| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| #define LOG_TAG "LayerState" |
| |
| #include <apex/window.h> |
| #include <inttypes.h> |
| |
| #include <android/native_window.h> |
| #include <binder/Parcel.h> |
| #include <gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h> |
| #include <gui/ISurfaceComposerClient.h> |
| #include <gui/LayerState.h> |
| #include <private/gui/ParcelUtils.h> |
| #include <utils/Errors.h> |
| |
| #include <cmath> |
| |
| namespace android { |
| |
| using gui::FocusRequest; |
| using gui::WindowInfoHandle; |
| |
| layer_state_t::layer_state_t() |
| : surface(nullptr), |
| layerId(-1), |
| what(0), |
| x(0), |
| y(0), |
| z(0), |
| w(0), |
| h(0), |
| alpha(0), |
| flags(0), |
| mask(0), |
| reserved(0), |
| cornerRadius(0.0f), |
| backgroundBlurRadius(0), |
| transform(0), |
| transformToDisplayInverse(false), |
| crop(Rect::INVALID_RECT), |
| dataspace(ui::Dataspace::UNKNOWN), |
| surfaceDamageRegion(), |
| api(-1), |
| colorTransform(mat4()), |
| bgColorAlpha(0), |
| bgColorDataspace(ui::Dataspace::UNKNOWN), |
| colorSpaceAgnostic(false), |
| shadowRadius(0.0f), |
| frameRateSelectionPriority(-1), |
| frameRate(0.0f), |
| fixedTransformHint(ui::Transform::ROT_INVALID), |
| autoRefresh(false), |
| isTrustedOverlay(false), |
| bufferCrop(Rect::INVALID_RECT), |
| destinationFrame(Rect::INVALID_RECT), |
| dropInputMode(gui::DropInputMode::NONE) { |
| matrix.dsdx = matrix.dtdy = 1.0f; |
| matrix.dsdy = matrix.dtdx = 0.0f; |
| hdrMetadata.validTypes = 0; |
| } |
| |
| status_t layer_state_t::write(Parcel& output) const |
| { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeStrongBinder, surface); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeInt32, layerId); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint64, what); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, x); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, y); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeInt32, z); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, w); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, h); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, layerStack.id); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, alpha); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, flags); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, mask); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(matrix.write, output); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.write, crop); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(SurfaceControl::writeNullableToParcel, output, reparentSurfaceControl); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(SurfaceControl::writeNullableToParcel, output, relativeLayerSurfaceControl); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(SurfaceControl::writeNullableToParcel, output, parentSurfaceControlForChild); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, color.r); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, color.g); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, color.b); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(windowInfoHandle->writeToParcel, &output); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.write, transparentRegion); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, transform); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeBool, transformToDisplayInverse); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, static_cast<uint32_t>(dataspace)); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.write, hdrMetadata); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.write, surfaceDamageRegion); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeInt32, api); |
| |
| if (sidebandStream) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeBool, true); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeNativeHandle, sidebandStream->handle()); |
| } else { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeBool, false); |
| } |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.write, colorTransform.asArray(), 16 * sizeof(float)); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, cornerRadius); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, backgroundBlurRadius); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeParcelable, metadata); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, bgColorAlpha); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, static_cast<uint32_t>(bgColorDataspace)); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeBool, colorSpaceAgnostic); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeVectorSize, listeners); |
| |
| for (auto listener : listeners) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeStrongBinder, listener.transactionCompletedListener); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeParcelableVector, listener.callbackIds); |
| } |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, shadowRadius); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeInt32, frameRateSelectionPriority); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, frameRate); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeByte, frameRateCompatibility); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeByte, changeFrameRateStrategy); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, fixedTransformHint); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeBool, autoRefresh); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeBool, dimmingEnabled); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, blurRegions.size()); |
| for (auto region : blurRegions) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, region.blurRadius); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, region.cornerRadiusTL); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, region.cornerRadiusTR); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, region.cornerRadiusBL); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, region.cornerRadiusBR); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, region.alpha); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeInt32, region.left); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeInt32, region.top); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeInt32, region.right); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeInt32, region.bottom); |
