blob: a4018385c794cdeb09f7daf6d2747f686ac25c99 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ServiceManager.h"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <binder/BpBinder.h>
#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
#include <binder/ProcessState.h>
#include <binder/Stability.h>
#include <cutils/android_filesystem_config.h>
#include <cutils/multiuser.h>
#include <thread>
#include <vintf/VintfObject.h>
#include <vintf/VintfObjectRecovery.h>
#endif // __ANDROID_RECOVERY__
#include <vintf/constants.h>
using ::android::binder::Status;
using ::android::internal::Stability;
namespace android {
bool is_multiuser_uid_isolated(uid_t uid) {
uid_t appid = multiuser_get_app_id(uid);
return appid >= AID_ISOLATED_START && appid <= AID_ISOLATED_END;
struct ManifestWithDescription {
std::shared_ptr<const vintf::HalManifest> manifest;
const char* description;
static std::vector<ManifestWithDescription> GetManifestsWithDescription() {
auto vintfObject = vintf::VintfObjectRecovery::GetInstance();
if (vintfObject == nullptr) {
ALOGE("NULL VintfObjectRecovery!");
return {};
return {ManifestWithDescription{vintfObject->getRecoveryHalManifest(), "recovery"}};
auto vintfObject = vintf::VintfObject::GetInstance();
if (vintfObject == nullptr) {
ALOGE("NULL VintfObject!");
return {};
return {ManifestWithDescription{vintfObject->getDeviceHalManifest(), "device"},
ManifestWithDescription{vintfObject->getFrameworkHalManifest(), "framework"}};
// func true -> stop search and forEachManifest will return true
static bool forEachManifest(const std::function<bool(const ManifestWithDescription&)>& func) {
for (const ManifestWithDescription& mwd : GetManifestsWithDescription()) {
if (mwd.manifest == nullptr) {
ALOGE("NULL VINTF MANIFEST!: %s", mwd.description);
// note, we explicitly do not retry here, so that we can detect VINTF
// or other bugs (b/151696835)
if (func(mwd)) return true;
return false;
struct AidlName {
std::string package;
std::string iface;
std::string instance;
static bool fill(const std::string& name, AidlName* aname) {
size_t firstSlash = name.find('/');
size_t lastDot = name.rfind('.', firstSlash);
if (firstSlash == std::string::npos || lastDot == std::string::npos) {
ALOGE("VINTF HALs require names in the format type/instance (e.g. "
" but got: %s",
return false;
aname->package = name.substr(0, lastDot);
aname->iface = name.substr(lastDot + 1, firstSlash - lastDot - 1);
aname->instance = name.substr(firstSlash + 1);
return true;
static bool isVintfDeclared(const std::string& name) {
AidlName aname;
if (!AidlName::fill(name, &aname)) return false;
bool found = forEachManifest([&](const ManifestWithDescription& mwd) {
if (mwd.manifest->hasAidlInstance(aname.package, aname.iface, aname.instance)) {
ALOGI("Found %s in %s VINTF manifest.", name.c_str(), mwd.description);
return true; // break
return false; // continue
if (!found) {
std::set<std::string> instances;
forEachManifest([&](const ManifestWithDescription& mwd) {
std::set<std::string> res = mwd.manifest->getAidlInstances(aname.package, aname.iface);
instances.insert(res.begin(), res.end());
return true;
std::string available;
if (instances.empty()) {
available = "No alternative instances declared in VINTF";
} else {
// for logging only. We can't return this information to the client
// because they may not have permissions to find or list those
// instances
available = "VINTF declared instances: " + base::Join(instances, ", ");
// Although it is tested, explicitly rebuilding qualified name, in case it
// becomes something unexpected.
