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* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//! Container for messages that are sent via binder.
use crate::binder::AsNative;
use crate::error::{status_result, Result, StatusCode};
use crate::proxy::SpIBinder;
use crate::sys;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use std::ptr::{self, NonNull};
mod file_descriptor;
mod parcelable;
mod parcelable_holder;
pub use self::file_descriptor::ParcelFileDescriptor;
pub use self::parcelable::{
Deserialize, DeserializeArray, DeserializeOption, Parcelable, Serialize, SerializeArray,
pub use self::parcelable_holder::{ParcelableHolder, ParcelableMetadata};
/// Container for a message (data and object references) that can be sent
/// through Binder.
/// A Parcel can contain both serialized data that will be deserialized on the
/// other side of the IPC, and references to live Binder objects that will
/// result in the other side receiving a proxy Binder connected with the
/// original Binder in the Parcel.
/// This type represents a parcel that is owned by Rust code.
pub struct Parcel {
ptr: NonNull<sys::AParcel>,
/// Safety: This type guarantees that it owns the AParcel and that all access to
/// the AParcel happens through the Parcel, so it is ok to send across threads.
/// It would not be okay to implement Sync, because that would allow you to call
/// the reading methods from several threads in parallel, which would be a data
/// race on the cursor position inside the AParcel.
unsafe impl Send for Parcel {}
/// Container for a message (data and object references) that can be sent
/// through Binder.
/// This object is a borrowed variant of [`Parcel`]. It is a separate type from
/// `&mut Parcel` because it is not valid to `mem::swap` two parcels.
pub struct BorrowedParcel<'a> {
ptr: NonNull<sys::AParcel>,
_lifetime: PhantomData<&'a mut Parcel>,
impl Parcel {
/// Create a new empty `Parcel`.
pub fn new() -> Parcel {
// Safety: If `AParcel_create` succeeds, it always returns
// a valid pointer. If it fails, the process will crash.
let ptr = unsafe { sys::AParcel_create() };
Self { ptr: NonNull::new(ptr).expect("AParcel_create returned null pointer") }
/// Create an owned reference to a parcel object from a raw pointer.
/// # Safety
/// This constructor is safe if the raw pointer parameter is either null
/// (resulting in `None`), or a valid pointer to an `AParcel` object. The
/// parcel object must be owned by the caller prior to this call, as this
/// constructor takes ownership of the parcel and will destroy it on drop.
/// Additionally, the caller must guarantee that it is valid to take
/// ownership of the AParcel object. All future access to the AParcel
/// must happen through this `Parcel`.
/// Because `Parcel` implements `Send`, the pointer must never point to any
/// thread-local data, e.g., a variable on the stack, either directly or
/// indirectly.
pub unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *mut sys::AParcel) -> Option<Parcel> {
NonNull::new(ptr).map(|ptr| Self { ptr })
/// Consume the parcel, transferring ownership to the caller.
pub(crate) fn into_raw(self) -> *mut sys::AParcel {
let ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr();
let _ = ManuallyDrop::new(self);
/// Get a borrowed view into the contents of this `Parcel`.
pub fn borrowed(&mut self) -> BorrowedParcel<'_> {
// Safety: The raw pointer is a valid pointer to an AParcel, and the
// lifetime of the returned `BorrowedParcel` is tied to `self`, so the
// borrow checker will ensure that the `AParcel` can only be accessed
// via the `BorrowParcel` until it goes out of scope.
BorrowedParcel { ptr: self.ptr, _lifetime: PhantomData }
/// Get an immutable borrowed view into the contents of this `Parcel`.
pub fn borrowed_ref(&self) -> &BorrowedParcel<'_> {
// Safety: Parcel and BorrowedParcel are both represented in the same
// way as a NonNull<sys::AParcel> due to their use of repr(transparent),
// so casting references as done here is valid.
unsafe { &*(self as *const Parcel as *const BorrowedParcel<'_>) }
impl Default for Parcel {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Clone for Parcel {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let mut new_parcel = Self::new();
.expect("Failed to append from Parcel");
impl<'a> BorrowedParcel<'a> {
/// Create a borrowed reference to a parcel object from a raw pointer.
/// # Safety
/// This constructor is safe if the raw pointer parameter is either null
/// (resulting in `None`), or a valid pointer to an `AParcel` object.
