| <manifest version="1.0" type="device"> |
| <hal format="aidl"> |
| <name>android.hardware.radio.config</name> |
| <fqname>IRadioConfig/default</fqname> |
| </hal> |
| <!-- |
| Instances other than config are configured per-device, depending on the slot count (framework |
| currently supports slot1, slot2 and slot3 instances) and Radio HALs device wishes to provide. |
| You can either copy the following tags to device manifest or simply uncomment them here for |
| quick testing. |
| |
| <hal format="aidl"> |
| <name>android.hardware.radio.data</name> |
| <fqname>IRadioData/slot1</fqname> |
| </hal> |
| <hal format="aidl"> |
| <name>android.hardware.radio.messaging</name> |
| <fqname>IRadioMessaging/slot1</fqname> |
| </hal> |
| <hal format="aidl"> |
| <name>android.hardware.radio.modem</name> |
| <fqname>IRadioModem/slot1</fqname> |
| </hal> |
| <hal format="aidl"> |
| <name>android.hardware.radio.network</name> |
| <fqname>IRadioNetwork/slot1</fqname> |
| </hal> |
| <hal format="aidl"> |
| <name>android.hardware.radio.sim</name> |
| <fqname>IRadioSim/slot1</fqname> |
| </hal> |
| <hal format="aidl"> |
| <name>android.hardware.radio.voice</name> |
| <fqname>IRadioVoice/slot1</fqname> |
| </hal> |
| --> |
| </manifest> |