| /* Copyright (c) 2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are |
| * met: |
| * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above |
| * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following |
| * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided |
| * with the distribution. |
| * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation, nor the names of its |
| * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived |
| * from this software without specific prior written permission. |
| * |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <time.h> |
| #include <errno.h> |
| #include <loc_timer.h> |
| #include <sys/timerfd.h> |
| #include <sys/epoll.h> |
| #include <LocTimer.h> |
| #include <LocHeap.h> |
| #include <LocThread.h> |
| #include <LocSharedLock.h> |
| #include <MsgTask.h> |
| |
| #ifdef __HOST_UNIT_TEST__ |
| #define EPOLLWAKEUP 0 |
| #endif |
| |
| /* |
| There are implementations of 5 classes in this file: |
| LocTimer, LocTimerDelegate, LocTimerContainer, LocTimerPollTask, LocTimerWrapper |
| |
| LocTimer - client front end, interface for client to start / stop timers, also |
| to provide a callback. |
| LocTimerDelegate - an internal timer entity, which also is a LocRankable obj. |
| Its life cycle is different than that of LocTimer. It gets |
| created when LocTimer::start() is called, and gets deleted |
| when it expires or clients calls the hosting LocTimer obj's |
| stop() method. When a LocTimerDelegate obj is ticking, it |
| stays in the corresponding LocTimerContainer. When expired |
| or stopped, the obj is removed from the container. Since it |
| is also a LocRankable obj, and LocTimerContainer also is a |
| heap, its ranks() implementation decides where it is placed |
| in the heap. |
| LocTimerContainer - core of the timer service. It is a container (derived from |
| LocHeap) for LocTimerDelegate (implements LocRankable) objs. |
| There are 2 of such containers, one for sw timers (or Linux |
| timers) one for hw timers (or Linux alarms). It adds one of |
| each (those that expire the soonest) to kernel via services |
| provided by LocTimerPollTask. All the heap management on the |
| LocTimerDelegate objs are done in the MsgTask context, such |
| that synchronization is ensured. |
| LocTimerPollTask - is a class that wraps timerfd and epoll POXIS APIs. It also |
| both implements LocRunnalbe with epoll_wait() in the run() |
| method. It is also a LocThread client, so as to loop the run |
| method. |
| LocTimerWrapper - a LocTimer client itself, to implement the existing C API with |
| APIs, loc_timer_start() and loc_timer_stop(). |
| |
| */ |
| |
| class LocTimerPollTask; |
| |
| // This is a multi-functaional class that: |
| // * extends the LocHeap class for the detection of head update upon add / remove |
| // events. When that happens, soonest time out changes, so timerfd needs update. |
| // * contains the timers, and add / remove them into the heap |
| // * provides and maps 2 of such containers, one for timers (or mSwTimers), one |
| // for alarms (or mHwTimers); |
| // * provides a polling thread; |
| // * provides a MsgTask thread for synchronized add / remove / timer client callback. |
| class LocTimerContainer : public LocHeap { |
| // mutex to synchronize getters of static members |
| static pthread_mutex_t mMutex; |
| // Container of timers |
| static LocTimerContainer* mSwTimers; |
| // Container of alarms |
| static LocTimerContainer* mHwTimers; |
| // Msg task to provider msg Q, sender and reader. |
| static MsgTask* mMsgTask; |
| // Poll task to provide epoll call and threading to poll. |
| static LocTimerPollTask* mPollTask; |
| // timer / alarm fd |
| int mDevFd; |
| // ctor |
| LocTimerContainer(bool wakeOnExpire); |
| // dtor |
| ~LocTimerContainer(); |
