blob: a0c943ba72b5058009aaf3fc4939d263f4de2eca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG "PowerAdvisor"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/Trace.h>
#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
#include "../SurfaceFlingerProperties.h"
#include "PowerAdvisor.h"
#include "SurfaceFlinger.h"
namespace android {
namespace Hwc2 {
PowerAdvisor::~PowerAdvisor() = default;
namespace impl {
using aidl::android::hardware::power::Boost;
using aidl::android::hardware::power::Mode;
using aidl::android::hardware::power::SessionHint;
using aidl::android::hardware::power::WorkDuration;
PowerAdvisor::~PowerAdvisor() = default;
namespace {
std::chrono::milliseconds getUpdateTimeout() {
// Default to a timeout of 80ms if nothing else is specified
static std::chrono::milliseconds timeout =
return timeout;
void traceExpensiveRendering(bool enabled) {
if (enabled) {
ATRACE_ASYNC_BEGIN("ExpensiveRendering", 0);
} else {
ATRACE_ASYNC_END("ExpensiveRendering", 0);
} // namespace
PowerAdvisor::PowerAdvisor(SurfaceFlinger& flinger)
: mPowerHal(std::make_unique<power::PowerHalController>()), mFlinger(flinger) {
if (getUpdateTimeout() > 0ms) {
mScreenUpdateTimer.emplace("UpdateImminentTimer", getUpdateTimeout(),
/* resetCallback */ nullptr,
/* timeoutCallback */
[this] {
while (true) {
auto timeSinceLastUpdate = std::chrono::nanoseconds(
systemTime() - mLastScreenUpdatedTime.load());
if (timeSinceLastUpdate >= getUpdateTimeout()) {
// We may try to disable expensive rendering and allow
// for sending DISPLAY_UPDATE_IMMINENT hints too early if
// we idled very shortly after updating the screen, so
// make sure we wait enough time.
std::this_thread::sleep_for(getUpdateTimeout() -
void PowerAdvisor::init() {
// Defer starting the screen update timer until SurfaceFlinger finishes construction.
if (mScreenUpdateTimer) {
void PowerAdvisor::onBootFinished() {;
void PowerAdvisor::setExpensiveRenderingExpected(DisplayId displayId, bool expected) {
if (!mHasExpensiveRendering) {
ALOGV("Skipped sending EXPENSIVE_RENDERING because HAL doesn't support it");
if (expected) {
} else {
const bool expectsExpensiveRendering = !mExpensiveDisplays.empty();
if (mNotifiedExpensiveRendering != expectsExpensiveRendering) {
auto ret = getPowerHal().setMode(Mode::EXPENSIVE_RENDERING, expectsExpensiveRendering);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
if (ret.isUnsupported()) {
mHasExpensiveRendering = false;
mNotifiedExpensiveRendering = expectsExpensiveRendering;
void PowerAdvisor::notifyCpuLoadUp() {
// Only start sending this notification once the system has booted so we don't introduce an
// early-boot dependency on Power HAL
if (!mBootFinished.load()) {
if (usePowerHintSession()) {
std::lock_guard lock(mHintSessionMutex);
if (ensurePowerHintSessionRunning()) {
auto ret = mHintSession->sendHint(SessionHint::CPU_LOAD_UP);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
mHintSession = nullptr;
void PowerAdvisor::notifyDisplayUpdateImminentAndCpuReset() {
// Only start sending this notification once the system has booted so we don't introduce an
// early-boot dependency on Power HAL
if (!mBootFinished.load()) {
if ( {
ALOGV("AIDL notifyDisplayUpdateImminentAndCpuReset");
if (usePowerHintSession()) {
std::lock_guard lock(mHintSessionMutex);
if (ensurePowerHintSessionRunning()) {
auto ret = mHintSession->sendHint(SessionHint::CPU_LOAD_RESET);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
mHintSession = nullptr;
if (!mHasDisplayUpdateImminent) {