/// Since the raw pointer is not restricted by any lifetime, the lifetime on
/// the returned `BorrowedParcel` object can be chosen arbitrarily by the
/// caller. The caller must ensure it is valid to mutably borrow the AParcel
/// for the duration of the lifetime that the caller chooses. Note that
/// since this is a mutable borrow, it must have exclusive access to the
/// AParcel for the duration of the borrow.
pub unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *mut sys::AParcel) -> Option<BorrowedParcel<'a>> {
Some(Self { ptr: NonNull::new(ptr)?, _lifetime: PhantomData })
/// Get a sub-reference to this reference to the parcel.
pub fn reborrow(&mut self) -> BorrowedParcel<'_> {
// Safety: The raw pointer is a valid pointer to an AParcel, and the
// lifetime of the returned `BorrowedParcel` is tied to `self`, so the
// borrow checker will ensure that the `AParcel` can only be accessed
// via the `BorrowParcel` until it goes out of scope.
BorrowedParcel { ptr: self.ptr, _lifetime: PhantomData }
/// Safety: The `Parcel` constructors guarantee that a `Parcel` object will
/// always contain a valid pointer to an `AParcel`.
unsafe impl AsNative<sys::AParcel> for Parcel {
fn as_native(&self) -> *const sys::AParcel {
fn as_native_mut(&mut self) -> *mut sys::AParcel {
/// Safety: The `BorrowedParcel` constructors guarantee that a `BorrowedParcel`
/// object will always contain a valid pointer to an `AParcel`.
unsafe impl<'a> AsNative<sys::AParcel> for BorrowedParcel<'a> {
fn as_native(&self) -> *const sys::AParcel {
fn as_native_mut(&mut self) -> *mut sys::AParcel {
// Data serialization methods
impl<'a> BorrowedParcel<'a> {
/// Data written to parcelable is zero'd before being deleted or reallocated.
pub fn mark_sensitive(&mut self) {
// Safety: guaranteed to have a parcel object, and this method never fails
unsafe { sys::AParcel_markSensitive(self.as_native()) }
/// Write a type that implements [`Serialize`] to the parcel.
pub fn write<S: Serialize + ?Sized>(&mut self, parcelable: &S) -> Result<()> {
/// Writes the length of a slice to the parcel.
/// This is used in AIDL-generated client side code to indicate the
/// allocated space for an output array parameter.
pub fn write_slice_size<T>(&mut self, slice: Option<&[T]>) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(slice) = slice {
let len: i32 = slice.len().try_into().or(Err(StatusCode::BAD_VALUE))?;
} else {
/// Perform a series of writes to the parcel, prepended with the length
/// (in bytes) of the written data.
/// The length `0i32` will be written to the parcel first, followed by the
/// writes performed by the callback. The initial length will then be
/// updated to the length of all data written by the callback, plus the
/// size of the length elemement itself (4 bytes).
/// # Examples
/// After the following call:
/// ```
/// # use binder::{Binder, Interface, Parcel};
/// # let mut parcel = Parcel::new();
/// parcel.sized_write(|subparcel| {
/// subparcel.write(&1u32)?;
/// subparcel.write(&2u32)?;
/// subparcel.write(&3u32)
/// });
/// ```
/// `parcel` will contain the following:
/// ```ignore
/// [16i32, 1u32, 2u32, 3u32]
/// ```
pub fn sized_write<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<()>
for<'b> F: FnOnce(&'b mut WritableSubParcel<'b>) -> Result<()>,
let start = self.get_data_position();
let mut subparcel = WritableSubParcel(self.reborrow());
f(&mut subparcel)?;
let end = self.get_data_position();
// Safety: start is less than the current size of the parcel data
// buffer, because we just got it with `get_data_position`.
unsafe {
assert!(end >= start);
self.write(&(end - start))?;
// Safety: end is less than the current size of the parcel data
// buffer, because we just got it with `get_data_position`.
unsafe {
/// Returns the current position in the parcel data.
pub fn get_data_position(&self) -> i32 {
// Safety: `BorrowedParcel` always contains a valid pointer to an
// `AParcel`, and this call is otherwise safe.
unsafe { sys::AParcel_getDataPosition(self.as_native()) }
/// Returns the total size of the parcel.
pub fn get_data_size(&self) -> i32 {
// Safety: `BorrowedParcel` always contains a valid pointer to an
// `AParcel`, and this call is otherwise safe.
unsafe { sys::AParcel_getDataSize(self.as_native()) }
/// Move the current read/write position in the parcel.