| static MsgTask* getMsgTaskLocked(); |
| static LocTimerPollTask* getPollTaskLocked(); |
| // extend LocHeap and pop if the top outRanks input |
| LocTimerDelegate* popIfOutRanks(LocTimerDelegate& timer); |
| // update the timer POSIX calls with updated soonest timer spec |
| void updateSoonestTime(LocTimerDelegate* priorTop); |
| |
| public: |
| // factory method to control the creation of mSwTimers / mHwTimers |
| static LocTimerContainer* get(bool wakeOnExpire); |
| |
| LocTimerDelegate* getSoonestTimer(); |
| int getTimerFd(); |
| // add a timer / alarm obj into the container |
| void add(LocTimerDelegate& timer); |
| // remove a timer / alarm obj from the container |
| void remove(LocTimerDelegate& timer); |
| // handling of timer / alarm expiration |
| void expire(); |
| }; |
| |
| // This class implements the polling thread that epolls imer / alarm fds. |
| // The LocRunnable::run() contains the actual polling. The other methods |
| // will be run in the caller's thread context to add / remove timer / alarm |
| // fds the kernel, while the polling is blocked on epoll_wait() call. |
| // Since the design is that we have maximally 2 polls, one for all the |
| // timers; one for all the alarms, we will poll at most on 2 fds. But it |
| // is possile that all we have are only timers or alarms at one time, so we |
| // allow dynamically add / remove fds we poll on. The design decision of |
| // having 1 fd per container of timer / alarm is such that, we may not need |
| // to make a system call each time a timer / alarm is added / removed, unless |
| // that changes the "soonest" time out of that of all the timers / alarms. |
| class LocTimerPollTask : public LocRunnable { |
| // the epoll fd |
| const int mFd; |
| // the thread that calls run() method |
| LocThread* mThread; |
| friend class LocThreadDelegate; |
| // dtor |
| ~LocTimerPollTask(); |
| public: |
| // ctor |
| LocTimerPollTask(); |
| // this obj will be deleted once thread is deleted |
| void destroy(); |
| // add a container of timers. Each contain has a unique device fd, i.e. |
| // either timer or alarm fd, and a heap of timers / alarms. It is expected |
| // that container would have written to the device fd with the soonest |
| // time out value in the heap at the time of calling this method. So all |
| // this method does is to add the fd of the input container to the poll |
| // and also add the pointer of the container to the event data ptr, such |
| // when poll_wait wakes up on events, we know who is the owner of the fd. |
| void addPoll(LocTimerContainer& timerContainer); |
| // remove a fd that is assciated with a container. The expectation is that |
| // the atual timer would have been removed from the container. |
| void removePoll(LocTimerContainer& timerContainer); |
| // The polling thread context will call this method. This is where |
| // epoll_wait() is blocking and waiting for events.. |
| virtual bool run(); |
| }; |
| |
| // Internal class of timer obj. It gets born when client calls LocTimer::start(); |
| // and gets deleted when client calls LocTimer::stop() or when the it expire()'s. |
| // This class implements LocRankable::ranks() so that when an obj is added into |
| // the container (of LocHeap), it gets placed in sorted order. |
| class LocTimerDelegate : public LocRankable { |
| friend class LocTimerContainer; |
| friend class LocTimer; |
| LocTimer* mClient; |
| LocSharedLock* mLock; |
| struct timespec mFutureTime; |
| LocTimerContainer* mContainer; |
| // not a complete obj, just ctor for LocRankable comparisons |
| inline LocTimerDelegate(struct timespec& delay) |
| : mClient(NULL), mLock(NULL), mFutureTime(delay), mContainer(NULL) {} |
| inline ~LocTimerDelegate() { if (mLock) { mLock->drop(); mLock = NULL; } } |
| public: |
