Rename hwc-specific methods and properties for readability

In hint session timing code, "present" is used to refer to:

1) The CompositionEngine present method called in SF
2) The present method in Output called separately per-display
3) The present call made to the actual vendor HWC
4) The place where the frame actually starts to display on the screen
   eg: expectedPresentTime

The distinctions is important in a timing context because they behave
differently and happen at different points in the frame, but they are
currently referred to interchangeably. This patch aims to remove some
of that ambiguity by prefixing hwc-specific methods + properties with
"hwc" as well as making fence naming more specific.

Bug: b/195990840
Test: atest libsurfaceflinger_unittest:libsurfaceflinger_unittest.AidlPowerHalWrapperTest
Change-Id: I138e197431a5f1af05031e1180483433009c333d
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/PowerAdvisor.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/PowerAdvisor.cpp
index 4c0a942..f844845 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/PowerAdvisor.cpp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/PowerAdvisor.cpp
@@ -287,18 +287,18 @@
     displayData.gpuStartTime = systemTime();
-void PowerAdvisor::setValidateTiming(DisplayId displayId, nsecs_t validateStartTime,
-                                     nsecs_t validateEndTime) {
+void PowerAdvisor::setHwcValidateTiming(DisplayId displayId, nsecs_t validateStartTime,
+                                        nsecs_t validateEndTime) {
     DisplayTimingData& displayData = mDisplayTimingData[displayId];
-    displayData.validateStartTime = validateStartTime;
-    displayData.validateEndTime = validateEndTime;
+    displayData.hwcValidateStartTime = validateStartTime;
+    displayData.hwcValidateEndTime = validateEndTime;
-void PowerAdvisor::setPresentTiming(DisplayId displayId, nsecs_t presentStartTime,
-                                    nsecs_t presentEndTime) {
+void PowerAdvisor::setHwcPresentTiming(DisplayId displayId, nsecs_t presentStartTime,
+                                       nsecs_t presentEndTime) {
     DisplayTimingData& displayData = mDisplayTimingData[displayId];
-    displayData.presentStartTime = presentStartTime;
-    displayData.presentEndTime = presentEndTime;
+    displayData.hwcPresentStartTime = presentStartTime;
+    displayData.hwcPresentEndTime = presentEndTime;
 void PowerAdvisor::setSkippedValidate(DisplayId displayId, bool skipped) {
@@ -318,9 +318,9 @@
     mFrameDelayDuration = frameDelayDuration;
-void PowerAdvisor::setPresentDelayedTime(
+void PowerAdvisor::setHwcPresentDelayedTime(
         DisplayId displayId, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point earliestFrameStartTime) {
-    mDisplayTimingData[displayId].presentDelayedTime =
+    mDisplayTimingData[displayId].hwcPresentDelayedTime =
             (earliestFrameStartTime - std::chrono::steady_clock::now()).count() + systemTime();
@@ -331,10 +331,11 @@
 void PowerAdvisor::setCompositeEnd(nsecs_t compositeEnd) {
     mLastCompositeEndTime = compositeEnd;
     // calculate the postcomp time here as well
-    std::vector<DisplayId>&& displays = getOrderedDisplayIds(&DisplayTimingData::presentEndTime);
+    std::vector<DisplayId>&& displays = getOrderedDisplayIds(&DisplayTimingData::hwcPresentEndTime);
     DisplayTimingData& timingData = mDisplayTimingData[displays.back()];
     mLastPostcompDuration = compositeEnd -
-            (timingData.skippedValidate ? *timingData.validateEndTime : *timingData.presentEndTime);
+            (timingData.skippedValidate ? *timingData.hwcValidateEndTime
+                                        : *timingData.hwcPresentEndTime);
 void PowerAdvisor::setDisplays(std::vector<DisplayId>& displayIds) {
@@ -390,7 +391,7 @@
     // The timing info for the previously calculated display, if there was one
     std::optional<DisplayTimeline> previousDisplayReferenceTiming;