ALOGI("Could not find %s.%s/%s in the VINTF manifest. %s.", aname.package.c_str(),
aname.iface.c_str(), aname.instance.c_str(), available.c_str());
return found;
static std::optional<std::string> getVintfUpdatableApex(const std::string& name) {
AidlName aname;
if (!AidlName::fill(name, &aname)) return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> updatableViaApex;
forEachManifest([&](const ManifestWithDescription& mwd) {
mwd.manifest->forEachInstance([&](const auto& manifestInstance) {
if (manifestInstance.format() != vintf::HalFormat::AIDL) return true;
if (manifestInstance.package() != aname.package) return true;
if (manifestInstance.interface() != aname.iface) return true;
if (manifestInstance.instance() != aname.instance) return true;
updatableViaApex = manifestInstance.updatableViaApex();
return false; // break (libvintf uses opposite convention)
if (updatableViaApex.has_value()) return true; // break (found match)
return false; // continue
return updatableViaApex;
static std::vector<std::string> getVintfUpdatableInstances(const std::string& apexName) {
std::vector<std::string> instances;
forEachManifest([&](const ManifestWithDescription& mwd) {
mwd.manifest->forEachInstance([&](const auto& manifestInstance) {
if (manifestInstance.format() == vintf::HalFormat::AIDL &&
manifestInstance.updatableViaApex().has_value() &&
manifestInstance.updatableViaApex().value() == apexName) {
std::string aname = manifestInstance.package() + "." +
manifestInstance.interface() + "/" + manifestInstance.instance();
return true; // continue (libvintf uses opposite convention)
return false; // continue
return instances;
static std::optional<ConnectionInfo> getVintfConnectionInfo(const std::string& name) {
AidlName aname;
if (!AidlName::fill(name, &aname)) return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> ip;
std::optional<uint64_t> port;
forEachManifest([&](const ManifestWithDescription& mwd) {
mwd.manifest->forEachInstance([&](const auto& manifestInstance) {
if (manifestInstance.format() != vintf::HalFormat::AIDL) return true;
if (manifestInstance.package() != aname.package) return true;
if (manifestInstance.interface() != aname.iface) return true;
if (manifestInstance.instance() != aname.instance) return true;
ip = manifestInstance.ip();
port = manifestInstance.port();
return false; // break (libvintf uses opposite convention)
return false; // continue
if (ip.has_value() && port.has_value()) {
ConnectionInfo info;
info.ipAddress = *ip;
info.port = *port;
return std::make_optional<ConnectionInfo>(info);
} else {
return std::nullopt;
static std::vector<std::string> getVintfInstances(const std::string& interface) {
size_t lastDot = interface.rfind('.');
if (lastDot == std::string::npos) {
ALOGE("VINTF interfaces require names in Java package format (e.g. "
"but got: %s",
return {};
const std::string package = interface.substr(0, lastDot);
const std::string iface = interface.substr(lastDot+1);
std::vector<std::string> ret;
(void)forEachManifest([&](const ManifestWithDescription& mwd) {
auto instances = mwd.manifest->getAidlInstances(package, iface);
ret.insert(ret.end(), instances.begin(), instances.end());
return false; // continue
return ret;
static bool meetsDeclarationRequirements(const sp<IBinder>& binder, const std::string& name) {
if (!Stability::requiresVintfDeclaration(binder)) {
return true;
return isVintfDeclared(name);
ServiceManager::Service::~Service() {
if (hasClients) {
// only expected to happen on process death, we don't store the service
// name this late (it's in the map that holds this service), but if it
// is happening, we might want to change 'unlinkToDeath' to explicitly
// clear this bit so that we can abort in other cases, where it would
// mean inconsistent logic in servicemanager (unexpected and tested, but
// the original lazy service impl here had that bug).
LOG(WARNING) << "a service was removed when there are clients";
ServiceManager::ServiceManager(std::unique_ptr<Access>&& access) : mAccess(std::move(access)) {
// TODO(b/151696835): reenable performance hack when we solve bug, since with
// this hack and other fixes, it is unlikely we will see even an ephemeral
// failure when the manifest parse fails. The goal is that the manifest will
// be read incorrectly and cause the process trying to register a HAL to
// fail. If this is in fact an early boot kernel contention issue, then we
// will get no failure, and by its absence, be signalled to invest more
// effort in re-adding this performance hack.
