |
| This may be shown when the vCard is corrupted [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="fail_reason_not_supported">The format isn\'t supported.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The title shown when exporting vCard is successfuly finished [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="exporting_vcard_finished_title">Finished exporting <xliff:g id="filename" example="export.vcf">%s</xliff:g>.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The title shown when exporting vCard has finished successfully but the destination filename could not be resolved. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="exporting_vcard_finished_title_fallback">Finished exporting contacts.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The toast message shown when exporting vCard has finished and vCards are ready to be shared [CHAR LIMIT=150]--> |
| <string name="exporting_vcard_finished_toast">Finished exporting contacts, click the notification to share contacts.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The message on notification shown when exporting vCard has finished and vCards are ready to be shared [CHAR LIMIT=60]--> |
| <string name="touch_to_share_contacts">Tap to share contacts.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The title shown when exporting vCard is canceled (probably by a user) |
| The argument is file name the user canceled importing. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="exporting_vcard_canceled_title">Exporting <xliff:g id="filename" example="export.vcf">%s</xliff:g> canceled.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog title shown when the application is exporting contact data outside. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="exporting_contact_list_title">Exporting contact data</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message shown when the application is exporting contact data outside --> |
| <string name="exporting_contact_list_message">Contact data is being exported.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The error reason the vCard composer "may" emit when database is corrupted or |
| something is going wrong. Usually users should not see this text. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="composer_failed_to_get_database_infomation">Couldn\'t get database information.</string> |
| |
| <!-- This error message shown when the user actually have no contact |
| (e.g. just after data-wiping), or, data providers of the contact list prohibits their |
| contacts from being exported to outside world via vcard exporter, etc. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="composer_has_no_exportable_contact">There are no exportable contacts.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The error reason the vCard composer may emit when vCard composer is not initialized |
| even when needed. |
| Users should not usually see this error message. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="composer_not_initialized">The vCard composer didn\'t start properly.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog title shown when exporting Contact data failed. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="exporting_contact_failed_title">Couldn\'t export</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog message shown when exporting Contact data failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="exporting_contact_failed_message">The contact data wasn\'t exported.\nReason: \"<xliff:g id="fail_reason">%s</xliff:g>\"</string> |
| |
| <!-- Description shown when importing vCard data. |
| The argument is the name of a contact which is being read. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="importing_vcard_description">Importing <xliff:g id="name" example="Joe Due">%s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog title shown when reading vCard data failed [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="reading_vcard_failed_title">Couldn\'t read vCard data</string> |
| |
| <!-- The title shown when reading vCard finished |
| The argument is file name the user imported. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="importing_vcard_finished_title">Finished importing vCard <xliff:g id="filename" example="import.vcf">%s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- The title shown when importing vCard is canceled (probably by a user) |
| The argument is file name the user canceled importing. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="importing_vcard_canceled_title">Importing <xliff:g id="filename" example="import.vcf">%s</xliff:g> canceled</string> |
| |
| <!-- The message shown when vCard import request is accepted. The system may start that work soon, or do it later |
| when there are already other import/export requests. |
| The argument is file name the user imported. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="vcard_import_will_start_message"><xliff:g id="filename" example="import.vcf">%s</xliff:g> will be imported shortly.</string> |
| <!-- The message shown when vCard import request is accepted. The system may start that work soon, or do it later when there are already other import/export requests. |
| "The file" is what a user selected for importing. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="vcard_import_will_start_message_with_default_name">The file will be imported shortly.</string> |
| <!-- The message shown when a given vCard import request is rejected by the system. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="vcard_import_request_rejected_message">vCard import request was rejected. Try again later.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The message shown when a vCard export request is accepted and contacts will be exported shortly. [CHAR LIMIT=70]--> |
| <string name="contacts_export_will_start_message">Contacts will be exported shortly.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The message shown when a given vCard export request is rejected by the system. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="vcard_export_request_rejected_message">vCard export request was rejected. Try again later.</string> |
| <!-- Used when file name is unknown in vCard processing. It typically happens |
