blob: 9905210014a848d496a9b2983c815025e4571d24 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2022, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
// #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include "MultifileBlobCache.h"
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <limits>
#include <locale>
#include <utils/JenkinsHash.h>
using namespace std::literals;
constexpr uint32_t kMultifileMagic = 'MFB$';
constexpr uint32_t kCrcPlaceholder = 0;
namespace {
// Helper function to close entries or free them
void freeHotCacheEntry(android::MultifileHotCache& entry) {
if (entry.entryFd != -1) {
// If we have an fd, then this entry was added to hot cache via INIT or GET
// We need to unmap the entry
munmap(entry.entryBuffer, entry.entrySize);
} else {
// Otherwise, this was added to hot cache during SET, so it was never mapped
// and fd was only on the deferred thread.
delete[] entry.entryBuffer;
} // namespace
namespace android {
MultifileBlobCache::MultifileBlobCache(size_t maxKeySize, size_t maxValueSize, size_t maxTotalSize,
size_t maxTotalEntries, const std::string& baseDir)
: mInitialized(false),
mWorkerThreadIdle(true) {
if (baseDir.empty()) {
ALOGV("INIT: no baseDir provided in MultifileBlobCache constructor, returning early.");
// Set the cache version, override if debug value set
mCacheVersion = kMultifileBlobCacheVersion;
int debugCacheVersion = base::GetIntProperty("debug.egl.blobcache.cache_version", -1);
if (debugCacheVersion >= 0) {
ALOGV("INIT: Using %u as cacheVersion instead of %u", debugCacheVersion, mCacheVersion);
mCacheVersion = debugCacheVersion;
// Set the platform build ID, override if debug value set
mBuildId = base::GetProperty("", "");
std::string debugBuildId = base::GetProperty("debug.egl.blobcache.build_id", "");
if (!debugBuildId.empty()) {
ALOGV("INIT: Using %s as buildId instead of %s", debugBuildId.c_str(), mBuildId.c_str());
if (debugBuildId.length() > PROP_VALUE_MAX) {
ALOGV("INIT: debugBuildId is too long (%zu), reduce it to %u", debugBuildId.length(),
mBuildId = debugBuildId;
// Establish the name of our multifile directory
mMultifileDirName = baseDir + ".multifile";
// Set the hotcache limit to be large enough to contain one max entry
// This ensure the hot cache is always large enough for single entry
mHotCacheLimit = mMaxKeySize + mMaxValueSize + sizeof(MultifileHeader);
ALOGV("INIT: Initializing multifile blobcache with maxKeySize=%zu and maxValueSize=%zu",
mMaxKeySize, mMaxValueSize);
// Initialize our cache with the contents of the directory
mTotalCacheSize = 0;
// Create the worker thread
mTaskThread = std::thread(&MultifileBlobCache::processTasks, this);
// See if the dir exists, and initialize using its contents
bool statusGood = false;
// Check that our cacheVersion and buildId match
struct stat st;
if (stat(mMultifileDirName.c_str(), &st) == 0) {
if (checkStatus(mMultifileDirName.c_str())) {
statusGood = true;
} else {
ALOGV("INIT: Cache status has changed, clearing the cache");
if (!clearCache()) {
ALOGE("INIT: Unable to clear cache");
if (statusGood) {
// Read all the files and gather details, then preload their contents
DIR* dir;
struct dirent* entry;
if ((dir = opendir(mMultifileDirName.c_str())) != nullptr) {
while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != nullptr) {
if (entry->d_name == "."s || entry->d_name == ".."s ||
strcmp(entry->d_name, kMultifileBlobCacheStatusFile) == 0) {
std::string entryName = entry->d_name;
std::string fullPath = mMultifileDirName + "/" + entryName;
// The filename is the same as the entryHash
uint32_t entryHash = static_cast<uint32_t>(strtoul(entry->d_name, nullptr, 10));
ALOGV("INIT: Checking entry %u", entryHash);
// Look up the details of the file
struct stat st;
if (stat(fullPath.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
ALOGE("Failed to stat %s", fullPath.c_str());