| } |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.write, stretchEffect); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.write, bufferCrop); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.write, destinationFrame); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeBool, isTrustedOverlay); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, static_cast<uint32_t>(dropInputMode)); |
| |
| const bool hasBufferData = (bufferData != nullptr); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeBool, hasBufferData); |
| if (hasBufferData) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeParcelable, *bufferData); |
| } |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t layer_state_t::read(const Parcel& input) |
| { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readNullableStrongBinder, &surface); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readInt32, &layerId); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint64, &what); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &x); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &y); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readInt32, &z); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &w); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &h); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &layerStack.id); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &alpha); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &flags); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &mask); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(matrix.read, input); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.read, crop); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(SurfaceControl::readNullableFromParcel, input, &reparentSurfaceControl); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(SurfaceControl::readNullableFromParcel, input, &relativeLayerSurfaceControl); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(SurfaceControl::readNullableFromParcel, input, &parentSurfaceControlForChild); |
| |
| float tmpFloat = 0; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &tmpFloat); |
| color.r = tmpFloat; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &tmpFloat); |
| color.g = tmpFloat; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &tmpFloat); |
| color.b = tmpFloat; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(windowInfoHandle->readFromParcel, &input); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.read, transparentRegion); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &transform); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readBool, &transformToDisplayInverse); |
| |
| uint32_t tmpUint32 = 0; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &tmpUint32); |
| dataspace = static_cast<ui::Dataspace>(tmpUint32); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.read, hdrMetadata); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.read, surfaceDamageRegion); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readInt32, &api); |
| |
| bool tmpBool = false; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readBool, &tmpBool); |
| if (tmpBool) { |
| sidebandStream = NativeHandle::create(input.readNativeHandle(), true); |
| } |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.read, &colorTransform, 16 * sizeof(float)); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &cornerRadius); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &backgroundBlurRadius); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readParcelable, &metadata); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &bgColorAlpha); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &tmpUint32); |
| bgColorDataspace = static_cast<ui::Dataspace>(tmpUint32); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readBool, &colorSpaceAgnostic); |
| |
| int32_t numListeners = 0; |
| SAFE_PARCEL_READ_SIZE(input.readInt32, &numListeners, input.dataSize()); |
| listeners.clear(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) { |
| sp<IBinder> listener; |
| std::vector<CallbackId> callbackIds; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readNullableStrongBinder, &listener); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readParcelableVector, &callbackIds); |
| listeners.emplace_back(listener, callbackIds); |
| } |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &shadowRadius); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readInt32, &frameRateSelectionPriority); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &frameRate); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readByte, &frameRateCompatibility); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readByte, &changeFrameRateStrategy); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &tmpUint32); |
| fixedTransformHint = static_cast<ui::Transform::RotationFlags>(tmpUint32); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readBool, &autoRefresh); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readBool, &dimmingEnabled); |
| |
| uint32_t numRegions = 0; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &numRegions); |
| blurRegions.clear(); |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numRegions; i++) { |
| BlurRegion region; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, ®ion.blurRadius); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, ®ion.cornerRadiusTL); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, ®ion.cornerRadiusTR); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, ®ion.cornerRadiusBL); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, ®ion.cornerRadiusBR); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, ®ion.alpha); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readInt32, ®ion.left); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readInt32, ®ion.top); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readInt32, ®ion.right); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readInt32, ®ion.bottom); |