ALOGV("Skipped sending DISPLAY_UPDATE_IMMINENT because HAL doesn't support it");
} else {
auto ret = getPowerHal().setBoost(Boost::DISPLAY_UPDATE_IMMINENT, 0);
if (ret.isUnsupported()) {
mHasDisplayUpdateImminent = false;
if (mScreenUpdateTimer) {
} else {
// If we don't have a screen update timer, then we don't throttle power hal calls so
// flip this bit back to allow for calling into power hal again.;
if (mScreenUpdateTimer) {;
bool PowerAdvisor::usePowerHintSession() {
// uses cached value since the underlying support and flag are unlikely to change at runtime
return mHintSessionEnabled.value_or(false) && supportsPowerHintSession();
bool PowerAdvisor::supportsPowerHintSession() {
if (!mSupportsHintSession.has_value()) {
mSupportsHintSession = getPowerHal().getHintSessionPreferredRate().isOk();
return *mSupportsHintSession;
bool PowerAdvisor::ensurePowerHintSessionRunning() {
if (mHintSession == nullptr && !mHintSessionThreadIds.empty() && usePowerHintSession()) {
auto ret = getPowerHal().createHintSession(getpid(), static_cast<int32_t>(getuid()),
mHintSessionThreadIds, mTargetDuration.ns());
if (ret.isOk()) {
mHintSession = ret.value();
return mHintSession != nullptr;
void PowerAdvisor::updateTargetWorkDuration(Duration targetDuration) {
if (!usePowerHintSession()) {
ALOGV("Power hint session target duration cannot be set, skipping");
mTargetDuration = targetDuration;
if (sTraceHintSessionData) ATRACE_INT64("Time target", targetDuration.ns());
if (targetDuration == mLastTargetDurationSent) return;
std::lock_guard lock(mHintSessionMutex);
if (ensurePowerHintSessionRunning()) {
ALOGV("Sending target time: %" PRId64 "ns", targetDuration.ns());
mLastTargetDurationSent = targetDuration;
auto ret = mHintSession->updateTargetWorkDuration(targetDuration.ns());
if (!ret.isOk()) {
ALOGW("Failed to set power hint target work duration with error: %s",
mHintSession = nullptr;
void PowerAdvisor::reportActualWorkDuration() {
if (!mBootFinished || !sUseReportActualDuration || !usePowerHintSession()) {
ALOGV("Actual work duration power hint cannot be sent, skipping");
std::optional<Duration> actualDuration = estimateWorkDuration();
if (!actualDuration.has_value() || actualDuration < 0ns) {
ALOGV("Failed to send actual work duration, skipping");
actualDuration = std::make_optional(*actualDuration + sTargetSafetyMargin);
mActualDuration = actualDuration;
if (sTraceHintSessionData) {
ATRACE_INT64("Measured duration", actualDuration->ns());
ATRACE_INT64("Target error term", Duration{*actualDuration - mTargetDuration}.ns());
ATRACE_INT64("Reported duration", actualDuration->ns());
ATRACE_INT64("Reported target", mLastTargetDurationSent.ns());
ATRACE_INT64("Reported target error term",
Duration{*actualDuration - mLastTargetDurationSent}.ns());
ALOGV("Sending actual work duration of: %" PRId64 " on reported target: %" PRId64
" with error: %" PRId64,
actualDuration->ns(), mLastTargetDurationSent.ns(),
Duration{*actualDuration - mLastTargetDurationSent}.ns());
if (mTimingTestingMode) {
mDelayReportActualMutexAcquisitonPromise = std::promise<bool>{};
std::lock_guard lock(mHintSessionMutex);
if (!ensurePowerHintSessionRunning()) {
ALOGV("Hint session not running and could not be started, skipping");
WorkDuration duration{
.timeStampNanos = TimePoint::now().ns(),
// TODO(b/284324521): Correctly calculate total duration.
.durationNanos = actualDuration->ns(),
.workPeriodStartTimestampNanos = mCommitStartTimes[0].ns(),
.cpuDurationNanos = actualDuration->ns(),
// TODO(b/284324521): Calculate RenderEngine GPU time.