| when the file is given outside the Contacts app. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="vcard_unknown_filename">contact</string> |
| |
| <!-- The message shown when vCard importer is caching files to be imported into local temporary |
| data storage. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="caching_vcard_message">Caching vCard(s) to local temporary storage. The actual import will start soon.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message used when vCard import has failed. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="vcard_import_failed">Couldn\'t import vCard.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The "file name" displayed for vCards received directly via NFC [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="nfc_vcard_file_name">Contact received over NFC</string> |
| |
| <!-- The title shown when vCard importer is caching files to be imported into local temporary |
| data storage. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="caching_vcard_title">Caching</string> |
| |
| <!-- The message shown while importing vCard(s). |
| First argument is current index of contacts to be imported. |
| Second argument is the total number of contacts. |
| Third argument is the name of a contact which is being read. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="progress_notifier_message">Importing <xliff:g id="current_number">%1$s</xliff:g>/<xliff:g id="total_number">%2$s</xliff:g>: <xliff:g id="name" example="Joe Due">%3$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Action that exports all contacts to a user selected destination. [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <string name="export_to_vcf_file">Export to .vcf file</string> |
| |
| <!-- Contact preferences related strings --> |
| |
| <!-- Label of the "sort by" display option --> |
| <string name="display_options_sort_list_by">Sort by</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label of the "phonetic name fields" display option. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="display_options_phonetic_name_fields">Phonetic name</string> |
| |
| <!-- Option to initially show the phonetic name input fields on the contact editor even if the |
| contact does not have a phonetic name. [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <string name="editor_options_always_show_phonetic_names">Always show</string> |
| |
| <!-- Option to initially hide the phonetic name input fields on the contact editor if the |
| contact being edited doesn't have a phonetic name. [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <string name="editor_options_hide_phonetic_names_if_empty">Hide if empty</string> |
| |
| <!-- An allowable value for the "sort list by" contact display option --> |
| <string name="display_options_sort_by_given_name">First name</string> |
| |
| <!-- An allowable value for the "sort list by" contact display option --> |
| <string name="display_options_sort_by_family_name">Last name</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label of the "name format" display option [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> |
| <string name="display_options_view_names_as">Name format</string> |
| |
| <!-- An allowable value for the "view names as" contact display option --> |
| <string name="display_options_view_given_name_first">First name first</string> |
| |
| <!-- An allowable value for the "view names as" contact display option --> |
| <string name="display_options_view_family_name_first">Last name first</string> |
| |
| <!--Lable of the "Accounts" in settings [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="settings_accounts">Accounts</string> |
| |
| <!--Label of the "default account" setting option to set default editor account. [CHAR LIMIT=80]--> |
| <string name="default_editor_account">Default account for new contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of my info preference, showing the name of user's personal profile [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="settings_my_info_title">My info</string> |
| |
| <!-- Displayed below my info for user to set up the user's personal profile entry [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="set_up_profile">Set up your profile</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label of the "About" setting --> |
| <string name="setting_about">About Contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Action that shares favorite contacts [CHAR LIMIT=40]--> |
| <string name="share_favorite_contacts">Share favorite contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Action that shares contacts [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="share_contacts">Share all contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- A framework exception can be thrown while attempting to share all contacts. If so, show this toast. [CHAR LIMIT=40]--> |
| <string name="share_contacts_failure">Failed to share contacts.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog title when selecting the bulk operation to perform from a list. [CHAR LIMIT=36] --> |
| <string name="dialog_export">Export contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Dialog title when importing contacts from an external source such as SIM card or a vcf file. [CHAR LIMIT=36] --> |
| <string name="dialog_import">Import contacts from</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast indicating that sharing a contact has failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="share_error">This contact can\'t be shared.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast indicating that no visible contact to share [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="no_contact_to_share">There are no contacts to share.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The menu item to filter the list of contacts displayed --> |
| <string name="menu_contacts_filter">Contacts to display</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the activity that allows the uesr to filter the list of contacts displayed according to account [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> |
| <string name="activity_title_contacts_filter">Contacts to display</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the activity that allows the user to customize filtering of contact list [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> |