| blurRegions.push_back(region); |
| } |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.read, stretchEffect); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.read, bufferCrop); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.read, destinationFrame); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readBool, &isTrustedOverlay); |
| |
| uint32_t mode; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &mode); |
| dropInputMode = static_cast<gui::DropInputMode>(mode); |
| |
| bool hasBufferData; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readBool, &hasBufferData); |
| if (hasBufferData) { |
| bufferData = std::make_shared<BufferData>(); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readParcelable, bufferData.get()); |
| } else { |
| bufferData = nullptr; |
| } |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t ComposerState::write(Parcel& output) const { |
| return state.write(output); |
| } |
| |
| status_t ComposerState::read(const Parcel& input) { |
| return state.read(input); |
| } |
| |
| DisplayState::DisplayState() = default; |
| |
| status_t DisplayState::write(Parcel& output) const { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeStrongBinder, token); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeStrongBinder, IInterface::asBinder(surface)); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, what); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, flags); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, layerStack.id); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, toRotationInt(orientation)); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.write, layerStackSpaceRect); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.write, orientedDisplaySpaceRect); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, width); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeUint32, height); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DisplayState::read(const Parcel& input) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readStrongBinder, &token); |
| sp<IBinder> tmpBinder; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readNullableStrongBinder, &tmpBinder); |
| surface = interface_cast<IGraphicBufferProducer>(tmpBinder); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &what); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &flags); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &layerStack.id); |
| uint32_t tmpUint = 0; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &tmpUint); |
| orientation = ui::toRotation(tmpUint); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.read, layerStackSpaceRect); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.read, orientedDisplaySpaceRect); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &width); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readUint32, &height); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| void DisplayState::merge(const DisplayState& other) { |
| if (other.what & eSurfaceChanged) { |
| what |= eSurfaceChanged; |
| surface = other.surface; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eLayerStackChanged) { |
| what |= eLayerStackChanged; |
| layerStack = other.layerStack; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eFlagsChanged) { |
| what |= eFlagsChanged; |
| flags = other.flags; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eDisplayProjectionChanged) { |
| what |= eDisplayProjectionChanged; |
| orientation = other.orientation; |
| layerStackSpaceRect = other.layerStackSpaceRect; |
| orientedDisplaySpaceRect = other.orientedDisplaySpaceRect; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eDisplaySizeChanged) { |
| what |= eDisplaySizeChanged; |
| width = other.width; |
| height = other.height; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void layer_state_t::sanitize(int32_t permissions) { |
| // TODO: b/109894387 |
| // |
| // SurfaceFlinger's renderer is not prepared to handle cropping in the face of arbitrary |
| // rotation. To see the problem observe that if we have a square parent, and a child |
| // of the same size, then we rotate the child 45 degrees around its center, the child |
| // must now be cropped to a non rectangular 8 sided region. |
| // |
| // Of course we can fix this in the future. For now, we are lucky, SurfaceControl is |
| // private API, and arbitrary rotation is used in limited use cases, for instance: |
| // - WindowManager only uses rotation in one case, which is on a top level layer in which |
| // cropping is not an issue. |
| // - Launcher, as a privileged app, uses this to transition an application to PiP |
| // (picture-in-picture) mode. |
| // |
| // However given that abuse of rotation matrices could lead to surfaces extending outside |
| // of cropped areas, we need to prevent non-root clients without permission |
| // (a.k.a. everyone except WindowManager / tests / Launcher) from setting non rectangle |
| // preserving transformations. |
| if (what & eMatrixChanged) { |
| if (!(permissions & Permission::ROTATE_SURFACE_FLINGER)) { |
| ui::Transform t; |
| t.set(matrix.dsdx, matrix.dtdy, matrix.dtdx, matrix.dsdy); |
| if (!t.preserveRects()) { |
| what &= ~eMatrixChanged; |
| ALOGE("Stripped non rect preserving matrix in sanitize"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (what & eFlagsChanged) { |
| if ((flags & eLayerIsDisplayDecoration) && |
| !(permissions & Permission::INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW)) { |
| flags &= ~eLayerIsDisplayDecoration; |
| ALOGE("Stripped attempt to set LayerIsDisplayDecoration in sanitize"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (what & layer_state_t::eInputInfoChanged) { |
| if (!(permissions & Permission::ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER)) { |
| what &= ~eInputInfoChanged; |
| ALOGE("Stripped attempt to set eInputInfoChanged in sanitize"); |
| } |
| } |
| if (what & layer_state_t::eTrustedOverlayChanged) { |