     std::vector<DisplayId>&& displayIds =
-            getOrderedDisplayIds(&DisplayTimingData::presentStartTime);
+            getOrderedDisplayIds(&DisplayTimingData::hwcPresentStartTime);
     DisplayTimeline referenceTiming, estimatedTiming;
     // Iterate over the displays in the same order they are presented
@@ -402,27 +403,26 @@
         auto& displayData =;
         referenceTiming = displayData.calculateDisplayTimeline(referenceFenceTime);
-        // If this is the first display, add the pre-present time to the total
+        // If this is the first display, include the duration before hwc present starts
         if (!previousDisplayReferenceTiming.has_value()) {
-            estimatedEndTime += referenceTiming.prePresentTime - referenceFrameStartTime;
-        } else { // Otherwise add last display's postprocessing time to the total
-            estimatedEndTime += referenceTiming.prePresentTime -
-                    previousDisplayReferenceTiming->postPresentTime;
+            estimatedEndTime += referenceTiming.hwcPresentStartTime - referenceFrameStartTime;
+        } else { // Otherwise add the time since last display's hwc present finished
+            estimatedEndTime += referenceTiming.hwcPresentStartTime -
+                    previousDisplayReferenceTiming->hwcPresentEndTime;
         estimatedTiming = referenceTiming.estimateTimelineFromReference(mExpectedPresentTimes[-1],
         // Update predicted present finish time with this display's present time
-        estimatedEndTime = estimatedTiming.postPresentTime;
+        estimatedEndTime = estimatedTiming.hwcPresentEndTime;
         // Track how long we spent waiting for the fence, can be excluded from the timing estimate
-        idleDuration += estimatedTiming.probablyWaitsForFence
-                ? mExpectedPresentTimes[-1] - estimatedTiming.preFenceWaitTime
+        idleDuration += estimatedTiming.probablyWaitsForReleaseFence
+                ? mExpectedPresentTimes[-1] - estimatedTiming.releaseFenceWaitStartTime
                 : 0;
         // Track how long we spent waiting to present, can be excluded from the timing estimate
-        idleDuration +=
-                !earlyHint ? referenceTiming.presentStartTime - referenceTiming.prePresentTime : 0;
+        idleDuration += earlyHint ? 0 : referenceTiming.hwcPresentDelayDuration;
         // Estimate the reference frame's gpu timing
         auto gpuTiming = displayData.estimateGpuTiming(previousValidGpuEndTime);
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
             // Estimate the prediction frame's gpu end time from the reference frame
             estimatedGpuEndTime =
-                    std::max(estimatedTiming.prePresentTime, estimatedGpuEndTime.value_or(0)) +
+                    std::max(estimatedTiming.hwcPresentStartTime, estimatedGpuEndTime.value_or(0)) +
         previousDisplayReferenceTiming = referenceTiming;
@@ -470,48 +470,55 @@
 PowerAdvisor::DisplayTimeline PowerAdvisor::DisplayTimeline::estimateTimelineFromReference(
         nsecs_t fenceTime, nsecs_t displayStartTime) {
     DisplayTimeline estimated;
-    estimated.prePresentTime = displayStartTime;
+    estimated.hwcPresentStartTime = displayStartTime;
     // We don't predict waiting for vsync alignment yet
-    estimated.presentStartTime = estimated.prePresentTime;
+    estimated.hwcPresentDelayDuration = 0;
     // For now just re-use last frame's post-present duration and assume it will not change much
     // How long we expect to run before we start waiting for the fence
-    estimated.preFenceWaitTime = estimated.presentStartTime + (preFenceWaitTime - presentStartTime);
-    estimated.probablyWaitsForFence = fenceTime > estimated.preFenceWaitTime;
-    estimated.postPresentTime = postFenceDuration +
-            (estimated.probablyWaitsForFence ? fenceTime : estimated.preFenceWaitTime);
