blob: 248756b51f2e473eb40b3611287477d115ddd1ef [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef AAPT_IO_FILE_H
#define AAPT_IO_FILE_H
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "android-base/macros.h"
#include "androidfw/Source.h"
#include "io/Data.h"
#include "util/Files.h"
#include "util/Util.h"
namespace aapt {
namespace io {
// Interface for a file, which could be a real file on the file system, or a
// file inside a ZIP archive.
class IFile {
virtual ~IFile() = default;
// Open the file and return it as a block of contiguous memory. How this
// occurs is implementation dependent. For example, if this is a file on the file
// system, it may simply mmap the contents. If this file represents a compressed file in a
// ZIP archive, it may need to inflate it to memory, incurring a copy.
// Returns nullptr on failure.
virtual std::unique_ptr<IData> OpenAsData() = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<android::InputStream> OpenInputStream() = 0;
// Returns the source of this file. This is for presentation to the user and
// may not be a valid file system path (for example, it may contain a '@' sign to separate
// the files within a ZIP archive from the path to the containing ZIP archive.
virtual const android::Source& GetSource() const = 0;
IFile* CreateFileSegment(size_t offset, size_t len);
// Returns whether the file was compressed before it was stored in memory.
virtual bool WasCompressed() {
return false;
// Fills in buf with the last modification time of the file. Returns true if successful,
// otherwise false (i.e., the operation is not supported or the file system is unable to provide
// a last modification time).
virtual bool GetModificationTime(struct tm* buf) const = 0;
// Any segments created from this IFile need to be owned by this IFile, so
// keep them
// in a list. This will never be read, so we prefer better insertion
// performance
// than cache locality, hence the list.
std::list<std::unique_ptr<IFile>> segments_;
// An IFile that wraps an underlying IFile but limits it to a subsection of that file.
class FileSegment : public IFile {
explicit FileSegment(IFile* file, size_t offset, size_t len)
: file_(file), offset_(offset), len_(len) {}
std::unique_ptr<IData> OpenAsData() override;
std::unique_ptr<android::InputStream> OpenInputStream() override;
const android::Source& GetSource() const override {
return file_->GetSource();
bool GetModificationTime(struct tm* buf) const override {
return file_->GetModificationTime(buf);
IFile* file_;
size_t offset_;
size_t len_;
class IFileCollectionIterator {
virtual ~IFileCollectionIterator() = default;
virtual bool HasNext() = 0;
virtual IFile* Next() = 0;
// Interface for a collection of files, all of which share a common source. That source may
// simply be the filesystem, or a ZIP archive.
class IFileCollection {
virtual ~IFileCollection() = default;
virtual IFile* FindFile(android::StringPiece path) = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<IFileCollectionIterator> Iterator() = 0;
virtual char GetDirSeparator() = 0;
} // namespace io
} // namespace aapt
#endif /* AAPT_IO_FILE_H */