blob: abe0d9b0a67ccf51d72facafb14c9a3545000aef [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Cache.h"
#include "AutoBackendTexture.h"
#include "SkiaRenderEngine.h"
#include "android-base/unique_fd.h"
#include "cutils/properties.h"
#include "renderengine/DisplaySettings.h"
#include "renderengine/LayerSettings.h"
#include "renderengine/impl/ExternalTexture.h"
#include "ui/GraphicBuffer.h"
#include "ui/GraphicTypes.h"
#include "ui/PixelFormat.h"
#include "ui/Rect.h"
#include "utils/Timers.h"
namespace android::renderengine::skia {
namespace {
// clang-format off
// Any non-identity matrix will do.
const auto kScaleAndTranslate = mat4(0.7f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.7f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
67.3f, 52.2f, 0.f, 1.f);
const auto kScaleAsymmetric = mat4(0.8f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 1.1f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
const auto kFlip = mat4(1.1f, -0.1f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.1f, 1.1f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
2.f, 2.f, 0.f, 1.f);
// clang-format on
// When setting layer.sourceDataspace, whether it matches the destination or not determines whether
// a color correction effect is added to the shader.
constexpr auto kDestDataSpace = ui::Dataspace::SRGB;
constexpr auto kOtherDataSpace = ui::Dataspace::DISPLAY_P3;
constexpr auto kBT2020DataSpace = ui::Dataspace::BT2020_ITU_PQ;
constexpr auto kExtendedHdrDataSpce =
static_cast<ui::Dataspace>(ui::Dataspace::RANGE_EXTENDED | ui::Dataspace::TRANSFER_SRGB |
// Dimming is needed to trigger linear effects for some dataspace pairs
const std::array<float, 3> kLayerWhitePoints = {
1000.0f, 500.0f,
100.0f, // trigger dithering by dimming below 20%
} // namespace
static void drawShadowLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture) {
// Somewhat arbitrary dimensions, but on screen and slightly shorter, based
// on actual use.
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
FloatRect smallerRect(20, 20, displayRect.width()-20, displayRect.height()-20);
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.boundaries = rect,
.roundedCornersRadius = {50.f, 50.f},
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.alpha = 1,
// setting this is mandatory for shadows and blurs
.skipContentDraw = true,
// drawShadow ignores alpha
.shadow =
.boundaries = rect,
.ambientColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0.00935997f),
.spotColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0.0455841f),
.lightPos = vec3(500.f, -1500.f, 1500.f),
.lightRadius = 2500.0f,
.length = 15.f,
LayerSettings caster{
.geometry =
.boundaries = smallerRect,
.roundedCornersRadius = {50.f, 50.f},
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.source =
.solidColor = half3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f),
.alpha = 1,
// Four combinations of settings are used (two transforms here, and drawShadowLayers is
// called with two different destination data spaces) They're all rounded rect.
// Three of these are cache misses that generate new shaders.
// The first combination generates a short and simple shadow shader.
// The second combination, flip transform, generates two shaders. The first appears to involve
// gaussian_fp. The second is a long and general purpose shadow shader with a device space
// transformation stage.
// The third combination is a cache hit, nothing new.
// The fourth combination, flip transform with a non-SRGB destination dataspace, is new.
// It is unique in that nearly everything is done in the vertex shader, and that vertex shader
// requires color correction. This is triggered differently from every other instance of color
// correction. All other instances are triggered when src and dst dataspaces differ, while
// this one is triggered by the destination being non-srgb. Apparently since the third
// combination is a cache hit, this color correction is only added when the vertex shader is
// doing something non-trivial.
for (auto transform : {mat4(), kFlip}) {
layer.geometry.positionTransform = transform;
caster.geometry.positionTransform = transform;
auto layers = std::vector<LayerSettings>{layer, caster};
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawImageLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& srcTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.boundaries = rect,
// The position transform doesn't matter when the reduced shader mode
// in in effect. A matrix transform stage is always included.
.positionTransform = mat4(),
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.source = PixelSource{.buffer =
.buffer = srcTexture,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
for (auto dataspace : {kDestDataSpace, kOtherDataSpace}) {
layer.sourceDataspace = dataspace;
// Cache shaders for both rects and round rects.