// If the cache entry is damaged or no good, remove it
if (st.st_size <= 0 || st.st_atime <= 0) {
ALOGE("INIT: Entry %u has invalid stats! Removing.", entryHash);
if (remove(fullPath.c_str()) != 0) {
ALOGE("INIT: Error removing %s: %s", fullPath.c_str(),
// Open the file so we can read its header
int fd = open(fullPath.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
ALOGE("Cache error - failed to open fullPath: %s, error: %s", fullPath.c_str(),
// Read the beginning of the file to get header
MultifileHeader header;
size_t result = read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&header), sizeof(MultifileHeader));
if (result != sizeof(MultifileHeader)) {
ALOGE("INIT: Error reading MultifileHeader from cache entry (%s): %s",
fullPath.c_str(), std::strerror(errno));
// Verify header magic
if (header.magic != kMultifileMagic) {
ALOGE("INIT: Entry %u has bad magic (%u)! Removing.", entryHash, header.magic);
if (remove(fullPath.c_str()) != 0) {
ALOGE("INIT: Error removing %s: %s", fullPath.c_str(),
// Note: Converting from off_t (signed) to size_t (unsigned)
size_t fileSize = static_cast<size_t>(st.st_size);
// Memory map the file
uint8_t* mappedEntry = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
mmap(nullptr, fileSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0));
// We can close the file now and the mmap will remain
if (mappedEntry == MAP_FAILED) {
ALOGE("Failed to mmap cacheEntry, error: %s", std::strerror(errno));
// Ensure we have a good CRC
if (header.crc !=
crc32c(mappedEntry + sizeof(MultifileHeader),
fileSize - sizeof(MultifileHeader))) {
ALOGV("INIT: Entry %u failed CRC check! Removing.", entryHash);
if (remove(fullPath.c_str()) != 0) {
ALOGE("Error removing %s: %s", fullPath.c_str(), std::strerror(errno));
// If the cache entry is damaged or no good, remove it
if (header.keySize <= 0 || header.valueSize <= 0) {
ALOGV("INIT: Entry %u has a bad header keySize (%lu) or valueSize (%lu), "
entryHash, header.keySize, header.valueSize);
if (remove(fullPath.c_str()) != 0) {
ALOGE("INIT: Error removing %s: %s", fullPath.c_str(),
ALOGV("INIT: Entry %u is good, tracking it now.", entryHash);
// Track details for rapid lookup later
trackEntry(entryHash, header.valueSize, fileSize, st.st_atime);
// Track the total size
// Preload the entry for fast retrieval
if ((mHotCacheSize + fileSize) < mHotCacheLimit) {
ALOGV("INIT: Populating hot cache with fd = %i, cacheEntry = %p for "
"entryHash %u",
fd, mappedEntry, entryHash);
// Track the details of the preload so they can be retrieved later
if (!addToHotCache(entryHash, fd, mappedEntry, fileSize)) {
ALOGE("INIT Failed to add %u to hot cache", entryHash);
munmap(mappedEntry, fileSize);
} else {
// If we're not keeping it in hot cache, unmap it now
munmap(mappedEntry, fileSize);
} else {
ALOGE("Unable to open filename: %s", mMultifileDirName.c_str());
} else {
// If the multifile directory does not exist, create it and start from scratch
if (mkdir(mMultifileDirName.c_str(), 0755) != 0 && (errno != EEXIST)) {
ALOGE("Unable to create directory (%s), errno (%i)", mMultifileDirName.c_str(), errno);
// Create new status file
if (!createStatus(mMultifileDirName.c_str())) {
ALOGE("INIT: Failed to create status file!");
ALOGV("INIT: Multifile BlobCache initialization succeeded");
mInitialized = true;
MultifileBlobCache::~MultifileBlobCache() {
if (!mInitialized) {
// Inform the worker thread we're done
ALOGV("DESCTRUCTOR: Shutting down worker thread");
DeferredTask task(TaskCommand::Exit);
// Wait for it to complete
ALOGV("DESCTRUCTOR: Waiting for worker thread to complete");
if (mTaskThread.joinable()) {
// Set will add the entry to hot cache and start a deferred process to write it to disk
void MultifileBlobCache::set(const void* key, EGLsizeiANDROID keySize, const void* value,
EGLsizeiANDROID valueSize) {
if (!mInitialized) {