.gpuDurationNanos = 0,
auto ret = mHintSession->reportActualWorkDuration(mHintSessionQueue);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
ALOGW("Failed to report actual work durations with error: %s",
mHintSession = nullptr;
void PowerAdvisor::enablePowerHintSession(bool enabled) {
mHintSessionEnabled = enabled;
bool PowerAdvisor::startPowerHintSession(std::vector<int32_t>&& threadIds) {
mHintSessionThreadIds = threadIds;
if (!mBootFinished.load()) {
return false;
if (!usePowerHintSession()) {
ALOGI("Cannot start power hint session: disabled or unsupported");
return false;
"No thread IDs provided to power hint session!");
std::lock_guard lock(mHintSessionMutex);
if (mHintSession != nullptr) {
ALOGE("Cannot start power hint session: already running");
return false;
return ensurePowerHintSessionRunning();
void PowerAdvisor::setGpuFenceTime(DisplayId displayId, std::unique_ptr<FenceTime>&& fenceTime) {
DisplayTimingData& displayData = mDisplayTimingData[displayId];
if (displayData.gpuEndFenceTime) {
nsecs_t signalTime = displayData.gpuEndFenceTime->getSignalTime();
if (signalTime != Fence::SIGNAL_TIME_INVALID && signalTime != Fence::SIGNAL_TIME_PENDING) {
for (auto&& [_, otherDisplayData] : mDisplayTimingData) {
// If the previous display started before us but ended after we should have
// started, then it likely delayed our start time and we must compensate for that.
// Displays finishing earlier should have already made their way through this call
// and swapped their timing into "lastValid" from "latest", so we check that here.
if (!otherDisplayData.lastValidGpuStartTime.has_value()) continue;
if ((*otherDisplayData.lastValidGpuStartTime < *displayData.gpuStartTime) &&
(*otherDisplayData.lastValidGpuEndTime > *displayData.gpuStartTime)) {
displayData.lastValidGpuStartTime = *otherDisplayData.lastValidGpuEndTime;
displayData.lastValidGpuStartTime = displayData.gpuStartTime;
displayData.lastValidGpuEndTime = TimePoint::fromNs(signalTime);
displayData.gpuEndFenceTime = std::move(fenceTime);
displayData.gpuStartTime = TimePoint::now();
void PowerAdvisor::setHwcValidateTiming(DisplayId displayId, TimePoint validateStartTime,
TimePoint validateEndTime) {
DisplayTimingData& displayData = mDisplayTimingData[displayId];
displayData.hwcValidateStartTime = validateStartTime;
displayData.hwcValidateEndTime = validateEndTime;
void PowerAdvisor::setHwcPresentTiming(DisplayId displayId, TimePoint presentStartTime,
TimePoint presentEndTime) {
DisplayTimingData& displayData = mDisplayTimingData[displayId];
displayData.hwcPresentStartTime = presentStartTime;
displayData.hwcPresentEndTime = presentEndTime;
void PowerAdvisor::setSkippedValidate(DisplayId displayId, bool skipped) {
mDisplayTimingData[displayId].skippedValidate = skipped;
void PowerAdvisor::setRequiresClientComposition(DisplayId displayId,
bool requiresClientComposition) {
mDisplayTimingData[displayId].usedClientComposition = requiresClientComposition;
void PowerAdvisor::setExpectedPresentTime(TimePoint expectedPresentTime) {
void PowerAdvisor::setSfPresentTiming(TimePoint presentFenceTime, TimePoint presentEndTime) {
mLastSfPresentEndTime = presentEndTime;
mLastPresentFenceTime = presentFenceTime;
void PowerAdvisor::setFrameDelay(Duration frameDelayDuration) {
mFrameDelayDuration = frameDelayDuration;
void PowerAdvisor::setHwcPresentDelayedTime(DisplayId displayId, TimePoint earliestFrameStartTime) {
mDisplayTimingData[displayId].hwcPresentDelayedTime = earliestFrameStartTime;
void PowerAdvisor::setCommitStart(TimePoint commitStartTime) {
void PowerAdvisor::setCompositeEnd(TimePoint compositeEndTime) {
mLastPostcompDuration = compositeEndTime - mLastSfPresentEndTime;
void PowerAdvisor::setDisplays(std::vector<DisplayId>& displayIds) {
mDisplayIds = displayIds;
void PowerAdvisor::setTotalFrameTargetWorkDuration(Duration targetDuration) {
mTotalFrameTargetDuration = targetDuration;
std::vector<DisplayId> PowerAdvisor::getOrderedDisplayIds(