// In reduced shader mode, all non-zero round rect radii get the same code path.
for (float roundedCornersRadius : {0.0f, 50.0f}) {
// roundedCornersCrop is always set, but the radius triggers the behavior
layer.geometry.roundedCornersRadius = {roundedCornersRadius, roundedCornersRadius};
for (bool isOpaque : {true, false}) {
layer.source.buffer.isOpaque = isOpaque;
for (auto alpha : {half(.2f), half(1.0f)}) {
layer.alpha = alpha;
auto layers = std::vector<LayerSettings>{layer};
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawSolidLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.boundaries = rect,
.source =
.solidColor = half3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f),
.alpha = 0.5,
for (auto transform : {mat4(), kScaleAndTranslate}) {
layer.geometry.positionTransform = transform;
for (float roundedCornersRadius : {0.0f, 50.f}) {
layer.geometry.roundedCornersRadius = {roundedCornersRadius, roundedCornersRadius};
auto layers = std::vector<LayerSettings>{layer};
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawBlurLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.boundaries = rect,
.alpha = 1,
// setting this is mandatory for shadows and blurs
.skipContentDraw = true,
// Different blur code is invoked for radii less and greater than 30 pixels
for (int radius : {9, 60}) {
layer.backgroundBlurRadius = radius;
auto layers = std::vector<LayerSettings>{layer};
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
// The unique feature of these layers is that the boundary is slightly smaller than the rounded
// rect crop, so the rounded edges intersect that boundary and require a different clipping method.
// For buffers, this is done with a stage that computes coverage and it will differ for round and
// elliptical corners.
static void drawClippedLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& srcTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height() - 20); // boundary is smaller
PixelSource bufferSource{.buffer = Buffer{
.buffer = srcTexture,
.isOpaque = 0,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
PixelSource bufferOpaque{.buffer = Buffer{
.buffer = srcTexture,
.isOpaque = 1,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
PixelSource colorSource{.solidColor = half3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f)};
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.boundaries = rect,
.roundedCornersRadius = {27.f, 27.f},
.roundedCornersCrop =
FloatRect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height()),
for (auto pixelSource : {bufferSource, bufferOpaque, colorSource}) {
layer.source = pixelSource;
for (auto dataspace : {kDestDataSpace, kOtherDataSpace}) {
layer.sourceDataspace = dataspace;
// Produce a CircularRRect clip and an EllipticalRRect clip.
for (auto transform : {kScaleAndTranslate, kScaleAsymmetric}) {
layer.geometry.positionTransform = transform;
for (float alpha : {0.5f, 1.f}) {
layer.alpha = alpha;
auto layers = std::vector<LayerSettings>{layer};
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawPIPImageLayer(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& srcTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.boundaries = rect,
// Note that this flip matrix only makes a difference when clipping,
// which happens in this layer because the roundrect crop is just a bit
// larger than the layer bounds.
.positionTransform = kFlip,
.roundedCornersRadius = {94.2551f, 94.2551f},
.roundedCornersCrop = FloatRect(-93.75, 0, displayRect.width() + 93.75,
.source = PixelSource{.buffer =
.buffer = srcTexture,
.usePremultipliedAlpha = 1,
.isOpaque = 0,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
.alpha = 1,
.sourceDataspace = kOtherDataSpace,
auto layers = std::vector<LayerSettings>{layer};
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawHolePunchLayer(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
FloatRect small(0, 0, displayRect.width()-20, displayRect.height()+20);
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
// the boundaries have to be smaller than the rounded crop so that
// clipRRect is used instead of drawRRect
.boundaries = small,
.positionTransform = kScaleAndTranslate,
.roundedCornersRadius = {50.f, 50.f},
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.source =
.solidColor = half3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f),
.alpha = 0,
.sourceDataspace = kDestDataSpace,
.disableBlending = true,
auto layers = std::vector<LayerSettings>{layer};
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawImageDimmedLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& srcTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
// The position transform doesn't matter when the reduced shader mode
// in in effect. A matrix transform stage is always included.
