blob: 3ced6856548e52e881bc4049262a8f94fa91cb02 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <aidl/android/hardware/broadcastradio/IdentifierType.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/broadcastradio/ProgramFilter.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/broadcastradio/ProgramIdentifier.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/broadcastradio/ProgramInfo.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/broadcastradio/ProgramListChunk.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/broadcastradio/ProgramSelector.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/broadcastradio/Properties.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/broadcastradio/Result.h>
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace aidl::android::hardware::broadcastradio {
namespace utils {
enum class FrequencyBand {
class IdentifierIterator final
: public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, ProgramIdentifier, ssize_t,
const ProgramIdentifier*, const ProgramIdentifier&> {
using ptrType = typename std::iterator_traits<IdentifierIterator>::pointer;
using refType = typename std::iterator_traits<IdentifierIterator>::reference;
using diffType = typename std::iterator_traits<IdentifierIterator>::difference_type;
explicit IdentifierIterator(const ProgramSelector& sel);
const IdentifierIterator operator++(int);
IdentifierIterator& operator++();
refType operator*() const;
inline ptrType operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
IdentifierIterator operator+(diffType v) const { return IdentifierIterator(mSel, mPos + v); }
bool operator==(const IdentifierIterator& rhs) const;
inline bool operator!=(const IdentifierIterator& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); };
explicit IdentifierIterator(const ProgramSelector& sel, size_t pos);
std::reference_wrapper<const ProgramSelector> mSel;
const ProgramSelector& getSelector() const { return mSel.get(); }
/** 0 is the primary identifier, 1-n are secondary identifiers. */
size_t mPos = 0;
* Convert Result to int
int32_t resultToInt(Result result);
* Guesses band from the frequency value.
* The band bounds are not exact to cover multiple regions.
* The function is biased towards success, i.e. it never returns
* FrequencyBand::UNKNOWN for correct frequency, but a result for
* incorrect one is undefined (it doesn't have to return UNKNOWN).
FrequencyBand getBand(int64_t frequency);
* Checks, if {@code pointer} tunes to {@channel}.
* For example, having a channel {AMFM_FREQUENCY_KHZ = 103.3}:
* - selector {AMFM_FREQUENCY_KHZ = 103.3, HD_SUBCHANNEL = 0} can tune to this channel;
* - selector {AMFM_FREQUENCY_KHZ = 103.3, HD_SUBCHANNEL = 1} can't.
* @param pointer selector we're trying to match against channel.
* @param channel existing channel.
bool tunesTo(const ProgramSelector& pointer, const ProgramSelector& channel);
* Checks whether a given program selector has the given ID (either primary or secondary).
bool hasId(const ProgramSelector& sel, const IdentifierType& type);
* Returns ID (either primary or secondary) for a given program selector.
* If the selector does not contain given type, returns kValueForNotFoundIdentifier
* and emits a warning.
int64_t getId(const ProgramSelector& sel, const IdentifierType& type);
* Returns ID (either primary or secondary) for a given program selector.
* If the selector does not contain given type, returns default value.
int64_t getId(const ProgramSelector& sel, const IdentifierType& type, int64_t defaultValue);
* Returns all IDs of a given type.
std::vector<int> getAllIds(const ProgramSelector& sel, const IdentifierType& type);
* Checks, if a given selector is supported by the radio module.
* @param prop Module description.
* @param sel The selector to check.
* @return True, if the selector is supported, false otherwise.
bool isSupported(const Properties& prop, const ProgramSelector& sel);
bool isValid(const ProgramIdentifier& id);
bool isValid(const ProgramSelector& sel);
ProgramIdentifier makeIdentifier(IdentifierType type, int64_t value);
ProgramSelector makeSelectorAmfm(uint32_t frequency);
ProgramSelector makeSelectorDab(uint64_t sidExt);
ProgramSelector makeSelectorDab(uint64_t sidExt, uint32_t ensemble, uint64_t freq);
ProgramSelector makeSelectorHd(uint64_t stationId, uint64_t subChannel, uint64_t frequency);
bool satisfies(const ProgramFilter& filter, const ProgramSelector& sel);
struct ProgramSelectorComparator {
bool operator()(const ProgramSelector& lhs, const ProgramSelector& rhs) const;
struct ProgramInfoComparator {
bool operator()(const ProgramInfo& lhs, const ProgramInfo& rhs) const;
struct ProgramInfoHasher {
size_t operator()(const ProgramInfo& info) const;
struct ProgramInfoKeyEqual {
bool operator()(const ProgramInfo& info1, const ProgramInfo& info2) const;
typedef std::unordered_set<ProgramInfo, ProgramInfoHasher, ProgramInfoKeyEqual> ProgramInfoSet;
void updateProgramList(const ProgramListChunk& chunk, ProgramInfoSet* list);
std::optional<std::string> getMetadataString(const ProgramInfo& info, const Metadata::Tag& tag);
ProgramIdentifier makeHdRadioStationName(const std::string& name);
uint32_t getHdFrequency(const ProgramSelector& sel);
int getHdSubchannel(const ProgramSelector& sel);
uint32_t getDabSId(const ProgramSelector& sel);
int getDabEccCode(const ProgramSelector& sel);
int getDabSCIdS(const ProgramSelector& sel);
bool hasAmFmFrequency(const ProgramSelector& sel);
uint32_t getAmFmFrequency(const ProgramSelector& sel);
template <typename aidl_type>
inline std::string vectorToString(const std::vector<aidl_type>& in_values) {
return std::accumulate(std::begin(in_values), std::end(in_values), std::string{},
[](const std::string& ls, const aidl_type& rs) {
return ls + (ls.empty() ? "" : ",") + toString(rs);
IdentifierType getType(int typeAsInt);
bool parseArgInt(const std::string& s, int* out);
bool parseArgLong(const std::string& s, long* out);
bool parseArgBool(const std::string& s, bool* out);
bool parseArgDirection(const std::string& s, bool* out);
bool parseArgIdentifierTypeArray(const std::string& s, std::vector<IdentifierType>* out);
bool parseProgramIdentifierList(const std::string& s, std::vector<ProgramIdentifier>* out);
} // namespace utils
utils::IdentifierIterator begin(const ProgramSelector& sel);
utils::IdentifierIterator end(const ProgramSelector& sel);
} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::broadcastradio