// Ensure key and value are under their limits
if (keySize > mMaxKeySize || valueSize > mMaxValueSize) {
ALOGW("SET: keySize (%lu vs %zu) or valueSize (%lu vs %zu) too large", keySize, mMaxKeySize,
valueSize, mMaxValueSize);
// Generate a hash of the key and use it to track this entry
uint32_t entryHash = android::JenkinsHashMixBytes(0, static_cast<const uint8_t*>(key), keySize);
size_t fileSize = sizeof(MultifileHeader) + keySize + valueSize;
// If we're going to be over the cache limit, kick off a trim to clear space
if (getTotalSize() + fileSize > mMaxTotalSize || getTotalEntries() + 1 > mMaxTotalEntries) {
ALOGV("SET: Cache is full, calling trimCache to clear space");
ALOGV("SET: Add %u to cache", entryHash);
uint8_t* buffer = new uint8_t[fileSize];
// Write placeholders for magic and CRC until deferred thread completes the write
android::MultifileHeader header = {kMultifileMagic, kCrcPlaceholder, keySize, valueSize};
memcpy(static_cast<void*>(buffer), static_cast<const void*>(&header),
// Write the key and value after the header
memcpy(static_cast<void*>(buffer + sizeof(MultifileHeader)), static_cast<const void*>(key),
memcpy(static_cast<void*>(buffer + sizeof(MultifileHeader) + keySize),
static_cast<const void*>(value), valueSize);
std::string fullPath = mMultifileDirName + "/" + std::to_string(entryHash);
// Track the size and access time for quick recall
trackEntry(entryHash, valueSize, fileSize, time(0));
// Update the overall cache size
// Keep the entry in hot cache for quick retrieval
ALOGV("SET: Adding %u to hot cache.", entryHash);
// Sending -1 as the fd indicates we don't have an fd for this
if (!addToHotCache(entryHash, -1, buffer, fileSize)) {
ALOGE("SET: Failed to add %u to hot cache", entryHash);
delete[] buffer;
// Track that we're creating a pending write for this entry
// Include the buffer to handle the case when multiple writes are pending for an entry
// Synchronize access to deferred write status
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mDeferredWriteStatusMutex);
mDeferredWrites.insert(std::make_pair(entryHash, buffer));
// Create deferred task to write to storage
ALOGV("SET: Adding task to queue.");
DeferredTask task(TaskCommand::WriteToDisk);
task.initWriteToDisk(entryHash, fullPath, buffer, fileSize);
// Get will check the hot cache, then load it from disk if needed
EGLsizeiANDROID MultifileBlobCache::get(const void* key, EGLsizeiANDROID keySize, void* value,
EGLsizeiANDROID valueSize) {
if (!mInitialized) {
return 0;
// Ensure key and value are under their limits
if (keySize > mMaxKeySize || valueSize > mMaxValueSize) {
ALOGW("GET: keySize (%lu vs %zu) or valueSize (%lu vs %zu) too large", keySize, mMaxKeySize,
valueSize, mMaxValueSize);
return 0;
// Generate a hash of the key and use it to track this entry
uint32_t entryHash = android::JenkinsHashMixBytes(0, static_cast<const uint8_t*>(key), keySize);
// See if we have this file
if (!contains(entryHash)) {
ALOGV("GET: Cache MISS - cache does not contain entry: %u", entryHash);
return 0;
// Look up the data for this entry
MultifileEntryStats entryStats = getEntryStats(entryHash);
size_t cachedValueSize = entryStats.valueSize;
if (cachedValueSize > valueSize) {
ALOGV("GET: Cache MISS - valueSize not large enough (%lu) for entry %u, returning required"
"size (%zu)",
valueSize, entryHash, cachedValueSize);
return cachedValueSize;
// We have the file and have enough room to write it out, return the entry
ALOGV("GET: Cache HIT - cache contains entry: %u", entryHash);
// Look up the size of the file
size_t fileSize = entryStats.fileSize;
if (keySize > fileSize) {
ALOGW("keySize (%lu) is larger than entrySize (%zu). This is a hash collision or modified "
keySize, fileSize);
return 0;
std::string fullPath = mMultifileDirName + "/" + std::to_string(entryHash);
// Open the hashed filename path