| if (!(permissions & Permission::ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER)) { |
| what &= ~eTrustedOverlayChanged; |
| ALOGE("Stripped attempt to set eTrustedOverlay in sanitize"); |
| } |
| } |
| if (what & layer_state_t::eDropInputModeChanged) { |
| if (!(permissions & Permission::ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER)) { |
| what &= ~eDropInputModeChanged; |
| ALOGE("Stripped attempt to set eDropInputModeChanged in sanitize"); |
| } |
| } |
| if (what & layer_state_t::eFrameRateSelectionPriority) { |
| if (!(permissions & Permission::ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER)) { |
| what &= ~eFrameRateSelectionPriority; |
| ALOGE("Stripped attempt to set eFrameRateSelectionPriority in sanitize"); |
| } |
| } |
| if (what & layer_state_t::eFrameRateChanged) { |
| if (!ValidateFrameRate(frameRate, frameRateCompatibility, |
| changeFrameRateStrategy, |
| "layer_state_t::sanitize", |
| permissions & Permission::ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER)) { |
| what &= ~eFrameRateChanged; // logged in ValidateFrameRate |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void layer_state_t::merge(const layer_state_t& other) { |
| if (other.what & ePositionChanged) { |
| what |= ePositionChanged; |
| x = other.x; |
| y = other.y; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eLayerChanged) { |
| what |= eLayerChanged; |
| what &= ~eRelativeLayerChanged; |
| z = other.z; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eSizeChanged) { |
| what |= eSizeChanged; |
| w = other.w; |
| h = other.h; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eAlphaChanged) { |
| what |= eAlphaChanged; |
| alpha = other.alpha; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eMatrixChanged) { |
| what |= eMatrixChanged; |
| matrix = other.matrix; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eTransparentRegionChanged) { |
| what |= eTransparentRegionChanged; |
| transparentRegion = other.transparentRegion; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eFlagsChanged) { |
| what |= eFlagsChanged; |
| flags &= ~other.mask; |
| flags |= (other.flags & other.mask); |
| mask |= other.mask; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eLayerStackChanged) { |
| what |= eLayerStackChanged; |
| layerStack = other.layerStack; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eCornerRadiusChanged) { |
| what |= eCornerRadiusChanged; |
| cornerRadius = other.cornerRadius; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eBackgroundBlurRadiusChanged) { |
| what |= eBackgroundBlurRadiusChanged; |
| backgroundBlurRadius = other.backgroundBlurRadius; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eBlurRegionsChanged) { |
| what |= eBlurRegionsChanged; |
| blurRegions = other.blurRegions; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eRelativeLayerChanged) { |
| what |= eRelativeLayerChanged; |
| what &= ~eLayerChanged; |
| z = other.z; |
| relativeLayerSurfaceControl = other.relativeLayerSurfaceControl; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eReparent) { |
| what |= eReparent; |
| parentSurfaceControlForChild = other.parentSurfaceControlForChild; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eDestroySurface) { |
| what |= eDestroySurface; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eTransformChanged) { |
| what |= eTransformChanged; |
| transform = other.transform; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eTransformToDisplayInverseChanged) { |
| what |= eTransformToDisplayInverseChanged; |
| transformToDisplayInverse = other.transformToDisplayInverse; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eCropChanged) { |
| what |= eCropChanged; |
| crop = other.crop; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eBufferChanged) { |
| what |= eBufferChanged; |
| bufferData = other.bufferData; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eDataspaceChanged) { |
| what |= eDataspaceChanged; |
| dataspace = other.dataspace; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eHdrMetadataChanged) { |
| what |= eHdrMetadataChanged; |
| hdrMetadata = other.hdrMetadata; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eSurfaceDamageRegionChanged) { |
| what |= eSurfaceDamageRegionChanged; |
| surfaceDamageRegion = other.surfaceDamageRegion; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eApiChanged) { |
| what |= eApiChanged; |
| api = other.api; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eSidebandStreamChanged) { |
| what |= eSidebandStreamChanged; |
| sidebandStream = other.sidebandStream; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eColorTransformChanged) { |
| what |= eColorTransformChanged; |
| colorTransform = other.colorTransform; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eHasListenerCallbacksChanged) { |
| what |= eHasListenerCallbacksChanged; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eInputInfoChanged) { |
| what |= eInputInfoChanged; |
| windowInfoHandle = new WindowInfoHandle(*other.windowInfoHandle); |
| } |
| if (other.what & eBackgroundColorChanged) { |
| what |= eBackgroundColorChanged; |
| color = other.color; |
| bgColorAlpha = other.bgColorAlpha; |
| bgColorDataspace = other.bgColorDataspace; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eMetadataChanged) { |
| what |= eMetadataChanged; |
| metadata.merge(other.metadata); |
| } |
| if (other.what & eShadowRadiusChanged) { |
| what |= eShadowRadiusChanged; |
| shadowRadius = other.shadowRadius; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eFrameRateSelectionPriority) { |
| what |= eFrameRateSelectionPriority; |
| frameRateSelectionPriority = other.frameRateSelectionPriority; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eFrameRateChanged) { |
| what |= eFrameRateChanged; |
| frameRate = other.frameRate; |
| frameRateCompatibility = other.frameRateCompatibility; |
| changeFrameRateStrategy = other.changeFrameRateStrategy; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eFixedTransformHintChanged) { |
| what |= eFixedTransformHintChanged; |