| <string name="custom_list_filter">Customize view</string> |
| |
| <!-- Menu item to save changes to custom filter. [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="menu_custom_filter_save">Save</string> |
| |
| <!-- Query hint displayed inside the search field [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> |
| <string name="hint_findContacts">Search contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- The content description text for star icon in contacts list [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="contactsFavoritesLabel">Favorites</string> |
| |
| <!-- The menu item to bulk import contacts from SIM card or SD card. [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="menu_import">Import</string> |
| |
| <!-- The menu item to bulk export contacts from SIM card or SD card. [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="menu_export">Export</string> |
| |
| <!-- The menu item to open blocked numbers activity [CHAR LIMIT=60]--> |
| <string name="menu_blocked_numbers">Blocked numbers</string> |
| |
| <!-- Attribution of a contact status update, when the time of update is unknown --> |
| <string name="contact_status_update_attribution">via <xliff:g id="source" example="Google Talk">%1$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Attribution of a contact status update, when the time of update is known --> |
| <string name="contact_status_update_attribution_with_date"><xliff:g id="date" example="3 hours ago">%1$s</xliff:g> via <xliff:g id="source" example="Google Talk">%2$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Font family used when drawing letters for letter tile avatars. |
| Do not translate. --> |
| <string name="letter_tile_letter_font_family">sans-serif-medium</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the fake action menu up button as used |
| inside search. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="action_menu_back_from_search">stop searching</string> |
| |
| <!-- String describing the icon used to clear the search field --> |
| <string name="description_clear_search">Clear search</string> |
| |
| <!-- The font-family to use for the text inside the searchbox. |
| Do not translate. --> |
| <string name="search_font_family">sans-serif</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title for Select Account Dialog [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="select_account_dialog_title">Account</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label for the check box to toggle default sim card setting [CHAR LIMIT=35]--> |
| <string name="set_default_account">Always use this for calls</string> |
| |
| <!-- String used for actions in the dialer call log and the quick contact card to initiate |
| a call to an individual. The user is prompted to enter a note which is sent along with |
| the call (e.g. a call subject). [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="call_with_a_note">Call with a note</string> |
| |
| <!-- Hint text shown in the call subject dialog. [CHAR LIMIT=255] --> |
| <string name="call_subject_hint">Type a note to send with call…</string> |
| |
| <!-- Button used to start a new call with the user entered subject. [CHAR LIMIT=32] --> |
| <string name="send_and_call_button">SEND & CALL</string> |
| |
| <!-- String used to represent the total number of characters entered for a call subject, |
| compared to the character limit. Example: 2 / 64 --> |
| <string name="call_subject_limit"><xliff:g id="count" example="4">%1$s</xliff:g> / <xliff:g id="limit" example="64">%2$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- String used to build a phone number bype and phone number string. |
| Example: Mobile • 650-555-1212 --> |
| <string name="call_subject_type_and_number"><xliff:g id="type" example="Mobile">%1$s</xliff:g> • <xliff:g id="number" example="(650) 555-1212">%2$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- Build version title in About preference. [CHAR LIMIT=40]--> |
| <string name="about_build_version">Build version</string> |
| |
| <!-- Open source licenses title in About preference. [CHAR LIMIT=60] --> |
| <string name="about_open_source_licenses">Open source licenses</string> |
| |
| <!-- Open source licenses summary in About preference. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="about_open_source_licenses_summary">License details for open source software</string> |
| |
| <!-- Privacy policy title in About preference. [CHAR LIMIT=40]--> |
| <string name="about_privacy_policy">Privacy policy</string> |
| |
| <!-- Terms of service title in about preference. [CHAR LIMIT=60]--> |
| <string name="about_terms_of_service">Terms of service</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title for the activity that displays licenses for open source libraries. [CHAR LIMIT=100]--> |
| <string name="activity_title_licenses">Open source licenses</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast message showing when failed to open the url. [CHAR LIMIT=100]--> |
| <string name="url_open_error_toast">Failed to open the url.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description of entries (including that radio button is checked) in contact |
| accounts list filter. For example: Google abc@gmail.com checked, etc [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="account_filter_view_checked"><xliff:g id="account_info">%s</xliff:g> checked</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description of entries (including that the radio button is not checked) in contact |
| accounts list filter. For example: Google abc@gmail.com not checked, etc [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="account_filter_view_not_checked"><xliff:g id="account_info">%s</xliff:g> not checked</string> |
| |
| <!-- Description string for an action button to initiate a video call from search results. |
| Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. |
| This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. |
| |
| <string name="description_search_video_call">Place video call</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description of delete contact button [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="description_delete_contact">Delete</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for (...) in no name header [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="description_no_name_header">Ellipsis</string> |