| LocTimerDelegate(LocTimer& client, struct timespec& futureTime, bool wakeOnExpire); |
| void destroyLocked(); |
| // LocRankable virtual method |
| virtual int ranks(LocRankable& rankable); |
| void expire(); |
| inline struct timespec getFutureTime() { return mFutureTime; } |
| }; |
| |
| /***************************LocTimerContainer methods***************************/ |
| |
| // Most of these static recources are created on demand. They however are never |
| // destoyed. The theory is that there are processes that link to this util lib |
| // but never use timer, then these resources would never need to be created. |
| // For those processes that do use timer, it will likely also need to every |
| // once in a while. It might be cheaper keeping them around. |
| pthread_mutex_t LocTimerContainer::mMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; |
| LocTimerContainer* LocTimerContainer::mSwTimers = NULL; |
| LocTimerContainer* LocTimerContainer::mHwTimers = NULL; |
| MsgTask* LocTimerContainer::mMsgTask = NULL; |
| LocTimerPollTask* LocTimerContainer::mPollTask = NULL; |
| |
| // ctor - initialize timer heaps |
| // A container for swTimer (timer) is created, when wakeOnExpire is true; or |
| // HwTimer (alarm), when wakeOnExpire is false. |
| LocTimerContainer::LocTimerContainer(bool wakeOnExpire) : |
| mDevFd(timerfd_create(wakeOnExpire ? CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM : CLOCK_BOOTTIME, 0)) { |
| |
| if ((-1 == mDevFd) && (errno == EINVAL)) { |
| LOC_LOGW("%s: timerfd_create failure, fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC - %s", |
| __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); |
| mDevFd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0); |
| } |
| |
| if (-1 != mDevFd) { |
| // ensure we have the necessary resources created |
| LocTimerContainer::getPollTaskLocked(); |
| LocTimerContainer::getMsgTaskLocked(); |
| } else { |
| LOC_LOGE("%s: timerfd_create failure - %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // dtor |
| // we do not ever destroy the static resources. |
| inline |
| LocTimerContainer::~LocTimerContainer() { |
| close(mDevFd); |
| } |
| |
| LocTimerContainer* LocTimerContainer::get(bool wakeOnExpire) { |
| // get the reference of either mHwTimer or mSwTimers per wakeOnExpire |
| LocTimerContainer*& container = wakeOnExpire ? mHwTimers : mSwTimers; |
| // it is cheap to check pointer first than locking mutext unconditionally |
| if (!container) { |
| pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex); |
| // let's check one more time to be safe |
| if (!container) { |
| container = new LocTimerContainer(wakeOnExpire); |
| // timerfd_create failure |
| if (-1 == container->getTimerFd()) { |
| delete container; |
| container = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex); |
| } |
| return container; |
| } |
| |
| MsgTask* LocTimerContainer::getMsgTaskLocked() { |
| // it is cheap to check pointer first than locking mutext unconditionally |
| if (!mMsgTask) { |
| mMsgTask = new MsgTask("LocTimerMsgTask", false); |
| } |
| return mMsgTask; |
| } |
| |
| LocTimerPollTask* LocTimerContainer::getPollTaskLocked() { |
| // it is cheap to check pointer first than locking mutext unconditionally |
| if (!mPollTask) { |
| mPollTask = new LocTimerPollTask(); |
| } |
| return mPollTask; |
| } |
| |
| inline |
| LocTimerDelegate* LocTimerContainer::getSoonestTimer() { |
| return (LocTimerDelegate*)(peek()); |
| } |
| |
| inline |
| int LocTimerContainer::getTimerFd() { |
| return mDevFd; |
| } |
| |
| void LocTimerContainer::updateSoonestTime(LocTimerDelegate* priorTop) { |
| LocTimerDelegate* curTop = getSoonestTimer(); |
| |
| // check if top has changed |
| if (curTop != priorTop) { |
| struct itimerspec delay = {0}; |
| bool toSetTime = false; |