| fixedTransformHint = other.fixedTransformHint; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eAutoRefreshChanged) { |
| what |= eAutoRefreshChanged; |
| autoRefresh = other.autoRefresh; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eTrustedOverlayChanged) { |
| what |= eTrustedOverlayChanged; |
| isTrustedOverlay = other.isTrustedOverlay; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eStretchChanged) { |
| what |= eStretchChanged; |
| stretchEffect = other.stretchEffect; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eBufferCropChanged) { |
| what |= eBufferCropChanged; |
| bufferCrop = other.bufferCrop; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eDestinationFrameChanged) { |
| what |= eDestinationFrameChanged; |
| destinationFrame = other.destinationFrame; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eProducerDisconnect) { |
| what |= eProducerDisconnect; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eDropInputModeChanged) { |
| what |= eDropInputModeChanged; |
| dropInputMode = other.dropInputMode; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eColorChanged) { |
| what |= eColorChanged; |
| color = other.color; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eColorSpaceAgnosticChanged) { |
| what |= eColorSpaceAgnosticChanged; |
| colorSpaceAgnostic = other.colorSpaceAgnostic; |
| } |
| if (other.what & eDimmingEnabledChanged) { |
| what |= eDimmingEnabledChanged; |
| dimmingEnabled = other.dimmingEnabled; |
| } |
| if ((other.what & what) != other.what) { |
| ALOGE("Unmerged SurfaceComposer Transaction properties. LayerState::merge needs updating? " |
| "other.what=0x%" PRIX64 " what=0x%" PRIX64 " unmerged flags=0x%" PRIX64, |
| other.what, what, (other.what & what) ^ other.what); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool layer_state_t::hasBufferChanges() const { |
| return what & layer_state_t::eBufferChanged; |
| } |
| |
| bool layer_state_t::hasValidBuffer() const { |
| return bufferData && (bufferData->buffer || bufferData->cachedBuffer.isValid()); |
| } |
| |
| status_t layer_state_t::matrix22_t::write(Parcel& output) const { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, dsdx); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, dtdx); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, dtdy); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeFloat, dsdy); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t layer_state_t::matrix22_t::read(const Parcel& input) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &dsdx); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &dtdx); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &dtdy); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readFloat, &dsdy); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| // ------------------------------- InputWindowCommands ---------------------------------------- |
| |
| bool InputWindowCommands::merge(const InputWindowCommands& other) { |
| bool changes = false; |
| changes |= !other.focusRequests.empty(); |
| focusRequests.insert(focusRequests.end(), std::make_move_iterator(other.focusRequests.begin()), |
| std::make_move_iterator(other.focusRequests.end())); |
| changes |= other.syncInputWindows && !syncInputWindows; |
| syncInputWindows |= other.syncInputWindows; |
| return changes; |
| } |
| |
| bool InputWindowCommands::empty() const { |
| return focusRequests.empty() && !syncInputWindows; |
| } |
| |
| void InputWindowCommands::clear() { |
| focusRequests.clear(); |
| syncInputWindows = false; |
| } |
| |
| status_t InputWindowCommands::write(Parcel& output) const { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeParcelableVector, focusRequests); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output.writeBool, syncInputWindows); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t InputWindowCommands::read(const Parcel& input) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readParcelableVector, &focusRequests); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input.readBool, &syncInputWindows); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| bool ValidateFrameRate(float frameRate, int8_t compatibility, int8_t changeFrameRateStrategy, |
| const char* inFunctionName, bool privileged) { |
| const char* functionName = inFunctionName != nullptr ? inFunctionName : "call"; |
| int floatClassification = std::fpclassify(frameRate); |
| if (frameRate < 0 || floatClassification == FP_INFINITE || floatClassification == FP_NAN) { |
| ALOGE("%s failed - invalid frame rate %f", functionName, frameRate); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| (!privileged || compatibility != ANATIVEWINDOW_FRAME_RATE_EXACT)) { |
| ALOGE("%s failed - invalid compatibility value %d privileged: %s", functionName, |
| compatibility, privileged ? "yes" : "no"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| ALOGE("%s failed - invalid change frame rate strategy value %d", functionName, |
| changeFrameRateStrategy); |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| namespace gui { |
| |
| status_t CaptureArgs::writeToParcel(Parcel* output) const { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeInt32, static_cast<int32_t>(pixelFormat)); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->write, sourceCrop); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeFloat, frameScaleX); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeFloat, frameScaleY); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeBool, captureSecureLayers); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeInt32, uid); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeInt32, static_cast<int32_t>(dataspace)); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeBool, allowProtected); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeBool, grayscale); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t CaptureArgs::readFromParcel(const Parcel* input) { |
| int32_t value = 0; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readInt32, &value); |
