blob: d49469ddc1ba10fbd736351092c008c7416a816e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "CancelationOptions.h"
#include "Entry.h"
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <bitset>
namespace android {
namespace inputdispatcher {
static constexpr int32_t INVALID_POINTER_INDEX = -1;
/* Tracks dispatched key and motion event state so that cancellation events can be
* synthesized when events are dropped. */
class InputState {
explicit InputState(const IdGenerator& idGenerator);
// Returns true if the specified source is known to have received a hover enter
// motion event.
bool isHovering(DeviceId deviceId, uint32_t source, int32_t displayId) const;
// Records tracking information for a key event that has just been published.
// Returns true if the event should be delivered, false if it is inconsistent
// and should be skipped.
bool trackKey(const KeyEntry& entry, int32_t flags);
// Records tracking information for a motion event that has just been published.
// Returns true if the event should be delivered, false if it is inconsistent
// and should be skipped.
bool trackMotion(const MotionEntry& entry, int32_t flags);
* Return the PointerProperties and the PointerCoords for the last event, if found. Return
* std::nullopt if not found. We should not return std::vector<PointerCoords> in isolation,
* because the pointers can technically be stored in the vector in any order, so the
* PointerProperties are needed to specify the order in which the pointer coords are stored.
std::optional<std::pair<std::vector<PointerProperties>, std::vector<PointerCoords>>>
getPointersOfLastEvent(const MotionEntry& entry, bool hovering) const;
// Create cancel events for the previous stream if the current motionEntry requires it.
std::unique_ptr<EventEntry> cancelConflictingInputStream(const MotionEntry& motionEntry);
// Synthesizes cancelation events for the current state and resets the tracked state.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<EventEntry>> synthesizeCancelationEvents(
nsecs_t currentTime, const CancelationOptions& options);
// Synthesizes down events for the current state.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<EventEntry>> synthesizePointerDownEvents(nsecs_t currentTime);
// Clears the current state.
void clear();
// Merges pointer-related parts of the input state into another instance.
void mergePointerStateTo(InputState& other);
// Gets the fallback key associated with a keycode.
// Returns std::nullopt if none.
// Returns AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN if we are only dispatching the unhandled key to the policy.
std::optional<int32_t> getFallbackKey(int32_t originalKeyCode);
// Sets the fallback key for a particular keycode.
void setFallbackKey(int32_t originalKeyCode, int32_t fallbackKeyCode);
// Removes the fallback key for a particular keycode.
void removeFallbackKey(int32_t originalKeyCode);
inline const std::map<int32_t, int32_t>& getFallbackKeys() const { return mFallbackKeys; }
struct KeyMemento {
DeviceId deviceId;
uint32_t source;
int32_t displayId;
int32_t keyCode;
int32_t scanCode;
int32_t metaState;
int32_t flags;
nsecs_t downTime;
uint32_t policyFlags;
struct MotionMemento {
DeviceId deviceId;
uint32_t source;
int32_t displayId;
int32_t flags;
float xPrecision;
float yPrecision;
float xCursorPosition;
float yCursorPosition;
nsecs_t downTime;
std::vector<PointerProperties> pointerProperties;
std::vector<PointerCoords> pointerCoords;
// Track for which pointers the target doesn't know about.
int32_t firstNewPointerIdx = INVALID_POINTER_INDEX;
bool hovering;
uint32_t policyFlags;
void setPointers(const MotionEntry& entry);
void mergePointerStateTo(MotionMemento& other) const;
size_t getPointerCount() const;
const IdGenerator& mIdGenerator; // InputDispatcher owns it so we won't have dangling reference.
std::vector<KeyMemento> mKeyMementos;
std::vector<MotionMemento> mMotionMementos;
std::map</*originalKeyCode*/int32_t, /*fallbackKeyCode*/int32_t> mFallbackKeys;
ssize_t findKeyMemento(const KeyEntry& entry) const;
ssize_t findMotionMemento(const MotionEntry& entry, bool hovering) const;
void addKeyMemento(const KeyEntry& entry, int32_t flags);
void addMotionMemento(const MotionEntry& entry, int32_t flags, bool hovering);
static bool shouldCancelKey(const KeyMemento& memento, const CancelationOptions& options);
static bool shouldCancelMotion(const MotionMemento& memento, const CancelationOptions& options);
bool shouldCancelPreviousStream(const MotionEntry& motionEntry) const;
std::unique_ptr<MotionEntry> createCancelEntryForMemento(const MotionMemento& memento,
nsecs_t eventTime) const;
// Synthesizes pointer cancel events for a particular set of pointers.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MotionEntry>> synthesizeCancelationEventsForPointers(
const MotionMemento& memento, std::bitset<MAX_POINTER_ID + 1> pointerIds,
nsecs_t currentTime);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const InputState& state);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const InputState& state);
} // namespace inputdispatcher
} // namespace android