| // if tree is empty now, we remove poll and disarm timer |
| if (!curTop) { |
| mPollTask->removePoll(*this); |
| // setting the values to disarm timer |
| delay.it_value.tv_sec = 0; |
| delay.it_value.tv_nsec = 0; |
| toSetTime = true; |
| } else if (!priorTop || curTop->outRanks(*priorTop)) { |
| // do this first to avoid race condition, in case settime is called |
| // with too small an interval |
| mPollTask->addPoll(*this); |
| delay.it_value = curTop->getFutureTime(); |
| toSetTime = true; |
| } |
| if (toSetTime) { |
| timerfd_settime(getTimerFd(), TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME, &delay, NULL); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // all the heap management is done in the MsgTask context. |
| inline |
| void LocTimerContainer::add(LocTimerDelegate& timer) { |
| struct MsgTimerPush : public LocMsg { |
| LocTimerContainer* mTimerContainer; |
| LocHeapNode* mTree; |
| LocTimerDelegate* mTimer; |
| inline MsgTimerPush(LocTimerContainer& container, LocTimerDelegate& timer) : |
| LocMsg(), mTimerContainer(&container), mTimer(&timer) {} |
| inline virtual void proc() const { |
| LocTimerDelegate* priorTop = mTimerContainer->getSoonestTimer(); |
| mTimerContainer->push((LocRankable&)(*mTimer)); |
| mTimerContainer->updateSoonestTime(priorTop); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| mMsgTask->sendMsg(new MsgTimerPush(*this, timer)); |
| } |
| |
| // all the heap management is done in the MsgTask context. |
| void LocTimerContainer::remove(LocTimerDelegate& timer) { |
| struct MsgTimerRemove : public LocMsg { |
| LocTimerContainer* mTimerContainer; |
| LocTimerDelegate* mTimer; |
| inline MsgTimerRemove(LocTimerContainer& container, LocTimerDelegate& timer) : |
| LocMsg(), mTimerContainer(&container), mTimer(&timer) {} |
| inline virtual void proc() const { |
| LocTimerDelegate* priorTop = mTimerContainer->getSoonestTimer(); |
| |
| // update soonest timer only if mTimer is actually removed from |
| // mTimerContainer AND mTimer is not priorTop. |
| if (priorTop == ((LocHeap*)mTimerContainer)->remove((LocRankable&)*mTimer)) { |
| // if passing in NULL, we tell updateSoonestTime to update |
| // kernel with the current top timer interval. |
| mTimerContainer->updateSoonestTime(NULL); |
| } |
| // all timers are deleted here, and only here. |
| delete mTimer; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| mMsgTask->sendMsg(new MsgTimerRemove(*this, timer)); |
| } |
| |
| // all the heap management is done in the MsgTask context. |
| // Upon expire, we check and continuously pop the heap until |
| // the top node's timeout is in the future. |
| void LocTimerContainer::expire() { |
| struct MsgTimerExpire : public LocMsg { |
| LocTimerContainer* mTimerContainer; |
| inline MsgTimerExpire(LocTimerContainer& container) : |
| LocMsg(), mTimerContainer(&container) {} |
| inline virtual void proc() const { |
| struct timespec now; |
| // get time spec of now |
| clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &now); |
| LocTimerDelegate timerOfNow(now); |
| // pop everything in the heap that outRanks now, i.e. has time older than now |
| // and then call expire() on that timer. |
| for (LocTimerDelegate* timer = (LocTimerDelegate*)mTimerContainer->pop(); |
| NULL != timer; |
| timer = mTimerContainer->popIfOutRanks(timerOfNow)) { |
| // the timer delegate obj will be deleted before the return of this call |
| timer->expire(); |
| } |
| mTimerContainer->updateSoonestTime(NULL); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| struct itimerspec delay = {0}; |
| timerfd_settime(getTimerFd(), TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME, &delay, NULL); |
| mPollTask->removePoll(*this); |
| mMsgTask->sendMsg(new MsgTimerExpire(*this)); |
| } |
| |
| LocTimerDelegate* LocTimerContainer::popIfOutRanks(LocTimerDelegate& timer) { |