/// # Safety
/// This method is safe if `pos` is less than the current size of the parcel
/// data buffer. Otherwise, we are relying on correct bounds checking in the
/// Parcel C++ code on every subsequent read or write to this parcel. If all
/// accesses are bounds checked, this call is still safe, but we can't rely
/// on that.
pub unsafe fn set_data_position(&self, pos: i32) -> Result<()> {
// Safety: `BorrowedParcel` always contains a valid pointer to an
// `AParcel`, and the caller guarantees that `pos` is within bounds.
status_result(unsafe { sys::AParcel_setDataPosition(self.as_native(), pos) })
/// Append a subset of another parcel.
/// This appends `size` bytes of data from `other` starting at offset
/// `start` to the current parcel, or returns an error if not possible.
pub fn append_from(
&mut self,
other: &impl AsNative<sys::AParcel>,
start: i32,
size: i32,
) -> Result<()> {
// Safety: `Parcel::appendFrom` from C++ checks that `start`
// and `size` are in bounds, and returns an error otherwise.
// Both `self` and `other` always contain valid pointers.
let status = unsafe {
sys::AParcel_appendFrom(other.as_native(), self.as_native_mut(), start, size)
/// Append the contents of another parcel.
pub fn append_all_from(&mut self, other: &impl AsNative<sys::AParcel>) -> Result<()> {
// Safety: `BorrowedParcel` always contains a valid pointer to an
// `AParcel`, and this call is otherwise safe.
let size = unsafe { sys::AParcel_getDataSize(other.as_native()) };
self.append_from(other, 0, size)
/// A segment of a writable parcel, used for [`BorrowedParcel::sized_write`].
pub struct WritableSubParcel<'a>(BorrowedParcel<'a>);
impl<'a> WritableSubParcel<'a> {
/// Write a type that implements [`Serialize`] to the sub-parcel.
pub fn write<S: Serialize + ?Sized>(&mut self, parcelable: &S) -> Result<()> {
parcelable.serialize(&mut self.0)
impl Parcel {
/// Data written to parcelable is zero'd before being deleted or reallocated.
pub fn mark_sensitive(&mut self) {
/// Write a type that implements [`Serialize`] to the parcel.
pub fn write<S: Serialize + ?Sized>(&mut self, parcelable: &S) -> Result<()> {
/// Writes the length of a slice to the parcel.
/// This is used in AIDL-generated client side code to indicate the
/// allocated space for an output array parameter.
pub fn write_slice_size<T>(&mut self, slice: Option<&[T]>) -> Result<()> {
/// Perform a series of writes to the parcel, prepended with the length
/// (in bytes) of the written data.
/// The length `0i32` will be written to the parcel first, followed by the
/// writes performed by the callback. The initial length will then be
/// updated to the length of all data written by the callback, plus the
/// size of the length elemement itself (4 bytes).
/// # Examples
/// After the following call:
/// ```
/// # use binder::{Binder, Interface, Parcel};
/// # let mut parcel = Parcel::new();
/// parcel.sized_write(|subparcel| {
/// subparcel.write(&1u32)?;
/// subparcel.write(&2u32)?;
/// subparcel.write(&3u32)
/// });
/// ```
/// `parcel` will contain the following:
/// ```ignore
/// [16i32, 1u32, 2u32, 3u32]
/// ```
pub fn sized_write<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<()>
for<'b> F: FnOnce(&'b mut WritableSubParcel<'b>) -> Result<()>,
/// Returns the current position in the parcel data.
pub fn get_data_position(&self) -> i32 {
/// Returns the total size of the parcel.
pub fn get_data_size(&self) -> i32 {
/// Move the current read/write position in the parcel.
/// # Safety
/// This method is safe if `pos` is less than the current size of the parcel
/// data buffer. Otherwise, we are relying on correct bounds checking in the
/// Parcel C++ code on every subsequent read or write to this parcel. If all
/// accesses are bounds checked, this call is still safe, but we can't rely
/// on that.
pub unsafe fn set_data_position(&self, pos: i32) -> Result<()> {
// Safety: We have the same safety requirements as
// `BorrowedParcel::set_data_position`.
unsafe { self.borrowed_ref().set_data_position(pos) }
/// Append a subset of another parcel.