// // can process these at any times, don't want to delay first VINTF client
// std::thread([] {
// vintf::VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest();
// vintf::VintfObject::GetFrameworkHalManifest();
// }).detach();
ServiceManager::~ServiceManager() {
// this should only happen in tests
for (const auto& [name, callbacks] : mNameToRegistrationCallback) {
CHECK(!callbacks.empty()) << name;
for (const auto& callback : callbacks) {
CHECK(callback != nullptr) << name;
for (const auto& [name, service] : mNameToService) {
CHECK(service.binder != nullptr) << name;
Status ServiceManager::getService(const std::string& name, sp<IBinder>* outBinder) {
*outBinder = tryGetService(name, true);
// returns ok regardless of result for legacy reasons
return Status::ok();
Status ServiceManager::checkService(const std::string& name, sp<IBinder>* outBinder) {
*outBinder = tryGetService(name, false);
// returns ok regardless of result for legacy reasons
return Status::ok();
sp<IBinder> ServiceManager::tryGetService(const std::string& name, bool startIfNotFound) {
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
sp<IBinder> out;
Service* service = nullptr;
if (auto it = mNameToService.find(name); it != mNameToService.end()) {
service = &(it->second);
if (!service->allowIsolated && is_multiuser_uid_isolated(ctx.uid)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Isolated app with UID " << ctx.uid << " requested '" << name
<< "', but the service is not allowed for isolated apps.";
return nullptr;
out = service->binder;
if (!mAccess->canFind(ctx, name)) {
return nullptr;
if (!out && startIfNotFound) {
tryStartService(ctx, name);
if (out) {
// Force onClients to get sent, and then make sure the timerfd won't clear it
// by setting guaranteeClient again. This logic could be simplified by using
// a time-based guarantee. However, forcing onClients(true) to get sent
// right here is always going to be important for processes serving multiple
// lazy interfaces.
service->guaranteeClient = true;
CHECK(handleServiceClientCallback(2 /* sm + transaction */, name, false));
service->guaranteeClient = true;
return out;
bool isValidServiceName(const std::string& name) {
if (name.size() == 0) return false;
if (name.size() > 127) return false;
for (char c : name) {
if (c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '/') continue;
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') continue;
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') continue;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') continue;
return false;
return true;
Status ServiceManager::addService(const std::string& name, const sp<IBinder>& binder, bool allowIsolated, int32_t dumpPriority) {
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
if (multiuser_get_app_id(ctx.uid) >= AID_APP) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "App UIDs cannot add services.");
if (!mAccess->canAdd(ctx, name)) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
if (binder == nullptr) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Null binder.");
if (!isValidServiceName(name)) {
ALOGE("Invalid service name: %s", name.c_str());
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Invalid service name.");
if (!meetsDeclarationRequirements(binder, name)) {
// already logged
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "VINTF declaration error.");
if ((dumpPriority & DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_ALL) == 0) {
ALOGW("Dump flag priority is not set when adding %s", name.c_str());
// implicitly unlinked when the binder is removed
if (binder->remoteBinder() != nullptr &&
binder->linkToDeath(sp<ServiceManager>::fromExisting(this)) != OK) {
ALOGE("Could not linkToDeath when adding %s", name.c_str());
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE, "Couldn't linkToDeath.");
auto it = mNameToService.find(name);
bool prevClients = false;
if (it != mNameToService.end()) {
const Service& existing = it->second;
prevClients = existing.hasClients;
// We could do better than this because if the other service dies, it
// may not have an entry here. However, this case is unlikely. We are
// only trying to detect when two different services are accidentally installed.
if (existing.ctx.uid != ctx.uid) {
ALOGW("Service '%s' originally registered from UID %u but it is now being registered "
"from UID %u. Multiple instances installed?",
name.c_str(), existing.ctx.uid, ctx.uid);
if (existing.ctx.sid != ctx.sid) {
ALOGW("Service '%s' originally registered from SID %s but it is now being registered "
"from SID %s. Multiple instances installed?",
name.c_str(), existing.ctx.sid.c_str(), ctx.sid.c_str());
ALOGI("Service '%s' originally registered from PID %d but it is being registered again "
"from PID %d. Bad state? Late death notification? Multiple instances installed?",
name.c_str(), existing.ctx.debugPid, ctx.debugPid);
// Overwrite the old service if it exists
mNameToService[name] = Service{
.binder = binder,
.allowIsolated = allowIsolated,
.dumpPriority = dumpPriority,
.hasClients = prevClients, // see b/279898063, matters if existing callbacks
.guaranteeClient = false,
.ctx = ctx,
if (auto it = mNameToRegistrationCallback.find(name); it != mNameToRegistrationCallback.end()) {
// If someone is currently waiting on the service, notify the service that
// we're waiting and flush it to the service.