| LocTimerDelegate* poppedNode = NULL; |
| if (mTree && !timer.outRanks(*peek())) { |
| poppedNode = (LocTimerDelegate*)(pop()); |
| } |
| |
| return poppedNode; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /***************************LocTimerPollTask methods***************************/ |
| |
| inline |
| LocTimerPollTask::LocTimerPollTask() |
| : mFd(epoll_create(2)), mThread(new LocThread()) { |
| // before a next call returens, a thread will be created. The run() method |
| // could already be running in parallel. Also, since each of the objs |
| // creates a thread, the container will make sure that there will be only |
| // one of such obj for our timer implementation. |
| if (!mThread->start("LocTimerPollTask", this)) { |
| delete mThread; |
| mThread = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| inline |
| LocTimerPollTask::~LocTimerPollTask() { |
| // when fs is closed, epoll_wait() should fail run() should return false |
| // and the spawned thread should exit. |
| close(mFd); |
| } |
| |
| void LocTimerPollTask::destroy() { |
| if (mThread) { |
| LocThread* thread = mThread; |
| mThread = NULL; |
| delete thread; |
| } else { |
| delete this; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void LocTimerPollTask::addPoll(LocTimerContainer& timerContainer) { |
| struct epoll_event ev; |
| memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); |
| |
| ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLWAKEUP; |
| ev.data.fd = timerContainer.getTimerFd(); |
| // it is important that we set this context pointer with the input |
| // timer container this is how we know which container should handle |
| // which expiration. |
| ev.data.ptr = &timerContainer; |
| |
| epoll_ctl(mFd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, timerContainer.getTimerFd(), &ev); |
| } |
| |
| inline |
| void LocTimerPollTask::removePoll(LocTimerContainer& timerContainer) { |
| epoll_ctl(mFd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, timerContainer.getTimerFd(), NULL); |
| } |
| |
| // The polling thread context will call this method. If run() method needs to |
| // be repetitvely called, it must return true from the previous call. |
| bool LocTimerPollTask::run() { |
| struct epoll_event ev[2]; |
| |
| // we have max 2 descriptors to poll from |
| int fds = epoll_wait(mFd, ev, 2, -1); |
| |
| // we pretty much want to continually poll until the fd is closed |
| bool rerun = (fds > 0) || (errno == EINTR); |
| |
| if (fds > 0) { |
| // we may have 2 events |
| for (int i = 0; i < fds; i++) { |
| // each fd has a context pointer associated with the right timer container |
| LocTimerContainer* container = (LocTimerContainer*)(ev[i].data.ptr); |
| if (container) { |
| container->expire(); |
| } else { |
| epoll_ctl(mFd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, ev[i].data.fd, NULL); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // if rerun is true, we are requesting to be scheduled again |
| return rerun; |
| } |
| |
| /***************************LocTimerDelegate methods***************************/ |
| |
| inline |
| LocTimerDelegate::LocTimerDelegate(LocTimer& client, struct timespec& futureTime, bool wakeOnExpire) |
| : mClient(&client), |
| mLock(mClient->mLock->share()), |
| mFutureTime(futureTime), |
| mContainer(LocTimerContainer::get(wakeOnExpire)) { |
| // adding the timer into the container |
| mContainer->add(*this); |
| } |
| |
| inline |
| void LocTimerDelegate::destroyLocked() { |
| // client handle will likely be deleted soon after this |
| // method returns. Nulling this handle so that expire() |
| // won't call the callback on the dead handle any more. |
| mClient = NULL; |
| |
| if (mContainer) { |
| LocTimerContainer* container = mContainer; |
| mContainer = NULL; |
