blob: 1298b5d51179d5620b6881ed4d44f236bb6da588 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "InjectionState.h"
#include "InputTargetFlags.h"
#include "trace/EventTrackerInterface.h"
#include <gui/InputApplication.h>
#include <input/Input.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <functional>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
namespace android::inputdispatcher {
struct EventEntry {
enum class Type {
int32_t id;
Type type;
nsecs_t eventTime;
uint32_t policyFlags;
std::shared_ptr<InjectionState> injectionState;
mutable bool dispatchInProgress; // initially false, set to true while dispatching
* Injected keys are events from an external (probably untrusted) application
* and are not related to real hardware state. They come in via
* InputDispatcher::injectInputEvent, which sets policy flag POLICY_FLAG_INJECTED.
inline bool isInjected() const { return injectionState != nullptr; }
* Synthesized events are either injected events, or events that come
* from real hardware, but aren't directly attributable to a specific hardware event.
* Key repeat is a synthesized event, because it is related to an actual hardware state
* (a key is currently pressed), but the repeat itself is generated by the framework.
inline bool isSynthesized() const {
return isInjected() || IdGenerator::getSource(id) != IdGenerator::Source::INPUT_READER;
virtual std::string getDescription() const = 0;
EventEntry(int32_t id, Type type, nsecs_t eventTime, uint32_t policyFlags);
EventEntry(const EventEntry&) = delete;
EventEntry& operator=(const EventEntry&) = delete;
virtual ~EventEntry() = default;
struct ConfigurationChangedEntry : EventEntry {
explicit ConfigurationChangedEntry(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime);
std::string getDescription() const override;
struct DeviceResetEntry : EventEntry {
int32_t deviceId;
DeviceResetEntry(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, int32_t deviceId);
std::string getDescription() const override;
struct FocusEntry : EventEntry {
sp<IBinder> connectionToken;
bool hasFocus;
std::string reason;
FocusEntry(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, sp<IBinder> connectionToken, bool hasFocus,
const std::string& reason);
std::string getDescription() const override;
struct PointerCaptureChangedEntry : EventEntry {
const PointerCaptureRequest pointerCaptureRequest;
PointerCaptureChangedEntry(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, const PointerCaptureRequest&);
std::string getDescription() const override;
struct DragEntry : EventEntry {
sp<IBinder> connectionToken;
bool isExiting;
float x, y;
DragEntry(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, sp<IBinder> connectionToken, bool isExiting, float x,
float y);
std::string getDescription() const override;
struct KeyEntry : EventEntry {
int32_t deviceId;
uint32_t source;
int32_t displayId;
int32_t action;
int32_t keyCode;
int32_t scanCode;
int32_t metaState;
nsecs_t downTime;
std::unique_ptr<trace::EventTrackerInterface> traceTracker;
bool syntheticRepeat; // set to true for synthetic key repeats
enum class InterceptKeyResult {
// These are special fields that may need to be modified while the event is being dispatched.
mutable InterceptKeyResult interceptKeyResult; // set based on the interception result
mutable nsecs_t interceptKeyWakeupTime; // used with INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_TRY_AGAIN_LATER
mutable int32_t flags;
mutable int32_t repeatCount;
KeyEntry(int32_t id, std::shared_ptr<InjectionState> injectionState, nsecs_t eventTime,
int32_t deviceId, uint32_t source, int32_t displayId, uint32_t policyFlags,
int32_t action, int32_t flags, int32_t keyCode, int32_t scanCode, int32_t metaState,
int32_t repeatCount, nsecs_t downTime);
std::string getDescription() const override;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const KeyEntry& motionEntry);
struct MotionEntry : EventEntry {
int32_t deviceId;
uint32_t source;
int32_t displayId;
int32_t action;
int32_t actionButton;
int32_t flags;
int32_t metaState;
int32_t buttonState;
MotionClassification classification;
int32_t edgeFlags;
float xPrecision;
float yPrecision;
float xCursorPosition;
float yCursorPosition;
nsecs_t downTime;
std::vector<PointerProperties> pointerProperties;
std::vector<PointerCoords> pointerCoords;
std::unique_ptr<trace::EventTrackerInterface> traceTracker;
size_t getPointerCount() const { return pointerProperties.size(); }
MotionEntry(int32_t id, std::shared_ptr<InjectionState> injectionState, nsecs_t eventTime,
int32_t deviceId, uint32_t source, int32_t displayId, uint32_t policyFlags,
int32_t action, int32_t actionButton, int32_t flags, int32_t metaState,
int32_t buttonState, MotionClassification classification, int32_t edgeFlags,
float xPrecision, float yPrecision, float xCursorPosition, float yCursorPosition,
nsecs_t downTime, const std::vector<PointerProperties>& pointerProperties,
const std::vector<PointerCoords>& pointerCoords);
std::string getDescription() const override;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const MotionEntry& motionEntry);
struct SensorEntry : EventEntry {
int32_t deviceId;
uint32_t source;
InputDeviceSensorType sensorType;
InputDeviceSensorAccuracy accuracy;
bool accuracyChanged;
nsecs_t hwTimestamp;
std::vector<float> values;
SensorEntry(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, int32_t deviceId, uint32_t source,
uint32_t policyFlags, nsecs_t hwTimestamp, InputDeviceSensorType sensorType,
InputDeviceSensorAccuracy accuracy, bool accuracyChanged,
std::vector<float> values);
std::string getDescription() const override;
struct TouchModeEntry : EventEntry {
bool inTouchMode;
int32_t displayId;
TouchModeEntry(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime, bool inTouchMode, int32_t displayId);
std::string getDescription() const override;
// Tracks the progress of dispatching a particular event to a particular connection.
struct DispatchEntry {
const uint32_t seq; // unique sequence number, never 0
std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry> eventEntry; // the event to dispatch
const ftl::Flags<InputTargetFlags> targetFlags;
ui::Transform transform;
ui::Transform rawTransform;
float globalScaleFactor;
// Both deliveryTime and timeoutTime are only populated when the entry is sent to the app,
// and will be undefined before that.
nsecs_t deliveryTime; // time when the event was actually delivered
// An ANR will be triggered if a response for this entry is not received by timeoutTime
nsecs_t timeoutTime;
int32_t resolvedFlags;
// Information about the dispatch window used for tracing. We avoid holding a window handle
// here because information in a window handle may be dynamically updated within the lifespan
// of this dispatch entry.
gui::Uid targetUid;
int64_t vsyncId;
// The window that this event is targeting. The only case when this windowId is not populated
// is when dispatching an event to a global monitor.
std::optional<int32_t> windowId;
DispatchEntry(std::shared_ptr<const EventEntry> eventEntry,
ftl::Flags<InputTargetFlags> targetFlags, const ui::Transform& transform,
const ui::Transform& rawTransform, float globalScaleFactor, gui::Uid targetUid,
int64_t vsyncId, std::optional<int32_t> windowId);
DispatchEntry(const DispatchEntry&) = delete;
DispatchEntry& operator=(const DispatchEntry&) = delete;
inline bool hasForegroundTarget() const {
return targetFlags.test(InputTargetFlags::FOREGROUND);
inline bool isSplit() const { return targetFlags.test(InputTargetFlags::SPLIT); }
static volatile int32_t sNextSeqAtomic;
static uint32_t nextSeq();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const DispatchEntry& entry);
VerifiedKeyEvent verifiedKeyEventFromKeyEntry(const KeyEntry& entry);
VerifiedMotionEvent verifiedMotionEventFromMotionEntry(const MotionEntry& entry,
const ui::Transform& rawTransform);
} // namespace android::inputdispatcher