blob: 90a0f1ee066011fd531651dca243db11b6166942 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include "MultifileBlobCache.h"
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/test_utils.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std::literals;
namespace android {
template <typename T>
using sp = std::shared_ptr<T>;
constexpr size_t kMaxKeySize = 2 * 1024;
constexpr size_t kMaxValueSize = 6 * 1024;
constexpr size_t kMaxTotalSize = 32 * 1024;
constexpr size_t kMaxTotalEntries = 64;
class MultifileBlobCacheTest : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
mTempFile.reset(new TemporaryFile());
mMBC.reset(new MultifileBlobCache(kMaxKeySize, kMaxValueSize, kMaxTotalSize,
kMaxTotalEntries, &mTempFile->path[0]));
virtual void TearDown() {
int getFileDescriptorCount();
std::vector<std::string> getCacheEntries();
void clearProperties();
std::unique_ptr<TemporaryFile> mTempFile;
std::unique_ptr<MultifileBlobCache> mMBC;
void MultifileBlobCacheTest::clearProperties() {
// Clear any debug properties used in the tests
base::SetProperty("debug.egl.blobcache.cache_version", "");
base::WaitForProperty("debug.egl.blobcache.cache_version", "");
base::SetProperty("debug.egl.blobcache.build_id", "");
base::WaitForProperty("debug.egl.blobcache.build_id", "");
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, CacheSingleValueSucceeds) {
unsigned char buf[4] = {0xee, 0xee, 0xee, 0xee};
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(4), mMBC->get("abcd", 4, buf, 4));
ASSERT_EQ('e', buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('f', buf[1]);
ASSERT_EQ('g', buf[2]);
ASSERT_EQ('h', buf[3]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, CacheTwoValuesSucceeds) {
unsigned char buf[2] = {0xee, 0xee};
mMBC->set("ab", 2, "cd", 2);
mMBC->set("ef", 2, "gh", 2);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(2), mMBC->get("ab", 2, buf, 2));
ASSERT_EQ('c', buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('d', buf[1]);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(2), mMBC->get("ef", 2, buf, 2));
ASSERT_EQ('g', buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('h', buf[1]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, GetSetTwiceSucceeds) {
unsigned char buf[2] = {0xee, 0xee};
mMBC->set("ab", 2, "cd", 2);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(2), mMBC->get("ab", 2, buf, 2));
ASSERT_EQ('c', buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('d', buf[1]);
// Use the same key, but different value
mMBC->set("ab", 2, "ef", 2);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(2), mMBC->get("ab", 2, buf, 2));
ASSERT_EQ('e', buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('f', buf[1]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, GetOnlyWritesInsideBounds) {
unsigned char buf[6] = {0xee, 0xee, 0xee, 0xee, 0xee, 0xee};
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(4), mMBC->get("abcd", 4, buf + 1, 4));
ASSERT_EQ(0xee, buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('e', buf[1]);
ASSERT_EQ('f', buf[2]);
ASSERT_EQ('g', buf[3]);
ASSERT_EQ('h', buf[4]);
ASSERT_EQ(0xee, buf[5]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, GetOnlyWritesIfBufferIsLargeEnough) {
unsigned char buf[3] = {0xee, 0xee, 0xee};
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(4), mMBC->get("abcd", 4, buf, 3));
ASSERT_EQ(0xee, buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(0xee, buf[1]);
ASSERT_EQ(0xee, buf[2]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, GetDoesntAccessNullBuffer) {
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(4), mMBC->get("abcd", 4, nullptr, 0));
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, MultipleSetsCacheLatestValue) {
unsigned char buf[4] = {0xee, 0xee, 0xee, 0xee};
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "ijkl", 4);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(4), mMBC->get("abcd", 4, buf, 4));
ASSERT_EQ('i', buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('j', buf[1]);
ASSERT_EQ('k', buf[2]);
ASSERT_EQ('l', buf[3]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, SecondSetKeepsFirstValueIfTooLarge) {
unsigned char buf[kMaxValueSize + 1] = {0xee, 0xee, 0xee, 0xee};
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, buf, kMaxValueSize + 1);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(4), mMBC->get("abcd", 4, buf, 4));
ASSERT_EQ('e', buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('f', buf[1]);
ASSERT_EQ('g', buf[2]);
ASSERT_EQ('h', buf[3]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, DoesntCacheIfKeyIsTooBig) {
char key[kMaxKeySize + 1];
unsigned char buf[4] = {0xee, 0xee, 0xee, 0xee};
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxKeySize + 1; i++) {
key[i] = 'a';
mMBC->set(key, kMaxKeySize + 1, "bbbb", 4);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(0), mMBC->get(key, kMaxKeySize + 1, buf, 4));