std::optional<TimePoint> DisplayTimingData::*sortBy) {
std::vector<DisplayId> sortedDisplays;
std::copy_if(mDisplayIds.begin(), mDisplayIds.end(), std::back_inserter(sortedDisplays),
[&](DisplayId id) {
return mDisplayTimingData.count(id) &&
std::sort(sortedDisplays.begin(), sortedDisplays.end(), [&](DisplayId idA, DisplayId idB) {
return *(mDisplayTimingData[idA].*sortBy) < *(mDisplayTimingData[idB].*sortBy);
return sortedDisplays;
std::optional<Duration> PowerAdvisor::estimateWorkDuration() {
if (!mExpectedPresentTimes.isFull() || !mCommitStartTimes.isFull()) {
return std::nullopt;
// Tracks when we finish presenting to hwc
TimePoint estimatedHwcEndTime = mCommitStartTimes[0];
// How long we spent this frame not doing anything, waiting for fences or vsync
Duration idleDuration = 0ns;
// Most recent previous gpu end time in the current frame, probably from a prior display, used
// as the start time for the next gpu operation if it ran over time since it probably blocked
std::optional<TimePoint> previousValidGpuEndTime;
// The currently estimated gpu end time for the frame,
// used to accumulate gpu time as we iterate over the active displays
std::optional<TimePoint> estimatedGpuEndTime;
// The timing info for the previously calculated display, if there was one
std::optional<DisplayTimeline> previousDisplayTiming;
std::vector<DisplayId>&& displayIds =
DisplayTimeline displayTiming;
// Iterate over the displays that use hwc in the same order they are presented
for (DisplayId displayId : displayIds) {
if (mDisplayTimingData.count(displayId) == 0) {
auto& displayData =;
displayTiming = displayData.calculateDisplayTimeline(mLastPresentFenceTime);
// If this is the first display, include the duration before hwc present starts
if (!previousDisplayTiming.has_value()) {
estimatedHwcEndTime += displayTiming.hwcPresentStartTime - mCommitStartTimes[0];
} else { // Otherwise add the time since last display's hwc present finished
estimatedHwcEndTime +=
displayTiming.hwcPresentStartTime - previousDisplayTiming->hwcPresentEndTime;
// Update predicted present finish time with this display's present time
estimatedHwcEndTime = displayTiming.hwcPresentEndTime;
// Track how long we spent waiting for the fence, can be excluded from the timing estimate
idleDuration += displayTiming.probablyWaitsForPresentFence
? mLastPresentFenceTime - displayTiming.presentFenceWaitStartTime
: 0ns;
// Track how long we spent waiting to present, can be excluded from the timing estimate
idleDuration += displayTiming.hwcPresentDelayDuration;
// Estimate the reference frame's gpu timing
auto gpuTiming = displayData.estimateGpuTiming(previousValidGpuEndTime);
if (gpuTiming.has_value()) {
previousValidGpuEndTime = gpuTiming->startTime + gpuTiming->duration;
// Estimate the prediction frame's gpu end time from the reference frame
estimatedGpuEndTime = std::max(displayTiming.hwcPresentStartTime,
estimatedGpuEndTime.value_or(TimePoint{0ns})) +
previousDisplayTiming = displayTiming;
ATRACE_INT64("Idle duration", idleDuration.ns());
TimePoint estimatedFlingerEndTime = mLastSfPresentEndTime;
// Don't count time spent idly waiting in the estimate as we could do more work in that time
estimatedHwcEndTime -= idleDuration;
estimatedFlingerEndTime -= idleDuration;
// We finish the frame when both present and the gpu are done, so wait for the later of the two
// Also add the frame delay duration since the target did not move while we were delayed
Duration totalDuration = mFrameDelayDuration +
std::max(estimatedHwcEndTime, estimatedGpuEndTime.value_or(TimePoint{0ns})) -
// We finish SurfaceFlinger when post-composition finishes, so add that in here
Duration flingerDuration =
estimatedFlingerEndTime + mLastPostcompDuration - mCommitStartTimes[0];
// Combine the two timings into a single normalized one
Duration combinedDuration = combineTimingEstimates(totalDuration, flingerDuration);
return std::make_optional(combinedDuration);