uint8_t* cacheEntry = 0;
// Check hot cache
if (mHotCache.find(entryHash) != mHotCache.end()) {
ALOGV("GET: HotCache HIT for entry %u", entryHash);
cacheEntry = mHotCache[entryHash].entryBuffer;
} else {
ALOGV("GET: HotCache MISS for entry: %u", entryHash);
// Wait for writes to complete if there is an outstanding write for this entry
bool wait = false;
// Synchronize access to deferred write status
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mDeferredWriteStatusMutex);
wait = mDeferredWrites.find(entryHash) != mDeferredWrites.end();
if (wait) {
ALOGV("GET: Waiting for write to complete for %u", entryHash);
// Open the entry file
int fd = open(fullPath.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
ALOGE("Cache error - failed to open fullPath: %s, error: %s", fullPath.c_str(),
return 0;
// Memory map the file
cacheEntry =
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mmap(nullptr, fileSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0));
// We can close the file now and the mmap will remain
if (cacheEntry == MAP_FAILED) {
ALOGE("Failed to mmap cacheEntry, error: %s", std::strerror(errno));
return 0;
ALOGV("GET: Adding %u to hot cache", entryHash);
if (!addToHotCache(entryHash, fd, cacheEntry, fileSize)) {
ALOGE("GET: Failed to add %u to hot cache", entryHash);
return 0;
cacheEntry = mHotCache[entryHash].entryBuffer;
// Ensure the header matches
MultifileHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<MultifileHeader*>(cacheEntry);
if (header->keySize != keySize || header->valueSize != valueSize) {
ALOGW("Mismatch on keySize(%ld vs. cached %ld) or valueSize(%ld vs. cached %ld) compared "
"to cache header values for fullPath: %s",
keySize, header->keySize, valueSize, header->valueSize, fullPath.c_str());
return 0;
// Compare the incoming key with our stored version (the beginning of the entry)
uint8_t* cachedKey = cacheEntry + sizeof(MultifileHeader);
int compare = memcmp(cachedKey, key, keySize);
if (compare != 0) {
ALOGW("Cached key and new key do not match! This is a hash collision or modified file");
return 0;
// Remaining entry following the key is the value
uint8_t* cachedValue = cacheEntry + (keySize + sizeof(MultifileHeader));
memcpy(value, cachedValue, cachedValueSize);
return cachedValueSize;
void MultifileBlobCache::finish() {
if (!mInitialized) {
// Wait for all deferred writes to complete
ALOGV("FINISH: Waiting for work to complete.");
// Close all entries in the hot cache
for (auto hotCacheIter = mHotCache.begin(); hotCacheIter != mHotCache.end();) {
uint32_t entryHash = hotCacheIter->first;
MultifileHotCache entry = hotCacheIter->second;
ALOGV("FINISH: Closing hot cache entry for %u", entryHash);
bool MultifileBlobCache::createStatus(const std::string& baseDir) {
// Populate the status struct
struct MultifileStatus status;
memset(&status, 0, sizeof(status));
status.magic = kMultifileMagic;
status.cacheVersion = mCacheVersion;
// Copy the buildId string in, up to our allocated space
strncpy(status.buildId, mBuildId.c_str(),
mBuildId.length() > PROP_VALUE_MAX ? PROP_VALUE_MAX : mBuildId.length());
// Finally update the crc, using cacheVersion and everything the follows
status.crc =
crc32c(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&status) + offsetof(MultifileStatus, cacheVersion),
sizeof(status) - offsetof(MultifileStatus, cacheVersion));
// Create the status file
std::string cacheStatus = baseDir + "/" + kMultifileBlobCacheStatusFile;
int fd = open(cacheStatus.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
if (fd == -1) {
ALOGE("STATUS(CREATE): Unable to create status file: %s, error: %s", cacheStatus.c_str(),
return false;
// Write the buffer contents to disk
ssize_t result = write(fd, &status, sizeof(status));
if (result != sizeof(status)) {
ALOGE("STATUS(CREATE): Error writing cache status file: %s, error %s", cacheStatus.c_str(),