ASSERT_EQ(0xee, buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(0xee, buf[1]);
ASSERT_EQ(0xee, buf[2]);
ASSERT_EQ(0xee, buf[3]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, DoesntCacheIfValueIsTooBig) {
char buf[kMaxValueSize + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxValueSize + 1; i++) {
buf[i] = 'b';
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, buf, kMaxValueSize + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxValueSize + 1; i++) {
buf[i] = 0xee;
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(0), mMBC->get("abcd", 4, buf, kMaxValueSize + 1));
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxValueSize + 1; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(0xee, buf[i]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, CacheMaxKeySizeSucceeds) {
char key[kMaxKeySize];
unsigned char buf[4] = {0xee, 0xee, 0xee, 0xee};
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxKeySize; i++) {
key[i] = 'a';
mMBC->set(key, kMaxKeySize, "wxyz", 4);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(4), mMBC->get(key, kMaxKeySize, buf, 4));
ASSERT_EQ('w', buf[0]);
ASSERT_EQ('x', buf[1]);
ASSERT_EQ('y', buf[2]);
ASSERT_EQ('z', buf[3]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, CacheMaxValueSizeSucceeds) {
char buf[kMaxValueSize];
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxValueSize; i++) {
buf[i] = 'b';
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, buf, kMaxValueSize);
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxValueSize; i++) {
buf[i] = 0xee;
mMBC->get("abcd", 4, buf, kMaxValueSize);
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxValueSize; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ('b', buf[i]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, CacheMaxKeyAndValueSizeSucceeds) {
char key[kMaxKeySize];
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxKeySize; i++) {
key[i] = 'a';
char buf[kMaxValueSize];
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxValueSize; i++) {
buf[i] = 'b';
mMBC->set(key, kMaxKeySize, buf, kMaxValueSize);
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxValueSize; i++) {
buf[i] = 0xee;
mMBC->get(key, kMaxKeySize, buf, kMaxValueSize);
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxValueSize; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ('b', buf[i]);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, CacheMaxEntrySucceeds) {
// Fill the cache with max entries
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < kMaxTotalEntries; i++) {
mMBC->set(std::to_string(i).c_str(), sizeof(i), std::to_string(i).c_str(), sizeof(i));
// Ensure it is full
ASSERT_EQ(mMBC->getTotalEntries(), kMaxTotalEntries);
// Add another entry
mMBC->set(std::to_string(i).c_str(), sizeof(i), std::to_string(i).c_str(), sizeof(i));
// Ensure total entries is cut in half + 1
ASSERT_EQ(mMBC->getTotalEntries(), kMaxTotalEntries / 2 + 1);
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, CacheMinKeyAndValueSizeSucceeds) {
unsigned char buf[1] = {0xee};
mMBC->set("x", 1, "y", 1);
ASSERT_EQ(size_t(1), mMBC->get("x", 1, buf, 1));
ASSERT_EQ('y', buf[0]);
int MultifileBlobCacheTest::getFileDescriptorCount() {
DIR* directory = opendir("/proc/self/fd");
int fileCount = 0;
struct dirent* entry;
while ((entry = readdir(directory)) != NULL) {
// printf("File: %s\n", entry->d_name);
return fileCount;
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, EnsureFileDescriptorsClosed) {
// Populate the cache with a bunch of entries
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxTotalEntries; i++) {
// printf("Caching: %i", i);
// Use the index as the key and value
mMBC->set(&i, sizeof(i), &i, sizeof(i));
int result = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(i), mMBC->get(&i, sizeof(i), &result, sizeof(result)));
ASSERT_EQ(i, result);
// Ensure we don't have a bunch of open fds
ASSERT_LT(getFileDescriptorCount(), kMaxTotalEntries / 2);
// Close the cache so everything writes out
// Now open it again and ensure we still don't have a bunch of open fds
mMBC.reset(new MultifileBlobCache(kMaxKeySize, kMaxValueSize, kMaxTotalSize, kMaxTotalEntries,
// Check after initialization
ASSERT_LT(getFileDescriptorCount(), kMaxTotalEntries / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxTotalEntries; i++) {
int result = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(i), mMBC->get(&i, sizeof(i), &result, sizeof(result)));
ASSERT_EQ(i, result);
// And again after we've actually used it
ASSERT_LT(getFileDescriptorCount(), kMaxTotalEntries / 2);
std::vector<std::string> MultifileBlobCacheTest::getCacheEntries() {
std::string cachePath = &mTempFile->path[0];
std::string multifileDirName = cachePath + ".multifile";
std::vector<std::string> cacheEntries;
struct stat info;
if (stat(multifileDirName.c_str(), &info) == 0) {
// We have a multifile dir. Skip the status file and return the only entry.
