blob: 2ca7ea7a716311942def0cbbe8787e5639c12b1f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <android/hardware/keymaster/4.0/IKeymasterDevice.h>
#include <android/hardware/keymaster/4.0/types.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <hidl/GtestPrinter.h>
#include <hidl/ServiceManagement.h>
#include <keymasterV4_0/authorization_set.h>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace keymaster {
namespace V4_0 {
::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const AuthorizationSet& set);
namespace test {
using ::android::sp;
using hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo;
using ::std::string;
class HidlBuf : public hidl_vec<uint8_t> {
using super = hidl_vec<uint8_t>;
HidlBuf() {}
HidlBuf(const super& other) : super(other) {}
HidlBuf(super&& other) : super(std::move(other)) { other = {}; }
HidlBuf(const HidlBuf& other) : super(other) {}
HidlBuf(HidlBuf&& other) : super(std::move(other)) { other = HidlBuf(); }
explicit HidlBuf(const std::string& other) : HidlBuf() { *this = other; }
HidlBuf& operator=(const super& other) {
return *this;
HidlBuf& operator=(super&& other) {
other = {};
return *this;
HidlBuf& operator=(const HidlBuf& other) {
return *this;
HidlBuf& operator=(HidlBuf&& other) {
return *this;
HidlBuf& operator=(const string& other) {
std::copy(other.begin(), other.end(), begin());
return *this;
string to_string() const { return string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data()), size()); }
constexpr uint64_t kOpHandleSentinel = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
class KeymasterHidlTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::string> {
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override {
if (key_blob_.size()) {
void InitializeKeymaster(sp<IKeymasterDevice> keymaster);
IKeymasterDevice& keymaster() { return *keymaster_; }
uint32_t os_version() { return os_version_; }
uint32_t os_patch_level() { return os_patch_level_; }
ErrorCode GenerateKey(const AuthorizationSet& key_desc, HidlBuf* key_blob,
KeyCharacteristics* key_characteristics);
ErrorCode GenerateKey(const AuthorizationSet& key_desc);
ErrorCode ImportKey(const AuthorizationSet& key_desc, KeyFormat format,
const string& key_material, HidlBuf* key_blob,
KeyCharacteristics* key_characteristics);
ErrorCode ImportKey(const AuthorizationSet& key_desc, KeyFormat format,
const string& key_material);
ErrorCode ImportWrappedKey(string wrapped_key, string wrapping_key,
const AuthorizationSet& wrapping_key_desc, string masking_key,
const AuthorizationSet& unwrapping_params);
ErrorCode ExportKey(KeyFormat format, const HidlBuf& key_blob, const HidlBuf& client_id,
const HidlBuf& app_data, HidlBuf* key_material);
ErrorCode ExportKey(KeyFormat format, HidlBuf* key_material);
ErrorCode DeleteKey(HidlBuf* key_blob, bool keep_key_blob = false);
ErrorCode DeleteKey(bool keep_key_blob = false);
ErrorCode DeleteAllKeys();
void CheckedDeleteKey(HidlBuf* key_blob, bool keep_key_blob = false);
void CheckedDeleteKey();
void CheckGetCharacteristics(const HidlBuf& key_blob, const HidlBuf& client_id,
const HidlBuf& app_data, KeyCharacteristics* key_characteristics);
ErrorCode GetCharacteristics(const HidlBuf& key_blob, const HidlBuf& client_id,
const HidlBuf& app_data, KeyCharacteristics* key_characteristics);
ErrorCode GetCharacteristics(const HidlBuf& key_blob, KeyCharacteristics* key_characteristics);
ErrorCode GetDebugInfo(DebugInfo* debug_info);
ErrorCode Begin(KeyPurpose purpose, const HidlBuf& key_blob, const AuthorizationSet& in_params,
AuthorizationSet* out_params, OperationHandle* op_handle);
ErrorCode Begin(KeyPurpose purpose, const AuthorizationSet& in_params,
AuthorizationSet* out_params);
ErrorCode Begin(KeyPurpose purpose, const AuthorizationSet& in_params);
ErrorCode Update(OperationHandle op_handle, const AuthorizationSet& in_params,
const string& input, AuthorizationSet* out_params, string* output,
size_t* input_consumed);