return false;
ALOGV("STATUS(CREATE): Created status file: %s", cacheStatus.c_str());
return true;
bool MultifileBlobCache::checkStatus(const std::string& baseDir) {
std::string cacheStatus = baseDir + "/" + kMultifileBlobCacheStatusFile;
// Does status exist
struct stat st;
if (stat(cacheStatus.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
ALOGV("STATUS(CHECK): Status file (%s) missing", cacheStatus.c_str());
return false;
// If the status entry is damaged or no good, remove it
if (st.st_size <= 0 || st.st_atime <= 0) {
ALOGE("STATUS(CHECK): Cache status has invalid stats!");
return false;
// Open the file so we can read its header
int fd = open(cacheStatus.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
ALOGE("STATUS(CHECK): Cache error - failed to open cacheStatus: %s, error: %s",
cacheStatus.c_str(), std::strerror(errno));
return false;
// Read in the status header
MultifileStatus status;
size_t result = read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&status), sizeof(MultifileStatus));
if (result != sizeof(MultifileStatus)) {
ALOGE("STATUS(CHECK): Error reading cache status (%s): %s", cacheStatus.c_str(),
return false;
// Verify header magic
if (status.magic != kMultifileMagic) {
ALOGE("STATUS(CHECK): Cache status has bad magic (%u)!", status.magic);
return false;
// Ensure we have a good CRC
if (status.crc !=
crc32c(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&status) + offsetof(MultifileStatus, cacheVersion),
sizeof(status) - offsetof(MultifileStatus, cacheVersion))) {
ALOGE("STATUS(CHECK): Cache status failed CRC check!");
return false;
// Check cacheVersion
if (status.cacheVersion != mCacheVersion) {
ALOGV("STATUS(CHECK): Cache version has changed! old(%u) new(%u)", status.cacheVersion,
return false;
// Check buildId
if (strcmp(status.buildId, mBuildId.c_str()) != 0) {
ALOGV("STATUS(CHECK): BuildId has changed! old(%s) new(%s)", status.buildId,
return false;
// All checks passed!
ALOGV("STATUS(CHECK): Status file is good! cacheVersion(%u), buildId(%s) file(%s)",
status.cacheVersion, status.buildId, cacheStatus.c_str());
return true;
void MultifileBlobCache::trackEntry(uint32_t entryHash, EGLsizeiANDROID valueSize, size_t fileSize,
time_t accessTime) {
mEntryStats[entryHash] = {valueSize, fileSize, accessTime};
bool MultifileBlobCache::contains(uint32_t hashEntry) const {
return mEntries.find(hashEntry) != mEntries.end();
MultifileEntryStats MultifileBlobCache::getEntryStats(uint32_t entryHash) {
return mEntryStats[entryHash];
void MultifileBlobCache::increaseTotalCacheSize(size_t fileSize) {
mTotalCacheSize += fileSize;
void MultifileBlobCache::decreaseTotalCacheSize(size_t fileSize) {
mTotalCacheSize -= fileSize;
bool MultifileBlobCache::addToHotCache(uint32_t newEntryHash, int newFd, uint8_t* newEntryBuffer,
size_t newEntrySize) {
ALOGV("HOTCACHE(ADD): Adding %u to hot cache", newEntryHash);
// Clear space if we need to
if ((mHotCacheSize + newEntrySize) > mHotCacheLimit) {
ALOGV("HOTCACHE(ADD): mHotCacheSize (%zu) + newEntrySize (%zu) is to big for "
"mHotCacheLimit "
"(%zu), freeing up space for %u",
mHotCacheSize, newEntrySize, mHotCacheLimit, newEntryHash);
// Wait for all the files to complete writing so our hot cache is accurate
ALOGV("HOTCACHE(ADD): Waiting for work to complete for %u", newEntryHash);
// Free up old entries until under the limit
for (auto hotCacheIter = mHotCache.begin(); hotCacheIter != mHotCache.end();) {
uint32_t oldEntryHash = hotCacheIter->first;
MultifileHotCache oldEntry = hotCacheIter->second;
// Move our iterator before deleting the entry
if (!removeFromHotCache(oldEntryHash)) {
ALOGE("HOTCACHE(ADD): Unable to remove entry %u", oldEntryHash);
return false;
// Clear at least half the hot cache
if ((mHotCacheSize + newEntrySize) <= mHotCacheLimit / 2) {
ALOGV("HOTCACHE(ADD): Freed enough space for %zu", mHotCacheSize);
