blob: 3f89a8b73410199f7888cb032bd70207d925c842 [file] [log] [blame]
/* void glDispatchComputeIndirect ( GLintptr indirect ) */
static void android_glDispatchComputeIndirect(JNIEnv *_env, jobject, jlong indirect) {
// 'indirect' is a byte offset, not a pointer. GL checks for negative and too-large values.
// Here we only need to check for successful 64-bit to 32-bit conversion.
// - jlong is a int64_t (jni.h)
// - GLintptr is a long (khrplatform.h)
if (sizeof(GLintptr) != sizeof(jlong) && (indirect < LONG_MIN || indirect > LONG_MAX)) {
jniThrowException(_env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", "indirect offset too large");