/// This appends `size` bytes of data from `other` starting at offset
/// `start` to the current parcel, or returns an error if not possible.
pub fn append_from(
&mut self,
other: &impl AsNative<sys::AParcel>,
start: i32,
size: i32,
) -> Result<()> {
self.borrowed().append_from(other, start, size)
/// Append the contents of another parcel.
pub fn append_all_from(&mut self, other: &impl AsNative<sys::AParcel>) -> Result<()> {
// Data deserialization methods
impl<'a> BorrowedParcel<'a> {
/// Attempt to read a type that implements [`Deserialize`] from this parcel.
pub fn read<D: Deserialize>(&self) -> Result<D> {
/// Attempt to read a type that implements [`Deserialize`] from this parcel
/// onto an existing value. This operation will overwrite the old value
/// partially or completely, depending on how much data is available.
pub fn read_onto<D: Deserialize>(&self, x: &mut D) -> Result<()> {
/// Safely read a sized parcelable.
/// Read the size of a parcelable, compute the end position
/// of that parcelable, then build a sized readable sub-parcel
/// and call a closure with the sub-parcel as its parameter.
/// The closure can keep reading data from the sub-parcel
/// until it runs out of input data. The closure is responsible
/// for calling `ReadableSubParcel::has_more_data` to check for
/// more data before every read, at least until Rust generators
/// are stabilized.
/// After the closure returns, skip to the end of the current
/// parcelable regardless of how much the closure has read.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// let mut parcelable = Default::default();
/// parcel.sized_read(|subparcel| {
/// if subparcel.has_more_data() {
/// parcelable.a =;
/// }
/// if subparcel.has_more_data() {
/// parcelable.b =;
/// }
/// Ok(())
/// });
/// ```
pub fn sized_read<F>(&self, f: F) -> Result<()>
for<'b> F: FnOnce(ReadableSubParcel<'b>) -> Result<()>,
let start = self.get_data_position();
let parcelable_size: i32 =;
if parcelable_size < 4 {
return Err(StatusCode::BAD_VALUE);
let end = start.checked_add(parcelable_size).ok_or(StatusCode::BAD_VALUE)?;
if end > self.get_data_size() {
return Err(StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA);
let subparcel = ReadableSubParcel {
parcel: BorrowedParcel { ptr: self.ptr, _lifetime: PhantomData },
end_position: end,
// Advance the data position to the actual end,
// in case the closure read less data than was available.
// Safety: end must be less than the current size of the parcel, because
// we checked above against `get_data_size`.
unsafe {
/// Read a vector size from the parcel and resize the given output vector to
/// be correctly sized for that amount of data.
/// This method is used in AIDL-generated server side code for methods that
/// take a mutable slice reference parameter.
pub fn resize_out_vec<D: Default + Deserialize>(&self, out_vec: &mut Vec<D>) -> Result<()> {
let len: i32 =;
if len < 0 {
return Err(StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL);
// usize in Rust may be 16-bit, so i32 may not fit
let len = len.try_into().unwrap();
out_vec.resize_with(len, Default::default);
/// Read a vector size from the parcel and either create a correctly sized
/// vector for that amount of data or set the output parameter to None if
/// the vector should be null.
/// This method is used in AIDL-generated server side code for methods that
/// take a mutable slice reference parameter.
pub fn resize_nullable_out_vec<D: Default + Deserialize>(
out_vec: &mut Option<Vec<D>>,
) -> Result<()> {
let len: i32 =;
if len < 0 {
*out_vec = None;
} else {
// usize in Rust may be 16-bit, so i32 may not fit
let len = len.try_into().unwrap();
let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(len);
vec.resize_with(len, Default::default);
*out_vec = Some(vec);
/// A segment of a readable parcel, used for [`Parcel::sized_read`].
pub struct ReadableSubParcel<'a> {
parcel: BorrowedParcel<'a>,
end_position: i32,
impl<'a> ReadableSubParcel<'a> {
/// Read a type that implements [`Deserialize`] from the sub-parcel.
pub fn read<D: Deserialize>(&self) -> Result<D> {
/// Check if the sub-parcel has more data to read
pub fn has_more_data(&self) -> bool {
self.parcel.get_data_position() < self.end_position
impl Parcel {
/// Attempt to read a type that implements [`Deserialize`] from this parcel.
pub fn read<D: Deserialize>(&self) -> Result<D> {
/// Attempt to read a type that implements [`Deserialize`] from this parcel
/// onto an existing value. This operation will overwrite the old value
/// partially or completely, depending on how much data is available.
pub fn read_onto<D: Deserialize>(&self, x: &mut D) -> Result<()> {
/// Safely read a sized parcelable.