.positionTransform = mat4(),
.boundaries = rect,
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.roundedCornersRadius = {0.f, 0.f},
.source = PixelSource{.buffer = Buffer{.buffer = srcTexture,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
.usePremultipliedAlpha = true,
.isOpaque = true}},
.alpha = 1.f,
.sourceDataspace = kDestDataSpace,
std::vector<LayerSettings> layers;
for (auto layerWhitePoint : kLayerWhitePoints) {
layer.whitePointNits = layerWhitePoint;
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawTransparentImageDimmedLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine,
const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& srcTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.positionTransform = mat4(),
.boundaries = rect,
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.source = PixelSource{.buffer =
.buffer = srcTexture,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
.usePremultipliedAlpha = true,
.isOpaque = false,
.sourceDataspace = kDestDataSpace,
for (auto roundedCornerRadius : {0.f, 50.f}) {
layer.geometry.roundedCornersRadius = {roundedCornerRadius, roundedCornerRadius};
for (auto alpha : {0.5f, 1.0f}) {
layer.alpha = alpha;
for (auto isOpaque : {true, false}) {
if (roundedCornerRadius == 0.f && isOpaque) {
// already covered in drawImageDimmedLayers
layer.source.buffer.isOpaque = isOpaque;
std::vector<LayerSettings> layers;
for (auto layerWhitePoint : kLayerWhitePoints) {
layer.whitePointNits = layerWhitePoint;
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawClippedDimmedImageLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine,
const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& srcTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
// If rect and boundary is too small compared to roundedCornersRadius, Skia will switch to
// blending instead of EllipticalRRect, so enlarge them a bit.
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
FloatRect boundary(0, 0, displayRect.width(),
displayRect.height() - 20); // boundary is smaller
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.positionTransform = mat4(),
.boundaries = boundary,
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.roundedCornersRadius = {27.f, 27.f},
.source = PixelSource{.buffer =
.buffer = srcTexture,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
.usePremultipliedAlpha = true,
.isOpaque = false,
.alpha = 1.f,
.sourceDataspace = kDestDataSpace,
std::array<mat4, 2> transforms = {kScaleAndTranslate, kScaleAsymmetric};
constexpr float radius = 27.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < transforms.size(); i++) {
layer.geometry.positionTransform = transforms[i];
layer.geometry.roundedCornersRadius = {radius, radius};
std::vector<LayerSettings> layers;
for (auto layerWhitePoint : kLayerWhitePoints) {
layer.whitePointNits = layerWhitePoint;
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawSolidDimmedLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.boundaries = rect,
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.source =
.solidColor = half3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f),
.alpha = 1.f,
std::vector<LayerSettings> layers;
for (auto layerWhitePoint : kLayerWhitePoints) {
layer.whitePointNits = layerWhitePoint;
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawBT2020ImageLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& srcTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
// The position transform doesn't matter when the reduced shader mode
// in in effect. A matrix transform stage is always included.
.positionTransform = mat4(),
.boundaries = rect,
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.roundedCornersRadius = {0.f, 0.f},
.source = PixelSource{.buffer = Buffer{.buffer = srcTexture,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
.usePremultipliedAlpha = true,
.isOpaque = true}},
.alpha = 1.f,
.sourceDataspace = kBT2020DataSpace,
for (auto alpha : {0.5f, 1.f}) {
layer.alpha = alpha;
std::vector<LayerSettings> layers;
layer.whitePointNits = -1.f;
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawBT2020ClippedImageLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine,
const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& srcTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
// If rect and boundary is too small compared to roundedCornersRadius, Skia will switch to
// blending instead of EllipticalRRect, so enlarge them a bit.
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
FloatRect boundary(0, 0, displayRect.width(),
displayRect.height() - 10); // boundary is smaller
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.positionTransform = kScaleAsymmetric,
.boundaries = boundary,
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.roundedCornersRadius = {64.1f, 64.1f},
.source = PixelSource{.buffer =
.buffer = srcTexture,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
.usePremultipliedAlpha = true,
.isOpaque = true,
.alpha = 0.5f,
.sourceDataspace = kBT2020DataSpace,
std::vector<LayerSettings> layers = {layer};
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawExtendedHDRImageLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine,
const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& srcTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
// The position transform doesn't matter when the reduced shader mode
// in in effect. A matrix transform stage is always included.