mNameToService[name].guaranteeClient = true;
CHECK(handleServiceClientCallback(2 /* sm + transaction */, name, false));
mNameToService[name].guaranteeClient = true;
for (const sp<IServiceCallback>& cb : it->second) {
// permission checked in registerForNotifications
cb->onRegistration(name, binder);
return Status::ok();
Status ServiceManager::listServices(int32_t dumpPriority, std::vector<std::string>* outList) {
if (!mAccess->canList(mAccess->getCallingContext())) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
size_t toReserve = 0;
for (auto const& [name, service] : mNameToService) {
(void) name;
if (service.dumpPriority & dumpPriority) ++toReserve;
for (auto const& [name, service] : mNameToService) {
(void) service;
if (service.dumpPriority & dumpPriority) {
return Status::ok();
Status ServiceManager::registerForNotifications(
const std::string& name, const sp<IServiceCallback>& callback) {
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
if (!mAccess->canFind(ctx, name)) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux");
// note - we could allow isolated apps to get notifications if we
// keep track of isolated callbacks and non-isolated callbacks, but
// this is done since isolated apps shouldn't access lazy services
// so we should be able to use different APIs to keep things simple.
// Here, we disallow everything, because the service might not be
// registered yet.
if (is_multiuser_uid_isolated(ctx.uid)) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "isolated app");
if (!isValidServiceName(name)) {
ALOGE("Invalid service name: %s", name.c_str());
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Invalid service name.");
if (callback == nullptr) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_NULL_POINTER, "Null callback.");
if (OK !=
sp<ServiceManager>::fromExisting(this))) {
ALOGE("Could not linkToDeath when adding %s", name.c_str());
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE, "Couldn't link to death.");
if (auto it = mNameToService.find(name); it != mNameToService.end()) {
const sp<IBinder>& binder = it->second.binder;
// never null if an entry exists
CHECK(binder != nullptr) << name;
callback->onRegistration(name, binder);
return Status::ok();
Status ServiceManager::unregisterForNotifications(
const std::string& name, const sp<IServiceCallback>& callback) {
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
if (!mAccess->canFind(ctx, name)) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
bool found = false;
auto it = mNameToRegistrationCallback.find(name);
if (it != mNameToRegistrationCallback.end()) {
removeRegistrationCallback(IInterface::asBinder(callback), &it, &found);
if (!found) {
ALOGE("Trying to unregister callback, but none exists %s", name.c_str());
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE, "Nothing to unregister.");
return Status::ok();
Status ServiceManager::isDeclared(const std::string& name, bool* outReturn) {
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
if (!mAccess->canFind(ctx, name)) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
*outReturn = false;
*outReturn = isVintfDeclared(name);
return Status::ok();
binder::Status ServiceManager::getDeclaredInstances(const std::string& interface, std::vector<std::string>* outReturn) {
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
std::vector<std::string> allInstances;
allInstances = getVintfInstances(interface);
for (const std::string& instance : allInstances) {
if (mAccess->canFind(ctx, interface + "/" + instance)) {
if (outReturn->size() == 0 && allInstances.size() != 0) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
return Status::ok();
Status ServiceManager::updatableViaApex(const std::string& name,
std::optional<std::string>* outReturn) {
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
if (!mAccess->canFind(ctx, name)) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
*outReturn = std::nullopt;
*outReturn = getVintfUpdatableApex(name);
return Status::ok();
Status ServiceManager::getUpdatableNames([[maybe_unused]] const std::string& apexName,
std::vector<std::string>* outReturn) {
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
std::vector<std::string> apexUpdatableInstances;
apexUpdatableInstances = getVintfUpdatableInstances(apexName);
for (const std::string& instance : apexUpdatableInstances) {
if (mAccess->canFind(ctx, instance)) {
if (outReturn->size() == 0 && apexUpdatableInstances.size() != 0) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
return Status::ok();
Status ServiceManager::getConnectionInfo(const std::string& name,
std::optional<ConnectionInfo>* outReturn) {
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
if (!mAccess->canFind(ctx, name)) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
*outReturn = std::nullopt;
*outReturn = getVintfConnectionInfo(name);
return Status::ok();
void ServiceManager::removeRegistrationCallback(const wp<IBinder>& who,
ServiceCallbackMap::iterator* it,
bool* found) {
std::vector<sp<IServiceCallback>>& listeners = (*it)->second;
for (auto lit = listeners.begin(); lit != listeners.end();) {
if (IInterface::asBinder(*lit) == who) {
if(found) *found = true;
lit = listeners.erase(lit);
} else {
if (listeners.empty()) {
*it = mNameToRegistrationCallback.erase(*it);
} else {
void ServiceManager::binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who) {
for (auto it = mNameToService.begin(); it != mNameToService.end();) {
if (who == it->second.binder) {
// TODO: currently, this entry contains the state also
// associated with mNameToClientCallback. If we allowed
// other processes to register client callbacks, we
// would have to preserve hasClients (perhaps moving
// that state into mNameToClientCallback, which is complicated
// because those callbacks are associated w/ particular binder
// objects, though they are indexed by name now, they may
// need to be indexed by binder at that point).