| |
| <!-- Formatted call duration displayed in recent card in QuickContact, for duration less than 1 minute --> |
| <string name="callDurationSecondFormat"><xliff:g id="seconds">%s</xliff:g> sec</string> |
| |
| <!-- Formatted call duration displayed in recent card in QuickContact, for duration less than 1 hour --> |
| <string name="callDurationMinuteFormat"><xliff:g id="minutes">%1$s</xliff:g> min <xliff:g id="seconds">%2$s</xliff:g> sec</string> |
| |
| <!-- Formatted call duration displayed in recent card in QuickContact, for duration more than 1 hour --> |
| <string name="callDurationHourFormat"><xliff:g id="minutes">%1$s</xliff:g> hr <xliff:g id="minutes">%2$s</xliff:g> min <xliff:g id="seconds">%3$s</xliff:g> sec</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown when a dynamic shortcut is tapped after being disabled because the experiment was turned off on the device --> |
| <string name="dynamic_shortcut_disabled_message">This shortcut has been disabled</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown when a dynamic shortcut is tapped after being disabled because the contact was removed --> |
| <string name="dynamic_shortcut_contact_removed_message">Contact was removed</string> |
| |
| <!-- Text for button shown in toolbar to start import of SIM contacts --> |
| <string name="sim_import_button_text">Import</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toolbar title shown when importing SIM contacts and none are selected --> |
| <string name="sim_import_title_none_selected">Select contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message shown when the SIM import screen is displayed but there are no contacts on the |
| SIM card --> |
| <string name="sim_import_empty_message">No contacts on your SIM card</string> |
| |
| <!-- Snackbar message shown on the SIM import screen when the user taps on a contact that |
| is disabled because an exact duplicate already exists in their contacts [CHAR LIMIT=60] --> |
| <string name="sim_import_contact_exists_toast">Contact already exists in your list</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown on settings screen when importing from SIM completes successfully --> |
| <plurals name="sim_import_success_toast_fmt"> |
| <item quantity="one">1 SIM contact imported</item> |
| <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> SIM contacts imported</item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| <!-- Toast shown on settings screen when importing from SIM completes with an error --> |
| <string name="sim_import_failed_toast">Failed to import SIM contacts</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the SIM import activity; this isn't displayed but is announced by talkback |
| when the window is first opened [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="sim_import_title">Import from SIM</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description of the cancel navigation icon shown in SIM import screen toolbar [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]--> |
| <string name="sim_import_cancel_content_description">Cancel</string> |
| |
| <!-- Alert for letting user know that their device auto-sync setting is turned off, |
| in case they are wondering why they are not seeing any contact. [CHAR LIMIT=150] --> |
| <string name="auto_sync_off">Auto-sync is off. Tap to turn on.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for the "X" image icon for dismissing an alert.[CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="dismiss_sync_alert">Dismiss</string> |
| |
| <!-- Alert for letting user know that their account level sync setting is turned off, |
| in case they are wondering why they are not seeing any contact. [CHAR LIMIT=150] --> |
| <string name="account_sync_off">Account sync is off. Tap to turn on.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of dialog to turn auto-sync on [CHAR LIMIT=100] --> |
| <string name="turn_auto_sync_on_dialog_title">Turn on auto-sync?</string> |
| |
| <!-- Text of dialog to turn auto-sync on [CHAR LIMIT=500] --> |
| <string name="turn_auto_sync_on_dialog_body">Changes you make to all apps and accounts, not just Google Contacts, will be kept up to date between the web and your devices.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Confirm button text for dialog to turn auto-sync on [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="turn_auto_sync_on_dialog_confirm_btn">Turn on</string> |
| |
| <!-- No network connection error message [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="connection_error_message">No connection</string> |
| |
| <!-- Generic label for the SIM card when there is only a single SIM in the device [CHAR LIMIT=10]--> |
| <string name="single_sim_display_label">SIM</string> |
| |
| <!-- Content description for dropdown arrow (https://material.io/icons/#ic_arrow_drop_down) |
| This is used to indicate that a list of options can be opened by tapping on it. |
| <string name="show_more_content_description">Show more</string> |
| |
| <!-- The notification title shown when importing a SIM card finishes [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="importing_sim_finished_title">Finished importing SIM card</string> |
| |
| <!-- Notification title shown when importing SIM contacts failed [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="importing_sim_failed_title">Import failed</string> |
| |
| <!-- Notification message shown when importing SIM contacts failed [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="importing_sim_failed_message">Couldn\'t import contacts from SIM card</string> |
| |
| <!-- The notification title shown while SIM contacts are being imported [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="importing_sim_in_progress_title">Importing SIM</string> |
| |
| <!-- Text shown when viewing channel settings for default Contacts notifications [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="contacts_default_notification_channel">Notifications</string> |
| |
| <!-- Text of Positive Button in dialog --> |
| <string name="yes_button">Yes</string> |
| |
| <!-- Text of Negative Button in dialog --> |
| <string name="no_button">No</string> |
| |
| </resources> |