/// Read the size of a parcelable, compute the end position
/// of that parcelable, then build a sized readable sub-parcel
/// and call a closure with the sub-parcel as its parameter.
/// The closure can keep reading data from the sub-parcel
/// until it runs out of input data. The closure is responsible
/// for calling `ReadableSubParcel::has_more_data` to check for
/// more data before every read, at least until Rust generators
/// are stabilized.
/// After the closure returns, skip to the end of the current
/// parcelable regardless of how much the closure has read.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// let mut parcelable = Default::default();
/// parcel.sized_read(|subparcel| {
/// if subparcel.has_more_data() {
/// parcelable.a =;
/// }
/// if subparcel.has_more_data() {
/// parcelable.b =;
/// }
/// Ok(())
/// });
/// ```
pub fn sized_read<F>(&self, f: F) -> Result<()>
for<'b> F: FnOnce(ReadableSubParcel<'b>) -> Result<()>,
/// Read a vector size from the parcel and resize the given output vector to
/// be correctly sized for that amount of data.
/// This method is used in AIDL-generated server side code for methods that
/// take a mutable slice reference parameter.
pub fn resize_out_vec<D: Default + Deserialize>(&self, out_vec: &mut Vec<D>) -> Result<()> {
/// Read a vector size from the parcel and either create a correctly sized
/// vector for that amount of data or set the output parameter to None if
/// the vector should be null.
/// This method is used in AIDL-generated server side code for methods that
/// take a mutable slice reference parameter.
pub fn resize_nullable_out_vec<D: Default + Deserialize>(
out_vec: &mut Option<Vec<D>>,
) -> Result<()> {
// Internal APIs
impl<'a> BorrowedParcel<'a> {
pub(crate) fn write_binder(&mut self, binder: Option<&SpIBinder>) -> Result<()> {
// Safety: `BorrowedParcel` always contains a valid pointer to an
// `AParcel`. `AsNative` for `Option<SpIBinder`> will either return
// null or a valid pointer to an `AIBinder`, both of which are
// valid, safe inputs to `AParcel_writeStrongBinder`.
// This call does not take ownership of the binder. However, it does
// require a mutable pointer, which we cannot extract from an
// immutable reference, so we clone the binder, incrementing the
// refcount before the call. The refcount will be immediately
// decremented when this temporary is dropped.
unsafe {
pub(crate) fn read_binder(&self) -> Result<Option<SpIBinder>> {
let mut binder = ptr::null_mut();
// Safety: `BorrowedParcel` always contains a valid pointer to an
// `AParcel`. We pass a valid, mutable out pointer to the `binder`
// parameter. After this call, `binder` will be either null or a
// valid pointer to an `AIBinder` owned by the caller.
let status = unsafe { sys::AParcel_readStrongBinder(self.as_native(), &mut binder) };
// Safety: `binder` is either null or a valid, owned pointer at this
// point, so can be safely passed to `SpIBinder::from_raw`.
Ok(unsafe { SpIBinder::from_raw(binder) })
impl Drop for Parcel {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Run the C++ Parcel complete object destructor
// Safety: `Parcel` always contains a valid pointer to an
// `AParcel`. Since we own the parcel, we can safely delete it
// here.