it = mNameToService.erase(it);
} else {
for (auto it = mNameToRegistrationCallback.begin(); it != mNameToRegistrationCallback.end();) {
removeRegistrationCallback(who, &it, nullptr /*found*/);
for (auto it = mNameToClientCallback.begin(); it != mNameToClientCallback.end();) {
removeClientCallback(who, &it);
void ServiceManager::tryStartService(const Access::CallingContext& ctx, const std::string& name) {
ALOGI("Since '%s' could not be found (requested by debug pid %d), trying to start it as a lazy "
"AIDL service. (if it's not configured to be a lazy service, it may be stuck starting or "
"still starting).",
name.c_str(), ctx.debugPid);
std::thread([=] {
if (!base::SetProperty("ctl.interface_start", "aidl/" + name)) {
ALOGI("Tried to start aidl service %s as a lazy service, but was unable to. Usually "
"this happens when a "
"service is not installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a "
"lazy service, then it may be configured incorrectly.",
Status ServiceManager::registerClientCallback(const std::string& name, const sp<IBinder>& service,
const sp<IClientCallback>& cb) {
if (cb == nullptr) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_NULL_POINTER, "Callback null.");
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
if (!mAccess->canAdd(ctx, name)) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
auto serviceIt = mNameToService.find(name);
if (serviceIt == mNameToService.end()) {
ALOGE("Could not add callback for nonexistent service: %s", name.c_str());
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Service doesn't exist.");
if (serviceIt->second.ctx.debugPid != IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid()) {
ALOGW("Only a server can register for client callbacks (for %s)", name.c_str());
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION,
"Only service can register client callback for itself.");
if (serviceIt->second.binder != service) {
ALOGW("Tried to register client callback for %s but a different service is registered "
"under this name.",
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Service mismatch.");
if (OK !=
IInterface::asBinder(cb)->linkToDeath(sp<ServiceManager>::fromExisting(this))) {
ALOGE("Could not linkToDeath when adding client callback for %s", name.c_str());
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE, "Couldn't linkToDeath.");
// WARNING: binderDied makes an assumption about this. If we open up client
// callbacks to other services, certain race conditions may lead to services
// getting extra client callback notifications.
// Make sure all callbacks have been told about a consistent state - b/278038751
if (serviceIt->second.hasClients) {
cb->onClients(service, true);
// Flush updated info to client callbacks (especially if guaranteeClient
// and !hasClient, see b/285202885). We may or may not have clients at
// this point, so ignore the return value.
(void)handleServiceClientCallback(2 /* sm + transaction */, name, false);
return Status::ok();
void ServiceManager::removeClientCallback(const wp<IBinder>& who,
ClientCallbackMap::iterator* it) {
std::vector<sp<IClientCallback>>& listeners = (*it)->second;
for (auto lit = listeners.begin(); lit != listeners.end();) {
if (IInterface::asBinder(*lit) == who) {
lit = listeners.erase(lit);
} else {
if (listeners.empty()) {
*it = mNameToClientCallback.erase(*it);
} else {
ssize_t ServiceManager::Service::getNodeStrongRefCount() {
sp<BpBinder> bpBinder = sp<BpBinder>::fromExisting(binder->remoteBinder());
if (bpBinder == nullptr) return -1;
return ProcessState::self()->getStrongRefCountForNode(bpBinder);
void ServiceManager::handleClientCallbacks() {
for (const auto& [name, service] : mNameToService) {
handleServiceClientCallback(1 /* sm has one refcount */, name, true);
bool ServiceManager::handleServiceClientCallback(size_t knownClients,
const std::string& serviceName,
bool isCalledOnInterval) {
auto serviceIt = mNameToService.find(serviceName);
if (serviceIt == mNameToService.end() || mNameToClientCallback.count(serviceName) < 1) {
return true; // return we do have clients a.k.a. DON'T DO ANYTHING
Service& service = serviceIt->second;
ssize_t count = service.getNodeStrongRefCount();
// binder driver doesn't support this feature, consider we have clients
if (count == -1) return true;
bool hasKernelReportedClients = static_cast<size_t>(count) > knownClients;
if (service.guaranteeClient) {
if (!service.hasClients && !hasKernelReportedClients) {
sendClientCallbackNotifications(serviceName, true,
"service is guaranteed to be in use");
// guarantee is temporary
service.guaranteeClient = false;
// Regardless of this situation, we want to give this notification as soon as possible.
