blob: 8135071da2d1bc0434eaa2a1ab8374fbbe9f8c4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "../Macros.h"
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <android/input.h>
#include <ftl/enum.h>
#include <input/PrintTools.h>
#include <linux/input-event-codes.h>
#include <log/log_main.h>
#include "TouchCursorInputMapperCommon.h"
#include "TouchpadInputMapper.h"
#include "ui/Rotation.h"
namespace android {
namespace {
* Log details of each gesture output by the gestures library.
* Enable this via "adb shell setprop log.tag.TouchpadInputMapperGestures DEBUG" (requires
* restarting the shell)
__android_log_is_loggable(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "TouchpadInputMapperGestures",
// Describes a segment of the acceleration curve.
struct CurveSegment {
// The maximum pointer speed which this segment should apply. The last segment in a curve should
// always set this to infinity.
double maxPointerSpeedMmPerS;
double slope;
double intercept;
const std::vector<CurveSegment> segments = {
{10.922, 3.19, 0},
{31.750, 4.79, -17.526},
{98.044, 7.28, -96.52},
{std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 15.04, -857.758},
const std::vector<double> sensitivityFactors = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20};
std::vector<double> createAccelerationCurveForSensitivity(int32_t sensitivity,
size_t propertySize) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(propertySize < 4 * segments.size());
std::vector<double> output(propertySize, 0);
// The Gestures library uses functions of the following form to define curve segments, where a,
// b, and c can be specified by us:
// output_speed(input_speed_mm) = a * input_speed_mm ^ 2 + b * input_speed_mm + c
// (a, b, and c are also called sqr_, mul_, and int_ in the Gestures library code.)
// We are trying to implement the following function, where slope and intercept are the
// parameters specified in the `segments` array above:
// gain(input_speed_mm) =
// 0.64 * (sensitivityFactor / 10) * (slope + intercept / input_speed_mm)
// Where "gain" is a multiplier applied to the input speed to produce the output speed:
// output_speed(input_speed_mm) = input_speed_mm * gain(input_speed_mm)
// To put our function in the library's form, we substitute it into the function above:
// output_speed(input_speed_mm) =
// input_speed_mm * (0.64 * (sensitivityFactor / 10) *
// (slope + 25.4 * intercept / input_speed_mm))
// then expand the brackets so that input_speed_mm cancels out for the intercept term:
// gain(input_speed_mm) =
// 0.64 * (sensitivityFactor / 10) * slope * input_speed_mm +
// 0.64 * (sensitivityFactor / 10) * intercept
// This gives us the following parameters for the Gestures library function form:
// a = 0
// b = 0.64 * (sensitivityFactor / 10) * slope
// c = 0.64 * (sensitivityFactor / 10) * intercept
double commonFactor = 0.64 * sensitivityFactors[sensitivity + 7] / 10;
size_t i = 0;
for (CurveSegment seg : segments) {
// The library's curve format consists of four doubles per segment:
// * maximum pointer speed for the segment (mm/s)
// * multiplier for the x² term (a.k.a. "a" or "sqr")
// * multiplier for the x term (a.k.a. "b" or "mul")
// * the intercept (a.k.a. "c" or "int")
// (see struct CurveSegment in the library's AccelFilterInterpreter)
output[i + 0] = seg.maxPointerSpeedMmPerS;
output[i + 1] = 0;
output[i + 2] = commonFactor * seg.slope;
output[i + 3] = commonFactor * seg.intercept;
i += 4;
return output;
short getMaxTouchCount(const InputDeviceContext& context) {
if (context.hasScanCode(BTN_TOOL_QUINTTAP)) return 5;
if (context.hasScanCode(BTN_TOOL_QUADTAP)) return 4;
if (context.hasScanCode(BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP)) return 3;
if (context.hasScanCode(BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP)) return 2;
if (context.hasScanCode(BTN_TOOL_FINGER)) return 1;
return 0;
HardwareProperties createHardwareProperties(const InputDeviceContext& context) {
HardwareProperties props;
RawAbsoluteAxisInfo absMtPositionX;
context.getAbsoluteAxisInfo(ABS_MT_POSITION_X, &absMtPositionX);
props.left = absMtPositionX.minValue;
props.right = absMtPositionX.maxValue;
props.res_x = absMtPositionX.resolution;
RawAbsoluteAxisInfo absMtPositionY;
context.getAbsoluteAxisInfo(ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, &absMtPositionY); = absMtPositionY.minValue;
props.bottom = absMtPositionY.maxValue;
props.res_y = absMtPositionY.resolution;
RawAbsoluteAxisInfo absMtOrientation;
context.getAbsoluteAxisInfo(ABS_MT_ORIENTATION, &absMtOrientation);
props.orientation_minimum = absMtOrientation.minValue;
props.orientation_maximum = absMtOrientation.maxValue;
RawAbsoluteAxisInfo absMtSlot;
context.getAbsoluteAxisInfo(ABS_MT_SLOT, &absMtSlot);
props.max_finger_cnt = absMtSlot.maxValue - absMtSlot.minValue + 1;
props.max_touch_cnt = getMaxTouchCount(context);
// T5R2 ("Track 5, Report 2") is a feature of some old Synaptics touchpads that could track 5
// fingers but only report the coordinates of 2 of them. We don't know of any external touchpads
// that did this, so assume false.