| if (container) { |
| container->remove(*this); |
| } |
| } // else we do not do anything. No such *this* can be |
| // created and reached here with mContainer ever been |
| // a non NULL. So *this* must have reached the if clause |
| // once, and we want it reach there only once. |
| } |
| |
| int LocTimerDelegate::ranks(LocRankable& rankable) { |
| int rank = -1; |
| LocTimerDelegate* timer = (LocTimerDelegate*)(&rankable); |
| if (timer) { |
| // larger time ranks lower!!! |
| // IOW, if input obj has bigger tv_sec, this obj outRanks higher |
| rank = timer->mFutureTime.tv_sec - mFutureTime.tv_sec; |
| } |
| return rank; |
| } |
| |
| inline |
| void LocTimerDelegate::expire() { |
| // keeping a copy of client pointer to be safe |
| // when timeOutCallback() is called at the end of this |
| // method, *this* obj may be already deleted. |
| LocTimer* client = mClient; |
| // force a stop, which will lead to delete of this obj |
| if (client && client->stop()) { |
| // calling client callback with a pointer save on the stack |
| // only if stop() returns true, i.e. it hasn't been stopped |
| // already. |
| client->timeOutCallback(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| /***************************LocTimer methods***************************/ |
| LocTimer::LocTimer() : mTimer(NULL), mLock(new LocSharedLock()) { |
| } |
| |
| LocTimer::~LocTimer() { |
| stop(); |
| if (mLock) { |
| mLock->drop(); |
| mLock = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool LocTimer::start(unsigned int timeOutInMs, bool wakeOnExpire) { |
| bool success = false; |
| mLock->lock(); |
| if (!mTimer) { |
| struct timespec futureTime; |
| clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &futureTime); |
| futureTime.tv_sec += timeOutInMs / 1000; |
| futureTime.tv_nsec += (timeOutInMs % 1000) * 1000000; |
| if (futureTime.tv_nsec >= 1000000000) { |
| futureTime.tv_sec += futureTime.tv_nsec / 1000000000; |
| futureTime.tv_nsec %= 1000000000; |
| } |
| mTimer = new LocTimerDelegate(*this, futureTime, wakeOnExpire); |
| // if mTimer is non 0, success should be 0; or vice versa |
| success = (NULL != mTimer); |
| } |
| mLock->unlock(); |
| return success; |
| } |
| |
| bool LocTimer::stop() { |
| bool success = false; |
| mLock->lock(); |
| if (mTimer) { |
| LocTimerDelegate* timer = mTimer; |
| mTimer = NULL; |
| if (timer) { |
| timer->destroyLocked(); |
| success = true; |
| } |
| } |
| mLock->unlock(); |
| return success; |
| } |
| |
| /***************************LocTimerWrapper methods***************************/ |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // This section below wraps for the C style APIs |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| class LocTimerWrapper : public LocTimer { |
| loc_timer_callback mCb; |
| void* mCallerData; |
| LocTimerWrapper* mMe; |
| static pthread_mutex_t mMutex; |
| inline ~LocTimerWrapper() { mCb = NULL; mMe = NULL; } |
| public: |
| inline LocTimerWrapper(loc_timer_callback cb, void* callerData) : |
| mCb(cb), mCallerData(callerData), mMe(this) { |
| } |
| void destroy() { |
| pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex); |
| if (NULL != mCb && this == mMe) { |
| delete this; |
| } |
| pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex); |
| } |
| virtual void timeOutCallback() { |
| loc_timer_callback cb = mCb; |
| void* callerData = mCallerData; |
| if (cb) { |
| cb(callerData, 0); |
| } |
| destroy(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| pthread_mutex_t LocTimerWrapper::mMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; |
| |
| void* loc_timer_start(uint64_t msec, loc_timer_callback cb_func, |
| void *caller_data, bool wake_on_expire) |
| { |
| LocTimerWrapper* locTimerWrapper = NULL; |
| |
| if (cb_func) { |