.positionTransform = mat4(),
.boundaries = rect,
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.roundedCornersRadius = {50.f, 50.f},
.source = PixelSource{.buffer = Buffer{.buffer = srcTexture,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
.usePremultipliedAlpha = true,
.isOpaque = true}},
.alpha = 0.5f,
.sourceDataspace = kExtendedHdrDataSpce,
for (auto roundedCornerRadius : {0.f, 50.f}) {
layer.geometry.roundedCornersRadius = {roundedCornerRadius, roundedCornerRadius};
for (auto alpha : {0.5f, 1.f}) {
layer.alpha = alpha;
std::vector<LayerSettings> layers;
for (auto layerWhitePoint : kLayerWhitePoints) {
layer.whitePointNits = layerWhitePoint;
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
static void drawP3ImageLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& dstTexture,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& srcTexture) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
// The position transform doesn't matter when the reduced shader mode
// in in effect. A matrix transform stage is always included.
.positionTransform = mat4(),
.boundaries = rect,
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.roundedCornersRadius = {50.f, 50.f},
.source = PixelSource{.buffer = Buffer{.buffer = srcTexture,
.maxLuminanceNits = 1000.f,
.usePremultipliedAlpha = true,
.isOpaque = false}},
.alpha = 0.5f,
.sourceDataspace = kOtherDataSpace,
for (auto alpha : {0.5f, 1.f}) {
layer.alpha = alpha;
std::vector<LayerSettings> layers;
for (auto layerWhitePoint : kLayerWhitePoints) {
layer.whitePointNits = layerWhitePoint;
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd());
// The collection of shaders cached here were found by using perfetto to record shader compiles
// during actions that involve RenderEngine, logging the layer settings, and the shader code
// and reproducing those settings here.
// It is helpful when debugging this to turn on
// in SkGLRenderEngine.cpp:
// kPrintLayerSettings = true
// kFlushAfterEveryLayer = true
// in external/skia/src/gpu/gl/builders/GrGLShaderStringBuilder.cpp
// gPrintSKSL = true
void Cache::primeShaderCache(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, bool shouldPrimeUltraHDR) {
const int previousCount = renderengine->reportShadersCompiled();
if (previousCount) {
ALOGD("%d Shaders already compiled before Cache::primeShaderCache ran\n", previousCount);
// The loop is beneficial for debugging and should otherwise be optimized out by the compiler.
// Adding additional bounds to the loop is useful for verifying that the size of the dst buffer
// does not impact the shader compilation counts by triggering different behaviors in RE/Skia.
for (SkSize bounds : {SkSize::Make(128, 128), /*SkSize::Make(1080, 2340)*/}) {
const nsecs_t timeBefore = systemTime();
// The dimensions should not matter, so long as we draw inside them.
const Rect displayRect(0, 0, bounds.fWidth, bounds.fHeight);
DisplaySettings display{
.physicalDisplay = displayRect,
.clip = displayRect,
.maxLuminance = 500,
.outputDataspace = kDestDataSpace,
DisplaySettings p3Display{
.physicalDisplay = displayRect,
.clip = displayRect,
.maxLuminance = 500,
.outputDataspace = kOtherDataSpace,
DisplaySettings p3DisplayEnhance{.physicalDisplay = displayRect,
.clip = displayRect,
.maxLuminance = 500,
.outputDataspace = kOtherDataSpace,
.dimmingStage = aidl::android::hardware::graphics::
.renderIntent = aidl::android::hardware::graphics::
DisplaySettings bt2020Display{.physicalDisplay = displayRect,
.clip = displayRect,
.maxLuminance = 500,
.outputDataspace = ui::Dataspace::BT2020,
.deviceHandlesColorTransform = true,
.dimmingStage = aidl::android::hardware::graphics::composer3::
.renderIntent = aidl::android::hardware::graphics::composer3::
sp<GraphicBuffer> dstBuffer =
sp<GraphicBuffer>::make(displayRect.width(), displayRect.height(),
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 1, usage, "primeShaderCache_dst");
const auto dstTexture =
std::make_shared<impl::ExternalTexture>(dstBuffer, *renderengine,
// This buffer will be the source for the call to drawImageLayers. Draw
// something to it as a placeholder for what an app draws. We should draw
// something, but the details are not important. Make use of the shadow layer drawing step
// to populate it.
