blob: 5c2390eb3864a915563d21dd58d7d8d55005be17 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG "PowerAdvisor"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <android/hardware/power/1.3/IPower.h>
#include <android/hardware/power/IPower.h>
#include <android/hardware/power/IPowerHintSession.h>
#include <android/hardware/power/WorkDuration.h>
#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
#include "../SurfaceFlingerProperties.h"
#include "PowerAdvisor.h"
#include "SurfaceFlinger.h"
namespace android {
namespace Hwc2 {
PowerAdvisor::~PowerAdvisor() = default;
namespace impl {
namespace V1_0 = android::hardware::power::V1_0;
namespace V1_3 = android::hardware::power::V1_3;
using V1_3::PowerHint;
using android::hardware::power::Boost;
using android::hardware::power::IPower;
using android::hardware::power::IPowerHintSession;
using android::hardware::power::Mode;
using android::hardware::power::WorkDuration;
using scheduler::OneShotTimer;
class AidlPowerHalWrapper;
PowerAdvisor::~PowerAdvisor() = default;
namespace {
int32_t getUpdateTimeout() {
// Default to a timeout of 80ms if nothing else is specified
static int32_t timeout = sysprop::display_update_imminent_timeout_ms(80);
return timeout;
} // namespace
PowerAdvisor::PowerAdvisor(SurfaceFlinger& flinger)
: mFlinger(flinger),
mUseScreenUpdateTimer(getUpdateTimeout() > 0),
"UpdateImminentTimer", OneShotTimer::Interval(getUpdateTimeout()),
/* resetCallback */ [this] {; },
/* timeoutCallback */
[this] {;
}) {}
void PowerAdvisor::init() {
// Defer starting the screen update timer until SurfaceFlinger finishes construction.
if (mUseScreenUpdateTimer) {
void PowerAdvisor::onBootFinished() {;
std::lock_guard lock(mPowerHalMutex);
HalWrapper* halWrapper = getPowerHal();
if (halWrapper != nullptr && usePowerHintSession()) {
mPowerHintSessionRunning = halWrapper->startPowerHintSession();
void PowerAdvisor::setExpensiveRenderingExpected(DisplayId displayId, bool expected) {
if (expected) {
} else {
const bool expectsExpensiveRendering = !mExpensiveDisplays.empty();
if (mNotifiedExpensiveRendering != expectsExpensiveRendering) {
std::lock_guard lock(mPowerHalMutex);
HalWrapper* const halWrapper = getPowerHal();
if (halWrapper == nullptr) {
if (!halWrapper->setExpensiveRendering(expectsExpensiveRendering)) {
// The HAL has become unavailable; attempt to reconnect later
mReconnectPowerHal = true;
mNotifiedExpensiveRendering = expectsExpensiveRendering;
void PowerAdvisor::notifyDisplayUpdateImminent() {
// Only start sending this notification once the system has booted so we don't introduce an
// early-boot dependency on Power HAL
if (!mBootFinished.load()) {
if (mSendUpdateImminent.load()) {
std::lock_guard lock(mPowerHalMutex);
HalWrapper* const halWrapper = getPowerHal();
if (halWrapper == nullptr) {
if (!halWrapper->notifyDisplayUpdateImminent()) {
// The HAL has become unavailable; attempt to reconnect later
mReconnectPowerHal = true;
if (mUseScreenUpdateTimer) {
// checks both if it supports and if it's enabled
bool PowerAdvisor::usePowerHintSession() {
// uses cached value since the underlying support and flag are unlikely to change at runtime
ALOGE_IF(!mPowerHintEnabled.has_value(), "Power hint session cannot be used before boot!");
return mPowerHintEnabled.value_or(false) && supportsPowerHintSession();
bool PowerAdvisor::supportsPowerHintSession() {
// cache to avoid needing lock every time
if (!mSupportsPowerHint.has_value()) {
std::lock_guard lock(mPowerHalMutex);
HalWrapper* const halWrapper = getPowerHal();
mSupportsPowerHint = halWrapper->supportsPowerHintSession();
return *mSupportsPowerHint;
bool PowerAdvisor::isPowerHintSessionRunning() {
return mPowerHintSessionRunning;
void PowerAdvisor::setTargetWorkDuration(int64_t targetDurationNanos) {
// we check "supports" here not "usePowerHintSession" because this needs to work
// before the session is actually running, and "use" will always fail before boot
// we store the values passed in before boot to start the session with during onBootFinished
if (!supportsPowerHintSession()) {
ALOGV("Power hint session target duration cannot be set, skipping");
std::lock_guard lock(mPowerHalMutex);
HalWrapper* const halWrapper = getPowerHal();
if (halWrapper != nullptr) {
void PowerAdvisor::setPowerHintSessionThreadIds(const std::vector<int32_t>& threadIds) {
// we check "supports" here not "usePowerHintSession" because this needs to wsork
// before the session is actually running, and "use" will always fail before boot.