| locTimerWrapper = new LocTimerWrapper(cb_func, caller_data); |
| |
| if (locTimerWrapper) { |
| locTimerWrapper->start(msec, wake_on_expire); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return locTimerWrapper; |
| } |
| |
| void loc_timer_stop(void*& handle) |
| { |
| if (handle) { |
| LocTimerWrapper* locTimerWrapper = (LocTimerWrapper*)(handle); |
| locTimerWrapper->destroy(); |
| handle = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // This section above wraps for the C style APIs |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| #ifdef __LOC_DEBUG__ |
| |
| double getDeltaSeconds(struct timespec from, struct timespec to) { |
| return (double)to.tv_sec + (double)to.tv_nsec / 1000000000 |
| - from.tv_sec - (double)from.tv_nsec / 1000000000; |
| } |
| |
| struct timespec getNow() { |
| struct timespec now; |
| clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &now); |
| return now; |
| } |
| |
| class LocTimerTest : public LocTimer, public LocRankable { |
| int mTimeOut; |
| const struct timespec mTimeOfBirth; |
| inline struct timespec getTimerWrapper(int timeout) { |
| struct timespec now; |
| clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &now); |
| now.tv_sec += timeout; |
| return now; |
| } |
| public: |
| inline LocTimerTest(int timeout) : LocTimer(), LocRankable(), |
| mTimeOut(timeout), mTimeOfBirth(getTimerWrapper(0)) {} |
| inline virtual int ranks(LocRankable& rankable) { |
| LocTimerTest* timer = dynamic_cast<LocTimerTest*>(&rankable); |
| return timer->mTimeOut - mTimeOut; |
| } |
| inline virtual void timeOutCallback() { |
| printf("timeOutCallback() - "); |
| deviation(); |
| } |
| double deviation() { |
| struct timespec now = getTimerWrapper(0); |
| double delta = getDeltaSeconds(mTimeOfBirth, now); |
| printf("%lf: %lf\n", delta, delta * 100 / mTimeOut); |
| return delta / mTimeOut; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // For Linux command line testing: |
| // compilation: |
| // g++ -D__LOC_HOST_DEBUG__ -D__LOC_DEBUG__ -g -I. -I../../../../system/core/include -o LocHeap.o LocHeap.cpp |
| // g++ -D__LOC_HOST_DEBUG__ -D__LOC_DEBUG__ -g -std=c++0x -I. -I../../../../system/core/include -lpthread -o LocThread.o LocThread.cpp |
| // g++ -D__LOC_HOST_DEBUG__ -D__LOC_DEBUG__ -g -I. -I../../../../system/core/include -o LocTimer.o LocTimer.cpp |
| int main(int argc, char** argv) { |
| struct timespec timeOfStart=getNow(); |
| srand(time(NULL)); |
| int tries = atoi(argv[1]); |
| int checks = tries >> 3; |
| LocTimerTest** timerArray = new LocTimerTest*[tries]; |
| memset(timerArray, NULL, tries); |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < tries; i++) { |
| int r = rand() % tries; |
| LocTimerTest* timer = new LocTimerTest(r); |
| if (timerArray[r]) { |
| if (!timer->stop()) { |
| printf("%lf:\n", getDeltaSeconds(timeOfStart, getNow())); |
| printf("ERRER: %dth timer, id %d, not running when it should be\n", i, r); |
| exit(0); |
| } else { |
| printf("stop() - %d\n", r); |
| delete timer; |
| timerArray[r] = NULL; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (!timer->start(r, false)) { |
| printf("%lf:\n", getDeltaSeconds(timeOfStart, getNow())); |
| printf("ERRER: %dth timer, id %d, running when it should not be\n", i, r); |
| exit(0); |
| } else { |
| printf("stop() - %d\n", r); |
| timerArray[r] = timer; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < tries; i++) { |
| if (timerArray[i]) { |
| if (!timerArray[i]->stop()) { |
| printf("%lf:\n", getDeltaSeconds(timeOfStart, getNow())); |
| printf("ERRER: %dth timer, not running when it should be\n", i); |
| exit(0); |
| } else { |
| printf("stop() - %d\n", i); |
| delete timerArray[i]; |
| timerArray[i] = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| delete[] timerArray; |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| #endif |