props.supports_t5r2 = false;
props.support_semi_mt = context.hasInputProperty(INPUT_PROP_SEMI_MT);
props.is_button_pad = context.hasInputProperty(INPUT_PROP_BUTTONPAD);
// Mouse-only properties, which will always be false.
props.has_wheel = false;
props.wheel_is_hi_res = false;
// Linux Kernel haptic touchpad support isn't merged yet, so for now assume that no touchpads
// are haptic.
props.is_haptic_pad = false;
return props;
void gestureInterpreterCallback(void* clientData, const Gesture* gesture) {
TouchpadInputMapper* mapper = static_cast<TouchpadInputMapper*>(clientData);
} // namespace
TouchpadInputMapper::TouchpadInputMapper(InputDeviceContext& deviceContext)
: InputMapper(deviceContext),
mGestureInterpreter(NewGestureInterpreter(), DeleteGestureInterpreter),
mGestureConverter(*getContext(), deviceContext, getDeviceId()) {
// Even though we don't explicitly delete copy/move semantics, it's safe to
// give away pointers to TouchpadInputMapper and its members here because
// 1) mGestureInterpreter's lifecycle is determined by TouchpadInputMapper, and
// 2) TouchpadInputMapper is stored as a unique_ptr and not moved.
mGestureInterpreter->SetCallback(gestureInterpreterCallback, this);
// TODO(b/251196347): set a timer provider, so the library can use timers.
TouchpadInputMapper::~TouchpadInputMapper() {
if (mPointerController != nullptr) {
// The gesture interpreter's destructor will call its property provider's free function for all
// gesture properties, in this case calling PropertyProvider::freeProperty using a raw pointer
// to mPropertyProvider. Depending on the declaration order in TouchpadInputMapper.h, this may
// happen after mPropertyProvider has been destructed, causing allocation errors. Depending on
// declaration order to avoid crashes seems rather fragile, so explicitly clear the property
// provider here to ensure all the freeProperty calls happen before mPropertyProvider is
// destructed.
mGestureInterpreter->SetPropProvider(nullptr, nullptr);
uint32_t TouchpadInputMapper::getSources() const {
void TouchpadInputMapper::populateDeviceInfo(InputDeviceInfo& info) {
void TouchpadInputMapper::dump(std::string& dump) {
dump += INDENT2 "Touchpad Input Mapper:\n";
dump += INDENT3 "Gesture converter:\n";
dump += addLinePrefix(mGestureConverter.dump(), INDENT4);
dump += INDENT3 "Gesture properties:\n";
dump += addLinePrefix(mPropertyProvider.dump(), INDENT4);
std::list<NotifyArgs> TouchpadInputMapper::reconfigure(nsecs_t when,
const InputReaderConfiguration& config,
uint32_t changes) {
if (!changes) {
// First time configuration
if (!changes || (changes & InputReaderConfiguration::CHANGE_DISPLAY_INFO)) {
std::optional<int32_t> displayId = mPointerController->getDisplayId();
ui::Rotation orientation = ui::ROTATION_0;
if (displayId.has_value()) {
if (auto viewport = config.getDisplayViewportById(*displayId); viewport) {
orientation = getInverseRotation(viewport->orientation);
if (!changes || (changes & InputReaderConfiguration::CHANGE_TOUCHPAD_SETTINGS)) {
mPropertyProvider.getProperty("Use Custom Touchpad Pointer Accel Curve")
GesturesProp accelCurveProp = mPropertyProvider.getProperty("Pointer Accel Curve");
mPropertyProvider.getProperty("Invert Scrolling")
mPropertyProvider.getProperty("Tap Enable")
mPropertyProvider.getProperty("Button Right Click Zone Enable")
return {};
std::list<NotifyArgs> TouchpadInputMapper::reset(nsecs_t when) {
std::list<NotifyArgs> out = mGestureConverter.reset(when);
out += InputMapper::reset(when);
return out;
std::list<NotifyArgs> TouchpadInputMapper::process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) {
std::optional<SelfContainedHardwareState> state = mStateConverter.processRawEvent(rawEvent);
if (state) {
return sendHardwareState(rawEvent->when, rawEvent->readTime, *state);
} else {
return {};
std::list<NotifyArgs> TouchpadInputMapper::sendHardwareState(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime,
SelfContainedHardwareState schs) {
ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_TOUCHPAD_GESTURES, "New hardware state: %s", schs.state.String().c_str());
mProcessing = true;
mProcessing = false;
return processGestures(when, readTime);
void TouchpadInputMapper::consumeGesture(const Gesture* gesture) {
ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_TOUCHPAD_GESTURES, "Gesture ready: %s", gesture->String().c_str());
if (!mProcessing) {
ALOGE("Received gesture outside of the normal processing flow; ignoring it.");
std::list<NotifyArgs> TouchpadInputMapper::processGestures(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime) {
std::list<NotifyArgs> out = {};
for (Gesture& gesture : mGesturesToProcess) {
out += mGestureConverter.handleGesture(when, readTime, gesture);
return out;
} // namespace android