+    // If it's the early hint we exclude time we spent waiting for a vsync, otherwise don't
+    estimated.releaseFenceWaitStartTime = estimated.hwcPresentStartTime +
+            (releaseFenceWaitStartTime - (hwcPresentStartTime + hwcPresentDelayDuration));
+    estimated.probablyWaitsForReleaseFence = fenceTime > estimated.releaseFenceWaitStartTime;
+    estimated.hwcPresentEndTime = postReleaseFenceHwcPresentDuration +
+            (estimated.probablyWaitsForReleaseFence ? fenceTime
+                                                    : estimated.releaseFenceWaitStartTime);
     return estimated;
 PowerAdvisor::DisplayTimeline PowerAdvisor::DisplayTimingData::calculateDisplayTimeline(
         nsecs_t fenceTime) {
     DisplayTimeline timeline;
-    // How long between calling present from flinger and trying to wait on the fence in HWC
-    const nsecs_t preFenceWaitDelay =
-            (skippedValidate ? kPrefenceDelaySkippedValidate : kPrefenceDelayValidated).count();
+    // How long between calling hwc present and trying to wait on the fence
+    const nsecs_t fenceWaitStartDelay =
+            (skippedValidate ? kFenceWaitStartDelaySkippedValidate : kFenceWaitStartDelayValidated)
+                    .count();
-    // Did our reference frame wait for an earliest present time before calling the HWC
-    const bool waitedOnPresentTime = presentDelayedTime.has_value() &&
-            *presentDelayedTime > *presentStartTime && *presentDelayedTime < *presentEndTime;
+    // Did our reference frame wait for an appropriate vsync before calling into hwc
+    const bool waitedOnHwcPresentTime = hwcPresentDelayedTime.has_value() &&
+            *hwcPresentDelayedTime > *hwcPresentStartTime &&
+            *hwcPresentDelayedTime < *hwcPresentEndTime;
     // Use validate start here if we skipped it because we did validate + present together
-    timeline.prePresentTime = skippedValidate ? *validateStartTime : *presentStartTime;
+    timeline.hwcPresentStartTime = skippedValidate ? *hwcValidateStartTime : *hwcPresentStartTime;
     // Use validate end here if we skipped it because we did validate + present together
-    timeline.postPresentTime = skippedValidate ? *validateEndTime : *presentEndTime;
+    timeline.hwcPresentEndTime = skippedValidate ? *hwcValidateEndTime : *hwcPresentEndTime;
-    // When we think we started waiting for the fence after calling into present
-    // This is after any time spent waiting for the earliest present time
-    timeline.presentStartTime =
-            (waitedOnPresentTime ? *presentDelayedTime : timeline.prePresentTime);
-    timeline.preFenceWaitTime = timeline.presentStartTime + preFenceWaitDelay;
-    timeline.probablyWaitsForFence =
-            fenceTime > timeline.preFenceWaitTime && fenceTime < timeline.postPresentTime;
+    // How long hwc present was delayed waiting for the next appropriate vsync
+    timeline.hwcPresentDelayDuration =
+            (waitedOnHwcPresentTime ? *hwcPresentDelayedTime - *hwcPresentStartTime : 0);
+    // When we started waiting for the release fence after calling into hwc present
+    timeline.releaseFenceWaitStartTime =
+            timeline.hwcPresentStartTime + timeline.hwcPresentDelayDuration + fenceWaitStartDelay;
+    timeline.probablyWaitsForReleaseFence = fenceTime > timeline.releaseFenceWaitStartTime &&
+            fenceTime < timeline.hwcPresentEndTime;
-    // How long we ran after we finished waiting for the fence but before present happened
-    timeline.postFenceDuration = timeline.postPresentTime -
-            (timeline.probablyWaitsForFence ? fenceTime : timeline.preFenceWaitTime);
+    // How long we ran after we finished waiting for the fence but before hwc present finished
+    timeline.postReleaseFenceHwcPresentDuration = timeline.hwcPresentEndTime -
+            (timeline.probablyWaitsForReleaseFence ? fenceTime
+                                                   : timeline.releaseFenceWaitStartTime);
     return timeline;