// Track it
mHotCache[newEntryHash] = {newFd, newEntryBuffer, newEntrySize};
mHotCacheSize += newEntrySize;
ALOGV("HOTCACHE(ADD): New hot cache size: %zu", mHotCacheSize);
return true;
bool MultifileBlobCache::removeFromHotCache(uint32_t entryHash) {
if (mHotCache.find(entryHash) != mHotCache.end()) {
ALOGV("HOTCACHE(REMOVE): Removing %u from hot cache", entryHash);
// Wait for all the files to complete writing so our hot cache is accurate
ALOGV("HOTCACHE(REMOVE): Waiting for work to complete for %u", entryHash);
ALOGV("HOTCACHE(REMOVE): Closing hot cache entry for %u", entryHash);
MultifileHotCache entry = mHotCache[entryHash];
// Delete the entry from our tracking
mHotCacheSize -= entry.entrySize;
return true;
return false;
bool MultifileBlobCache::applyLRU(size_t cacheSizeLimit, size_t cacheEntryLimit) {
// Walk through our map of sorted last access times and remove files until under the limit
for (auto cacheEntryIter = mEntryStats.begin(); cacheEntryIter != mEntryStats.end();) {
uint32_t entryHash = cacheEntryIter->first;
ALOGV("LRU: Removing entryHash %u", entryHash);
// Track the overall size
MultifileEntryStats entryStats = getEntryStats(entryHash);
// Remove it from hot cache if present
// Remove it from the system
std::string entryPath = mMultifileDirName + "/" + std::to_string(entryHash);
if (remove(entryPath.c_str()) != 0) {
ALOGE("LRU: Error removing %s: %s", entryPath.c_str(), std::strerror(errno));
return false;
// Increment the iterator before clearing the entry
// Delete the entry from our tracking
size_t count = mEntryStats.erase(entryHash);
if (count != 1) {
ALOGE("LRU: Failed to remove entryHash (%u) from mEntryStats", entryHash);
return false;
// See if it has been reduced enough
size_t totalCacheSize = getTotalSize();
size_t totalCacheEntries = getTotalEntries();
if (totalCacheSize <= cacheSizeLimit && totalCacheEntries <= cacheEntryLimit) {
// Success
ALOGV("LRU: Reduced cache to size %zu entries %zu", totalCacheSize, totalCacheEntries);
return true;
ALOGV("LRU: Cache is empty");
return false;
// Clear the cache by removing all entries and deleting the directory
bool MultifileBlobCache::clearCache() {
DIR* dir;
struct dirent* entry;
dir = opendir(mMultifileDirName.c_str());
if (dir == nullptr) {
ALOGE("CLEAR: Unable to open multifile dir: %s", mMultifileDirName.c_str());
return false;
// Delete all entries and the status file
while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != nullptr) {
if (entry->d_name == "."s || entry->d_name == ".."s) {
std::string entryName = entry->d_name;
std::string fullPath = mMultifileDirName + "/" + entryName;
if (remove(fullPath.c_str()) != 0) {
ALOGE("CLEAR: Error removing %s: %s", fullPath.c_str(), std::strerror(errno));
return false;
// Delete the directory
if (remove(mMultifileDirName.c_str()) != 0) {
ALOGE("CLEAR: Error removing %s: %s", mMultifileDirName.c_str(), std::strerror(errno));
return false;
ALOGV("CLEAR: Cleared the multifile blobcache");
return true;
// When removing files, what fraction of the overall limit should be reached when removing files
// A divisor of two will decrease the cache to 50%, four to 25% and so on
// We use the same limit to manage size and entry count
constexpr uint32_t kCacheLimitDivisor = 2;
// Calculate the cache size and remove old entries until under the limit
void MultifileBlobCache::trimCache() {
// Wait for all deferred writes to complete
ALOGV("TRIM: Waiting for work to complete.");
ALOGV("TRIM: Reducing multifile cache size to %zu, entries %zu",
mMaxTotalSize / kCacheLimitDivisor, mMaxTotalEntries / kCacheLimitDivisor);
if (!applyLRU(mMaxTotalSize / kCacheLimitDivisor, mMaxTotalEntries / kCacheLimitDivisor)) {
ALOGE("Error when clearing multifile shader cache");
// This function performs a task. It only knows how to write files to disk,
// but it could be expanded if needed.