Duration PowerAdvisor::combineTimingEstimates(Duration totalDuration, Duration flingerDuration) {
Duration targetDuration{0ns};
targetDuration = mTargetDuration;
if (!mTotalFrameTargetDuration.has_value()) return flingerDuration;
// Normalize total to the flinger target (vsync period) since that's how often we actually send
// hints
Duration normalizedTotalDuration = Duration::fromNs((targetDuration.ns() * totalDuration.ns()) /
return std::max(flingerDuration, normalizedTotalDuration);
PowerAdvisor::DisplayTimeline PowerAdvisor::DisplayTimingData::calculateDisplayTimeline(
TimePoint fenceTime) {
DisplayTimeline timeline;
// How long between calling hwc present and trying to wait on the fence
const Duration fenceWaitStartDelay =
(skippedValidate ? kFenceWaitStartDelaySkippedValidate : kFenceWaitStartDelayValidated);
// Did our reference frame wait for an appropriate vsync before calling into hwc
const bool waitedOnHwcPresentTime = hwcPresentDelayedTime.has_value() &&
*hwcPresentDelayedTime > *hwcPresentStartTime &&
*hwcPresentDelayedTime < *hwcPresentEndTime;
// Use validate start here if we skipped it because we did validate + present together
timeline.hwcPresentStartTime = skippedValidate ? *hwcValidateStartTime : *hwcPresentStartTime;
// Use validate end here if we skipped it because we did validate + present together
timeline.hwcPresentEndTime = skippedValidate ? *hwcValidateEndTime : *hwcPresentEndTime;
// How long hwc present was delayed waiting for the next appropriate vsync
timeline.hwcPresentDelayDuration =
(waitedOnHwcPresentTime ? *hwcPresentDelayedTime - *hwcPresentStartTime : 0ns);
// When we started waiting for the present fence after calling into hwc present
timeline.presentFenceWaitStartTime =
timeline.hwcPresentStartTime + timeline.hwcPresentDelayDuration + fenceWaitStartDelay;
timeline.probablyWaitsForPresentFence = fenceTime > timeline.presentFenceWaitStartTime &&
fenceTime < timeline.hwcPresentEndTime;
// How long we ran after we finished waiting for the fence but before hwc present finished
timeline.postPresentFenceHwcPresentDuration = timeline.hwcPresentEndTime -
(timeline.probablyWaitsForPresentFence ? fenceTime
: timeline.presentFenceWaitStartTime);
return timeline;
std::optional<PowerAdvisor::GpuTimeline> PowerAdvisor::DisplayTimingData::estimateGpuTiming(
std::optional<TimePoint> previousEndTime) {
if (!(usedClientComposition && lastValidGpuStartTime.has_value() && gpuEndFenceTime)) {
return std::nullopt;
const TimePoint latestGpuStartTime =
std::max(previousEndTime.value_or(TimePoint{0ns}), *gpuStartTime);
const nsecs_t gpuEndFenceSignal = gpuEndFenceTime->getSignalTime();
Duration gpuDuration{0ns};
if (gpuEndFenceSignal != Fence::SIGNAL_TIME_INVALID &&
gpuEndFenceSignal != Fence::SIGNAL_TIME_PENDING) {
const TimePoint latestGpuEndTime = TimePoint::fromNs(gpuEndFenceSignal);
// If we know how long the most recent gpu duration was, use that
gpuDuration = latestGpuEndTime - latestGpuStartTime;
} else if (lastValidGpuEndTime.has_value()) {
// If we don't have the fence data, use the most recent information we do have
gpuDuration = *lastValidGpuEndTime - *lastValidGpuStartTime;
if (gpuEndFenceSignal == Fence::SIGNAL_TIME_PENDING) {
// If pending but went over the previous duration, use current time as the end
gpuDuration = std::max(gpuDuration, Duration{TimePoint::now() - latestGpuStartTime});
return GpuTimeline{.duration = gpuDuration, .startTime = latestGpuStartTime};
const bool PowerAdvisor::sTraceHintSessionData =
base::GetBoolProperty(std::string("debug.sf.trace_hint_sessions"), false);
const Duration PowerAdvisor::sTargetSafetyMargin = std::chrono::microseconds(
const bool PowerAdvisor::sUseReportActualDuration =
base::GetBoolProperty(std::string("debug.adpf.use_report_actual_duration"), true);
power::PowerHalController& PowerAdvisor::getPowerHal() {
static std::once_flag halFlag;
std::call_once(halFlag, [this] { mPowerHal->init(); });
return *mPowerHal;
} // namespace impl
} // namespace Hwc2
} // namespace android