DIR* dir;
struct dirent* entry;
if ((dir = opendir(multifileDirName.c_str())) != nullptr) {
while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != nullptr) {
if (entry->d_name == "."s || entry->d_name == ".."s) {
if (strcmp(entry->d_name, kMultifileBlobCacheStatusFile) == 0) {
cacheEntries.push_back(multifileDirName + "/" + entry->d_name);
} else {
printf("Unable to open %s, error: %s\n", multifileDirName.c_str(),
} else {
printf("Unable to stat %s, error: %s\n", multifileDirName.c_str(), std::strerror(errno));
return cacheEntries;
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, CacheContainsStatus) {
struct stat info;
std::stringstream statusFile;
statusFile << &mTempFile->path[0] << ".multifile/" << kMultifileBlobCacheStatusFile;
// After INIT, cache should have a status
ASSERT_TRUE(stat(statusFile.str().c_str(), &info) == 0);
// Set one entry
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
// Close the cache so everything writes out
// Ensure status lives after closing the cache
ASSERT_TRUE(stat(statusFile.str().c_str(), &info) == 0);
// Open the cache again
mMBC.reset(new MultifileBlobCache(kMaxKeySize, kMaxValueSize, kMaxTotalSize, kMaxTotalEntries,
// Ensure we still have a status
ASSERT_TRUE(stat(statusFile.str().c_str(), &info) == 0);
// Verify missing cache status file causes cache the be cleared
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, MissingCacheStatusClears) {
// Set one entry
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
// Close the cache so everything writes out
// Ensure there is one cache entry
ASSERT_EQ(getCacheEntries().size(), 1);
// Delete the status file
std::stringstream statusFile;
statusFile << &mTempFile->path[0] << ".multifile/" << kMultifileBlobCacheStatusFile;
// Open the cache again and ensure no cache hits
mMBC.reset(new MultifileBlobCache(kMaxKeySize, kMaxValueSize, kMaxTotalSize, kMaxTotalEntries,
// Ensure we have no entries
ASSERT_EQ(getCacheEntries().size(), 0);
// Verify modified cache status file BEGIN causes cache to be cleared
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, ModifiedCacheStatusBeginClears) {
// Set one entry
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
// Close the cache so everything writes out
// Ensure there is one cache entry
ASSERT_EQ(getCacheEntries().size(), 1);
// Modify the status file
std::stringstream statusFile;
statusFile << &mTempFile->path[0] << ".multifile/" << kMultifileBlobCacheStatusFile;
// Stomp on the beginning of the cache file
const char* stomp = "BADF00D";
std::fstream fs(statusFile.str());
fs.seekp(0, std::ios_base::beg);
fs.write(stomp, strlen(stomp));
// Open the cache again and ensure no cache hits
mMBC.reset(new MultifileBlobCache(kMaxKeySize, kMaxValueSize, kMaxTotalSize, kMaxTotalEntries,
// Ensure we have no entries
ASSERT_EQ(getCacheEntries().size(), 0);
// Verify modified cache status file END causes cache to be cleared
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, ModifiedCacheStatusEndClears) {
// Set one entry
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
// Close the cache so everything writes out
// Ensure there is one cache entry
ASSERT_EQ(getCacheEntries().size(), 1);
// Modify the status file
std::stringstream statusFile;
statusFile << &mTempFile->path[0] << ".multifile/" << kMultifileBlobCacheStatusFile;
// Stomp on the END of the cache status file, modifying its contents
const char* stomp = "BADF00D";
std::fstream fs(statusFile.str());
fs.seekp(-strlen(stomp), std::ios_base::end);
fs.write(stomp, strlen(stomp));
// Open the cache again and ensure no cache hits
mMBC.reset(new MultifileBlobCache(kMaxKeySize, kMaxValueSize, kMaxTotalSize, kMaxTotalEntries,
// Ensure we have no entries
ASSERT_EQ(getCacheEntries().size(), 0);
// Verify mismatched cacheVersion causes cache to be cleared
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, MismatchedCacheVersionClears) {
// Set one entry
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
// Close the cache so everything writes out
// Ensure there is one cache entry
ASSERT_EQ(getCacheEntries().size(), 1);
// Set a debug cacheVersion
std::string newCacheVersion = std::to_string(kMultifileBlobCacheVersion + 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(base::SetProperty("debug.egl.blobcache.cache_version", newCacheVersion.c_str()));
base::WaitForProperty("debug.egl.blobcache.cache_version", newCacheVersion.c_str()));
// Open the cache again and ensure no cache hits
mMBC.reset(new MultifileBlobCache(kMaxKeySize, kMaxValueSize, kMaxTotalSize, kMaxTotalEntries,
// Ensure we have no entries
ASSERT_EQ(getCacheEntries().size(), 0);
// Verify mismatched buildId causes cache to be cleared
TEST_F(MultifileBlobCacheTest, MismatchedBuildIdClears) {
// Set one entry
mMBC->set("abcd", 4, "efgh", 4);
// Close the cache so everything writes out
// Ensure there is one cache entry
ASSERT_EQ(getCacheEntries().size(), 1);
// Set a debug buildId
base::SetProperty("debug.egl.blobcache.build_id", "foo");
base::WaitForProperty("debug.egl.blobcache.build_id", "foo");
// Open the cache again and ensure no cache hits
mMBC.reset(new MultifileBlobCache(kMaxKeySize, kMaxValueSize, kMaxTotalSize, kMaxTotalEntries,
// Ensure we have no entries
ASSERT_EQ(getCacheEntries().size(), 0);
} // namespace android