void MultifileBlobCache::processTask(DeferredTask& task) {
switch (task.getTaskCommand()) {
case TaskCommand::Exit: {
ALOGV("DEFERRED: Shutting down");
case TaskCommand::WriteToDisk: {
uint32_t entryHash = task.getEntryHash();
std::string& fullPath = task.getFullPath();
uint8_t* buffer = task.getBuffer();
size_t bufferSize = task.getBufferSize();
// Create the file or reset it if already present, read+write for user only
int fd = open(fullPath.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
if (fd == -1) {
ALOGE("Cache error in SET - failed to open fullPath: %s, error: %s",
fullPath.c_str(), std::strerror(errno));
ALOGV("DEFERRED: Opened fd %i from %s", fd, fullPath.c_str());
// Add CRC check to the header (always do this last!)
MultifileHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<MultifileHeader*>(buffer);
header->crc =
crc32c(buffer + sizeof(MultifileHeader), bufferSize - sizeof(MultifileHeader));
ssize_t result = write(fd, buffer, bufferSize);
if (result != bufferSize) {
ALOGE("Error writing fileSize to cache entry (%s): %s", fullPath.c_str(),
ALOGV("DEFERRED: Completed write for: %s", fullPath.c_str());
// Erase the entry from mDeferredWrites
// Since there could be multiple outstanding writes for an entry, find the matching one
// Synchronize access to deferred write status
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mDeferredWriteStatusMutex);
typedef std::multimap<uint32_t, uint8_t*>::iterator entryIter;
std::pair<entryIter, entryIter> iterPair = mDeferredWrites.equal_range(entryHash);
for (entryIter it = iterPair.first; it != iterPair.second; ++it) {
if (it->second == buffer) {
ALOGV("DEFERRED: Marking write complete for %u at %p", it->first,
default: {
ALOGE("DEFERRED: Unhandled task type");
// This function will wait until tasks arrive, then execute them
// If the exit command is submitted, the loop will terminate
void MultifileBlobCache::processTasksImpl(bool* exitThread) {
while (true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mWorkerMutex);
if (mTasks.empty()) {
ALOGV("WORKER: No tasks available, waiting");
mWorkerThreadIdle = true;
// Only wake if notified and command queue is not empty
mWorkAvailableCondition.wait(lock, [this] { return !mTasks.empty(); });
ALOGV("WORKER: Task available, waking up.");
mWorkerThreadIdle = false;
DeferredTask task = std::move(mTasks.front());
if (task.getTaskCommand() == TaskCommand::Exit) {
ALOGV("WORKER: Exiting work loop.");
*exitThread = true;
mWorkerThreadIdle = true;
// Process tasks until the exit task is submitted
void MultifileBlobCache::processTasks() {
while (true) {
bool exitThread = false;
if (exitThread) {
// Add a task to the queue to be processed by the worker thread
void MultifileBlobCache::queueTask(DeferredTask&& task) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> queueLock(mWorkerMutex);
// Wait until all tasks have been completed
void MultifileBlobCache::waitForWorkComplete() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mWorkerMutex);
mWorkerIdleCondition.wait(lock, [this] { return (mTasks.empty() && mWorkerThreadIdle); });
}; // namespace android