// we store the values passed in before boot to start the session with during onBootFinished
if (!supportsPowerHintSession()) {
ALOGV("Power hint session thread ids cannot be set, skipping");
std::lock_guard lock(mPowerHalMutex);
HalWrapper* const halWrapper = getPowerHal();
if (halWrapper != nullptr) {
void PowerAdvisor::sendActualWorkDuration(int64_t actualDurationNanos, nsecs_t timeStampNanos) {
if (!mBootFinished || !usePowerHintSession()) {
ALOGV("Actual work duration power hint cannot be sent, skipping");
std::lock_guard lock(mPowerHalMutex);
HalWrapper* const halWrapper = getPowerHal();
if (halWrapper != nullptr) {
halWrapper->sendActualWorkDuration(actualDurationNanos, timeStampNanos);
// needs to be set after the flag is known but before PowerAdvisor enters onBootFinished
void PowerAdvisor::enablePowerHint(bool enabled) {
mPowerHintEnabled = enabled;
class HidlPowerHalWrapper : public PowerAdvisor::HalWrapper {
HidlPowerHalWrapper(sp<V1_3::IPower> powerHal) : mPowerHal(std::move(powerHal)) {}
~HidlPowerHalWrapper() override = default;
static std::unique_ptr<HalWrapper> connect() {
// Power HAL 1.3 is not guaranteed to be available, thus we need to query
// Power HAL 1.0 first and try to cast it to Power HAL 1.3.
sp<V1_3::IPower> powerHal = nullptr;
sp<V1_0::IPower> powerHal_1_0 = V1_0::IPower::getService();
if (powerHal_1_0 != nullptr) {
// Try to cast to Power HAL 1.3
powerHal = V1_3::IPower::castFrom(powerHal_1_0);
if (powerHal == nullptr) {
ALOGW("No Power HAL 1.3 service in system, disabling PowerAdvisor");
} else {
ALOGI("Loaded Power HAL 1.3 service");
} else {
ALOGW("No Power HAL found, disabling PowerAdvisor");
if (powerHal == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<HidlPowerHalWrapper>(std::move(powerHal));
bool setExpensiveRendering(bool enabled) override {
ALOGV("HIDL setExpensiveRendering %s", enabled ? "T" : "F");
auto ret = mPowerHal->powerHintAsync_1_3(PowerHint::EXPENSIVE_RENDERING, enabled);
return ret.isOk();
bool notifyDisplayUpdateImminent() override {
// Power HAL 1.x doesn't have a notification for this
ALOGV("HIDL notifyUpdateImminent received but can't send");
return true;
bool supportsPowerHintSession() override { return false; }
bool isPowerHintSessionRunning() override { return false; }
void restartPowerHintSession() override {}
void setPowerHintSessionThreadIds(const std::vector<int32_t>&) override {}
bool startPowerHintSession() override { return false; }
void setTargetWorkDuration(int64_t) override {}
void sendActualWorkDuration(int64_t, nsecs_t) override {}
bool shouldReconnectHAL() override { return false; }
std::vector<int32_t> getPowerHintSessionThreadIds() override { return std::vector<int32_t>{}; }
std::optional<int64_t> getTargetWorkDuration() override { return std::nullopt; }
const sp<V1_3::IPower> mPowerHal = nullptr;
class AidlPowerHalWrapper : public PowerAdvisor::HalWrapper {
AidlPowerHalWrapper(sp<IPower> powerHal) : mPowerHal(std::move(powerHal)) {
auto ret = mPowerHal->isModeSupported(Mode::EXPENSIVE_RENDERING, &mHasExpensiveRendering);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
mHasExpensiveRendering = false;
ret = mPowerHal->isBoostSupported(Boost::DISPLAY_UPDATE_IMMINENT,
if (!ret.isOk()) {
mHasDisplayUpdateImminent = false;
// This just gives a number not a binder status, so no .isOk()
mSupportsPowerHints = mPowerHal->getInterfaceVersion() >= 2;
if (mSupportsPowerHints) {
~AidlPowerHalWrapper() override {
if (mPowerHintSession != nullptr) {
mPowerHintSession = nullptr;
static std::unique_ptr<HalWrapper> connect() {
// This only waits if the service is actually declared
sp<IPower> powerHal = waitForVintfService<IPower>();
if (powerHal == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
