blob: 5d01d3e7f85c94afcea01df7dfd052140ea6a994 [file] [log] [blame]
# TODO(b/196084106): Refine and optimize this configuration. Note that this
# configuration is only used when `SOONG_CONFIG_ANDROID_SYSTEM_OPTIMIZE_JAVA=true`.
-keep,allowoptimization,allowaccessmodification class ** {
!synthetic *;
# Various classes subclassed in ethernet-service (avoid marking final).
-keep public class** { *; }
# Referenced via CarServiceHelperService in car-frameworks-service (avoid removing).
-keep public class { *; }
# Allows making private and protected methods/fields public as part of
# optimization. This enables inlining of trivial getter/setter methods.
# Disallow accessmodification for soundtrigger classes. Logging via reflective
# public member traversal can cause infinite loops. See b/210901706.
-keep,allowoptimization class** {
!synthetic *;