ErrorCode Update(const string& input, string* out, size_t* input_consumed);
ErrorCode Finish(OperationHandle op_handle, const AuthorizationSet& in_params,
const string& input, const string& signature, AuthorizationSet* out_params,
string* output);
ErrorCode Finish(const string& message, string* output);
ErrorCode Finish(const string& message, const string& signature, string* output);
ErrorCode Finish(string* output) { return Finish(string(), output); }
ErrorCode Abort(OperationHandle op_handle);
void AbortIfNeeded();
ErrorCode AttestKey(const HidlBuf& key_blob, const AuthorizationSet& attest_params,
hidl_vec<hidl_vec<uint8_t>>* cert_chain);
ErrorCode AttestKey(const AuthorizationSet& attest_params,
hidl_vec<hidl_vec<uint8_t>>* cert_chain);
string ProcessMessage(const HidlBuf& key_blob, KeyPurpose operation, const string& message,
const AuthorizationSet& in_params, AuthorizationSet* out_params);
string SignMessage(const HidlBuf& key_blob, const string& message,
const AuthorizationSet& params);
string SignMessage(const string& message, const AuthorizationSet& params);
string MacMessage(const string& message, Digest digest, size_t mac_length);
void CheckHmacTestVector(const string& key, const string& message, Digest digest,
const string& expected_mac);
void CheckAesCtrTestVector(const string& key, const string& nonce, const string& message,
const string& expected_ciphertext);
void CheckTripleDesTestVector(KeyPurpose purpose, BlockMode block_mode,
PaddingMode padding_mode, const string& key, const string& iv,
const string& input, const string& expected_output);
void VerifyMessage(const HidlBuf& key_blob, const string& message, const string& signature,
const AuthorizationSet& params);
void VerifyMessage(const string& message, const string& signature,
const AuthorizationSet& params);
string EncryptMessage(const HidlBuf& key_blob, const string& message,
const AuthorizationSet& in_params, AuthorizationSet* out_params);
string EncryptMessage(const string& message, const AuthorizationSet& params,
AuthorizationSet* out_params);
string EncryptMessage(const string& message, const AuthorizationSet& params);
string EncryptMessage(const string& message, BlockMode block_mode, PaddingMode padding);
string EncryptMessage(const string& message, BlockMode block_mode, PaddingMode padding,
HidlBuf* iv_out);
string EncryptMessage(const string& message, BlockMode block_mode, PaddingMode padding,
const HidlBuf& iv_in);
string EncryptMessage(const string& message, BlockMode block_mode, PaddingMode padding,
uint8_t mac_length_bits, const HidlBuf& iv_in);
string DecryptMessage(const HidlBuf& key_blob, const string& ciphertext,
const AuthorizationSet& params);
string DecryptMessage(const string& ciphertext, const AuthorizationSet& params);
string DecryptMessage(const string& ciphertext, BlockMode block_mode, PaddingMode padding_mode,
const HidlBuf& iv);
std::pair<ErrorCode, HidlBuf> UpgradeKey(const HidlBuf& key_blob);
bool IsSecure() { return securityLevel_ != SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE; }
SecurityLevel SecLevel() { return securityLevel_; }
std::vector<uint32_t> ValidKeySizes(Algorithm algorithm);
std::vector<uint32_t> InvalidKeySizes(Algorithm algorithm);
std::vector<EcCurve> ValidCurves();
std::vector<EcCurve> InvalidCurves();
std::vector<Digest> ValidDigests(bool withNone, bool withMD5);
std::vector<Digest> InvalidDigests();
HidlBuf key_blob_;
KeyCharacteristics key_characteristics_;
OperationHandle op_handle_ = kOpHandleSentinel;
static std::vector<std::string> build_params() {
auto params = android::hardware::getAllHalInstanceNames(IKeymasterDevice::descriptor);
return params;
sp<IKeymasterDevice> keymaster_;
uint32_t os_version_;
uint32_t os_patch_level_;
SecurityLevel securityLevel_;
hidl_string name_;
hidl_string author_;
testing::ValuesIn(KeymasterHidlTest::build_params()), \
} // namespace test
} // namespace V4_0
} // namespace keymaster
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android