ALOGI("Loaded AIDL Power HAL service");
return std::make_unique<AidlPowerHalWrapper>(std::move(powerHal));
bool setExpensiveRendering(bool enabled) override {
ALOGV("AIDL setExpensiveRendering %s", enabled ? "T" : "F");
if (!mHasExpensiveRendering) {
ALOGV("Skipped sending EXPENSIVE_RENDERING because HAL doesn't support it");
return true;
auto ret = mPowerHal->setMode(Mode::EXPENSIVE_RENDERING, enabled);
return ret.isOk();
bool notifyDisplayUpdateImminent() override {
ALOGV("AIDL notifyDisplayUpdateImminent");
if (!mHasDisplayUpdateImminent) {
ALOGV("Skipped sending DISPLAY_UPDATE_IMMINENT because HAL doesn't support it");
return true;
auto ret = mPowerHal->setBoost(Boost::DISPLAY_UPDATE_IMMINENT, 0);
return ret.isOk();
// only version 2+ of the aidl supports power hint sessions, hidl has no support
bool supportsPowerHintSession() override { return mSupportsPowerHints; }
bool isPowerHintSessionRunning() override { return mPowerHintSession != nullptr; }
void closePowerHintSession() {
if (mPowerHintSession != nullptr) {
mPowerHintSession = nullptr;
void restartPowerHintSession() {
void setPowerHintSessionThreadIds(const std::vector<int32_t>& threadIds) override {
if (threadIds != mPowerHintThreadIds) {
mPowerHintThreadIds = threadIds;
if (isPowerHintSessionRunning()) {
bool startPowerHintSession() override {
if (mPowerHintSession != nullptr || !mPowerHintTargetDuration.has_value() ||
mPowerHintThreadIds.empty()) {
ALOGV("Cannot start power hint session, skipping");
return false;
auto ret = mPowerHal->createHintSession(getpid(), static_cast<int32_t>(getuid()),
mPowerHintThreadIds, *mPowerHintTargetDuration,
if (!ret.isOk()) {
ALOGW("Failed to start power hint session with error: %s",
// Indicate to the poweradvisor that this wrapper likely needs to be remade
mShouldReconnectHal = true;
return isPowerHintSessionRunning();
bool shouldSetTargetDuration(int64_t targetDurationNanos) {
if (!mLastTargetDurationSent.has_value()) {
return true;
// report if the change in target from our last submission to now exceeds the threshold
return abs(1.0 -
static_cast<double>(*mLastTargetDurationSent) /
static_cast<double>(targetDurationNanos)) >=
void setTargetWorkDuration(int64_t targetDurationNanos) override {
mPowerHintTargetDuration = targetDurationNanos;
if (shouldSetTargetDuration(targetDurationNanos) && isPowerHintSessionRunning()) {
mLastTargetDurationSent = targetDurationNanos;
auto ret = mPowerHintSession->updateTargetWorkDuration(targetDurationNanos);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
ALOGW("Failed to set power hint target work duration with error: %s",
mShouldReconnectHal = true;
bool shouldReportActualDurationsNow() {
// report if we have never reported before or have exceeded the max queue size
if (!mLastMessageReported.has_value() || mPowerHintQueue.size() >= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) {
return true;
// duration of most recent timing
const double mostRecentActualDuration =
// duration of the last timing actually reported to the powerhal
const double lastReportedActualDuration =
// report if the change in duration from then to now exceeds the threshold
return abs(1.0 - mostRecentActualDuration / lastReportedActualDuration) >=
void sendActualWorkDuration(int64_t actualDurationNanos, nsecs_t timeStampNanos) override {
if (actualDurationNanos < 0 || !isPowerHintSessionRunning()) {
ALOGV("Failed to send actual work duration, skipping");
WorkDuration duration;
duration.durationNanos = actualDurationNanos;
duration.timeStampNanos = timeStampNanos;
// This rate limiter queues similar duration reports to the powerhal into
// batches to avoid excessive binder calls. The criteria to send a given batch