// This way, we have a chance of preventing further thrashing.
if (hasKernelReportedClients && !service.hasClients) {
sendClientCallbackNotifications(serviceName, true, "we now have a record of a client");
// But limit rate of shutting down service.
if (isCalledOnInterval) {
if (!hasKernelReportedClients && service.hasClients) {
sendClientCallbackNotifications(serviceName, false,
"we now have no record of a client");
// May be different than 'hasKernelReportedClients'. We intentionally delay
// information about clients going away to reduce thrashing.
return service.hasClients;
void ServiceManager::sendClientCallbackNotifications(const std::string& serviceName,
bool hasClients, const char* context) {
auto serviceIt = mNameToService.find(serviceName);
if (serviceIt == mNameToService.end()) {
ALOGW("sendClientCallbackNotifications could not find service %s when %s",
serviceName.c_str(), context);
Service& service = serviceIt->second;
CHECK_NE(hasClients, service.hasClients) << context;
ALOGI("Notifying %s they %s (previously: %s) have clients when %s", serviceName.c_str(),
hasClients ? "do" : "don't", service.hasClients ? "do" : "don't", context);
auto ccIt = mNameToClientCallback.find(serviceName);
CHECK(ccIt != mNameToClientCallback.end())
<< "sendClientCallbackNotifications could not find callbacks for service when "
<< context;
for (const auto& callback : ccIt->second) {
callback->onClients(service.binder, hasClients);
service.hasClients = hasClients;
Status ServiceManager::tryUnregisterService(const std::string& name, const sp<IBinder>& binder) {
if (binder == nullptr) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_NULL_POINTER, "Null service.");
auto ctx = mAccess->getCallingContext();
if (!mAccess->canAdd(ctx, name)) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
auto serviceIt = mNameToService.find(name);
if (serviceIt == mNameToService.end()) {
ALOGW("Tried to unregister %s, but that service wasn't registered to begin with.",
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE, "Service not registered.");
if (serviceIt->second.ctx.debugPid != IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid()) {
ALOGW("Only a server can unregister itself (for %s)", name.c_str());
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION,
"Service can only unregister itself.");
sp<IBinder> storedBinder = serviceIt->second.binder;
if (binder != storedBinder) {
ALOGW("Tried to unregister %s, but a different service is registered under this name.",
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE,
"Different service registered under this name.");
// important because we don't have timer-based guarantees, we don't want to clear
// this
if (serviceIt->second.guaranteeClient) {
ALOGI("Tried to unregister %s, but there is about to be a client.", name.c_str());
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE,
"Can't unregister, pending client.");
// - kernel driver will hold onto one refcount (during this transaction)
// - servicemanager has a refcount (guaranteed by this transaction)
constexpr size_t kKnownClients = 2;
if (handleServiceClientCallback(kKnownClients, name, false)) {
ALOGI("Tried to unregister %s, but there are clients.", name.c_str());
// Since we had a failed registration attempt, and the HIDL implementation of
// delaying service shutdown for multiple periods wasn't ported here... this may
// help reduce thrashing, but we should be able to remove it.
serviceIt->second.guaranteeClient = true;
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE,
"Can't unregister, known client.");
ALOGI("Unregistering %s", name.c_str());
return Status::ok();
Status ServiceManager::getServiceDebugInfo(std::vector<ServiceDebugInfo>* outReturn) {
if (!mAccess->canList(mAccess->getCallingContext())) {
return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_SECURITY, "SELinux denied.");
for (auto const& [name, service] : mNameToService) {
ServiceDebugInfo info; = name;
info.debugPid = service.ctx.debugPid;
return Status::ok();
void ServiceManager::clear() {
} // namespace android