unsafe { sys::AParcel_delete(self.ptr.as_ptr()) }
impl fmt::Debug for Parcel {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for BorrowedParcel<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fn test_read_write() {
let mut parcel = Parcel::new();
let start = parcel.get_data_position();
assert_eq!(<bool>(), Err(StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA));
assert_eq!(<i8>(), Err(StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA));
assert_eq!(<u16>(), Err(StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA));
assert_eq!(<i32>(), Err(StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA));
assert_eq!(<u32>(), Err(StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA));
assert_eq!(<i64>(), Err(StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA));
assert_eq!(<u64>(), Err(StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA));
assert_eq!(<f32>(), Err(StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA));
assert_eq!(<f64>(), Err(StatusCode::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA));
assert_eq!(<Option<String>>(), Ok(None));
assert_eq!(<String>(), Err(StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL));
assert_eq!(parcel.borrowed_ref().read_binder().err(), Some(StatusCode::BAD_TYPE));
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
let i: i32 =;
assert_eq!(i, 1i32);
fn test_read_data() {
let mut parcel = Parcel::new();
let str_start = parcel.get_data_position();
parcel.write(&b"Hello, Binder!\0"[..]).unwrap();
// Skip over string length
// SAFETY: str_start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<i32>().unwrap(), 15);
let start = parcel.get_data_position();
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<i8>().unwrap(), 72i8);
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<u16>().unwrap(), 25928);
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<i32>().unwrap(), 1819043144);
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<u32>().unwrap(), 1819043144);
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<i64>().unwrap(), 4764857262830019912);
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<u64>().unwrap(), 4764857262830019912);
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<f32>().unwrap(), 1143139100000000000000000000.0);
assert_eq!(<f32>().unwrap(), 40.043392);
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<f64>().unwrap(), 34732488246.197815);
// Skip back to before the string length
// SAFETY: str_start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<Vec<u8>>().unwrap(), b"Hello, Binder!\0");
fn test_utf8_utf16_conversions() {
let mut parcel = Parcel::new();
let start = parcel.get_data_position();
assert!(parcel.write("Hello, Binder!").is_ok());
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<Option<String>>().unwrap().unwrap(), "Hello, Binder!",);
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert!(parcel.write("Embedded null \0 inside a string").is_ok());
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
"Embedded null \0 inside a string",
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert!(parcel.write(&["str1", "str2", "str3"][..]).is_ok());
.write(&[String::from("str4"), String::from("str5"), String::from("str6"),][..])
let s1 = "Hello, Binder!";
let s2 = "This is a utf8 string.";
let s3 = "Some more text here.";
assert!(parcel.write(&[s1, s2, s3][..]).is_ok());
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<Vec<String>>().unwrap(), ["str1", "str2", "str3"]);
assert_eq!(<Vec<String>>().unwrap(), ["str4", "str5", "str6"]);
assert_eq!(<Vec<String>>().unwrap(), [s1, s2, s3]);
fn test_sized_write() {
let mut parcel = Parcel::new();
let start = parcel.get_data_position();
let arr = [1i32, 2i32, 3i32];
.sized_write(|subparcel| subparcel.write(&arr[..]))
.expect("Could not perform sized write");
// i32 sub-parcel length + i32 array length + 3 i32 elements
let expected_len = 20i32;
assert_eq!(parcel.get_data_position(), start + expected_len);
// SAFETY: start is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because we haven't
// made it any shorter since we got the position.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(<Vec<i32>>().unwrap(), &arr,);
fn test_append_from() {
let mut parcel1 = Parcel::new();
parcel1.write(&42i32).expect("Could not perform write");
let mut parcel2 = Parcel::new();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), parcel2.append_all_from(&parcel1));
assert_eq!(4, parcel2.get_data_size());
assert_eq!(Ok(()), parcel2.append_all_from(&parcel1));
assert_eq!(8, parcel2.get_data_size());
// SAFETY: 0 is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because the parcel is not
// empty.
unsafe {
let mut parcel2 = Parcel::new();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), parcel2.append_from(&parcel1, 0, 2));
assert_eq!(Ok(()), parcel2.append_from(&parcel1, 2, 2));
assert_eq!(4, parcel2.get_data_size());
// SAFETY: 0 is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because the parcel is not
// empty.
unsafe {
let mut parcel2 = Parcel::new();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), parcel2.append_from(&parcel1, 0, 2));
assert_eq!(2, parcel2.get_data_size());
// SAFETY: 0 is less than the current size of the parcel data buffer, because the parcel is not
// empty.
unsafe {
let mut parcel2 = Parcel::new();
assert_eq!(Err(StatusCode::BAD_VALUE), parcel2.append_from(&parcel1, 4, 2));
assert_eq!(Err(StatusCode::BAD_VALUE), parcel2.append_from(&parcel1, 2, 4));
assert_eq!(Err(StatusCode::BAD_VALUE), parcel2.append_from(&parcel1, -1, 4));
assert_eq!(Err(StatusCode::BAD_VALUE), parcel2.append_from(&parcel1, 2, -1));