| pixelFormat = static_cast<ui::PixelFormat>(value); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->read, sourceCrop); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readFloat, &frameScaleX); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readFloat, &frameScaleY); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readBool, &captureSecureLayers); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readInt32, &uid); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readInt32, &value); |
| dataspace = static_cast<ui::Dataspace>(value); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readBool, &allowProtected); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readBool, &grayscale); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DisplayCaptureArgs::writeToParcel(Parcel* output) const { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(CaptureArgs::writeToParcel, output); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeStrongBinder, displayToken); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeUint32, width); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeUint32, height); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeBool, useIdentityTransform); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DisplayCaptureArgs::readFromParcel(const Parcel* input) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(CaptureArgs::readFromParcel, input); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readStrongBinder, &displayToken); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readUint32, &width); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readUint32, &height); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readBool, &useIdentityTransform); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t LayerCaptureArgs::writeToParcel(Parcel* output) const { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(CaptureArgs::writeToParcel, output); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeStrongBinder, layerHandle); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeInt32, excludeHandles.size()); |
| for (auto el : excludeHandles) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeStrongBinder, el); |
| } |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeBool, childrenOnly); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t LayerCaptureArgs::readFromParcel(const Parcel* input) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(CaptureArgs::readFromParcel, input); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readStrongBinder, &layerHandle); |
| |
| int32_t numExcludeHandles = 0; |
| SAFE_PARCEL_READ_SIZE(input->readInt32, &numExcludeHandles, input->dataSize()); |
| excludeHandles.reserve(numExcludeHandles); |
| for (int i = 0; i < numExcludeHandles; i++) { |
| sp<IBinder> binder; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readStrongBinder, &binder); |
| excludeHandles.emplace(binder); |
| } |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readBool, &childrenOnly); |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| }; // namespace gui |
| |
| ReleaseCallbackId BufferData::generateReleaseCallbackId() const { |
| uint64_t bufferId; |
| if (buffer) { |
| bufferId = buffer->getId(); |
| } else { |
| bufferId = cachedBuffer.id; |
| } |
| return {bufferId, frameNumber}; |
| } |
| |
| status_t BufferData::writeToParcel(Parcel* output) const { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeInt32, flags.get()); |
| |
| if (buffer) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeBool, true); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->write, *buffer); |
| } else { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeBool, false); |
| } |
| |
| if (acquireFence) { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeBool, true); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->write, *acquireFence); |
| } else { |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeBool, false); |
| } |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeUint64, frameNumber); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeStrongBinder, IInterface::asBinder(releaseBufferListener)); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeStrongBinder, releaseBufferEndpoint); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeStrongBinder, cachedBuffer.token.promote()); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeUint64, cachedBuffer.id); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeBool, hasBarrier); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(output->writeUint64, barrierFrameNumber); |
| |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t BufferData::readFromParcel(const Parcel* input) { |
| int32_t tmpInt32; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readInt32, &tmpInt32); |
| flags = Flags<BufferDataChange>(tmpInt32); |
| |
| bool tmpBool = false; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readBool, &tmpBool); |
| if (tmpBool) { |
| buffer = new GraphicBuffer(); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->read, *buffer); |
| } |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readBool, &tmpBool); |
| if (tmpBool) { |
| acquireFence = new Fence(); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->read, *acquireFence); |
| } |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readUint64, &frameNumber); |
| |
| sp<IBinder> tmpBinder = nullptr; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readNullableStrongBinder, &tmpBinder); |
| if (tmpBinder) { |
| releaseBufferListener = checked_interface_cast<ITransactionCompletedListener>(tmpBinder); |
| } |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readNullableStrongBinder, &releaseBufferEndpoint); |
| |
| tmpBinder = nullptr; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readNullableStrongBinder, &tmpBinder); |
| cachedBuffer.token = tmpBinder; |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readUint64, &cachedBuffer.id); |
| |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readBool, &hasBarrier); |
| SAFE_PARCEL(input->readUint64, &barrierFrameNumber); |
| |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| }; // namespace android |