// are outlined in shouldReportActualDurationsNow()
if (shouldReportActualDurationsNow()) {
auto ret = mPowerHintSession->reportActualWorkDuration(mPowerHintQueue);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
ALOGW("Failed to report actual work durations with error: %s",
mShouldReconnectHal = true;
mLastMessageReported = duration;
bool shouldReconnectHAL() override { return mShouldReconnectHal; }
std::vector<int32_t> getPowerHintSessionThreadIds() override { return mPowerHintThreadIds; }
std::optional<int64_t> getTargetWorkDuration() override { return mPowerHintTargetDuration; }
// max number of messages allowed in mPowerHintQueue before reporting is forced
static constexpr int32_t MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 15;
// max percent the actual duration can vary without causing a report (eg: 0.1 = 10%)
static constexpr double ALLOWED_ACTUAL_DEVIATION_PERCENT = 0.1;
// max percent the target duration can vary without causing a report (eg: 0.05 = 5%)
static constexpr double ALLOWED_TARGET_DEVIATION_PERCENT = 0.05;
const sp<IPower> mPowerHal = nullptr;
bool mHasExpensiveRendering = false;
bool mHasDisplayUpdateImminent = false;
bool mShouldReconnectHal = false; // used to indicate an error state and need for reconstruction
// This is not thread safe, but is currently protected by mPowerHalMutex so it needs no lock
sp<IPowerHintSession> mPowerHintSession = nullptr;
std::vector<WorkDuration> mPowerHintQueue;
// halwrapper owns these values so we can init when we want and reconnect if broken
std::optional<int64_t> mPowerHintTargetDuration;
std::vector<int32_t> mPowerHintThreadIds;
// keep track of the last messages sent for rate limiter change detection
std::optional<WorkDuration> mLastMessageReported;
std::optional<int64_t> mLastTargetDurationSent;
bool mSupportsPowerHints;
PowerAdvisor::HalWrapper* PowerAdvisor::getPowerHal() {
static std::unique_ptr<HalWrapper> sHalWrapper = nullptr;
static bool sHasHal = true;
if (!sHasHal) {
return nullptr;
// grab old hint session values before we destroy any existing wrapper
std::vector<int32_t> oldPowerHintSessionThreadIds;
std::optional<int64_t> oldTargetWorkDuration;
if (sHalWrapper != nullptr) {
oldPowerHintSessionThreadIds = sHalWrapper->getPowerHintSessionThreadIds();
oldTargetWorkDuration = sHalWrapper->getTargetWorkDuration();
// If we used to have a HAL, but it stopped responding, attempt to reconnect
if (mReconnectPowerHal) {
sHalWrapper = nullptr;
mReconnectPowerHal = false;
if (sHalWrapper != nullptr) {
auto wrapper = sHalWrapper.get();
// if the wrapper is fine, return it, but if it indicates a reconnect, remake it
if (!wrapper->shouldReconnectHAL()) {
return wrapper;
sHalWrapper = nullptr;
// at this point, we know for sure there is no running session
mPowerHintSessionRunning = false;
// First attempt to connect to the AIDL Power HAL
sHalWrapper = AidlPowerHalWrapper::connect();
// If that didn't succeed, attempt to connect to the HIDL Power HAL
if (sHalWrapper == nullptr) {
sHalWrapper = HidlPowerHalWrapper::connect();
} else { // if AIDL, pass on any existing hint session values
// thread ids always safe to set
// only set duration and start if duration is defined
if (oldTargetWorkDuration.has_value()) {
// only start if possible to run and both threadids and duration are defined
if (usePowerHintSession() && !oldPowerHintSessionThreadIds.empty()) {
mPowerHintSessionRunning = sHalWrapper->startPowerHintSession();
// If we make it to this point and still don't have a HAL, it's unlikely we
// will, so stop trying
if (sHalWrapper == nullptr) {
sHasHal = false;
return sHalWrapper.get();
} // namespace impl
} // namespace Hwc2
} // namespace android