blob: 5de148e3bd58415a29ee051c822ad484ba86292e [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <ui/GraphicTypes.h>
#include <ui/Transform.h>
#include <functional>
#include "Layer.h"
namespace android {
class DisplayDevice;
// RenderArea describes a rectangular area that layers can be rendered to.
// There is a logical render area and a physical render area. When a layer is
// rendered to the render area, it is first transformed and clipped to the logical
// render area. The transformed and clipped layer is then projected onto the
// physical render area.
class RenderArea {
enum class CaptureFill {CLEAR, OPAQUE};
static float getCaptureFillValue(CaptureFill captureFill);
RenderArea(ui::Size reqSize, CaptureFill captureFill, ui::Dataspace reqDataSpace,
bool hintForSeamlessTransition, bool allowSecureLayers = false)
: mAllowSecureLayers(allowSecureLayers),
mHintForSeamlessTransition(hintForSeamlessTransition) {}
static std::function<std::vector<std::pair<Layer*, sp<LayerFE>>>()> fromTraverseLayersLambda(
std::function<void(const LayerVector::Visitor&)> traverseLayers) {
return [traverseLayers = std::move(traverseLayers)]() {
std::vector<std::pair<Layer*, sp<LayerFE>>> layers;
traverseLayers([&](Layer* layer) {
// Layer::prepareClientComposition uses the layer's snapshot to populate the
// resulting LayerSettings. Calling Layer::updateSnapshot ensures that LayerSettings
// are generated with the layer's current buffer and geometry.
layer->updateSnapshot(true /* updateGeometry */);
layers.emplace_back(layer, layer->copyCompositionEngineLayerFE());
return layers;
virtual ~RenderArea() = default;
// Invoke drawLayers to render layers into the render area.
virtual void render(std::function<void()> drawLayers) { drawLayers(); }
// Returns true if the render area is secure. A secure layer should be
// blacked out / skipped when rendered to an insecure render area.
virtual bool isSecure() const = 0;
// Returns the transform to be applied on layers to transform them into
// the logical render area.
virtual const ui::Transform& getTransform() const = 0;
// Returns the source crop of the render area. The source crop defines
// how layers are projected from the logical render area onto the physical
// render area. It can be larger than the logical render area. It can
// also be optionally rotated.
// The source crop is specified in layer space (when rendering a layer and
// its children), or in layer-stack space (when rendering all layers visible
// on the display).
virtual Rect getSourceCrop() const = 0;
// Returns the size of the physical render area.
int getReqWidth() const { return mReqSize.width; }
int getReqHeight() const { return mReqSize.height; }
// Returns the composition data space of the render area.
ui::Dataspace getReqDataSpace() const { return mReqDataSpace; }
// Returns the fill color of the physical render area. Regions not
// covered by any rendered layer should be filled with this color.
CaptureFill getCaptureFill() const { return mCaptureFill; }
virtual sp<const DisplayDevice> getDisplayDevice() const = 0;
// If this is a LayerRenderArea, return the root layer of the
// capture operation.
virtual sp<Layer> getParentLayer() const { return nullptr; }
// Returns whether the render result may be used for system animations that
// must preserve the exact colors of the display.
bool getHintForSeamlessTransition() const { return mHintForSeamlessTransition; }
const bool mAllowSecureLayers;
const ui::Size mReqSize;
const ui::Dataspace mReqDataSpace;
const CaptureFill mCaptureFill;
const bool mHintForSeamlessTransition;
} // namespace android