sp<GraphicBuffer> srcBuffer =
sp<GraphicBuffer>::make(displayRect.width(), displayRect.height(),
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 1, usage, "drawImageLayer_src");
const auto srcTexture = std::make_shared<
impl::ExternalTexture>(srcBuffer, *renderengine,
impl::ExternalTexture::Usage::READABLE |
drawHolePunchLayer(renderengine, display, dstTexture);
drawSolidLayers(renderengine, display, dstTexture);
drawSolidLayers(renderengine, p3Display, dstTexture);
drawSolidDimmedLayers(renderengine, display, dstTexture);
drawShadowLayers(renderengine, display, srcTexture);
drawShadowLayers(renderengine, p3Display, srcTexture);
if (renderengine->supportsBackgroundBlur()) {
drawBlurLayers(renderengine, display, dstTexture);
// The majority of skia shaders needed by RenderEngine are related to sampling images.
// These need to be generated with various source textures.
// Make a list of applicable sources.
const int64_t usageExternal = GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE;
sp<GraphicBuffer> externalBuffer =
sp<GraphicBuffer>::make(displayRect.width(), displayRect.height(),
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 1, usageExternal,
const auto externalTexture =
std::make_shared<impl::ExternalTexture>(externalBuffer, *renderengine,
std::vector<const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>> textures =
{srcTexture, externalTexture};
// Another external texture with a different pixel format triggers useIsOpaqueWorkaround.
// It doesn't have to be f16, but it can't be the usual 8888.
sp<GraphicBuffer> f16ExternalBuffer =
sp<GraphicBuffer>::make(displayRect.width(), displayRect.height(),
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_FP16, 1, usageExternal,
// The F16 texture may not be usable on all devices, so check first that it was created.
status_t error = f16ExternalBuffer->initCheck();
if (!error) {
const auto f16ExternalTexture =
std::make_shared<impl::ExternalTexture>(f16ExternalBuffer, *renderengine,
for (auto texture : textures) {
drawImageLayers(renderengine, display, dstTexture, texture);
drawImageDimmedLayers(renderengine, display, dstTexture, texture);
drawImageDimmedLayers(renderengine, p3Display, dstTexture, texture);
drawImageDimmedLayers(renderengine, bt2020Display, dstTexture, texture);
// Draw layers for b/185569240.
drawClippedLayers(renderengine, display, dstTexture, texture);
drawPIPImageLayer(renderengine, display, dstTexture, externalTexture);
drawTransparentImageDimmedLayers(renderengine, bt2020Display, dstTexture, externalTexture);
drawTransparentImageDimmedLayers(renderengine, display, dstTexture, externalTexture);
drawTransparentImageDimmedLayers(renderengine, p3Display, dstTexture, externalTexture);
drawTransparentImageDimmedLayers(renderengine, p3DisplayEnhance, dstTexture,
drawClippedDimmedImageLayers(renderengine, bt2020Display, dstTexture, externalTexture);
if (shouldPrimeUltraHDR) {
drawBT2020ClippedImageLayers(renderengine, bt2020Display, dstTexture, externalTexture);
drawBT2020ImageLayers(renderengine, bt2020Display, dstTexture, externalTexture);
drawBT2020ImageLayers(renderengine, p3Display, dstTexture, externalTexture);
drawExtendedHDRImageLayers(renderengine, display, dstTexture, externalTexture);
drawExtendedHDRImageLayers(renderengine, p3Display, dstTexture, externalTexture);
drawExtendedHDRImageLayers(renderengine, p3DisplayEnhance, dstTexture, externalTexture);
drawP3ImageLayers(renderengine, p3DisplayEnhance, dstTexture, externalTexture);
// draw one final layer synchronously to force GL submit
LayerSettings layer{
.source = PixelSource{.solidColor = half3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)},
auto layers = std::vector<LayerSettings>{layer};
// call get() to make it synchronous
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstTexture, base::unique_fd()).get();
const nsecs_t timeAfter = systemTime();
const float compileTimeMs = static_cast<float>(timeAfter - timeBefore) / 1.0E6;
const int shadersCompiled = renderengine->reportShadersCompiled() - previousCount;
ALOGD("Shader cache generated %d shaders in %f ms\n", shadersCompiled, compileTimeMs);
} // namespace android::renderengine::skia